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Ayub Khan Era MCQs with Answers

Welcome to the Ayub Khan Era MCQs with Answers. In this post, we are sharing Ayub Khan Era Multiple Choice Questions and Answers in Pakistan  General Knowledge section for various competitive exams in Pakistan. Find practice Ayub Khan Era practice test with answers here. Each question offers a chance to enhance your knowledge regarding Ayub Khan Era online MCQs Test.

Who was the first Chief Martial Law Administrator of Pakistan, assuming power in 1958?
a) Ayub Khan
b) Iskander Mirza
c) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
d) Liaquat Ali Khan

b) Iskander Mirza

What year did General Ayub Khan assume the presidency of Pakistan?
a) 1956
b) 1958
c) 1962
d) 1965

c) 1962

What was the name of Ayub Khan’s political ideology, which emphasized economic development and modernization?
a) Islamic Socialism
b) Capitalism
c) Basic Democracy
d) Jinnah’s Vision

a) Islamic Socialism

Ayub Khan’s rule introduced a system of indirect elections at the local level. What was this system called?
a) Local Councils
b) Council of Ministers
c) Basic Democracy
d) Village Assemblies

c) Basic Democracy

Which political party was founded by Ayub Khan’s close associate and served as a pro-government political force?
a) Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP)
b) Pakistan Muslim League (PML)
c) Awami League
d) National Awami Party (NAP)

b) Pakistan Muslim League (PML)

Ayub Khan introduced the concept of “Basic Democracies.” How were members of these local councils selected?
a) Direct elections
b) Presidential appointment
c) Hereditary succession
d) Military appointment

a) Direct elections

During Ayub Khan’s regime, which country became Pakistan’s closest ally, particularly in defense and economic matters?
a) India
b) China
c) United States
d) Saudi Arabia

c) United States

What was the name of the economic policy introduced by Ayub Khan to promote economic development in Pakistan?
a) Green Revolution
b) Five-Year Plan
c) Ayubian Economic Model
d) Decentralization Policy

b) Five-Year Plan

What was the main objective of Ayub Khan’s economic policies?
a) Income redistribution
b) Industrialization and economic growth
c) Trade restrictions
d) Agrarian reform

b) Industrialization and economic growth

What was the slogan used by Ayub Khan to promote his vision of economic development and progress in Pakistan?
a) “Land reforms for all.”
b) “Food, clothing, and shelter.”
c) “Development with justice.”
d) “Self-reliance and self-sufficiency.”

c) “Development with justice.”

During Ayub Khan’s rule, what sector of the economy saw significant growth and investment?
a) Agriculture
b) Industry
c) Services
d) Banking

b) Industry

What was the primary reason behind the decline of the traditional landed elite’s power during Ayub Khan’s era?
a) Implementation of land reforms
b) Strengthening of feudalism
c) Encouragement of religious parties
d) Abolition of the military

a) Implementation of land reforms

In 1965, Pakistan and India engaged in a conflict known as the Second Indo-Pak War. What was the main cause of this conflict?
a) Kashmir dispute
b) Water scarcity
c) Border disputes in Sindh
d) Trade disagreements

a) Kashmir dispute

What was the outcome of the Second Indo-Pak War in 1965?
a) A decisive victory for Pakistan
b) A ceasefire and return to the status quo
c) Annexation of Kashmir by India
d) Partition of Punjab

b) A ceasefire and return to the status quo

Ayub Khan’s presidency saw the signing of a significant agreement with India regarding the sharing of water resources. What was this agreement called?
a) Indus Waters Treaty
b) Tashkent Agreement
c) Lahore Accord
d) Shimla Agreement

a) Indus Waters Treaty

In 1965, Ayub Khan and Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri held talks to resolve the Second Indo-Pak War. Where were these talks held?
a) New Delhi
b) Islamabad
c) Tashkent
d) Lahore

c) Tashkent

Ayub Khan’s economic policies led to significant progress in certain sectors. What industry saw notable growth during his rule?
a) Textiles
b) Agriculture
c) Information technology
d) Tourism

a) Textiles

What was the central idea behind Ayub Khan’s “Decentralization Policy”?
a) Reducing the powers of provincial governments
b) Devolving authority to local governments
c) Centralizing authority in the federal government
d) Promoting regional languages

b) Devolving authority to local governments

What was the term used for the elected representatives in Ayub Khan’s Basic Democracies system?
a) Councillors
b) Governors
c) Presidents
d) Ministers

a) Councillors

Ayub Khan’s government declared Urdu as the sole national language of Pakistan, leading to protests in which province?
a) Punjab
b) Sindh
c) Balochistan
d) East Pakistan (now Bangladesh)

d) East Pakistan (now Bangladesh)

What was the main source of opposition to Ayub Khan’s rule in East Pakistan?
a) Language and cultural issues
b) Religious conflicts
c) Economic disparities
d) Border disputes with India

a) Language and cultural issues

The political movement that emerged in East Pakistan to challenge Ayub Khan’s rule was known as what?
a) Bengali Nationalism
b) Awami League
c) East Pakistan Movement
d) Sindhudesh Movement

b) Awami League

In what year did Ayub Khan announce the “Basic Democracies” system and the “Decentralization Policy”?
a) 1954
b) 1958
c) 1962
d) 1965

b) 1958

What event in 1966 marked the beginning of serious political unrest and protests against Ayub Khan’s government?
a) Passage of the Indus Waters Treaty
b) Formation of the Awami League
c) Start of the Tashkent Talks
d) The Agartala Conspiracy Case

d) The Agartala Conspiracy Case

Who was the leader of the opposition in Pakistan and a vocal critic of Ayub Khan’s government during the 1960s?
a) Fatima Jinnah
b) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
c) Liaquat Ali Khan
d) Iskander Mirza

b) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

Ayub Khan’s government initiated land reforms to address land ownership disparities. What was the maximum landholding size allowed under these reforms?
a) 50 acres
b) 100 acres
c) 200 acres
d) 500 acres

c) 200 acres

What role did Ayub Khan play in the 1958 coup that brought him to power?
a) He was the instigator of the coup.
b) He led the coup as the military commander.
c) He was a neutral observer during the coup.
d) He was not directly involved in the coup.

a) He was the instigator of the coup.

Ayub Khan’s rule was marked by significant infrastructure development. Which major dam project was initiated during his tenure?
a) Tarbela Dam
b) Mangla Dam
c) Chashma Dam
d) Diamer-Bhasha Dam

a) Tarbela Dam

In the 1965 presidential election, Ayub Khan faced a prominent opposition candidate. Who was his main opponent in this election?
a) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
b) Fatima Jinnah
c) Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
d) Liaquat Ali Khan

b) Fatima Jinnah

What was the outcome of the 1965 presidential election in which Ayub Khan faced Fatima Jinnah as the opposing candidate?
a) Ayub Khan won with a significant majority.
b) Fatima Jinnah won the election.
c) The election was canceled.
d) It was a closely contested election.

a) Ayub Khan won with a significant majority.

What was the name of Ayub Khan’s autobiography, in which he discussed his life and political career?
a) “In the Line of Fire”
b) “If I Am Assassinated”
c) “Friends Not Masters”
d) “Without Fear or Favor”

c) “Friends Not Masters”

What major event took place in 1971 that eventually led to the end of Ayub Khan’s rule and the disintegration of Pakistan?
a) The signing of the Indus Waters Treaty
b) The Tashkent Agreement
c) The Agartala Conspiracy Case
d) The Bangladesh Liberation War

d) The Bangladesh Liberation War

In what year did Ayub Khan resign from the presidency of Pakistan?
a) 1962
b) 1969
c) 1971
d) 1975

b) 1969

Who succeeded Ayub Khan as the President of Pakistan in 1969?
a) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
b) Yahya Khan
c) Liaquat Ali Khan
d) Iskander Mirza

b) Yahya Khan

What event is often considered the immediate trigger for Ayub Khan’s resignation in 1969?
a) The Tashkent Agreement
b) Mass protests and civil unrest
c) The 1965 war with India
d) The death of his wife

b) Mass protests and civil unrest

What was the name of the military operation initiated by Ayub Khan to suppress the Baloch insurgency in the 1970s?
a) Operation Gibraltar
b) Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad
c) Operation Searchlight
d) Operation Grand Slam

c) Operation Searchlight

Ayub Khan was a career military officer who held the rank of General. What branch of the military did he serve in?
a) Army
b) Navy
c) Air Force
d) Coast Guard

a) Army

What title was used to describe Ayub Khan’s rule, emphasizing his military background and authoritarian leadership?
a) “The People’s President”
b) “The Military Dictator”
c) “The Strongman of Pakistan”
d) “The Father of the Nation”

c) “The Strongman of Pakistan”

What was the main focus of Ayub Khan’s foreign policy during his rule?
a) Alliance with the Soviet Union
b) Alignment with non-aligned countries
c) A close relationship with the United States
d) Isolation from international affairs

c) A close relationship with the United States

Ayub Khan’s government initiated the “Green Revolution” in Pakistan to boost agricultural production. Which crop was the primary focus of this initiative?
a) Wheat
b) Rice
c) Cotton
d) Sugarcane

a) Wheat

Who served as the Foreign Minister of Pakistan during Ayub Khan’s presidency and played a key role in shaping the country’s foreign policy?
a) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
b) Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy
c) Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan
d) Iskander Mirza

c) Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan

In 1960, Ayub Khan signed a historic agreement with the United States that provided economic and military assistance. What was this agreement called?
a) Simla Agreement
b) Indus Waters Treaty
c) Cento Pact
d) Karachi Agreement

c) Cento Pact

Who was Ayub Khan’s first foreign affairs and defense minister, who played a significant role in shaping Pakistan’s foreign policy?
a) Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy
b) Iskander Mirza
c) Bhutto Ali Zardari
d) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

d) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

Ayub Khan was an influential figure in the early years of Pakistan. What role did he play in the government under Liaquat Ali Khan?
a) Chief Martial Law Administrator
b) Minister of Defense
c) Chief Justice of Pakistan
d) Governor-General

b) Minister of Defense

In 1963, Ayub Khan’s government introduced a new constitution. What was the name of this constitution?
a) 1947 Constitution
b) 1956 Constitution
c) 1962 Constitution
d) 1973 Constitution

c) 1962 Constitution

What was the name of Ayub Khan’s political party during his presidency?
a) Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP)
b) Pakistan Muslim League (PML)
c) Awami League
d) Republican Party

d) Republican Party

Which province of Pakistan was heavily affected by the 1971 civil war that led to the creation of Bangladesh?
a) Punjab
b) Sindh
c) Balochistan
d) East Pakistan (now Bangladesh)

d) East Pakistan (now Bangladesh)

In 1964, Ayub Khan’s government launched a major infrastructure project that significantly altered the landscape of Pakistan. What was this project?
a) Lahore Ring Road
b) Indus Highway
c) Karakoram Highway
d) Grand Trunk Road

c) Karakoram Highway

Ayub Khan was a career military officer who held the rank of General. What branch of the military did he serve in?
a) Army
b) Navy
c) Air Force
d) Coast Guard

a) Army

In 1958, General Ayub Khan took control of the government in Pakistan through a military coup. What was the name of the operation associated with this coup?
a) Operation Desert Storm
b) Operation Fair Play
c) Operation Swift Retaliation
d) Operation Blue Star

b) Operation Fair Play

Ayub Khan’s rule introduced a system of indirect elections at the local level. What was this system called?
a) Local Councils
b) Council of Ministers
c) Basic Democracy
d) Village Assemblies

c) Basic Democracy

During Ayub Khan’s regime, which country became Pakistan’s closest ally, particularly in defense and economic matters?
a) India
b) China
c) United States
d) Saudi Arabia

c) United States

What was the name of the economic policy introduced by Ayub Khan to promote economic development in Pakistan?
a) Green Revolution
b) Five-Year Plan
c) Ayubian Economic Model
d) Decentralization Policy

b) Five-Year Plan

Ayub Khan’s government declared Urdu as the sole national language of Pakistan, leading to protests in which province?
a) Punjab
b) Sindh
c) Balochistan
d) East Pakistan (now Bangladesh)

d) East Pakistan (now Bangladesh)

The political movement that emerged in East Pakistan to challenge Ayub Khan’s rule was known as what?
a) Bengali Nationalism
b) Awami League
c) East Pakistan Movement
d) Sindhudesh Movement

b) Awami League

In what year did Ayub Khan announce the “Basic Democracies” system and the “Decentralization Policy”?
a) 1954
b) 1958
c) 1962
d) 1965

b) 1958

What was the outcome of the Second Indo-Pak War in 1965?
a) A decisive victory for Pakistan
b) A ceasefire and return to the status quo
c) Annexation of Kashmir by India
d) Partition of Punjab

b) A ceasefire and return to the status quo

Ayub Khan’s presidency saw the signing of a significant agreement with India regarding the sharing of water resources. What was this agreement called?
a) Indus Waters Treaty
b) Tashkent Agreement
c) Lahore Accord
d) Shimla Agreement

a) Indus Waters Treaty

In 1965, Pakistan and India engaged in a conflict known as the Second Indo-Pak War. What was the main cause of this conflict?
a) Kashmir dispute
b) Water scarcity
c) Border disputes in Sindh
d) Trade disagreements

a) Kashmir dispute

Ayub Khan’s government initiated the “Green Revolution” in Pakistan to boost agricultural production. Which crop was the primary focus of this initiative?
a) Wheat
b) Rice
c) Cotton
d) Sugarcane

a) Wheat

What was the name of Ayub Khan’s autobiography, in which he discussed his life and political career?
a) “In the Line of Fire”
b) “If I Am Assassinated”
c) “Friends Not Masters”
d) “Without Fear or Favor”

c) “Friends Not Masters”

Ayub Khan was a career military officer who held the rank of General. What branch of the military did he serve in?
a) Army
b) Navy
c) Air Force
d) Coast Guard

a) Army

Ayub Khan’s rule was marked by significant infrastructure development. Which major dam project was initiated during his tenure?
a) Tarbela Dam
b) Mangla Dam
c) Chashma Dam
d) Diamer-Bhasha Dam

a) Tarbela Dam

What was the central idea behind Ayub Khan’s “Decentralization Policy”?
a) Reducing the powers of provincial governments
b) Devolving authority to local governments
c) Centralizing authority in the federal government
d) Promoting regional languages

b) Devolving authority to local governments

What was the name of the military operation initiated by Ayub Khan to suppress the Baloch insurgency in the 1970s?
a) Operation Gibraltar
b) Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad
c) Operation Searchlight
d) Operation Grand Slam

c) Operation Searchlight

What major event took place in 1971 that eventually led to the end of Ayub Khan’s rule and the disintegration of Pakistan?
a) The signing of the Indus Waters Treaty
b) The Tashkent Agreement
c) The Agartala Conspiracy Case
d) The Bangladesh Liberation War

d) The Bangladesh Liberation War

What event is often considered the immediate trigger for Ayub Khan’s resignation in 1969?
a) The Tashkent Agreement
b) Mass protests and civil unrest
c) The 1965 war with India
d) The death of his wife

b) Mass protests and civil unrest

In 1964, Ayub Khan’s government launched a major infrastructure project that significantly altered the landscape of Pakistan. What was this project?
a) Lahore Ring Road
b) Indus Highway
c) Karakoram Highway
d) Grand Trunk Road

c) Karakoram Highway

Who served as the Foreign Minister of Pakistan during Ayub Khan’s presidency and played a key role in shaping the country’s foreign policy?
a) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
b) Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy
c) Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan
d) Iskander Mirza

c) Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan

In 1963, Ayub Khan’s government introduced a new constitution. What was the name of this constitution?
a) 1947 Constitution
b) 1956 Constitution
c) 1962 Constitution
d) 1973 Constitution

c) 1962 Constitution

Ayub Khan’s rule introduced a system of indirect elections at the local level. What was this system called?
a) Local Councils
b) Council of Ministers
c) Basic Democracy
d) Village Assemblies

c) Basic Democracy

During Ayub Khan’s regime, which country became Pakistan’s closest ally, particularly in defense and economic matters?
a) India
b) China
c) United States
d) Saudi Arabia

c) United States

What was the name of the economic policy introduced by Ayub Khan to promote economic development in Pakistan?
a) Green Revolution
b) Five-Year Plan
c) Ayubian Economic Model
d) Decentralization Policy

b) Five-Year Plan

Ayub Khan’s government declared Urdu as the sole national language of Pakistan, leading to protests in which province?
a) Punjab
b) Sindh
c) Balochistan
d) East Pakistan (now Bangladesh)

d) East Pakistan (now Bangladesh)

The political movement that emerged in East Pakistan to challenge Ayub Khan’s rule was known as what?
a) Bengali Nationalism
b) Awami League
c) East Pakistan Movement
d) Sindhudesh Movement

b) Awami League

In what year did Ayub Khan announce the “Basic Democracies” system and the “Decentralization Policy”?
a) 1954
b) 1958
c) 1962
d) 1965

b) 1958

What was the outcome of the Second Indo-Pak War in 1965?
a) A decisive victory for Pakistan
b) A ceasefire and return to the status quo
c) Annexation of Kashmir by India
d) Partition of Punjab

b) A ceasefire and return to the status quo

Ayub Khan’s presidency saw the signing of a significant agreement with India regarding the sharing of water resources. What was this agreement called?
a) Indus Waters Treaty
b) Tashkent Agreement
c) Lahore Accord
d) Shimla Agreement

a) Indus Waters Treaty

In 1965, Pakistan and India engaged in a conflict known as the Second Indo-Pak War. What was the main cause of this conflict?
a) Kashmir dispute
b) Water scarcity
c) Border disputes in Sindh
d) Trade disagreements

a) Kashmir dispute

Ayub Khan’s government initiated the “Green Revolution” in Pakistan to boost agricultural production. Which crop was the primary focus of this initiative?
a) Wheat
b) Rice
c) Cotton
d) Sugarcane

a) Wheat

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