Become Volunteer
Volunteers Frequently Asked Questions
What is age limit?
The age limit is between 18 to 40 years, it generally means that individuals within this age range are eligible to apply.
Can I reapply after rejection?
Yes you can reapply after rejection as many times as you wish.
Can I apply for multiple competitions?
Yes you can apply for multiples competitions at the same time.
Why Fees?
Pakistani Rs. 500/ will be charged from each participant of the competition. You are requested submit Rs. 500/= Fess for each competition. This Fees is used for providing support to students with financial emergency which may impede their academic progress and ability to complete classes. For more information for Student Relief Fund click here.
Submit Fees on following Accounts.
Account Title: Riaz Ahmed
(JazzCash, Upaisa and Easypaisa):
Note: Provide screenshot of payment and upload in the form provided in each competition.
Can I get any award?
Youth For Pakistan is non-profit organization, we conduct 16 competitions on monthly basis, so we can not provide cash prize but we provide certificate to winners and put winners profile on our website and social media platforms.

The purpose of the youth and volunteer program is to systematically engage the youth of any society for other youth and students across Pakistan. Youth, which is the driving force of society, can easily face challenges and also finds solutions to these problems. By polishing their skills and make them prepare for a noble purpose, create a sense of volunteerism in this large segment of society. This program recognizes the role of youth in educating their peers and changing mindset which urges to educate, enable and empower young people to take active participation in voluntary activities.
The main objective of the Youth & Volunteer program is “To develop and sustain motivated, organized and well-trained youth & volunteers, representing all segments of society to effectively participate in YFP programs and services”.
The YFP Youth Volunteer program is looking for motivated and talented youth between the ages of 18 and 29. (Note: you must be younger than 29 throughout the duration of your service). Students who volunteer report that they gain a lot of benefits from it, including better time management, opportunities to meet new people, satisfaction from having helped others, and improved mental well-being.
Why Volunteering?
University life is all about the experiences – or at least so we are told. While studying and social gathering may take up a lot of your time, making space for some voluntary work can really add value to your overall university experience. Here are my top reasons to get involved in student volunteering at university.
- Make a Difference: First and foremost, student volunteering is of course a great way to make a real contribution to a cause you feel strongly about. For some, choosing a cause or charity is the hard part, while others may already have one in mind. YFP believes Student plays an important role in changing the mindset of society and make a huge difference.
- Having Amazing New Experience: The chance to participate in new experiences is a big part of the appeal of student volunteering, and the more involved you get, the greater a sense of satisfaction you’ll receive. You could find yourself standing outside a lecture hall hosting a seminar, workshop, competing in a different contest, etc. Volunteering can be as fun as you want to make it and really caters to everyone. You can always find something – and if it doesn’t already exist, start it up yourself!
- Meet New Peoples: It’s not just about some social events; volunteering also means getting to meet people with a similar passion. This is also a chance to learn a lot, because of the diversity of the people you’ll be working alongside – all bringing different perspectives, experiences, and skills.
- Boost Your Employment Prospects: When you go for a job interview, having student volunteering work on your CV is always a bonus. No matter how what industry you’re applying to, employers always like to see part of your wider personality, and what you really care about. Of course, if you want to enter the non-profit and charity sector, voluntary work would be absolutely essential for your CV, to show your commitment. This kind of experience can also be an avenue for getting internships – and in turn jobs.
Become Volunteer
Becoming a volunteer can be a fulfilling experience that allows you to contribute to your community, support causes you care about, and gain valuable skills and experiences.