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Preservation and Authenticity of the Quran MCQs with Answer

The following are Belief in the Preservation and Authenticity of the Quran MCQs with answers related to Islamic Studies. We have arranged the most important and repeated MCQs in all the competitive examinations. The students can clear their concepts for Belief in the Preservation and Authenticity of the Quran MCQs online quiz by attempting these.

Belief in the Preservation and Authenticity of the Quran Online MCQs with Answers

What is the Quran?
A) A collection of Hadith
B) A book of Islamic history
C) The holy scripture of Islam
D) A commentary on the Bible

C) The holy scripture of Islam

Which language was the Quran originally revealed in?
A) Arabic
B) Persian
C) Urdu
D) Turkish

A) Arabic

Who is considered the final prophet in Islam?
A) Moses
B) Abraham
C) Jesus
D) Muhammad

D) Muhammad

How long did it take for the Quran to be revealed to Prophet Muhammad?
A) 1 year
B) 5 years
C) 10 years
D) Over 23 years

D) Over 23 years

What is the name of the angel who delivered the Quranic revelations to Prophet Muhammad?
A) Gabriel
B) Michael
C) Israfil
D) Raphael

A) Gabriel

How is the Quran described in Islamic belief regarding its preservation?
A) Partially preserved
B) Fully preserved
C) Partially lost
D) Fully lost

B) Fully preserved

What is the term for the process of memorizing the entire Quran?
A) Shahada
B) Zakat
C) Hajj
D) Hifz

D) Hifz

How many chapters (surahs) are there in the Quran?
A) 50
B) 99
C) 114
D) 120

C) 114

How many verses (ayahs) are there in the Quran?
A) 5,000
B) 6,236
C) 7,777
D) 10,000

B) 6,236

Which caliph played a key role in collecting and compiling the Quranic revelations into a single book?
A) Umar ibn Al-Khattab
B) Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq
C) Ali ibn Abi Talib
D) Uthman ibn Affan

D) Uthman ibn Affan

What is the term for the written copies of the Quran used for recitation and study?
A) Sunnah
B) Hadith
C) Mushaf
D) Tafsir

C) Mushaf

Which of the following is NOT a reason for the Quran’s preservation according to Islamic belief?
A) Divine protection
B) Oral transmission
C) Written documentation
D) Historical records

D) Historical records

What is the term for the recitation of the Quran with proper pronunciation and rules?
A) Tafsir
B) Tajweed
C) Sunnah
D) Hadith

B) Tajweed

Which of the following is NOT one of the Quran’s miraculous aspects according to Islamic belief?
A) Literary excellence
B) Scientific accuracy
C) Historical accounts
D) Predictions of the future

D) Predictions of the future

How is the Quran often described in Islamic belief regarding its literary style?
A) Simple and straightforward
B) Boring and repetitive
C) Complex and eloquent
D) Chaotic and disorganized

C) Complex and eloquent

Which of the following is a common theme in the Quran?
A) Worship of idols
B) Rejection of God’s guidance
C) Monotheism and submission to God
D) Atheism and agnosticism

C) Monotheism and submission to God

In Islamic belief, what is the primary purpose of the Quran?
A) Providing historical accounts
B) Guiding humanity to the truth
C) Predicting future events
D) Entertaining readers

B) Guiding humanity to the truth

Which of the following is a common subject matter in the Quran?
A) Mathematics
B) Science
C) Morality and ethics
D) Politics and governance

C) Morality and ethics

What is the term for the interpretation and commentary on the Quranic verses?
A) Hadith
B) Tafsir
C) Mushaf
D) Tajweed

B) Tafsir

In Islamic belief, who is responsible for preserving the Quran’s authenticity and accuracy?
A) Religious scholars
B) Political leaders
C) All Muslims
D) Angels

C) All Muslims

Which surah of the Quran is often recited during the Islamic daily prayers?
A) Surah Al-Baqarah
B) Surah Al-Fatiha
C) Surah Al-Ikhlas
D) Surah Al-Nisa

B) Surah Al-Fatiha

What is the term for the traditional method of reciting the Quran orally from one generation to the next?
A) Ijma
B) Qiyas
C) Isnad
D) Tawatur

D) Tawatur

Which of the following is a common belief about the Quran’s scientific accuracy?
A) It contains detailed scientific theories
B) It contradicts established scientific facts
C) It complements scientific knowledge
D) It has no relevance to science

C) It complements scientific knowledge

In Islamic tradition, how is the Quran’s challenge regarding its literary excellence viewed?
A) It has been successfully met by poets
B) It remains unmet and unmatched
C) It is irrelevant to Islamic belief
D) It is a matter of opinion

B) It remains unmet and unmatched

What is the term for the opening chapter of the Quran?
A) Surah Al-Ikhlas
B) Surah Al-Baqarah
C) Surah Al-Fatiha
D) Surah Al-Nisa

C) Surah Al-Fatiha

What is the significance of the Quran’s preservation in the Arabic language?
A) It allows for easy translation
B) It ensures accuracy and authenticity
C) It limits its accessibility to non-Arabic speakers
D) It restricts its readership to scholars

B) It ensures accuracy and authenticity

How do Muslims believe the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad?
A) All at once
B) Over a period of 40 days
C) Gradually over 23 years
D) In a single night

C) Gradually over 23 years

What is the term for the practice of reading the Quranic text with proper pronunciation and intonation?
A) Tafsir
B) Hifz
C) Tajweed
D) Sunnah

C) Tajweed

In Islamic belief, what is the Quran’s role in providing guidance?
A) It provides specific solutions to all life’s problems
B) It offers general principles for living a righteous life
C) It is primarily a historical document
D) It has no practical guidance for daily life

B) It offers general principles for living a righteous life

What is the term for the direct sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad?
A) Sunnah
B) Hadith
C) Tafsir
D) Tajweed

A) Sunnah

Which of the following is NOT a common belief about the Quran’s preservation in Islamic tradition?
A) It is free from error and contradiction
B) It has been altered over time
C) It is the final revelation from God
D) It is a complete and comprehensive guide

B) It has been altered over time

How is the Quran’s preservation primarily achieved in Islamic tradition?
A) Through memorization by scholars
B) Through written documentation
C) Through oral transmission by the community
D) Through archaeological evidence

C) Through oral transmission by the community

In Islamic belief, what is the Quran’s role in clarifying matters of faith and practice?
A) It provides a single, unambiguous interpretation
B) It offers various interpretations open to debate
C) It is silent on matters of faith and practice
D) It contradicts established beliefs

A) It provides a single, unambiguous interpretation

How is the Quran often described in Islamic belief regarding its guidance?
A) Limited to a specific time and place
B) Universal and timeless
C) Relevant only to scholars
D) Inaccessible to non-Muslims

B) Universal and timeless

What is the term for the practice of preserving the Quranic text through memorization?
A) Tajweed
B) Hifz
C) Sunnah
D) Tafsir

B) Hifz

How do Muslims believe the Quran was preserved during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad?
A) Written in a single manuscript
B) Memorized by companions and written on various materials
C) Kept secret and hidden
D) Dictated to scribes in detail

B) Memorized by companions and written on various materials

What is the term for the Quranic verses that provide guidance on legal and ethical matters?
A) Sunnah
B) Hadith
C) Ayah
D) Surah

C) Ayah

In Islamic belief, how is the Quran regarded in comparison to other religious scriptures?
A) As one of many equal texts
B) As the final and complete revelation
C) As inferior to previous revelations
D) As a historical document

B) As the final and complete revelation

What is the term for the practice of interpreting and explaining the Quranic text?
A) Sunnah
B) Hifz
C) Tafsir
D) Tajweed

C) Tafsir

In Islamic tradition, what is the significance of the Quran’s recitation during the month of Ramadan?
A) It is a form of entertainment
B) It is an obligation for all Muslims
C) It is a means of seeking God’s guidance
D) It has no special significance

C) It is a means of seeking God’s guidance

How is the Quran often described in Islamic belief regarding its role in addressing contemporary issues?
A) It is rigid and inflexible
B) It offers flexible interpretations for modern challenges
C) It has no relevance to contemporary issues
D) It contradicts modern values

B) It offers flexible interpretations for modern challenges

In Islamic belief, what is the primary reason for the Quran’s preservation in its original Arabic text?
A) To exclude non-Arabic speakers from its message
B) To maintain cultural exclusivity
C) To ensure accurate transmission of God’s words
D) To prevent translations

C) To ensure accurate transmission of God’s words

How do Muslims believe the Quran was transmitted to subsequent generations after the death of Prophet Muhammad?
A) It was hidden away
B) It was lost and later rediscovered
C) It was orally transmitted and written down
D) It was destroyed

C) It was orally transmitted and written down

What is the term for the study and interpretation of the Quran’s historical context?
A) Tafsir
B) Tajweed
C) Isnad
D) Tawatur

A) Tafsir

In Islamic belief, what is the Quran’s role in providing moral guidance?
A) It prescribes specific moral actions
B) It offers general moral principles
C) It is silent on matters of morality
D) It contradicts established moral values

B) It offers general moral principles

What is the term for the chain of transmission of the Quranic text from one generation to the next?
A) Sunnah
B) Isnad
C) Hifz
D) Tawatur

B) Isnad

How do Muslims believe the Quran was preserved during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad?
A) It was widely published and distributed
B) It was carefully guarded by a select few
C) It was memorized and transmitted orally
D) It was hidden from the public

C) It was memorized and transmitted orally

What is the term for the Quran’s role in providing guidance for personal conduct and spirituality?
A) Fiqh
B) Tafsir
C) Sunnah
D) Ihsan

D) Ihsan

In Islamic belief, what is the primary source of guidance for understanding the Quran’s meanings?
A) Personal opinions
B) Historical context
C) Religious scholars
D) The Quran itself

D) The Quran itself

What is the term for the practice of reciting the Quranic text with proper pronunciation and rules?
A) Tafsir
B) Hifz
C) Tajweed
D) Sunnah

C) Tajweed


write 50 Belief in the Authority of the Sunnah MCQS with Answers with 4 option and each question on new line and put the right answer between in these tags

Title goes here
don’t repeat the question
Certainly, here are 50 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) about the belief in the authority of the Sunnah (traditions of the Prophet Muhammad), along with four answer options for each question. The correct answers are enclosed in the “
” tags.

What is the Sunnah in Islam?
A) The holy scripture
B) The Quranic revelations
C) The traditions and practices of Prophet Muhammad
D) The Islamic legal code

C) The traditions and practices of Prophet Muhammad

What is the term for the compilation of Prophet Muhammad’s sayings and actions?
A) Tafsir
B) Hadith
C) Mushaf
D) Ijma

B) Hadith

What role does the Sunnah play in Islamic jurisprudence?
A) It has no significance
B) It serves as the primary source of Islamic law
C) It is secondary to the Quran
D) It contradicts Islamic law

B) It serves as the primary source of Islamic law

Which term is often used to refer to the scholars who specialize in the study of Hadith?
A) Mufassir
B) Mufti
C) Mu’addith
D) Muhaddith

D) Muhaddith

What is the term for the collections of authentic Hadith in Sunni Islam?
A) Sahih
B) Shia
C) Sufi
D) Salafi

A) Sahih

Which Islamic sect places a stronger emphasis on the authority of Hadith in comparison to Sunni Islam?
A) Sunni
B) Shia
C) Sufi
D) Ibadi

B) Shia

What is the term for the body of Hadith that is considered authentic and reliable by Sunni scholars?
A) Sahih
B) Shia
C) Sufi
D) Salafi

A) Sah

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