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Pulsars MCQs with Answers

What is a pulsar?
A) A type of galaxy
B) A type of star
C) A type of asteroid
D) A type of black hole
Answer: B) A type of star

Pulsars are highly magnetized, rotating _________.
A) Planets
B) Moons
C) Neutron stars
D) White dwarfs
Answer: C) Neutron stars

Who discovered the first pulsar in 1967?
A) Albert Einstein
B) Stephen Hawking
C) Carl Sagan
D) Jocelyn Bell Burnell
Answer: D) Jocelyn Bell Burnell

Pulsars emit beams of ____________ radiation.
A) Radio
B) Ultraviolet
C) Infrared
D) X-ray
Answer: A) Radio

What causes the periodic pulses observed from pulsars?
A) Stellar collisions
B) Magnetic field fluctuations
C) Nuclear fusion
D) Neutron star rotation
Answer: D) Neutron star rotation

The rotation of a pulsar can be extremely ____________.
A) Slow
B) Constant
C) Rapid
D) Irregular
Answer: C) Rapid

What is the approximate size of a typical pulsar?
A) A few kilometers
B) A few meters
C) A few centimeters
D) A few millimeters
Answer: A) A few kilometers

Pulsars are remnants of ____________.
A) Red giants
B) White dwarfs
C) Supernova explosions
D) Black holes
Answer: C) Supernova explosions

What type of radiation do pulsars emit?
A) Gamma rays
B) Radio waves
C) Visible light
D) Microwaves
Answer: B) Radio waves

Pulsars were initially mistaken for ___________.
A) Comets
B) Stars
C) Planets
D) Satellites
Answer: C) Planets

Pulsars are known for their incredibly precise ___________.
A) Temperature
B) Rotation
C) Size
D) Color
Answer: B) Rotation

What is the source of a pulsar’s energy?
A) Nuclear fusion
B) Gravitational collapse
C) Magnetic field interactions
D) Solar radiation
Answer: C) Magnetic field interactions

Pulsars were first observed using ____________.
A) Radio telescopes
B) Optical telescopes
C) X-ray telescopes
D) Infrared telescopes
Answer: A) Radio telescopes

Pulsars are known to have __________ periods.
A) Regular
B) Chaotic
C) Irregular
D) Variable
Answer: A) Regular

The discovery of pulsars supported which astronomical theory?
A) The Big Bang theory
B) The theory of general relativity
C) The theory of special relativity
D) The theory of stellar evolution
Answer: D) The theory of stellar evolution

Pulsars are characterized by their rapid ____________.
A) Rotation
B) Expansion
C) Contraction
D) Oscillation
Answer: A) Rotation

The pulses emitted by pulsars are extremely ___________.
A) Long
B) Bright
C) Faint
D) Variable
Answer: B) Bright

What is the primary component of a pulsar’s emission?
A) Radio waves
B) Gamma rays
C) X-rays
D) Ultraviolet light
Answer: A) Radio waves

Pulsars can be used to study ___________.
A) Galactic structure
B) Planetary motion
C) Stellar fusion
D) Lunar phases
Answer: A) Galactic structure

Pulsars are often referred to as ____________.
A) Stellar beacons
B) Galactic engines
C) Cosmic clocks
D) Celestial dynamos
Answer: C) Cosmic clocks

The pulses emitted by pulsars are caused by ____________.
A) Gravitational lensing
B) Neutron star collisions
C) Magnetic field interactions
D) Solar wind
Answer: C) Magnetic field interactions

What is the approximate mass of a typical pulsar?
A) Equal to the Sun
B) Twice the Sun
C) Half of the Sun
D) Several times that of the Sun
Answer: D) Several times that of the Sun

Pulsars are often found in ____________.
A) Star clusters
B) Planetary nebulae
C) Binary star systems
D) Open clusters
Answer: C) Binary star systems

Pulsars are observed across various ___________.
A) Spectral bands
B) Galactic structures
C) Solar systems
D) Celestial bodies
Answer: A) Spectral bands

Which region of the electromagnetic spectrum are pulsars most commonly observed in?
A) Visible light
B) Infrared
C) X-ray
D) Radio waves
Answer: D) Radio waves

Pulsars are often used as ____________.
A) Timekeepers
B) Energy sources
C) Spacecraft propulsion
D) Interstellar navigation aids
Answer: A) Timekeepers

What is the primary factor determining the rotational period of a pulsar?
A) Stellar mass
B) Magnetic field strength
C) Solar wind activity
D) Planetary influence
Answer: B) Magnetic field strength

Pulsars emit pulses of ____________ radiation.
A) Visible
B) Infrared
C) X-ray
D) Radio
Answer: D) Radio

Pulsars are thought to be extremely dense due to their ____________ composition.
A) Gaseous
B) Liquid
C) Solid
D) Neutron
Answer: D) Neutron

Pulsars were first discovered by studying ____________.
A) Stars
B) Black holes
C) Quasars
D) Radio waves
Answer: D) Radio waves

Pulsars are believed to form from the remnants of ____________.
A) White dwarfs
B) Red giants
C) Supernovae
D) Black holes
Answer: C) Supernovae

The rotation of a pulsar can be used to measure its ___________.
A) Age
B) Distance
C) Diameter
D) Temperature
Answer: A) Age

Pulsars emit pulses of radiation as they ____________.
A) Expand
B) Contract
C) Rotate
D) Oscillate
Answer: C) Rotate

What is the typical period of a pulsar?
A) Minutes
B) Hours
C) Days
D) Seconds
Answer: D) Seconds

The rotation of a pulsar can slow down due to ___________.
A) External gravitational forces
B) Solar radiation
C) Planetary alignment
D) Magnetic field interactions
Answer: A) External gravitational forces

Pulsars emit radiation in which form?
A) Ultraviolet
B) Radio waves
C) Infrared
D) Gamma rays
Answer: B) Radio waves

Pulsars are known for their ___________ pulses.
A) Regular
B) Irregular
C) Chaotic
D) Variable
Answer: A) Regular

Pulsars are excellent probes of ___________.
A) Solar activity
B) Planetary atmospheres
C) Galactic environments
D) Stellar interiors
Answer: C) Galactic environments

What kind of star is a pulsar typically formed from?
A) Red giant
B) White dwarf
C) Neutron star
D) Main sequence star
Answer: C) Neutron star

What is the primary source of a pulsar’s energy output?
A) Nuclear fusion
B) Gravitational collapse
C) Magnetic field interactions
D) Cosmic collisions
Answer: C) Magnetic field interactions

Pulsars were initially mistaken for ___________.
A) Quasars
B) Asteroids
C) Black holes
D) Alien signals
Answer: D) Alien signals

Pulsars are known for their incredibly precise ___________.
A) Temperature
B) Rotation
C) Size
D) Brightness
Answer: B) Rotation

The pulses emitted by pulsars are believed to be caused by ___________.
A) Gravitational waves
B) Neutrino emissions
C) Magnetic field interactions
D) Solar flares
Answer: C) Magnetic field interactions

Pulsars are highly ___________ objects.
A) Luminous
B) Variable
C) Magnetic
D) Massive
Answer: C) Magnetic

Pulsars are useful for studying ___________.
A) Stellar evolution
B) Galactic structure
C) Exoplanets
D) Solar flares
Answer: B) Galactic structure

Pulsars rotate at incredibly ___________ speeds.
A) Slow
B) Constant
C) Rapid
D) Erratic
Answer: C) Rapid

The discovery of pulsars helped confirm predictions of ___________.
A) Quantum mechanics
B) General relativity
C) Special relativity
D) Atomic theory
Answer: B) General relativity

Pulsars emit radiation primarily in the form of ___________.
A) Gamma rays
B) Ultraviolet light
C) Radio waves
D) X-rays
Answer: C) Radio waves

What is the primary cause of a pulsar’s periodic emissions?
A) Nuclear fusion
B) Magnetic field interactions
C) Gravitational lensing
D) Stellar collisions
Answer: B) Magnetic field interactions

Pulsars are believed to be excellent ___________ due to their regular pulses.
A) Timekeepers
B) Navigational aids
C) Energy sources
D) Spectral analyzers
Answer: A) Timekeepers

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