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Prepositions MCQs With Answer

Prepositions MCQs

Welcome to the Prepositions MCQs with Answers. In this post, we have shared Prepositions Online Test for different competitive exams. Find practice Prepositions Practice Questions with answers in English Tests exams here. Each question offers a chance to enhance your knowledge regarding Prepositions.

Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence: “The cat is hiding ___ the table.”
a) In
b) Under
c) On
d) Over

b) Under

Which preposition correctly fits in the sentence: “She will arrive ___ 3 PM.”
a) On
b) At
c) In
d) By

b) At

What is the correct preposition to use in the sentence: “He is interested ___ learning new languages.”
a) About
b) In
c) On
d) With

b) In

Choose the right preposition: “The book is ___ the shelf.”
a) To
b) On
c) At
d) In

b) On

What is the correct preposition for this sentence: “They went to the park ___ foot.”
a) By
b) On
c) In
d) At

b) On

Which preposition fits in the sentence: “The restaurant is located ___ the corner of the street.”
a) At
b) In
c) On
d) By

a) At

Choose the correct preposition: “She is allergic ___ peanuts.”
a) To
b) Of
c) With
d) For

a) To

What preposition should be used in the sentence: “We will meet ___ the cafe at noon.”
a) To
b) In
c) At
d) On

c) At

Which preposition completes the sentence: “The kids played ___ the playground all afternoon.”
a) At
b) On
c) In
d) By

b) On

What is the correct preposition: “She is sitting ___ the chair.”
a) In
b) On
c) At
d) By

b) On

Choose the preposition to complete the sentence: “He is responsible ___ the project’s success.”
a) For
b) To
c) With
d) About

a) For

Which preposition fits best in the sentence: “I will call you ___ the evening.”
a) By
b) On
c) In
d) At

d) At

What is the correct preposition for this sentence: “The painting is hanging ___ the wall.”
a) In
b) On
c) At
d) To

b) On

Choose the correct preposition: “She is looking forward ___ the weekend.”
a) For
b) To
c) With
d) At

b) To

Which preposition should be used: “They arrived ___ the airport just in time.”
a) To
b) At
c) In
d) On

b) At

What is the correct preposition: “The keys are ___ the drawer.”
a) In
b) On
c) At
d) By

a) In

Choose the right preposition: “She left ___ a hurry.”
a) In
b) At
c) By
d) With

a) In

What preposition fits in this sentence: “The cat jumped ___ the table.”
a) To
b) At
c) On
d) Over

c) On

Which preposition is correct: “He is afraid ___ spiders.”
a) About
b) Of
c) For
d) To

b) Of

Choose the preposition to complete the sentence: “We will stay ___ a hotel during our trip.”
a) At
b) In
c) On
d) By

a) At

What is the correct preposition: “The dog ran ___ the street.”
a) Across
b) At
c) To
d) By

a) Across

Which preposition fits best: “I am not familiar ___ that topic.”
a) With
b) To
c) For
d) On

a) With

What preposition is used in the sentence: “She is good ___ playing the piano.”
a) With
b) At
c) For
d) On

b) At

Choose the correct preposition: “The restaurant is ___ the second floor.”
a) On
b) In
c) At
d) To

a) On

What preposition should be used in this sentence: “He is excited ___ his new job.”
a) For
b) About
c) To
d) With

b) About

Choose the correct preposition: “The kids are playing ___ the backyard.”
a) In
b) On
c) At
d) By

a) In

What is the right preposition: “She will return ___ next week.”
a) On
b) In
c) At
d) By

b) In

Which preposition fits best: “I will meet you ___ the station.”
a) To
b) At
c) In
d) On

b) At

What preposition completes the sentence: “The book is ___ the desk and the lamp.”
a) In
b) Between
c) On
d) At

b) Between

Choose the correct preposition: “They walked ___ the bridge.”
a) Across
b) On
c) In
d) To

a) Across

What is the right preposition: “He was born ___ 1990.”
a) In
b) At
c) On
d) By

a) In

Which preposition should be used: “The conference is scheduled ___ Monday.”
a) On
b) In
c) At
d) By

a) On

What preposition fits in this sentence: “The car is parked ___ the garage.”
a) At
b) In
c) On
d) By

b) In

Choose the correct preposition: “She is thinking ___ moving to a new city.”
a) About
b) For
c) To
d) With

a) About

What is the correct preposition: “He was angry ___ the mistake.”
a) About
b) For
c) With
d) At

d) At

Which preposition fits best: “I am not interested ___ watching TV all day.”
a) On
b) With
c) For
d) In

d) In

What is the right preposition: “The train is ___ time.”
a) In
b) On
c) At
d) By

b) On

Choose the correct preposition: “She looked ___ the window.”
a) Out
b) In
c) On
d) At

a) Out

What preposition should be used in this sentence: “The restaurant is famous ___ its seafood.”
a) With
b) For
c) To
d) About

b) For

Which preposition fits best: “He was sitting ___ the table during dinner.”
a) At
b) On
c) By
d) In

a) At

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