Monthly Student Online Competition

Telescopes and Optics MCQs with Answers

What type of telescope uses lenses to gather and focus light?
A) Reflecting telescope
B) Refracting telescope
C) Catadioptric telescope
D) Radio telescope
Answer: B) Refracting telescope

Which optical component of a telescope is responsible for bending light to converge at a focal point?
A) Eyepiece
B) Objective lens/mirror
C) Diagonal mirror
D) Barlow lens
Answer: B) Objective lens/mirror

Which type of telescope uses a combination of lenses and mirrors to form an image?
A) Reflecting telescope
B) Refracting telescope
C) Catadioptric telescope
D) Radio telescope
Answer: C) Catadioptric telescope

What is the purpose of the diagonal mirror in a Newtonian telescope?
A) To increase magnification
B) To correct spherical aberration
C) To eliminate chromatic aberration
D) To redirect light to the eyepiece
Answer: D) To redirect light to the eyepiece

Which optical aberration occurs when different colors of light focus at different points?
A) Spherical aberration
B) Chromatic aberration
C) Coma
D) Astigmatism
Answer: B) Chromatic aberration

Which type of telescope uses a concave mirror to gather and focus light?
A) Refracting telescope
B) Catadioptric telescope
C) Radio telescope
D) Reflecting telescope
Answer: D) Reflecting telescope

What is the function of the aperture in a telescope?
A) To magnify the image
B) To focus the light
C) To gather incoming light
D) To reduce glare
Answer: C) To gather incoming light

Which type of telescope is most commonly used by amateur astronomers?
A) Reflecting telescope
B) Refracting telescope
C) Catadioptric telescope
D) Radio telescope
Answer: A) Reflecting telescope

What is the purpose of the eyepiece in a telescope?
A) To gather light
B) To magnify the image
C) To focus the light
D) To reduce aberrations
Answer: B) To magnify the image

Which optical component in a telescope is responsible for adjusting the magnification?
A) Objective lens/mirror
B) Diagonal mirror
C) Barlow lens
D) Eyepiece
Answer: D) Eyepiece

Which type of telescope offers the most compact design?
A) Refracting telescope
B) Reflecting telescope
C) Catadioptric telescope
D) Radio telescope
Answer: C) Catadioptric telescope

What is the purpose of the Barlow lens in a telescope?
A) To reduce spherical aberration
B) To increase magnification
C) To correct chromatic aberration
D) To enhance contrast
Answer: B) To increase magnification

Which aberration causes point-like objects to appear as streaks or smudges?
A) Chromatic aberration
B) Spherical aberration
C) Coma
D) Astigmatism
Answer: C) Coma

Which telescope type is often used in professional observatories due to its large aperture?
A) Refracting telescope
B) Reflecting telescope
C) Catadioptric telescope
D) Radio telescope
Answer: B) Reflecting telescope

What is the function of the dew shield on a telescope?
A) To protect the lens from scratches
B) To prevent dew from forming on the lens
C) To reduce glare and improve contrast
D) To increase the telescope’s focal length
Answer: B) To prevent dew from forming on the lens

Which telescope type is most susceptible to chromatic aberration?
A) Refracting telescope
B) Reflecting telescope
C) Catadioptric telescope
D) Radio telescope
Answer: A) Refracting telescope

Which optical component in a telescope is responsible for correcting aberrations?
A) Objective lens/mirror
B) Eyepiece
C) Diagonal mirror
D) Corrector plate
Answer: D) Corrector plate

What is the primary advantage of using a Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope?
A) High-quality images with minimal aberrations
B) Compact design for portability
C) Wide field of view
D) Ability to observe in multiple wavelengths
Answer: B) Compact design for portability

Which type of telescope is commonly used in radio astronomy?
A) Refracting telescope
B) Reflecting telescope
C) Catadioptric telescope
D) Radio telescope
Answer: D) Radio telescope

What is the purpose of the primary mirror in a reflecting telescope?
A) To magnify the image
B) To gather and focus incoming light
C) To correct chromatic aberration
D) To eliminate spherical aberration
Answer: B) To gather and focus incoming light

Which type of aberration results in distorted images with elongated shapes?
A) Spherical aberration
B) Chromatic aberration
C) Coma
D) Astigmatism
Answer: A) Spherical aberration

What is the function of the mount in a telescope?
A) To adjust the focus
B) To stabilize and support the telescope
C) To increase magnification
D) To reduce aberrations
Answer: B) To stabilize and support the telescope

Which telescope type is most suitable for planetary observation?
A) Refracting telescope
B) Reflecting telescope
C) Catadioptric telescope
D) Radio telescope
Answer: A) Refracting telescope

What is the primary advantage of using a Dobsonian telescope?
A) High-quality images with minimal aberrations
B) Large aperture for increased light-gathering power
C) Compact design for portability
D) Ability to observe in multiple wavelengths
Answer: B) Large aperture for increased light-gathering power

Which telescope type is commonly used in astrophotography due to its coma-free optics?
A) Refracting telescope
B) Reflecting telescope
C) Catadioptric telescope
D) Radio telescope
Answer: C) Catadioptric telescope

What is the function of the finderscope on a telescope?
A) To provide a wide field of view for locating celestial objects
B) To increase magnification for detailed observations
C) To correct chromatic aberration
D) To reduce spherical aberration
Answer: A) To provide a wide field of view for locating celestial objects

Which type of telescope is most commonly used for terrestrial observation?
A) Refracting telescope
B) Reflecting telescope
C) Catadioptric telescope
D) Radio telescope
Answer: A) Refracting telescope

What is the function of the coma corrector in a telescope?
A) To correct chromatic aberration
B) To reduce spherical aberration
C) To eliminate coma aberration
D) To enhance contrast
Answer: C) To eliminate coma aberration

Which optical component in a telescope is responsible for blocking unwanted light?
A) Diagonal mirror
B) Corrector plate
C) Dew shield
D) Sun filter
Answer: D) Sun filter

What is the primary advantage of using a Cassegrain telescope?
A) Wide field of view
B) Compact design with long focal length
C) Ability to observe in multiple wavelengths
D) High-quality images with minimal aberrations
Answer: B) Compact design with long focal length

Which telescope type is most suitable for observing faint deep-sky objects?
A) Refracting telescope
B) Reflecting telescope
C) Catadioptric telescope
D) Radio telescope
Answer: B) Reflecting telescope

What is the purpose of the secondary mirror in a reflecting telescope?
A) To gather light
B) To magnify the image
C) To reflect light to the eyepiece or camera
D) To correct aberrations
Answer: C) To reflect light to the eyepiece or camera

Which type of telescope is least affected by chromatic aberration?
A) Refracting telescope
B) Reflecting telescope
C) Catadioptric telescope
D) Radio telescope
Answer: B) Reflecting telescope

What is the purpose of the collimation screws on a telescope?
A) To adjust the focus
B) To stabilize the telescope mount
C) To align the optics for optimal performance
D) To correct aberrations
Answer: C) To align the optics for optimal performance

Which telescope type is most commonly used for amateur astrophotography?
A) Refracting telescope
B) Reflecting telescope
C) Catadioptric telescope
D) Radio telescope
Answer: C) Catadioptric telescope

What is the primary advantage of using a Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope?
A) Wide field of view
B) Compact design with long focal length
C) Ability to observe in multiple wavelengths
D) High-quality images with minimal aberrations
Answer: D) High-quality images with minimal aberrations

Which telescope type is most suitable for observing solar prominences?
A) Refracting telescope
B) Reflecting telescope
C) Catadioptric telescope
D) Radio telescope
Answer: A) Refracting telescope

What is the purpose of the focal reducer in a telescope?
A) To increase magnification
B) To decrease magnification
C) To reduce spherical aberration
D) To widen the field of view
Answer: D) To widen the field of view

Which type of telescope is commonly used for laser ranging and satellite tracking?
A) Refracting telescope
B) Reflecting telescope
C) Catadioptric telescope
D) Radio telescope
Answer: B) Reflecting telescope

What is the primary advantage of using a Ritchey-Chrétien telescope?
A) Compact design with long focal length
B) Wide field of view
C) Ability to observe in multiple wavelengths
D) High-quality images with minimal aberrations
Answer: D) High-quality images with minimal aberrations

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