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Sentence Clarity MCQs With Answer

Sentence Clarity MCQs

Welcome to the Sentence Clarity MCQs with Answers. In this post, we have shared Sentence Clarity Online Test for different competitive exams. Find practice Sentence Clarity Practice Questions with answers in English Tests exams here. Each question offers a chance to enhance your knowledge regarding Sentence Clarity.

The teacher spoke to the students about their grades, which she thought were low.
a) The teacher thought the students’ grades were low and spoke to them.
b) The students’ grades, which the teacher thought were low, were discussed.
c) The teacher spoke to the students, thinking their grades were low.
d) The teacher, whose grades she thought were low, spoke to the students.

The teacher spoke to the students, thinking their grades were low.

Running late, he took a cab to the meeting, which was an expensive option.
a) Running late, he took a cab to the meeting, which was an expensive choice.
b) Running late, he took an expensive cab to the meeting.
c) He took an expensive cab to the meeting, running late.
d) He took a cab to the meeting, running late and expensively.

Running late, he took an expensive cab to the meeting.

She read the book quickly, which was intriguing and mysterious.
a) She read the intriguing and mysterious book quickly.
b) She read quickly, the book being intriguing and mysterious.
c) She read the book, which was intriguing and mysterious, quickly.
d) She quickly read the book that was intriguing and mysterious.

She read the intriguing and mysterious book quickly.

The meeting, which was scheduled for 3 PM, was moved to 4 PM.
a) The meeting, scheduled for 3 PM, was moved to 4 PM.
b) Scheduled for 3 PM, the meeting was moved to 4 PM.
c) The meeting was moved to 4 PM, which was scheduled for 3 PM.
d) The meeting was moved, which was scheduled for 3 PM, to 4 PM.

Scheduled for 3 PM, the meeting was moved to 4 PM.

Her response to the feedback was not what I expected, which was surprising.
a) Her response to the feedback was surprising and not what I expected.
b) The surprising response to the feedback was not what I expected.
c) It was surprising that her response to the feedback was not what I expected.
d) Her unexpected response to the feedback was surprising.

It was surprising that her response to the feedback was not what I expected.

The report needs revision because it has several errors, which are quite significant.
a) The report has several significant errors that need revision.
b) The report, with several errors that are significant, needs revision.
c) Revision is needed for the report due to its significant errors.
d) Significant errors in the report are quite evident, needing revision.

The report has several significant errors that need revision.

The proposal was approved after the manager reviewed it thoroughly, which was necessary.
a) After thoroughly reviewing the proposal, the manager approved it.
b) The proposal, which was reviewed thoroughly by the manager, was approved.
c) The manager approved the proposal after a thorough review.
d) The proposal was approved after the necessary review by the manager.

After thoroughly reviewing the proposal, the manager approved it.

The new policy, which was implemented last month, aims to reduce costs.
a) The new policy implemented last month aims to reduce costs.
b) Aiming to reduce costs, the new policy was implemented last month.
c) The policy, which was implemented last month, aims to reduce costs.
d) Implemented last month, the new policy aims to reduce costs.

The new policy implemented last month aims to reduce costs.

The book, which she finished reading, was very engaging.
a) She finished reading the engaging book.
b) The engaging book was finished reading by her.
c) The book, very engaging, was finished reading by her.
d) She read the book, which was very engaging, to completion.

She finished reading the engaging book.

They arrived at the concert early, which gave them good seats.
a) Arriving early at the concert gave them good seats.
b) They arrived early, which gave them good seats at the concert.
c) The good seats were given to them as they arrived early at the concert.
d) Arriving early at the concert, they were given good seats.

Arriving early at the concert gave them good seats.

The email was sent after the meeting ended, which was too late for the follow-up.
a) The email, sent after the meeting ended, was too late for follow-up.
b) Sent after the meeting ended, the email was too late for follow-up.
c) The email, which was sent too late after the meeting ended, was for follow-up.
d) After the meeting ended, the email was too late for the follow-up.

Sent after the meeting ended, the email was too late for follow-up.

She finished her presentation early, which allowed her to review her notes.
a) She reviewed her notes because she finished her presentation early.
b) Finishing her presentation early allowed her to review her notes.
c) Her notes were reviewed after she finished her presentation early.
d) Because she finished early, her presentation allowed her to review notes.

Finishing her presentation early allowed her to review her notes.

The new system, which was designed to improve efficiency, is now in use.
a) The new system is designed to improve efficiency and is now in use.
b) Designed to improve efficiency, the new system is now in use.
c) The new system, now in use, is designed to improve efficiency.
d) Efficiency is improved by the new system, which is now in use.

Designed to improve efficiency, the new system is now in use.

Her explanation, which was very detailed, clarified the procedure.
a) The detailed explanation clarified the procedure.
b) The procedure was clarified by her very detailed explanation.
c) Clarified by her very detailed explanation, the procedure was understood.
d) Her detailed explanation clarified the procedure effectively.

Her detailed explanation clarified the procedure effectively.

The task was completed on time, which was a relief to the project manager.
a) The project manager was relieved that the task was completed on time.
b) Completing the task on time was a relief for the project manager.
c) It was a relief to the project manager that the task was completed on time.
d) The task, completed on time, relieved the project manager.

The project manager was relieved that the task was completed on time.

The document was reviewed carefully, which revealed several mistakes.
a) The careful review of the document revealed several mistakes.
b) Revealing several mistakes, the document was reviewed carefully.
c) Several mistakes were revealed by the careful review of the document.
d) The review of the document revealed carefully several mistakes.

The careful review of the document revealed several mistakes.

The deadline was extended because of unforeseen circumstances, which helped the team.
a) The extension of the deadline helped the team due to unforeseen circumstances.
b) The team was helped by the deadline extension because of unforeseen circumstances.
c) Unforeseen circumstances helped the team as the deadline was extended.
d) The deadline was extended due to unforeseen circumstances, which helped the team.

The deadline was extended due to unforeseen circumstances, which helped the team.

She forgot to attach the document, which was required for the application.
a) The required document was not attached, which she forgot.
b) She forgot the required document attachment for the application.
c) The document required for the application was forgotten to be attached.
d) She forgot to attach the document that was required for the application.

She forgot to attach the document that was required for the application.

The solution was implemented successfully, which resulted in improved performance.
a) The solution, implemented successfully, resulted in improved performance.
b) Improved performance was the result of the solution implemented successfully.
c) Implementing the solution successfully improved performance.
d) The performance improved as a result of the successful solution implementation.

The solution, implemented successfully, resulted in improved performance.

The book was reviewed by several experts, which praised its insights.
a) The experts, who reviewed the book, praised its insights.
b) Praising its insights, the book was reviewed by several experts.
c) Several experts reviewed the book, praising its insights.
d) The book was praised for its insights by the experts who reviewed it.

Several experts reviewed the book, praising its insights.

The company faced budget cuts, which affected the hiring process.
a) The hiring process was affected by the budget cuts faced by the company.
b) The company, facing budget cuts, had its hiring process affected.
c) Budget cuts affected the company’s hiring process.
d) The company’s hiring process was affected by budget cuts.

Budget cuts affected the company’s hiring process.

The presentation was well-received, which impressed the client.
a) The well-received presentation impressed the client.
b) The presentation impressed the client because it was well-received.
c) Impressed by the presentation, the client was well-received.
d) The client was impressed by the well-received presentation.

The presentation impressed the client because it was well-received.

The event was rescheduled due to rain, which disappointed many attendees.
a) Many attendees were disappointed by the event being rescheduled due to rain.
b) The event, rescheduled due to rain, disappointed many attendees.
c) Rain caused the event to be rescheduled, which disappointed many attendees.
d) Disappointment was caused among many attendees by the event being rescheduled.

The event, rescheduled due to rain, disappointed many attendees.

The software update was completed, which fixed several issues.
a) The issues were fixed by the completed software update.
b) Several issues were fixed by the completed software update.
c) The completed software update fixed several issues.
d) The update fixed several issues, which was completed.

The completed software update fixed several issues.

The new marketing strategy was successful, which boosted sales significantly.
a) Sales were significantly boosted by the successful new marketing strategy.
b) The successful new marketing strategy significantly boosted sales.
c) The new marketing strategy, which was successful, boosted sales significantly.
d) Significantly boosting sales, the new marketing strategy was successful.

The successful new marketing strategy significantly boosted sales.

He was promoted to senior manager, which was a significant achievement for him.
a) Being promoted to senior manager was a significant achievement for him.
b) The significant achievement for him was being promoted to senior manager.
c) He achieved a significant promotion to senior manager.
d) The promotion to senior manager was a significant achievement for him.

The promotion to senior manager was a significant achievement for him.

The house was cleaned thoroughly, which took several hours.
a) It took several hours to clean the house thoroughly.
b) Thoroughly cleaned, the house took several hours.
c) The thorough cleaning of the house took several hours.
d) Several hours were taken to clean the house thoroughly.

It took several hours to clean the house thoroughly.

The customer service was excellent, which made the shopping experience pleasant.
a) The excellent customer service made the shopping experience pleasant.
b) The shopping experience was made pleasant by the excellent customer service.
c) Making the shopping experience pleasant, the customer service was excellent.
d) Pleasant was the shopping experience due to the excellent customer service.

The excellent customer service made the shopping experience pleasant.

The research findings were published, which contributed to the field of study.
a) The field of study was contributed to by the research findings being published.
b) The published research findings contributed to the field of study.
c) Contributing to the field of study, the research findings were published.
d) The research findings contributed to the field of study by being published.

The published research findings contributed to the field of study.

The software was upgraded, which improved system performance.
a) Improved system performance was a result of the software upgrade.
b) The upgrade of the software improved system performance.
c) System performance was improved by the software upgrade.
d) The software improved system performance after the upgrade.

The upgrade of the software improved system performance.

She missed the deadline, which caused a delay in the project.
a) The delay in the project was caused by her missing the deadline.
b) Missing the deadline caused a delay in the project.
c) The project was delayed due to her missing the deadline.
d) Her missing the deadline caused a delay in the project.

Missing the deadline caused a delay in the project.

The car broke down on the highway, which was inconvenient for the travelers.
a) The breakdown of the car on the highway was inconvenient for the travelers.
b) The travelers found the car breaking down on the highway inconvenient.
c) The inconvenience for the travelers was caused by the car breaking down.
d) Breaking down on the highway, the car was inconvenient for the travelers.

The breakdown of the car on the highway was inconvenient for the travelers.

The renovation of the office was completed, which resulted in a more modern workspace.
a) The more modern workspace was a result of the completed office renovation.
b) The renovation resulted in a more modern workspace upon completion.
c) Completed, the office renovation resulted in a more modern workspace.
d) The office renovation, completed successfully, resulted in a more modern workspace.

The office renovation, completed successfully, resulted in a more modern workspace.

The software developer fixed the bugs, which improved the program’s stability.
a) Fixing the bugs improved the program’s stability.
b) The bugs were fixed by the software developer, improving the program’s stability.
c) Improved stability was a result of the software developer fixing the bugs.
d) The program’s stability improved because the bugs were fixed.

The bugs were fixed by the software developer, improving the program’s stability.

The new employee was trained thoroughly, which helped them perform better.
a) The thorough training of the new employee helped them perform better.
b) Better performance was achieved by the new employee through thorough training.
c) The new employee performed better due to the thorough training.
d) Thoroughly trained, the new employee performed better.

The new employee performed better due to the thorough training.

The lecture was interesting, which kept the audience engaged.
a) The interesting lecture kept the audience engaged.
b) The engagement of the audience was due to the interesting lecture.
c) The audience was kept engaged by the interesting lecture.
d) Keeping the audience engaged, the lecture was interesting.

The interesting lecture kept the audience engaged.

The shipment arrived on time, which was crucial for the launch.
a) The timely arrival of the shipment was crucial for the launch.
b) Arriving on time, the shipment was crucial for the launch.
c) The shipment, which arrived on time, was crucial for the launch.
d) It was crucial for the launch that the shipment arrived on time.

It was crucial for the launch that the shipment arrived on time.

The policy was updated, which addressed several concerns from employees.
a) Addressing several employee concerns, the policy was updated.
b) The updated policy addressed several concerns from employees.
c) Several concerns from employees were addressed by the updated policy.
d) The policy addressed concerns from employees after it was updated.

The updated policy addressed several concerns from employees.

The software’s new feature was added, which enhances user experience.
a) Enhancing user experience, the software’s new feature was added.
b) The new feature added to the software enhances user experience.
c) User experience is enhanced by the software’s new feature added.
d) Added to the software, the new feature enhances user experience.

The new feature added to the software enhances user experience.

The annual report was published, which highlighted the company’s achievements.
a) Highlighting the company’s achievements, the annual report was published.
b) The company’s achievements were highlighted by the annual report publication.
c) The annual report, highlighting the company’s achievements, was published.
d) Published annually, the report highlighted the company’s achievements.

The annual report, highlighting the company’s achievements, was published.

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