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Surah Al-Imran MCQs with Answers

The following are Surah Al-Imran MCQs with answers related to Islamic Studies. We have arranged the most important and repeated MCQs in all the competitive examinations. The students can clear their concepts for Surah Al-Imran MCQs online quiz by attempting these.

Surah Al-Imran Online MCQs with Answers

What is the number of Surah Al-Imran in the Quran?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

b) 3

Who is the author of Surah Al-Imran?
a) Prophet Moses (Musa)
b) Prophet David (Dawud)
c) Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim)
d) Allah (God)

d) Allah (God)

What is the primary language of Surah Al-Imran?
a) Arabic
b) Hebrew
c) Persian
d) Urdu

a) Arabic

In Surah Al-Imran, Allah mentions the family of which prophet as an example of virtue and righteousness?
a) Prophet Adam
b) Prophet Noah (Nuh)
c) Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim)
d) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

c) Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim)

Surah Al-Imran is often recited on which occasion?
a) Eid al-Fitr
b) Friday prayer (Jumu’ah)
c) Weddings
d) During times of distress

d) During times of distress

How many verses (Ayat) are there in Surah Al-Imran?
a) 100
b) 200
c) 300
d) 2000

c) 300

Which prophet is mentioned as being the father of Maryam (Mary) in Surah Al-Imran?
a) Prophet Zachariah (Zakariya)
b) Prophet Jesus (Isa)
c) Prophet Yahya (John)
d) Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham)

a) Prophet Zachariah (Zakariya)

In Surah Al-Imran, who is described as “the best of creatures”?
a) Angels
b) Prophets
c) Believers
d) Disbelievers

b) Prophets

Surah Al-Imran mentions the story of the birth of which prophet?
a) Prophet Moses (Musa)
b) Prophet Jesus (Isa)
c) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
d) Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham)

b) Prophet Jesus (Isa)

What is the name of Maryam’s (Mary’s) mother, as mentioned in Surah Al-Imran?
a) Fatimah
b) Aasiyah
c) Hannah
d) Sarah

c) Hannah

Surah Al-Imran contains verses about which important Islamic concept related to God’s oneness and uniqueness?
a) Tawhid
b) Jihad
c) Zakat
d) Hajj

a) Tawhid

In Surah Al-Imran, what is emphasized as the best provision for the journey of the Hereafter?
a) Wealth
b) Knowledge
c) Good deeds
d) Power and authority

c) Good deeds

Surah Al-Imran contains verses that discuss the concept of “Al-Amanah.” What does “Al-Amanah” refer to?
a) Trustworthiness and responsibility
b) Prayer and worship
c) Charity and giving
d) Knowledge and wisdom

a) Trustworthiness and responsibility

Surah Al-Imran addresses the People of the Book (Ahl al-Kitab). Who are the People of the Book?
a) Jews and Christians
b) Muslims and Jews
c) Christians and Hindus
d) Jews and Hindus

a) Jews and Christians

What is the term for the holy scripture of the Jews, as mentioned in Surah Al-Imran?
a) Torah
b) Bible
c) Gospel
d) Psalms

a) Torah

Surah Al-Imran mentions the story of the Battle of Uhud. Who was the leader of the Muslim army in this battle?
a) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
b) Abu Bakr
c) Umar ibn al-Khattab
d) Hamza ibn Abdul-Muttalib

a) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

In Surah Al-Imran, Allah advises the believers to hold fast to which quality, especially in times of adversity?
a) Patience (Sabr)
b) Anger
c) Pride
d) Greed

a) Patience (Sabr)

Surah Al-Imran mentions the story of the miraculous table spread from heaven. Who made a request for this miracle?
a) Prophet Moses (Musa)
b) Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim)
c) Prophet Solomon (Sulaiman)
d) Prophet Jesus (Isa)

c) Prophet Solomon (Sulaiman)

In Surah Al-Imran, what is the term for the guidance and light that Allah sends to the hearts of believers?
a) Tafsir
b) Noor
c) Dhikr
d) Tawbah

b) Noor

What is the Arabic term for “pious predecessors,” referring to the early generations of Muslims mentioned in Surah Al-Imran?
a) Sahaba
b) Tabi’un
c) Salaf
d) Imams

c) Salaf

Surah Al-Imran mentions the importance of spending in the way of Allah. What term is used for this act of spending?
a) Zakat
b) Sadaqah
c) Khums
d) Riba

b) Sadaqah

According to Surah Al-Imran, what is the ultimate purpose of creation and life on Earth?
a) Wealth and luxury
b) Power and dominion
c) Knowledge and wisdom
d) Worshiping Allah

d) Worshiping Allah

Surah Al-Imran mentions the importance of humility and avoiding arrogance. Who are described as “the worst of living creatures” in this context?
a) Prophets
b) Believers
c) Disbelievers
d) Angels

c) Disbelievers

What is the term for the spiritual purification mentioned in Surah Al-Imran that includes acts of worship, repentance, and seeking forgiveness?
a) Jihad
b) Tawbah
c) Hajj
d) Fasting

b) Tawbah

Surah Al-Imran mentions the story of the Battle of Badr. Who was the leader of the Quraysh army in this battle?
a) Abu Bakr
b) Umar ibn al-Khattab
c) Abu Jahl
d) Abu Sufyan

c) Abu Jahl

In Surah Al-Imran, what is the term for the hypocrites who outwardly claim to be Muslims but conceal disbelief in their hearts?
a) Believers
b) Munafiqun
c) Muhajirun
d) Ansar

b) Munafiqun

Surah Al-Imran mentions the importance of seeking knowledge. What is the Arabic word for knowledge?
a) Salah
b) Iman
c) Ilm
d) Taqwa

c) Ilm

Surah Al-Imran contains verses that emphasize the importance of following the guidance of whom?
a) Scholars
b) Imams
c) Prophets
d) Parents

c) Prophets

What is the term for the reward mentioned in Surah Al-Imran for those who spend in the way of Allah, both openly and in secret?
a) Paradise
b) Mercy
c) Forgiveness
d) A goodly loan

d) A goodly loan

Surah Al-Imran mentions the concept of “Muwaddah” and “Rahmah” between spouses. What do these terms mean?
a) Love and mercy
b) Respect and obedience
c) Equality and justice
d) Patience and gratitude

a) Love and mercy

What is the term used in Surah Al-Imran for the “sacrifice” made by those who strive in the way of Allah, both physically and financially?
a) Jihad
b) Zakat
c) Sadaqah
d) Iqama

a) Jihad

In Surah Al-Imran, what is emphasized as a source of guidance and clarification for mankind?
a) The Quran
b) The Sunnah
c) The Kaaba
d) The Torah

a) The Quran

Surah Al-Imran mentions the story of Prophet John (Yahya). Who is his famous father?
a) Prophet Zachariah (Zakariya)
b) Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim)
c) Prophet Solomon (Sulaiman)
d) Prophet Jacob (Yaqub)

a) Prophet Zachariah (Zakariya)

According to Surah Al-Imran, what is the term for the final abode and destination for the righteous?
a) Hellfire
b) Paradise
c) Purgatory
d) Earth

b) Paradise

Surah Al-Imran mentions the story of the miraculous birth of Maryam (Mary). Who is her famous son?
a) Prophet Jesus (Isa)
b) Prophet Moses (Musa)
c) Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim)
d) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

a) Prophet Jesus (Isa)

Surah Al-Imran contains verses that encourage Muslims to engage in what type of trade with Allah?
a) Sincere trade
b) Profitable trade
c) Fair trade
d) Barter trade

a) Sincere trade

What is the term for the pledge or covenant mentioned in Surah Al-Imran that believers make with Allah to uphold His guidance?
a) Shahada
b) Iqama
c) Aqd
d) Bay’ah

d) Bay’ah

Surah Al-Imran contains verses that advise believers to respond to evil with what?
a) Evil
b) Goodness and forgiveness
c) Revenge
d) Silence

b) Goodness and forgiveness

In Surah Al-Imran, what term is used for those who have rejected faith and are described as “companions of the Fire”?
a) Believers
b) Disbelievers
c) Hypocrites
d) Martyrs

b) Disbelievers

Surah Al-Imran mentions the story of the miraculous birth of Maryam (Mary). Who spoke in her defense when she was accused of wrongdoing?
a) Prophet Zachariah (Zakariya)
b) Prophet Jesus (Isa)
c) Prophet Solomon (Sulaiman)
d) Allah (God)

d) Allah (God)

What is the term for the hypocrites mentioned in Surah Al-Imran who pretend to believe but hide disbelief in their hearts?
a) Munafiqun
b) Mujahideen
c) Muhajirun
d) Ansar

a) Munafiqun

Surah Al-Imran mentions the story of the birth and dedication of which prophet in the House of Allah (the Kaaba)?
a) Prophet Moses (Musa)
b) Prophet Jesus (Isa)
c) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
d) Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim)

c) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Surah Al-Imran contains verses that describe Allah as having no __________, and there is nothing comparable to Him.
a) Form
b) Partner
c) Power
d) Knowledge

b) Partner

Surah Al-Imran mentions the story of Prophet Jesus (Isa) and his disciples. What term is used for his disciples?
a) Sahaba
b) Hawariyun
c) Imams
d) Muhajirun

b) Hawariyun

In Surah Al-Imran, what is emphasized as a means of guidance and success for humanity?
a) Wealth and power
b) Knowledge and wisdom
c) Fear and intimidation
d) Deception and deceit

b) Knowledge and wisdom

Surah Al-Imran mentions the story of the family of Imran and their dedication to the service of Allah. Who among them was a prophet?
a) Imran
b) Hannah
c) Maryam (Mary)
d) Zachariah (Zakariya)

d) Zachariah (Zakariya)

Surah Al-Imran contains verses that describe the qualities of those who are sincere in their faith and belief in Allah. What term is used for such people?
a) Munafiqun
b) Muhajirun
c) Believers
d) Disbelievers

c) Believers

According to Surah Al-Imran, what is the term for the “light” that guides believers in their faith and actions?
a) Sun
b) Moon
c) Star
d) Noor (Light)

d) Noor (Light)

Surah Al-Imran mentions the story of Prophet Jesus (Isa) speaking from the cradle. What miracle does he perform as an infant in this story?
a) Walking
b) Speaking
c) Flying
d) Healing the sick

b) Speaking

In Surah Al-Imran, Allah advises the believers to respond to wrongdoing with what quality?
a) Patience
b) Forgiveness
c) Revenge
d) Anger

b) Forgiveness

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