Monthly Student Online Competition

Feed a Family in Need

Feed a Family in Need Appeal

Poverty and hunger are closely linked, often resulting in malnutrition and stunted growth among children. Pakistan has one of the highest populations affected by poverty, with over 25% of people living below the poverty line, according to estimates.

Youth For Pakistan is working to alleviate poverty through its food aid program. Through this program we provide monthly support to 500 needy families by offering ration bags with one month’s worth of food supplies, financial assistance, free healthcare, education, and employment opportunities. The program aims to assist families without a guardian or those facing severe difficulties. All the families supported by YFP are thoroughly verified and genuinely deserving. 

82.6 million people have no access to food in Pakistan

Millions of orphans and their communities in Pakistan are trapped in a relentless cycle of poverty, leaving them starving, malnourished, and weak. Over 1.8 million children are forced into labor to support their families with basic necessities like food. You have the power to help feed one.

We are actively combating hunger and malnutrition in Pakistan by providing nutritious meals and food packs to orphans, children, and vulnerable communities. Together with our partners, we work daily to improve food security and deliver lifesaving nourishment to those in dire need.


Feed a Family in Need

The Prophet (saw) said: “He is not a believer when his stomach is filled but his neighbour is hungry.” (Bukhari)

Rs. 10,000

of Rs. 50,000 raised

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Our Donors Wall

The “Donors Wall” serves as a heartfelt tribute to the generosity of individuals and organizations who contribute to our “Feed a Family in Need” initiative. Each donor’s support helps us deliver food packs, ensuring families receive the nourishment they require to survive and thrive. By featuring the names or messages of appreciation, the Donors Wall stands as a reminder that their compassion directly translates into real-life change, helping us fight hunger and malnutrition one family at a time.

Faisal Tanveer (Peshawar)

Amount Donated Rs. 1,000/

Aqsa Mushtaque (Lahore)

Amount Donated Rs. 1,000/