Student Hall of Fame
Student Hall of Fame Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Student Hall of Fame?
The Student Hall of Fame is a prestigious recognition program that honors students who have demonstrated exceptional achievements in academics, leadership, community service, or other areas of excellence.
What benefits do inductees receive?
Inductees often receive a certificate or plaque, recognition at a special ceremony, and their names and achievements displayed in the YFP’s Hall of Fame area.
What are the criteria for nomination?
Criteria may include academic excellence, leadership, extracurricular involvement, community service, and any other notable achievements.
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Student Hall of Fame
The Student Hall of Fame was established in 2019 to honor those students who have demonstrated integrity and achievement through leadership activities, community involvement, and participation in campus life. As a result of their exceptional impact on the campus community, these student leaders distinguish themselves from many other outstanding students.

To give deserved recognition to outstanding students around the world who have exhibited integrity and achievement via leadership activities, community involvement, and participation in campus life.
To serve as positive role models for all youth and encourage and recognize young persons who have made a noteworthy contribution to the local community during the current year and or over a number of years.
Who Is Eligible?
- To be considered for the Student Hall of Fame, students must be students of any university (Graduate or postgraduate) and members of Youth For Pakistan.
- Campus Board members and Campus Ambassadors across all universities can nominate someone for the Student Hall of Fame.
- Nominees must currently be enrolled as a graduate or master degree-seeking student at any HEC recognized university in Pakistan where the Campus Board of Youth for Pakistan exists.
- Nominees must have excelled in at least three of these qualities: Leadership Qualities, Community Involvement, Participation in Campus Life, and Academic Achievement.
- Nominees must be enrolled full-time during the term of nomination and be free of disciplinary probation. Nominees graduating during the term of nomination must be enrolled for at least the number of hours required for graduation.
- All graduate nominees must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75. All master nominees must have a minimum cumulative graduate GPA of 3.00. Nominees who do not meet the minimum GPA requirements will not be considered.
- Nominations must be submitted electronically through the online form on this page. Nominees must submit a résumé, not to exceed two pages, and a personal statement, not to exceed 1,000 words. Personal statements and résumés that exceed these limits will not be forwarded to the Selection Committee.
- Personal statements submitted by the nominee must discuss three specific examples of how his or her involvement in the University community has made a difference in or changed the student’s life.
- Hall of Fame inductees will be selected by the Selection Committee (Youth For Pakistan). The decision of the Selection Committee is final.
A Certificate will be given from Youth for Pakistan and his/her complete profile will be uploaded on Youth For Pakistan’s Youth site, and all social media channels in Pakistan. (Only 1 student will be selected each month)