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Sawm Fasting MCQs with Answer

The following are Belief in the Pillars of Islam: Sawm Fasting MCQs with answers related to Islamic Studies. We have arranged the most important and repeated MCQs in all the competitive examinations. The students can clear their concepts for Belief in the Pillars of Islam: Sawm Fasting MCQs online quiz by attempting these.

Belief in the Pillars of Islam: Sawm Fasting Online MCQs with Answers

What is the Islamic term for fasting during the month of Ramadan?
a) Sawm
b) Zakah
c) Salah
d) Hajj

a) Sawm

During Ramadan, Muslims fast from:
a) Dawn to sunset
b) Sunset to dawn
c) Sunrise to sunset
d) Sunset to sunrise

a) Dawn to sunset

What is the pre-dawn meal before starting the fast called?
a) Iftar
b) Suhoor
c) Taraweeh
d) Qiyam

b) Suhoor

The daily pre-dawn meal (Suhoor) must be finished before:
a) Sunrise
b) Sunset
c) Midnight
d) Fajr (dawn)

d) Fajr (dawn)

What is the meal to break the fast at sunset during Ramadan called?
a) Suhoor
b) Iftar
c) Taraweeh
d) Suhur

b) Iftar

Which category of people are exempt from fasting during Ramadan according to Islamic guidelines?
a) Children
b) Pregnant women
c) Travelers
d) All of the above

d) All of the above

If someone misses a fast during Ramadan due to a valid reason, they are required to:
a) Make up for the missed fast later
b) Pay a fine
c) Skip fasting for the rest of the month
d) Perform extra prayers

a) Make up for the missed fast later

What is the special night of prayer during Ramadan when the Quran is believed to have been first revealed?
a) Laylat al-Qadr
b) Laylat al-Miraj
c) Laylat al-Baraat
d) Laylat al-Ishra

a) Laylat al-Qadr

How many extra rak’ahs (units of prayer) are typically performed during the Taraweeh prayers in Ramadan?
a) 4
b) 8
c) 10
d) 20

b) 8

What is the purpose of fasting during Ramadan in Islam?
a) To lose weight
b) To show discipline
c) To gain rewards and closeness to Allah
d) To prepare for Eid al-Adha

c) To gain rewards and closeness to Allah

What is the term for the intention or commitment to fast in Islam?
a) Iftar
b) Niyyah
c) Zakah
d) Hajj

b) Niyyah

In addition to abstaining from food and drink, what else are Muslims expected to avoid during fasting hours in Ramadan?
a) Smoking
b) Sleeping
c) Gossiping
d) Swearing

d) Swearing

What is the term for the optional acts of worship and good deeds performed during Ramadan?
a) Iftar
b) Du’a
c) Sunnah
d) Ihram

c) Sunnah

How many times does the Quran recommend the recitation of the entire Quran during Ramadan?
a) Once
b) Twice
c) Three times
d) Four times

c) Three times

What is the term for the collective charity given by Muslims to the poor and needy during Ramadan?
a) Sadaqah
b) Zakah
c) Qiyam
d) Zakat al-Fitr

d) Zakat al-Fitr

Which meal is often shared with family and friends after the Taraweeh prayers during Ramadan?
a) Suhoor
b) Iftar
c) Suhur
d) Qiyam

b) Iftar

What is the term for the purification of the soul and self-discipline during fasting?
a) Taqwa
b) Tawhid
c) Takbir
d) Tawakkul

a) Taqwa

In some cultures, what is the drum or drumbeats used to wake people up for Suhoor called?
a) Daf
b) Oud
c) Dhol
d) Sitar

c) Dhol

During which Islamic month is fasting outside of Ramadan highly recommended but not obligatory?
a) Shawwal
b) Dhul-Hijjah
c) Muharram
d) Sha’ban

d) Sha’ban

What is the term for the pre-dawn meal (Suhoor) before fasting during Ramadan?
a) Sahur
b) Suhr
c) Suhur
d) Sahoor

c) Suhur

Which surah (chapter) of the Quran is often recited during Taraweeh prayers in Ramadan due to its length and significance?
a) Surah Al-Fatiha
b) Surah Al-Baqarah
c) Surah Al-Ikhlas
d) Surah Al-Kahf

b) Surah Al-Baqarah

What is the term for the meal that is served to break the fast at sunset during Ramadan?
a) Suhoor
b) Iftar
c) Taraweeh
d) Suhur

b) Iftar

What is the act of giving food or provisions to those in need, often done during Ramadan, called?
a) Zakah
b) Sadaqah
c) Iftar
d) Taraweeh

b) Sadaqah

Which special prayer is recited by Muslims during Laylat al-Qadr (the Night of Decree) in Ramadan?
a) Surah Al-Fatiha
b) Surah Al-Baqarah
c) Surah Al-Ikhlas
d) Surah Al-Qadr

d) Surah Al-Qadr

In addition to Ramadan, on what other occasion do Muslims fast during the Islamic calendar year?
a) Eid al-Fitr
b) Eid al-Adha
c) The Day of Arafat
d) Friday (Jumu’ah)

c) The Day of Arafat

What is the term for the additional fasts performed on the 13th, 14th, and 15th days of each Islamic lunar month?
a) Sunnah
b) Fard
c) Nafl
d) Shawwal

c) Nafl

Which of the following acts invalidates the fast during Ramadan?
a) Swearing
b) Eating or drinking intentionally
c) Sleeping
d) Giving to charity

b) Eating or drinking intentionally

How many times does a Muslim intend to fast when making the Niyyah (intention) for the fast of Ramadan?
a) Once for the whole month
b) Every day separately
c) Only on the first day
d) Three times

a) Once for the whole month

What is the term for the meal that is served before the fast begins at dawn?
a) Suhoor
b) Iftar
c) Taraweeh
d) Suhur

d) Suhur

Which prayer is often performed in congregation at the mosque on the Night of Decree (Laylat al-Qadr) during Ramadan?
a) Fajr
b) Dhuhr
c) Isha
d) Taraweeh

d) Taraweeh

What is the purpose of fasting in Islam beyond abstaining from food and drink?
a) To lose weight
b) To show self-control and develop taqwa (God-consciousness)
c) To reduce water consumption
d) To avoid cooking

b) To show self-control and develop taqwa (God-consciousness)

How does fasting in Ramadan help Muslims develop empathy for the less fortunate?
a) By making them more compassionate
b) By reminding them of hunger and thirst
c) By encouraging them to give to charity
d) By making them feel superior

b) By reminding them of hunger and thirst

What is the reward mentioned in the Quran for those who fast during Ramadan with faith and expecting reward from Allah?
a) Forgiveness of sins
b) Financial wealth
c) Physical strength
d) Leadership in the community

a) Forgiveness of sins

Which prayer is often performed in congregation on the last ten nights of Ramadan, particularly seeking Laylat al-Qadr?
a) Fajr
b) Dhuhr
c) Isha
d) Tahajjud

d) Tahajjud

What is the term for the act of seeking forgiveness from Allah during fasting in Ramadan?
a) Dhikr
b) Istighfar
c) Qiyam
d) Tawbah

b) Istighfar

Which important event in Islamic history occurred during Ramadan?
a) The Battle of Badr
b) The Hijra (migration) to Medina
c) The birth of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
d) The construction of the Kaaba

a) The Battle of Badr

Which surah (chapter) of the Quran contains special instructions for fasting in Ramadan?
a) Surah Al-Fatiha
b) Surah Al-Baqarah
c) Surah Al-Ikhlas
d) Surah Al-Qadr

b) Surah Al-Baqarah

What is the term for the voluntary act of giving food or provisions to break someone else’s fast?
a) Zakah
b) Sadaqah
c) Iftar
d) Taraweeh

c) Iftar

What is the ruling regarding sexual relations between spouses during fasting hours in Ramadan?
a) It is allowed at all times
b) It is allowed during the day but not after sunset
c) It is allowed only during the night
d) It is not allowed during fasting hours

d) It is not allowed during fasting hours

What is the term for the evening prayer that is performed during the last part of the night?
a) Isha
b) Fajr
c) Qiyam-ul-Lail
d) Taraweeh

c) Qiyam-ul-Lail

Which act of worship is strongly emphasized during the last ten nights of Ramadan, especially on the odd-numbered nights?
a) Reading the Quran
b) Giving charity
c) Making du’a (supplication)
d) Reciting poetry

c) Making du’a (supplication)

What is the term for the small charity given by Muslims before the Eid al-Fitr prayer to help those in need celebrate the holiday?
a) Zakah
b) Sadaqah
c) Iftar
d) Zakat al-Fitr

d) Zakat al-Fitr

What is the Arabic term for the night journey of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascension to the heavens?
a) Hajj
b) Isra and Mi’raj
c) Taraweeh
d) Ihram

b) Isra and Mi’raj

Which of the following acts is NOT considered permissible during fasting hours in Ramadan?
a) Drinking water
b) Chewing gum
c) Smoking
d) Eating dates

c) Smoking

What is the term for the act of breaking the fast intentionally during Ramadan?
a) Iftar
b) Suhoor
c) Fidyah
d) Taraweeh

c) Fidyah

Which surah (chapter) of the Quran is often recited in the Taraweeh prayers during Ramadan because of its brevity?
a) Surah Al-Fatiha
b) Surah Al-Baqarah
c) Surah Al-Ikhlas
d) Surah Al-Kawthar

c) Surah Al-Ikhlas

What is the term for the act of making up for missed fasts by fasting an equal number of days after Ramadan?
a) Qada
b) Sadaqah
c) Qiyam
d) Taqwa

a) Qada

What is the Arabic term for the pre-dawn call to prayer that announces the time for Suhoor during Ramadan?
a) Adhan
b) Iqama
c) Takbir
d) Tahajjud

a) Adhan

Which of the following acts does NOT invalidate the fast during Ramadan?
a) Accidentally swallowing toothpaste
b) Eating or drinking forgetfully
c) Vomiting unintentionally
d) Intentional consumption of medicine

b) Eating or drinking forgetfully

What is the ruling regarding makeup and cosmetics while fasting in Ramadan?
a) They are allowed without restriction
b) They are allowed but should be minimal
c) They are not allowed at all
d) They are only allowed on Fridays

b) They are allowed but should be minimal

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