MDCAT Biology MCQs with Answers

This includes biology, being one of the prominent subjects that a student must excel in when attending this test. Biology and its MDCAT MCQs would prove to test understanding of some general issues in biology in cell biology and genetics, ecologies, or human physiology in the recall-based ability to transfer knowledge in given biological conditions to the practical real-life application settings. Proper preparation in Biology is not only essential for achieving a high score but also in building the foundation of your future career as a doctor or a dentist. Mastery over this section comes from having a clear grasp of the intricate details of biological systems.
MDCAT Biology MCQs
To do well on Biology in MDCAT requires a focus upon anatomy, physiology, molecular biology, and plant biology. Biology concepts that are regularly tested through the MDCAT MCQ involve cell structure, pathways of metabolism and systems of human bodies. Extensive revision on this material ensures that one retains and can deploy facts under examination conditions. By doing these Biology MCQs, you will understand your weak points; for instance, you would realize that either you do not understand the functions of organelles or can’t remember how many steps of cellular respiration. You’ll become faster too and be able to skip around those tough questions when you sit in the examination.
Biodiversity (Acellular Life/ Variety Of Life)
Classification of viruses
Discovery of viruses
Structure of viruses
Viral disease (for example AIDS)
Anaerobic Respiration
Electron Transport Chain
Glycolysis Glycolytic Pathway Aerobic Respiration
Light Dependent and Light Independent Phases
Oxidative Phosphorylation
Cyclic and Noncyclic Phosphorylation
Production of ATP
Factors Effecting Photosynthesis
Biological Molecules
Introduction To Biological Molecules
Conjugated Molecules (Glycolipids, Glycoproteins)
Cell Structure and Function
Cell Wall
Cytoplasm And Cell Organelles
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Golgi Apparatus/ Golgi Complex / Golgi Bodies
Prokaryote And Eukaryote
Fluid Mosaic Model
Coordination & Control/ Nervous & Chemical Coordination
Nervous System
Nerve Impulse
Steps Involved In Nervous Coordination
Neurons (Structure And Types)
Transmission Of Action Potential Between Cells–Synapse
Electrical Synapses
Chemical Synapses
Transmission Of Nerve Impulse Across Synapse
Endocrine Glands
Feedback Mechanism
Positive Feedback Mechanism
Negative Feedback Mechanism
Reflexes And Reflex Arc
Levels Of The Spinal Cord And Its Main Functions
Parts Of The Brain With Their Main Functions
Diversity Among Animals (The Kingdom Animalia)
Characteristics And Diversity Among The Animals (Animal Phyla, Characteristics)
Introduction/Characteristics Of Enzymes
Mechanism Of Action Of Enzymes
Factors Effecting Rate Of Enzyme Action
Enzyme Inhibition
Concepts Of Evolution
Inheritance Of Acquired Characteristics
Darwin‟S Theory Evolution
Evidence Of Evolution
Life Processes In Animals and Plants (Nutrition/Gaseous Exchange/ Transport)
Carnivorous Plants/Parasitic Nutrition (Pitcher Plant, Venus Fly Trap, Sundew)
Water And Mineral Uptake By Roots, Xylem And Phloem
Osmotic Pressure/Potential
Cardiovascular System (Including Human Heart Structure, Blood Vessels)
Respiratory System
Digestive System
Immune & System
Lymphatic System
Prokaryotes (Kingdom Monera)
Cellular Structure Of Bacteria
Shape And Size Of Bacteria
Importance And Control Of Bacteria
Male Reproductive System
Female Reproductive System (Including Menstrual Cycle)
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Support & Movement
Types Of Muscles
Skeletal Muscles
Cardiac Muscles
Smooth Muscles
Structure Of Skeletal Muscles
Mechanism Of Skeletal Muscle Contraction
Types Of Joints
Variation & Genetics/Inheritance
Mendel‟S Law Of Inheritance
Gregor John Mendel And His Work
Mendel‟S Experiment
Inheritance Of Single Trait
Mendel’s Principles Of Inheritance
Inheritance Of Two Traits
Law Of Independent Assortment
Scope Of Independent Assortment In Variation
Statistics And Probability Relevant To Genetics
Multiple Alleles
Gene Linkages And Crossing Over
Sex Linkages In Drosophila
Sex Linkage In Human
Genetics Of Hemophilia