Monthly Student Online Competition

The Youth for Pakistan Campus Chapter Excellence Awards Program recognizes Campus Chapters that display considerable initiative during the academic year. The awards are given in the following key areas: All Campus Chapters in good standing are encouraged to apply for this award in two key areas;

Outstanding Campus Chapter Activities:

The Campus Chapter which goes out of its way to organize events, shows the best social media presence, members blog writing, has the most members involved in various activities. The award consists of a certificate, shield of honor, and cash prize of Rs. 30,000/.

Outstanding Campus Chapter Recruitment

For Campus Chapter that has done an excellent job of recruiting chapter members. Tell us about your recruiting program. How do you let students at your campus know about your chapter and how do you get them interested in joining? What factors are most critical to your success? How many members does your chapter have? The award consists of a certificate, shield of honor, and cash prize of Rs. 30,000/