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Tenses MCQs With Answer

Tenses MCQs

Welcome to the Tenses MCQs with Answers. In this post, we have shared Tenses Online Test for different competitive exams. Find practice Tenses Practice Questions with answers in English Tests exams here. Each question offers a chance to enhance your knowledge regarding Tenses.

Which sentence is in the present perfect tense?
a) She writes a letter every week.
b) She is writing a letter now.
c) She has written a letter.
d) She wrote a letter yesterday.

She has written a letter.

Choose the sentence in past continuous tense.
a) They will be watching a movie.
b) They watched a movie last night.
c) They were watching a movie when I called.
d) They watch a movie every week.

They were watching a movie when I called.

Which option uses the future perfect tense correctly?
a) She will finish the book by next week.
b) She finishes the book by next week.
c) She will have finished the book by next week.
d) She has finished the book by next week.

She will have finished the book by next week.

Identify the sentence in simple past tense.
a) I am eating breakfast now.
b) I will eat breakfast later.
c) I have eaten breakfast.
d) I ate breakfast this morning.

I ate breakfast this morning.

Which sentence is in the present continuous tense?
a) She will cook dinner later.
b) She is cooking dinner now.
c) She cooks dinner every night.
d) She has cooked dinner.

She is cooking dinner now.

Choose the correct form for the future continuous tense.
a) I will be working on the project tomorrow.
b) I work on the project tomorrow.
c) I have worked on the project tomorrow.
d) I worked on the project tomorrow.

I will be working on the project tomorrow.

Which sentence is in the past perfect tense?
a) They had finished their homework before dinner.
b) They finished their homework before dinner.
c) They will finish their homework before dinner.
d) They are finishing their homework before dinner.

They had finished their homework before dinner.

Identify the sentence in simple future tense.
a) I will see the movie tomorrow.
b) I saw the movie yesterday.
c) I see the movie now.
d) I have seen the movie.

I will see the movie tomorrow.

Which option shows the present perfect continuous tense?
a) She has been studying for three hours.
b) She studies for three hours every day.
c) She will study for three hours.
d) She studied for three hours yesterday.

She has been studying for three hours.

Choose the correct form for the past continuous tense.
a) I was reading a book when it started to rain.
b) I read a book when it started to rain.
c) I will read a book when it starts to rain.
d) I have read a book when it started to rain.

I was reading a book when it started to rain.

Which sentence is in the future perfect continuous tense?
a) By next month, she will have been working here for a year.
b) By next month, she has worked here for a year.
c) By next month, she will work here for a year.
d) By next month, she is working here for a year.

By next month, she will have been working here for a year.

Identify the sentence in the present simple tense.
a) He is walking to the store.
b) He walked to the store yesterday.
c) He walks to the store every day.
d) He has walked to the store.

He walks to the store every day.

Which option correctly uses the past perfect continuous tense?
a) They had been traveling for hours before they arrived.
b) They traveled for hours before they arrived.
c) They are traveling for hours before they arrived.
d) They will have traveled for hours before they arrive.

They had been traveling for hours before they arrived.

Select the sentence in future simple tense.
a) We will finish the project by next week.
b) We finished the project last week.
c) We are finishing the project.
d) We have finished the project.

We will finish the project by next week.

Which sentence is in the present continuous tense?
a) She writes a letter every day.
b) She is writing a letter right now.
c) She wrote a letter yesterday.
d) She has written a letter.

She is writing a letter right now.

Identify the correct use of the past simple tense.
a) They cooked dinner last night.
b) They are cooking dinner last night.
c) They have cooked dinner last night.
d) They will cook dinner last night.

They cooked dinner last night.

Which option shows the future perfect tense?
a) By the time you arrive, I will have completed the task.
b) By the time you arrive, I complete the task.
c) By the time you arrive, I am completing the task.
d) By the time you arrive, I have completed the task.

By the time you arrive, I will have completed the task.

Choose the correct present perfect tense form.
a) They have seen that movie before.
b) They see that movie before.
c) They saw that movie before.
d) They will see that movie before.

They have seen that movie before.

Which sentence is in the past perfect tense?
a) By the time I arrived, they had left.
b) By the time I arrived, they leave.
c) By the time I arrived, they have left.
d) By the time I arrived, they are leaving.

By the time I arrived, they had left.

Identify the sentence in future continuous tense.
a) This time next week, I will be traveling to Paris.
b) This time next week, I travel to Paris.
c) This time next week, I have traveled to Paris.
d) This time next week, I traveled to Paris.

This time next week, I will be traveling to Paris.

Which option shows the present perfect continuous tense correctly?
a) She has been practicing the piano for two hours.
b) She is practicing the piano for two hours.
c) She practices the piano for two hours.
d) She will be practicing the piano for two hours.

She has been practicing the piano for two hours.

Select the sentence in simple past tense.
a) He runs to work every day.
b) He ran to work yesterday.
c) He will run to work tomorrow.
d) He has run to work.

He ran to work yesterday.

Which sentence uses the past continuous tense?
a) I was watching TV when the phone rang.
b) I watched TV when the phone rang.
c) I will watch TV when the phone rings.
d) I have watched TV when the phone rang.

I was watching TV when the phone rang.

Identify the correct future perfect continuous tense.
a) By next year, she will have been working here for five years.
b) By next year, she has worked here for five years.
c) By next year, she works here for five years.
d) By next year, she will work here for five years.

By next year, she will have been working here for five years.

Which option correctly uses the present simple tense?
a) He often reads before bed.
b) He is often reading before bed.
c) He read often before bed.
d) He has read often before bed.

He often reads before bed.

Choose the sentence in past perfect continuous tense.
a) They had been waiting for an hour when the train finally arrived.
b) They were waiting for an hour when the train finally arrived.
c) They will be waiting for an hour when the train arrives.
d) They wait for an hour when the train arrived.

They had been waiting for an hour when the train finally arrived.

Which sentence is in the future perfect tense?
a) I will have completed the report by the end of the day.
b) I complete the report by the end of the day.
c) I am completing the report by the end of the day.
d) I have completed the report by the end of the day.

I will have completed the report by the end of the day.

Identify the sentence in present continuous tense.
a) She is taking a nap right now.
b) She takes a nap every day.
c) She took a nap yesterday.
d) She has taken a nap.

She is taking a nap right now.

Which option shows the correct use of the future continuous tense?
a) I will be traveling to New York next week.
b) I travel to New York next week.
c) I have traveled to New York next week.
d) I traveled to New York next week.

I will be traveling to New York next week.

Choose the correct past perfect tense sentence.
a) They had arrived before the meeting started.
b) They arrived before the meeting started.
c) They will arrive before the meeting starts.
d) They are arriving before the meeting started.

They had arrived before the meeting started.

Which sentence is in the future perfect continuous tense?
a) By next month, I will have been working here for ten years.
b) By next month, I have worked here for ten years.
c) By next month, I am working here for ten years.
d) By next month, I work here for ten years.

By next month, I will have been working here for ten years.

Identify the sentence in simple present tense.
a) The train arrives at 9 AM every day.
b) The train arrived at 9 AM every day.
c) The train will arrive at 9 AM every day.
d) The train has arrived at 9 AM every day.

The train arrives at 9 AM every day.

Which sentence uses the present perfect continuous tense correctly?
a) They have been learning Spanish for two years.
b) They learned Spanish for two years.
c) They are learning Spanish for two years.
d) They will learn Spanish for two years.

They have been learning Spanish for two years.

Choose the correct form of the past continuous tense.
a) I was reading when the power went out.
b) I read when the power went out.
c) I am reading when the power went out.
d) I have read when the power went out.

I was reading when the power went out.

Which sentence is in future simple tense?
a) She will visit her grandmother next week.
b) She visits her grandmother next week.
c) She is visiting her grandmother next week.
d) She has visited her grandmother next week.

She will visit her grandmother next week.

Identify the sentence in the past perfect continuous tense.
a) I had been cooking for an hour before they arrived.
b) I was cooking for an hour before they arrived.
c) I have been cooking for an hour before they arrived.
d) I will be cooking for an hour before they arrive.

I had been cooking for an hour before they arrived.

Which sentence correctly uses the present perfect tense?
a) She has traveled to Japan several times.
b) She travels to Japan several times.
c) She traveled to Japan several times.
d) She will travel to Japan several times.

She has traveled to Japan several times.

Choose the correct future continuous tense form.
a) I will be studying when you arrive.
b) I study when you arrive.
c) I have studied when you arrive.
d) I studied when you arrive.

I will be studying when you arrive.

Which option uses the past perfect tense correctly?
a) By the time the show started, I had already bought the tickets.
b) By the time the show starts, I have already bought the tickets.
c) By the time the show started, I buy the tickets.
d) By the time the show starts, I will buy the tickets.

By the time the show started, I had already bought the tickets.

Identify the sentence in future perfect tense.
a) By next week, they will have completed the assignment.
b) By next week, they complete the assignment.
c) By next week, they are completing the assignment.
d) By next week, they completed the assignment.

By next week, they will have completed the assignment.

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