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World Scientific Discoveries MCQs with Answers

World Scientific Discoveries MCQs

Welcome to the World Scientific Discoveries MCQs with Answers. In this post, we are sharing World Scientific Discoveries Multiple Choice Questions and Answers in World General Knowledge section for various competitive exams in Pakistan. Find practice World Scientific Discoveries practice test with answers here. Each question offers a chance to enhance your knowledge regarding World Scientific Discoveries MCQs Online Test.

Who is credited with the discovery of penicillin, the world’s first widely used antibiotic?
a) Louis Pasteur
b) Alexander Fleming
c) Robert Koch
d) Marie Curie

b) Alexander Fleming

Which scientist is known for his groundbreaking work on the theory of relativity and the equation E=mc^2?
a) Isaac Newton
b) Albert Einstein
c) Stephen Hawking
d) Niels Bohr

b) Albert Einstein

The discovery of the structure of DNA is often attributed to which pair of scientists?
a) James Watson and Francis Crick
b) Rosalind Franklin and Linus Pauling
c) Robert Hooke and Gregor Mendel
d) Marie Curie and Antoine Lavoisier

a) James Watson and Francis Crick

Who discovered the circulation of blood in the human body?
a) Galileo Galilei
b) William Harvey
c) Johannes Kepler
d) Rene Descartes

b) William Harvey

The invention of the World Wide Web is credited to which computer scientist?
a) Alan Turing
b) Tim Berners-Lee
c) Bill Gates
d) Steve Jobs

b) Tim Berners-Lee

Who is known for the discovery of X-rays, which revolutionized medical imaging?
a) Max Planck
b) Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
c) Werner Heisenberg
d) Dmitri Mendeleev

b) Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen

Which scientist is famous for his laws of motion and universal gravitation?
a) Johannes Kepler
b) Isaac Newton
c) Galileo Galilei
d) Charles Darwin

b) Isaac Newton

The discovery of the electron is attributed to which physicist?
a) Marie Curie
b) J.J. Thomson
c) Albert Michelson
d) Ernest Rutherford

b) J.J. Thomson

Who is known for his pioneering work in the development of the periodic table of elements?
a) Dmitri Mendeleev
b) Antoine Lavoisier
c) Linus Pauling
d) Robert Boyle

a) Dmitri Mendeleev

Which scientist is credited with the invention of the telephone?
a) Alexander Graham Bell
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Guglielmo Marconi

a) Alexander Graham Bell

The discovery of the double helix structure of DNA was based on the work of James Watson and Francis Crick, but it was greatly influenced by whose research?
a) Rosalind Franklin
b) Linus Pauling
c) Gregor Mendel
d) Marie Curie

a) Rosalind Franklin

Who is known for the development of the theory of evolution by natural selection?
a) Charles Darwin
b) Gregor Mendel
c) Alfred Wegener
d) Richard Dawkins

a) Charles Darwin

Which physicist is famous for his uncertainty principle and contributions to quantum mechanics?
a) Max Planck
b) Werner Heisenberg
c) Niels Bohr
d) Erwin Schrödinger

b) Werner Heisenberg

The discovery of the first antibiotic, sulfa drugs, is associated with the work of which scientist?
a) Alexander Fleming
b) Louis Pasteur
c) Robert Koch
d) Jonas Salk

a) Alexander Fleming

Who discovered the laws of planetary motion, now known as Kepler’s Laws?
a) Galileo Galilei
b) Johannes Kepler
c) Isaac Newton
d) Tycho Brahe

b) Johannes Kepler

The development of the polio vaccine is credited to which American scientist?
a) Louis Pasteur
b) Edward Jenner
c) Albert Sabin
d) Jonas Salk

d) Jonas Salk

The invention of the microscope is often attributed to which Dutch scientist?
a) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
b) Robert Hooke
c) Gregor Mendel
d) Marie Curie

a) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

Who is known for the discovery of the laws of heredity and is considered the father of modern genetics?
a) Charles Darwin
b) Albert Einstein
c) Gregor Mendel
d) James Watson

c) Gregor Mendel

The development of the smallpox vaccine is attributed to which English physician and scientist?
a) Edward Jenner
b) Louis Pasteur
c) Robert Koch
d) Jonas Salk

a) Edward Jenner

Who is credited with the invention of the electric battery, known as the voltaic pile?
a) Thomas Edison
b) Alessandro Volta
c) Michael Faraday
d) Benjamin Franklin

b) Alessandro Volta

The discovery of the radioactive elements polonium and radium is associated with which scientist and his wife?
a) Pierre and Marie Curie
b) Niels Bohr and Lise Meitner
c) Ernest Rutherford and Irene Joliot-Curie
d) Wilhelm and Conrad Roentgen

a) Pierre and Marie Curie

Who is known for his groundbreaking work on the laws of motion and universal gravitation?
a) Galileo Galilei
b) Johannes Kepler
c) Isaac Newton
d) Albert Einstein

c) Isaac Newton

The discovery of the planet Neptune was based on calculations and predictions made by which mathematician and astronomer?
a) Galileo Galilei
b) Tycho Brahe
c) Johannes Kepler
d) Urbain Le Verrier

d) Urbain Le Verrier

Who is credited with the invention of the first practical telephone?
a) Alexander Graham Bell
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Guglielmo Marconi

a) Alexander Graham Bell

The development of the theory of general relativity, which explains the force of gravity, is attributed to whom?
a) Isaac Newton
b) Albert Einstein
c) Max Planck
d) Stephen Hawking

b) Albert Einstein

The discovery of the neutron, an elementary particle in the atomic nucleus, is credited to which scientist?
a) James Chadwick
b) Ernest Rutherford
c) Niels Bohr
d) Robert Millikan

a) James Chadwick

Who is known for his pioneering work in the field of radioactivity and the discovery of radium and polonium?
a) Albert Einstein
b) Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
c) Pierre Curie
d) Marie Curie

d) Marie Curie

The development of the first practical electric light bulb is often associated with which American inventor?
a) Thomas Edison
b) Benjamin Franklin
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Guglielmo Marconi

a) Thomas Edison

Who is known for his contributions to the understanding of electromagnetic induction and the laws of electrolysis?
a) Michael Faraday
b) Alessandro Volta
c) James Clerk Maxwell
d) Albert Michelson

a) Michael Faraday

The discovery of the planet Uranus was made by which German-born British astronomer?
a) Johannes Kepler
b) Tycho Brahe
c) Isaac Newton
d) William Herschel

d) William Herschel

The invention of the Geiger counter, used for detecting and measuring ionizing radiation, is credited to which German physicist?
a) Albert Einstein
b) Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
c) Hans Geiger
d) Werner Heisenberg

c) Hans Geiger

Who is known for the discovery of the laws of motion, including the famous three laws of motion?
a) Galileo Galilei
b) Johannes Kepler
c) Isaac Newton
d) Niels Bohr

c) Isaac Newton

The development of the first periodic table of elements is often associated with the work of which Russian chemist?
a) Dmitri Mendeleev
b) Antoine Lavoisier
c) Linus Pauling
d) Robert Boyle

a) Dmitri Mendeleev

Who discovered the circulation of blood in the human body?
a) Galileo Galilei
b) William Harvey
c) Johannes Kepler
d) Rene Descartes

b) William Harvey

The invention of the World Wide Web is credited to which computer scientist?
a) Alan Turing
b) Tim Berners-Lee
c) Bill Gates
d) Steve Jobs

b) Tim Berners-Lee

Who is known for the discovery of X-rays, which revolutionized medical imaging?
a) Max Planck
b) Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
c) Werner Heisenberg
d) Dmitri Mendeleev

b) Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen

Which scientist is famous for his laws of motion and universal gravitation?
a) Johannes Kepler
b) Isaac Newton
c) Galileo Galilei
d) Charles Darwin

b) Isaac Newton

The discovery of the electron is attributed to which physicist?
a) Marie Curie
b) J.J. Thomson
c) Albert Michelson
d) Ernest Rutherford

b) J.J. Thomson

Who is known for the discovery of the laws of heredity and is considered the father of modern genetics?
a) Charles Darwin
b) Albert Einstein
c) Gregor Mendel
d) James Watson

c) Gregor Mendel

The development of the smallpox vaccine is attributed to which English physician and scientist?
a) Edward Jenner
b) Louis Pasteur
c) Robert Koch
d) Jonas Salk

a) Edward Jenner

Who is credited with the invention of the electric battery, known as the voltaic pile?
a) Thomas Edison
b) Alessandro Volta
c) Michael Faraday
d) Benjamin Franklin

b) Alessandro Volta

The discovery of the radioactive elements polonium and radium is associated with which scientist and his wife?
a) Pierre and Marie Curie
b) Niels Bohr and Lise Meitner
c) Ernest Rutherford and Irene Joliot-Curie
d) Wilhelm and Conrad Roentgen

a) Pierre and Marie Curie

Who is known for his groundbreaking work on the laws of motion and universal gravitation?
a) Galileo Galilei
b) Johannes Kepler
c) Isaac Newton
d) Albert Einstein

c) Isaac Newton

The discovery of the planet Neptune was based on calculations and predictions made by which mathematician and astronomer?
a) Galileo Galilei
b) Tycho Brahe
c) Johannes Kepler
d) Urbain Le Verrier

d) Urbain Le Verrier

Who is credited with the invention of the first practical telephone?
a) Alexander Graham Bell
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Guglielmo Marconi

a) Alexander Graham Bell

The development of the theory of general relativity, which explains the force of gravity, is attributed to whom?
a) Isaac Newton
b) Albert Einstein
c) Max Planck
d) Stephen Hawking

b) Albert Einstein

The discovery of the neutron, an elementary particle in the atomic nucleus, is credited to which scientist?
a) James Chadwick
b) Ernest Rutherford
c) Niels Bohr
d) Robert Millikan

a) James Chadwick

Who is known for his pioneering work in the field of radioactivity and the discovery of radium and polonium?
a) Albert Einstein
b) Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
c) Pierre Curie
d) Marie Curie

d) Marie Curie

The development of the first practical electric light bulb is often associated with which American inventor?
a) Thomas Edison
b) Benjamin Franklin
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Guglielmo Marconi

a) Thomas Edison

Who is credited with the discovery of penicillin, the world’s first widely used antibiotic?
a) Louis Pasteur
b) Alexander Fleming
c) Robert Koch
d) Marie Curie

b) Alexander Fleming

Which scientist is known for his groundbreaking work on the theory of relativity and the equation E=mc^2?
a) Isaac Newton
b) Albert Einstein
c) Stephen Hawking
d) Niels Bohr

b) Albert Einstein

The discovery of the structure of DNA is often attributed to which pair of scientists?
a) James Watson and Francis Crick
b) Rosalind Franklin and Linus Pauling
c) Robert Hooke and Gregor Mendel
d) Marie Curie and Antoine Lavoisier

a) James Watson and Francis Crick

Who discovered the circulation of blood in the human body?
a) Galileo Galilei
b) William Harvey
c) Johannes Kepler
d) Rene Descartes

b) William Harvey

The invention of the World Wide Web is credited to which computer scientist?
a) Alan Turing
b) Tim Berners-Lee
c) Bill Gates
d) Steve Jobs

b) Tim Berners-Lee

Who is known for the discovery of X-rays, which revolutionized medical imaging?
a) Max Planck
b) Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
c) Werner Heisenberg
d) Dmitri Mendeleev

b) Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen

Which scientist is famous for his laws of motion and universal gravitation?
a) Johannes Kepler
b) Isaac Newton
c) Galileo Galilei
d) Charles Darwin

b) Isaac Newton

The discovery of the electron is attributed to which physicist?
a) Marie Curie
b) J.J. Thomson
c) Albert Michelson
d) Ernest Rutherford

b) J.J. Thomson

Who is known for the discovery of the laws of heredity and is considered the father of modern genetics?
a) Charles Darwin
b) Albert Einstein
c) Gregor Mendel
d) James Watson

c) Gregor Mendel

The development of the smallpox vaccine is credited to which English physician and scientist?
a) Edward Jenner
b) Louis Pasteur
c) Robert Koch
d) Jonas Salk

a) Edward Jenner

Who is credited with the invention of the electric battery, known as the voltaic pile?
a) Thomas Edison
b) Alessandro Volta
c) Michael Faraday
d) Benjamin Franklin

b) Alessandro Volta

The discovery of the radioactive elements polonium and radium is associated with which scientist and his wife?
a) Pierre and Marie Curie
b) Niels Bohr and Lise Meitner
c) Ernest Rutherford and Irene Joliot-Curie
d) Wilhelm and Conrad Roentgen

a) Pierre and Marie Curie

Who is known for his groundbreaking work on the laws of motion and universal gravitation?
a) Galileo Galilei
b) Johannes Kepler
c) Isaac Newton
d) Albert Einstein

b) Isaac Newton

The discovery of the planet Neptune was based on calculations and predictions made by which mathematician and astronomer?
a) Galileo Galilei
b) Tycho Brahe
c) Johannes Kepler
d) Urbain Le Verrier

d) Urbain Le Verrier

Who is credited with the invention of the first practical telephone?
a) Alexander Graham Bell
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Guglielmo Marconi

a) Alexander Graham Bell

The development of the theory of general relativity, which explains the force of gravity, is attributed to whom?
a) Isaac Newton
b) Albert Einstein
c) Max Planck
d) Stephen Hawking

b) Albert Einstein

The discovery of the neutron, an elementary particle in the atomic nucleus, is credited to which scientist?
a) James Chadwick
b) Ernest Rutherford
c) Niels Bohr
d) Robert Millikan

a) James Chadwick

Who is known for his pioneering work in the field of radioactivity and the discovery of radium and polonium?
a) Albert Einstein
b) Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
c) Pierre Curie
d) Marie Curie

d) Marie Curie

The development of the first practical electric light bulb is often associated with which American inventor?
a) Thomas Edison
b) Benjamin Franklin
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Guglielmo Marconi

a) Thomas Edison

Who is credited with the discovery of penicillin, the world’s first widely used antibiotic?
a) Louis Pasteur
b) Alexander Fleming
c) Robert Koch
d) Marie Curie

b) Alexander Fleming

Which scientist is known for his groundbreaking work on the theory of relativity and the equation E=mc^2?
a) Isaac Newton
b) Albert Einstein
c) Stephen Hawking
d) Niels Bohr

b) Albert Einstein

The discovery of the structure of DNA is often attributed to which pair of scientists?
a) James Watson and Francis Crick
b) Rosalind Franklin and Linus Pauling
c) Robert Hooke and Gregor Mendel
d) Marie Curie and Antoine Lavoisier

a) James Watson and Francis Crick

Who discovered the circulation of blood in the human body?
a) Galileo Galilei
b) William Harvey
c) Johannes Kepler
d) Rene Descartes

b) William Harvey

The invention of the World Wide Web is credited to which computer scientist?
a) Alan Turing
b) Tim Berners-Lee
c) Bill Gates
d) Steve Jobs

b) Tim Berners-Lee

Who is known for the discovery of X-rays, which revolutionized medical imaging?
a) Max Planck
b) Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
c) Werner Heisenberg
d) Dmitri Mendeleev

b) Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen

Which scientist is famous for his laws of motion and universal gravitation?
a) Johannes Kepler
b) Isaac Newton
c) Galileo Galilei
d) Charles Darwin

b) Isaac Newton

The discovery of the electron is attributed to which physicist?
a) Marie Curie
b) J.J. Thomson
c) Albert Michelson
d) Ernest Rutherford

b) J.J. Thomson

Who is known for the discovery of the laws of heredity and is considered the father of modern genetics?
a) Charles Darwin
b) Albert Einstein
c) Gregor Mendel
d) James Watson

c) Gregor Mendel

The development of the smallpox vaccine is attributed to which English physician and scientist?
a) Edward Jenner
b) Louis Pasteur
c) Robert Koch
d) Jonas Salk

a) Edward Jenner

Who is credited with the invention of the electric battery, known as the voltaic pile?
a) Thomas Edison
b) Alessandro Volta
c) Michael Faraday
d) Benjamin Franklin

b) Alessandro Volta

The discovery of the radioactive elements polonium and radium is associated with which scientist and his wife?
a) Pierre and Marie Curie
b) Niels Bohr and Lise Meitner
c) Ernest Rutherford and Irene Joliot-Curie
d) Wilhelm and Conrad Roentgen

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