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The Life of Al-Farabi MCQs with Answer

The following are The Life of Al-Farabi MCQs with answers related to Islamic Studies. We have arranged the most important and repeated MCQs in all the competitive examinations. The students can clear their concepts for The Life of Al-Farabi MCQs online quiz by attempting these.

The Life of Al-Farabi Online MCQs with Answers

What is the full name of Al-Farabi, the famous Islamic philosopher?
a) Al-Mu’tasim Al-Farabi
b) Abu Ali Al-Husayn Al-Farabi
c) Al-Farabi Ibn Sina
d) Al-Khwarizmi Al-Farabi

b) Abu Ali Al-Husayn Al-Farabi

Al-Farabi is often referred to as the “Second Teacher” in Islamic philosophy, following the tradition of __________.
a) Aristotle
b) Plato
c) Ibn Sina
d) Al-Ghazali

a) Aristotle

In which century did Al-Farabi live and work?
a) 5th century CE
b) 8th century CE
c) 10th century CE
d) 13th century CE

c) 10th century CE

Al-Farabi was born in what is now modern-day __________.
a) Iran
b) Egypt
c) Saudi Arabia
d) Turkey

a) Iran

What is the term for Al-Farabi’s comprehensive philosophical system that aimed to harmonize Greek philosophy, especially the works of Aristotle, with Islamic thought?
a) Al-Farabism
b) Rationalism
c) Sufism
d) Alchemy

a) Al-Farabism

Al-Farabi made significant contributions to various fields, including __________.
a) Poetry
b) Mathematics
c) Political science
d) Zoology

c) Political science

Which term is often used to describe Al-Farabi’s approach to knowledge, emphasizing reason and philosophy?
a) Fiqh
b) Tafsir
c) Ijma
d) Philosophy

d) Philosophy

Al-Farabi’s work “The Virtuous City” (Al-Madina al-Fadila) discusses the ideal __________.
a) Agricultural practices
b) Political state
c) Economic system
d) Educational curriculum

b) Political state

What is the term for Al-Farabi’s belief in the existence of an ultimate reality or first cause that is the source of all existence?
a) Monotheism
b) Pantheism
c) Deism
d) Cosmological argument

a) Monotheism

Al-Farabi’s work “The Virtuous City” explores the concept of the ideal ruler, known as the __________.
a) Caliph
b) Imam
c) Philosopher-king
d) Sultan

c) Philosopher-king

In addition to philosophy, Al-Farabi made contributions to the field of __________.
a) Geology
b) Literature
c) Music theory
d) Algebra

c) Music theory

Which Islamic school of thought did Al-Farabi primarily align with in his philosophical works?
a) Hanafi
b) Maliki
c) Shafi’i
d) Mutazilite

a) Hanafi

What is the term for Al-Farabi’s belief in the existence of an ultimate reality or first cause that is the source of all existence?
a) Monotheism
b) Pantheism
c) Deism
d) Cosmological argument

a) Monotheism

Al-Farabi’s philosophical ideas had a significant influence on the works of later Islamic philosophers, including __________.
a) Ibn Sina
b) Al-Ghazali
c) Ibn Rushd (Averroes)
d) Al-Khwarizmi

c) Ibn Rushd (Averroes)

Al-Farabi’s approach to philosophy emphasized the importance of __________ in acquiring knowledge.
a) Empiricism
b) Revelation
c) Intuition
d) Tradition

a) Empiricism

Al-Farabi’s contributions to music theory include his work on the classification of __________.
a) Musical instruments
b) Musical scales
c) Compositional techniques
d) Music notation

b) Musical scales

Which term is often used to describe Al-Farabi’s approach to ethics, emphasizing the cultivation of virtues and moral character?
a) Virtue ethics
b) Utilitarianism
c) Deontology
d) Consequentialism

a) Virtue ethics

Al-Farabi’s work “The Virtuous City” explores the concept of the ideal ruler, known as the __________.
a) Caliph
b) Imam
c) Philosopher-king
d) Sultan

c) Philosopher-king

In addition to philosophy, Al-Farabi made contributions to the field of __________.
a) Geology
b) Literature
c) Music theory
d) Algebra

c) Music theory

Which term is often used to describe Al-Farabi’s approach to ethics, emphasizing the cultivation of virtues and moral character?
a) Virtue ethics
b) Utilitarianism
c) Deontology
d) Consequentialism

a) Virtue ethics

Al-Farabi’s contributions to music theory include his work on the classification of __________.
a) Musical instruments
b) Musical scales
c) Compositional techniques
d) Music notation

b) Musical scales

What is the term for Al-Farabi’s belief in the existence of an ultimate reality or first cause that is the source of all existence?
a) Monotheism
b) Pantheism
c) Deism
d) Cosmological argument

a) Monotheism

Al-Farabi’s approach to philosophy emphasized the importance of __________ in acquiring knowledge.
a) Empiricism
b) Revelation
c) Intuition
d) Tradition

a) Empiricism

Al-Farabi’s contributions to mathematics included his work on __________, a branch of mathematics dealing with the properties and relationships of shapes and figures.
a) Algebra
b) Geometry
c) Calculus
d) Number theory

b) Geometry

Al-Farabi’s philosophical ideas were particularly influential on the works of later Islamic philosophers, such as __________.
a) Ibn Sina
b) Al-Ghazali
c) Ibn Rushd (Averroes)
d) Al-Khwarizmi

c) Ibn Rushd (Averroes)

In his philosophy, Al-Farabi proposed a theory of __________, suggesting that substances can exist in different forms.
a) Hylomorphism
b) Dualism
c) Atomism
d) Monism

a) Hylomorphism

Al-Farabi’s contributions to the field of ethics focused on the development of __________ virtues.
a) Intellectual
b) Theological
c) Moral
d) Aesthetic

a) Intellectual

What is the term for the process of distillation, a technique Al-Farabi used in alchemy and chemistry?
a) Filtration
b) Sublimation
c) Fermentation
d) Rectification

d) Rectification

Al-Farabi’s influence extended beyond philosophy and science to fields such as __________.
a) Literature
b) Astronomy
c) Geology
d) Calligraphy

a) Literature

Which term is often used to describe Al-Farabi’s approach to knowledge, emphasizing reason and observation?
a) Fiqh
b) Tafsir
c) Ijma
d) Ijtihad

d) Ijtihad

Al-Farabi’s work “The Book of Healing” covers various topics, including __________.
a) Philosophy and theology
b) Medicine and biology
c) Chemistry and alchemy
d) Poetry and literature

a) Philosophy and theology

In addition to philosophy and medicine, Al-Farabi made contributions to the field of __________.
a) Geology
b) Literature
c) Music theory
d) Algebra

d) Algebra

Which Islamic school of thought did Al-Farabi primarily align with in his philosophical works?
a) Hanafi
b) Maliki
c) Shafi’i
d) Mutazilite

a) Hanafi

What is the term for Al-Farabi’s approach to ethics, which emphasizes the cultivation of virtues and moral character?
a) Virtue ethics
b) Utilitarianism
c) Deontology
d) Consequentialism

a) Virtue ethics

Al-Farabi’s contributions to medicine include the development of a comprehensive medical encyclopedia known as __________.
a) “The Book of Healing”
b) “The Canon of Medicine”
c) “The Alchemy of Happiness”
d) “The Incoherence of the Philosophers”

b) “The Canon of Medicine”

What is the term for Al-Farabi’s philosophical system that sought to harmonize Greek philosophy, especially the works of Aristotle, with Islamic theology?
a) Neoplatonism
b) Avicennism
c) Stoicism
d) Al-Farabism

d) Al-Farabism

Al-Farabi’s work “The Canon of Medicine” remained a standard textbook in Europe and the Islamic world for several centuries and was translated into Latin under the title __________.
a) “De Medicina”
b) “Summa Theologica”
c) “Magna Carta”
d) “Novum Organum”

a) “De Medicina”

Al-Farabi’s philosophical ideas had a significant influence on the works of later European philosophers, including __________.
a) Immanuel Kant
b) Rene Descartes
c) Karl Marx
d) John Locke

b) Rene Descartes

Al-Farabi’s contributions to the field of astronomy include his work on __________, an astronomical instrument used to determine the direction of Mecca for Islamic prayer.
a) The astrolabe
b) The telescope
c) The pendulum clock
d) The sextant

a) The astrolabe

In his philosophy, Al-Farabi proposed a theory of __________, suggesting that substances can exist in different forms.
a) Hylomorphism
b) Dualism
c) Atomism
d) Monism

a) Hylomorphism

Al-Farabi’s contributions to ethics and moral philosophy emphasized the cultivation of __________ virtues.
a) Intellectual
b) Theological
c) Moral
d) Aesthetic

c) Moral

What is the term for Al-Farabi’s belief in the existence of an ultimate reality or first cause that is the source of all existence?
a) Monotheism
b) Pantheism
c) Deism
d) Cosmological argument

a) Monotheism

Al-Farabi’s philosophical ideas were particularly influential on the works of later Islamic philosophers, such as __________.
a) Ibn Sina
b) Al-Ghazali
c) Ibn Rushd (Averroes)
d) Al-Khwarizmi

c) Ibn Rushd (Averroes)

In his philosophy, Al-Farabi proposed a theory of __________, suggesting that substances can exist in different forms.
a) Hylomorphism
b) Dualism
c) Atomism
d) Monism

a) Hylomorphism

Al-Farabi’s contributions to ethics and moral philosophy emphasized the cultivation of __________ virtues.
a) Intellectual
b) Theological
c) Moral
d) Aesthetic

c) Moral

Al-Farabi’s influence extended beyond philosophy and science to fields such as __________.
a) Literature
b) Astronomy
c) Geology
d) Calligraphy

a) Literature

Al-Farabi’s work “The Book of Healing” covers various topics, including __________.
a) Philosophy and theology
b) Medicine and biology
c) Chemistry and alchemy
d) Poetry and literature

a) Philosophy and theology

In addition to philosophy and medicine, Al-Farabi made contributions to the field of __________.
a) Geology
b) Literature
c) Music theory
d) Algebra

d) Algebra

Al-Farabi’s philosophical ideas were particularly influential on the works of later Islamic philosophers, such as __________.
a) Ibn Sina
b) Al-Ghazali
c) Ibn Rushd (Averroes)
d) Al-Khwarizmi

c) Ibn Rushd (Averroes)

Al-Farabi’s contributions to ethics and moral philosophy emphasized the cultivation of __________ virtues.
a) Intellectual
b) Theological
c) Moral
d) Aesthetic

c) Moral

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