Monthly Student Online Competition

Light and Optics in Astronomy MCQs with Answers

What is the main function of a telescope in astronomy?
A) To emit light
B) To absorb light
C) To magnify objects
D) To deflect light
Answer: C) To magnify objects

What is the primary purpose of a convex lens in a refracting telescope?
A) To disperse light
B) To converge light rays
C) To block light
D) To filter light
Answer: B) To converge light rays

Which phenomenon explains why stars twinkle?
A) Refraction
B) Reflection
C) Diffraction
D) Interference
Answer: A) Refraction

What is the function of the objective lens in a refracting telescope?
A) To filter light
B) To gather light
C) To diffract light
D) To emit light
Answer: B) To gather light

Which type of telescope uses mirrors to gather and focus light?
A) Refracting telescope
B) Reflecting telescope
C) Catadioptric telescope
D) Compound telescope
Answer: B) Reflecting telescope

What determines the resolving power of a telescope?
A) Magnification
B) Aperture size
C) Focal length
D) Lens curvature
Answer: B) Aperture size

Which optical component of a telescope helps in minimizing chromatic aberration?
A) Objective lens
B) Eyepiece
C) Diagonal mirror
D) Secondary mirror
Answer: A) Objective lens

Which optical phenomenon occurs when light changes speed as it passes from one medium to another?
A) Diffraction
B) Refraction
C) Reflection
D) Dispersion
Answer: B) Refraction

Which type of telescope employs both lenses and mirrors to form an image?
A) Refracting telescope
B) Reflecting telescope
C) Catadioptric telescope
D) Compound telescope
Answer: C) Catadioptric telescope

What is the purpose of a telescope’s mount?
A) To clean the lenses
B) To stabilize and support the telescope
C) To adjust the focus
D) To filter light
Answer: B) To stabilize and support the telescope

Which of the following is NOT a type of optical telescope?
A) X-ray telescope
B) Infrared telescope
C) Radio telescope
D) Ultraviolet telescope
Answer: C) Radio telescope

What is the primary function of a telescope’s eyepiece?
A) To gather light
B) To filter light
C) To magnify the image
D) To stabilize the telescope
Answer: C) To magnify the image

What happens to light when it passes through a convex lens?
A) It diverges
B) It converges
C) It reflects
D) It diffracts
Answer: B) It converges

Which type of telescope is commonly used for observing celestial objects in visible light?
A) Infrared telescope
B) X-ray telescope
C) Optical telescope
D) Radio telescope
Answer: C) Optical telescope

What optical phenomenon occurs when light waves spread out as they pass through an opening?
A) Diffraction
B) Reflection
C) Refraction
D) Dispersion
Answer: A) Diffraction

Which type of lens is thicker in the middle than at the edges?
A) Concave lens
B) Convex lens
C) Diverging lens
D) Converging lens
Answer: B) Convex lens

What is the function of the aperture in a telescope?
A) To stabilize the telescope
B) To gather and focus light
C) To clean the lenses
D) To filter light
Answer: B) To gather and focus light

Which type of telescope is best suited for observing objects beyond Earth’s atmosphere?
A) Optical telescope
B) X-ray telescope
C) Radio telescope
D) Infrared telescope
Answer: B) X-ray telescope

What property of light determines its color?
A) Intensity
B) Frequency
C) Wavelength
D) Velocity
Answer: C) Wavelength

Which optical phenomenon occurs when light waves bounce off a surface?
A) Refraction
B) Diffraction
C) Reflection
D) Dispersion
Answer: C) Reflection

Which type of telescope uses a combination of lenses and mirrors to fold the light path?
A) Refracting telescope
B) Reflecting telescope
C) Catadioptric telescope
D) Compound telescope
Answer: C) Catadioptric telescope

What is the function of the secondary mirror in a reflecting telescope?
A) To gather light
B) To magnify the image
C) To direct light to the eyepiece
D) To stabilize the telescope
Answer: C) To direct light to the eyepiece

What is the name of the phenomenon where light waves change direction as they pass through different mediums?
A) Refraction
B) Reflection
C) Diffraction
D) Interference
Answer: A) Refraction

Which component of a telescope helps to adjust the focus to get a clear image?
A) Objective lens
B) Eyepiece
C) Focuser
D) Diagonal mirror
Answer: C) Focuser

Which type of telescope is commonly used to detect and study objects that emit X-rays?
A) Optical telescope
B) X-ray telescope
C) Radio telescope
D) Infrared telescope
Answer: B) X-ray telescope

What does the term “aperture” refer to in a telescope?
A) The diameter of the lens
B) The size of the eyepiece
C) The focal length of the telescope
D) The opening through which light enters the telescope
Answer: D) The opening through which light enters the telescope

What happens to light waves when they are absorbed by an object?
A) They are transmitted through the object
B) They are reflected by the object
C) They are scattered in all directions
D) They are converted into heat energy
Answer: D) They are converted into heat energy

Which type of lens is thinner in the middle than at the edges?
A) Convex lens
B) Concave lens
C) Diverging lens
D) Converging lens
Answer: B) Concave lens

What is the main advantage of using a compound telescope?
A) Portability
B) Higher magnification
C) Better image quality
D) Reduced chromatic aberration
Answer: A) Portability

Which phenomenon causes rainbows to form when sunlight interacts with water droplets?
A) Refraction
B) Diffraction
C) Dispersion
D) Reflection
Answer: C) Dispersion

Which type of telescope is most commonly used for observing distant galaxies and stars?
A) Optical telescope
B) X-ray telescope
C) Radio telescope
D) Infrared telescope
Answer: A) Optical telescope

In a reflecting telescope, which component is responsible for gathering incoming light?
A) Objective lens
B) Secondary mirror
C) Primary mirror
D) Eyepiece
Answer: C) Primary mirror

What is the primary purpose of a telescope’s mount?
A) To stabilize the telescope
B) To gather light
C) To adjust the focus
D) To filter light
Answer: A) To stabilize the telescope

Which type of telescope is best suited for observing objects with temperatures close to absolute zero?
A) Optical telescope
B) X-ray telescope
C) Radio telescope
D) Infrared telescope
Answer: D) Infrared telescope

What is the function of the diagonal mirror in a reflecting telescope?
A) To gather light
B) To magnify the image
C) To direct light to the eyepiece
D) To stabilize the telescope
Answer: C) To direct light to the eyepiece

Which of the following properties of light is NOT affected by the medium through which it travels?
A) Wavelength
B) Speed
C) Frequency
D) Intensity
Answer: A) Wavelength

Which optical phenomenon explains why a pencil appears bent when partially submerged in water?
A) Diffraction
B) Refraction
C) Reflection
D) Dispersion
Answer: B) Refraction

What is the name of the phenomenon where light waves bend around obstacles?
A) Diffraction
B) Refraction
C) Reflection
D) Dispersion
Answer: A) Diffraction

In a compound telescope, what is the purpose of the correcting lens or corrector plate?
A) To adjust the focus
B) To gather light
C) To minimize aberrations
D) To stabilize the telescope
Answer: C) To minimize aberrations

Which type of telescope is commonly used to detect and study objects that emit radio waves?
A) Optical telescope
B) X-ray telescope
C) Radio telescope
D) Infrared telescope
Answer: C) Radio telescope

What is the phenomenon where light waves interact with each other, either reinforcing or canceling each other out?
A) Refraction
B) Reflection
C) Diffraction
D) Interference
Answer: D) Interference

Which type of telescope is used to detect and study objects that emit light in the infrared spectrum?
A) Optical telescope
B) X-ray telescope
C) Radio telescope
D) Infrared telescope
Answer: D) Infrared telescope

What property of light determines its energy?
A) Wavelength
B) Speed
C) Frequency
D) Intensity
Answer: C) Frequency

Which component of a telescope adjusts the direction in which the telescope is pointing?
A) Focuser
B) Mount
C) Eyepiece
D) Diagonal mirror
Answer: B) Mount

What is the phenomenon where light waves change speed and direction as they pass through different parts of a lens?
A) Diffraction
B) Refraction
C) Reflection
D) Dispersion
Answer: B) Refraction

Which type of telescope is most suitable for observing celestial objects during the daytime?
A) Optical telescope
B) X-ray telescope
C) Radio telescope
D) Infrared telescope
Answer: A) Optical telescope

What is the name of the optical phenomenon where light waves are separated into different colors?
A) Refraction
B) Reflection
C) Diffraction
D) Dispersion
Answer: D) Dispersion

Which type of lens is used to correct nearsightedness?
A) Convex lens
B) Concave lens
C) Diverging lens
D) Converging lens
Answer: A) Convex lens

In which part of the electromagnetic spectrum do optical telescopes primarily operate?
A) Visible light
B) X-rays
C) Infrared
D) Radio waves
Answer: A) Visible light

What is the main advantage of using a larger aperture telescope?
A) Higher magnification
B) Better resolution
C) Portability
D) Lower cost
Answer: B) Better resolution

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