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Pakistan-Afghanistan Relations MCQs with Answers

Welcome to the Pakistan-Afghanistan Relations MCQs with Answers. In this post, we are sharing Pakistan-Afghanistan Relations Multiple Choice Questions and Answers in Pakistan  General Knowledge section for various competitive exams in Pakistan. Find practice Pakistan-Afghanistan Relations practice test with answers here. Each question offers a chance to enhance your knowledge regarding Pakistan-Afghanistan Relations online MCQs Test.

Which country shares a border with Pakistan to the west?
a) India
b) China
c) Afghanistan
d) Iran

c) Afghanistan

The Durand Line is the border demarcation between which two countries?
a) Pakistan and India
b) Pakistan and China
c) Pakistan and Afghanistan
d) Pakistan and Iran

c) Pakistan and Afghanistan

The Pashtuns, an ethnic group, have a significant presence in both Pakistan and which other country?
a) India
b) China
c) Afghanistan
d) Iran

c) Afghanistan

The Khyber Pass, a crucial mountain pass, serves as a significant trade route between Pakistan and which other country?
a) India
b) China
c) Afghanistan
d) Iran

c) Afghanistan

The Torkham border crossing is a key transit point between Pakistan and which other country?
a) India
b) China
c) Afghanistan
d) Iran

c) Afghanistan

The Chaman border crossing is a significant transit point between Pakistan and which other country?
a) India
b) China
c) Afghanistan
d) Iran

c) Afghanistan

The Pakistan-Afghanistan Transit Trade Agreement facilitates trade between which two countries?
a) Pakistan and China
b) Pakistan and India
c) Pakistan and Afghanistan
d) Pakistan and Iran

c) Pakistan and Afghanistan

The Afghan refugees have sought shelter in Pakistan due to which country’s ongoing conflicts and political instability?
a) China
b) India
c) Afghanistan
d) Iran

c) Afghanistan

The porous border between Pakistan and Afghanistan has been a source of concern for both countries in terms of which issue?
a) Trade
b) Security
c) Diplomacy
d) Economic development

b) Security

Pakistan has played a role in facilitating peace talks between the Afghan government and which other group?
a) Taliban
b) Al-Qaeda
d) Haqqani network

a) Taliban

The Pak-Afghan Joint Economic Commission is a platform for discussing and promoting economic cooperation between which two countries?
a) Pakistan and China
b) Pakistan and India
c) Pakistan and Afghanistan
d) Pakistan and Iran

c) Pakistan and Afghanistan

The Afghanistan-Pakistan Action Plan for Peace and Solidarity (APAPPS) is a framework for addressing which key issues between the two countries?
a) Economic development
b) Counter-terrorism cooperation
c) Educational exchange
d) Cultural diplomacy

b) Counter-terrorism cooperation

The Afghanistan-Pakistan Trade and Transit Agreement (APTTA) has been instrumental in promoting which aspect of bilateral relations?
a) Military cooperation
b) Educational exchange
c) Trade and commerce
d) Cultural diplomacy

c) Trade and commerce

The Pakistan-Afghanistan bilateral relationship has been marred by which key issue related to cross-border movements?
a) Visa regulations
b) Refugee crisis
c) Trade restrictions
d) Security concerns

d) Security concerns

The Pak-Afghan Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PAJCCI) is a platform for enhancing which aspect of relations between the two countries?
a) Military cooperation
b) Educational exchange
c) Trade and commerce
d) Cultural diplomacy

c) Trade and commerce

The Afghan Peace Process has seen the involvement of which countries, including Pakistan, in facilitating dialogue between the Afghan government and the Taliban?
a) China
b) India
c) Iran
d) All of the above

d) All of the above

The Pakistan-Afghanistan Joint Border Commission has been established to address which key issue related to border management and security?
a) Economic development
b) Trade cooperation
c) Cross-border terrorism
d) Educational exchange

c) Cross-border terrorism

The Afghanistan-Pakistan Action Plan for Solidarity (APAPS) has been focused on which crucial aspect of bilateral relations between the two countries?
a) Economic development
b) Counter-terrorism cooperation
c) Educational exchange
d) Cultural diplomacy

b) Counter-terrorism cooperation

The Pakistan-Afghanistan Joint Business Council (PAJBC) has been instrumental in promoting which key aspect of bilateral relations?
a) Military cooperation
b) Educational exchange
c) Trade and commerce
d) Cultural diplomacy

c) Trade and commerce

The Afghanistan-Pakistan High-Level Meetings (HLMs) have been crucial for addressing which key issues in the bilateral relationship between the two countries?
a) Economic development
b) Counter-terrorism cooperation
c) Educational exchange
d) Cultural diplomacy

b) Counter-terrorism cooperation

The Pakistan-Afghanistan Joint Commission on Refugees (PAJCR) has been focused on addressing which critical issue in the bilateral relationship?
a) Economic development
b) Refugee crisis
c) Educational exchange
d) Cultural diplomacy

b) Refugee crisis

The Pakistan-Afghanistan Joint Counter-Terrorism Committee has been established to address which significant concern in the bilateral relationship between the two countries?
a) Economic development
b) Cross-border terrorism
c) Trade and commerce
d) Cultural diplomacy

b) Cross-border terrorism

The Afghanistan-Pakistan Joint Ministerial Commission (JMC) has been a platform for discussing and promoting cooperation in which key areas of bilateral relations?
a) Economic development
b) Counter-terrorism cooperation
c) Educational exchange
d) Cultural diplomacy

a) Economic development

The Pakistan-Afghanistan Joint Committee on Border Management has been instrumental in addressing which crucial issue in the bilateral relationship between the two countries?
a) Economic development
b) Refugee crisis
c) Border security
d) Cultural diplomacy

c) Border security

The Afghanistan-Pakistan Joint Working Group on Education has been focused on addressing which key aspect of bilateral relations?
a) Economic development
b) Counter-terrorism cooperation
c) Educational exchange
d) Cultural diplomacy

c) Educational exchange

The Pakistan-Afghanistan Joint Committee on Security and Defense Cooperation has been focused on addressing which significant concern in the bilateral relationship between the two countries?
a) Economic development
b) Cross-border terrorism
c) Trade and commerce
d) Cultural diplomacy

b) Cross-border terrorism

The Afghanistan-Pakistan Joint Working Group on Culture and Arts has been instrumental in promoting which key aspect of bilateral relations?
a) Economic development
b) Counter-terrorism cooperation
c) Educational exchange
d) Cultural diplomacy

d) Cultural diplomacy

The Pakistan-Afghanistan Joint Committee on Trade and Commerce has been instrumental in promoting which crucial aspect of bilateral relations?
a) Military cooperation
b) Educational exchange
c) Trade and commerce
d) Cultural diplomacy

c) Trade and commerce

The Afghanistan-Pakistan Joint Committee on Economic Cooperation has been a platform for discussing and promoting cooperation in which key areas of bilateral relations?
a) Economic development
b) Counter-terrorism cooperation
c) Educational exchange
d) Cultural diplomacy

a) Economic development

The Pakistan-Afghanistan Joint Committee on Counter-Terrorism has been instrumental in addressing which critical issue in the bilateral relationship between the two countries?
a) Economic development
b) Cross-border terrorism
c) Trade and commerce
d) Cultural diplomacy

b) Cross-border terrorism

The Afghanistan-Pakistan Joint Working Group on Science and Technology has been focused on addressing which key aspect of bilateral relations?
a) Economic development
b) Counter-terrorism cooperation
c) Educational exchange
d) Scientific collaboration

d) Scientific collaboration

The Pakistan-Afghanistan Joint Committee on Regional Connectivity has been focused on addressing which critical issue in the bilateral relationship between the two countries?
a) Economic development
b) Refugee crisis
c) Border security
d) Cultural diplomacy

a) Economic development

The Afghanistan-Pakistan Joint Committee on Energy Cooperation has been instrumental in promoting which key aspect of bilateral relations?
a) Military cooperation
b) Educational exchange
c) Energy collaboration
d) Cultural diplomacy

c) Energy collaboration

The Pakistan-Afghanistan Joint Committee on Water Management has been a platform for discussing and promoting cooperation in which key areas of bilateral relations?
a) Economic development
b) Water sharing
c) Educational exchange
d) Cultural diplomacy

b) Water sharing

The Afghanistan-Pakistan Joint Committee on Health and Public Welfare has been instrumental in addressing which critical issue in the bilateral relationship between the two countries?
a) Economic development
b) Public health cooperation
c) Trade and commerce
d) Cultural diplomacy

b) Public health cooperation

Which neighboring country shares a long and porous border with Afghanistan?
a) Pakistan
b) Iran
c) China
d) India

a) Pakistan

The Durand Line is a historical border dispute between Afghanistan and which neighboring country?
a) Iran
b) India
c) China
d) Pakistan

d) Pakistan

The Torkham border crossing is a key transit point between Afghanistan and which neighboring country?
a) Iran
b) India
c) Pakistan
d) China

c) Pakistan

Pakistan has been a mediator in various peace talks between Afghanistan and which group?
a) Al-Qaeda
b) Taliban
d) Northern Alliance

b) Taliban

The Quetta Shura is a group of Afghan Taliban leaders who are believed to have a presence in which Pakistani city?
a) Karachi
b) Islamabad
c) Lahore
d) Quetta

d) Quetta

Pakistan has hosted millions of Afghan refugees, providing them shelter during which conflict in Afghanistan?
a) Soviet-Afghan War
b) Afghan Civil War
c) Taliban Rule
d) Afghan War on Terror

a) Soviet-Afghan War

The Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement (APTTA) aims to promote trade and economic relations between the two countries. When was it signed?
a) 1990
b) 2001
c) 2010
d) 2020

b) 2001

The TAPI pipeline project aims to transport natural gas from Turkmenistan to which neighboring countries, including Afghanistan and Pakistan?
a) Iran and India
b) China and India
c) Iran and Pakistan
d) India and Pakistan

d) India and Pakistan

Which group has historically had a strong influence in Afghanistan and has sometimes been seen as a proxy for Pakistan’s interests?
a) Northern Alliance
b) Haqqani Network
c) Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)
d) Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin

b) Haqqani Network

The Durand Line Agreement, which has been a source of tension between Afghanistan and Pakistan, was signed in which year?
a) 1893
b) 1947
c) 1980
d) 2001

a) 1893

The Chaman border crossing connects Afghanistan with which Pakistani province?
a) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
b) Punjab
c) Balochistan
d) Sindh

c) Balochistan

The Ghulam Khan border crossing connects Afghanistan with which Pakistani tribal region?
a) North Waziristan
b) South Waziristan
c) Khyber Agency
d) Mohmand Agency

a) North Waziristan

The Kharlachi border crossing is an important point of entry between Afghanistan and which Pakistani tribal region?
a) North Waziristan
b) South Waziristan
c) Khyber Agency
d) Mohmand Agency

d) Mohmand Agency

The Loi Shalman border crossing connects Afghanistan with which Pakistani tribal region?
a) North Waziristan
b) South Waziristan
c) Khyber Agency
d) Mohmand Agency

b) South Waziristan

The Gursal border crossing is a key entry point between Afghanistan and which Pakistani tribal region?
a) North Waziristan
b) South Waziristan
c) Khyber Agency
d) Kurram Agency

d) Kurram Agency

The M Spin Boldak border crossing connects Afghanistan with which Pakistani tribal region?
a) Bajaur Agency
b) Orakzai Agency
c) Khyber Agency
d) Kurram Agency

c) Khyber Agency

The Angoor Adda border crossing connects Afghanistan with which Pakistani tribal region?
a) Bajaur Agency
b) Orakzai Agency
c) Khyber Agency
d) Kurram Agency

a) Bajaur Agency

The Nawa Pass border crossing connects Afghanistan with which Pakistani tribal region?
a) Bajaur Agency
b) Orakzai Agency
c) Khyber Agency
d) Kurram Agency

b) Orakzai Agency

The Ghulam Khan border crossing connects Afghanistan with which Pakistani tribal region?
a) Bajaur Agency
b) Orakzai Agency
c) Khyber Agency
d) Kurram Agency

d) Kurram Agency

Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) were merged with which province in 2018, affecting its relationship with Afghanistan?
a) Punjab
b) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
c) Balochistan
d) Sindh

b) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

The Dera Ismail Khan district in Pakistan is known for its proximity to the border with Afghanistan and has experienced cross-border issues. In which province is it located?
a) Punjab
b) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
c) Balochistan
d) Sindh

b) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

The Afghan-India Friendship Dam (Salma Dam) is a symbol of cooperation between Afghanistan and which other country, which is of interest to Pakistan?
a) China
b) Russia
c) United States
d) India

d) India

Pakistan has expressed concerns about Afghanistan’s use of which river that flows into Pakistan?
a) Kabul River
b) Kunar River
c) Helmand River
d) Panjshir River

a) Kabul River

Which city in Afghanistan is often seen as a hub for Afghan-Pakistani trade and cultural exchange?
a) Kabul
b) Kandahar
c) Jalalabad
d) Peshawar

d) Peshawar

The Durrani dynasty, which had a significant influence on Afghan-Pakistani relations, was based in which historical region of Afghanistan?
a) Kabul
b) Kandahar
c) Herat
d) Mazar-i-Sharif

b) Kandahar

The Khyber Pass has historically been an important transit route between Afghanistan and which city in Pakistan?
a) Quetta
b) Peshawar
c) Lahore
d) Karachi

b) Peshawar

The Pakistan-Afghanistan border has been a source of tension and conflict due to issues related to which of the following?
a) Trade and transit
b) Terrorism and militancy
c) Water sharing
d) Cultural differences

b) Terrorism and militancy

The Afghan Taliban leadership, particularly the Quetta Shura, has been accused of finding refuge in which country, impacting Pakistan-Afghanistan relations?
a) Iran
b) India
c) China
d) Pakistan

d) Pakistan

The Haqqani Network, known for its links with the Afghan Taliban and Al-Qaeda, has operated from which country, affecting Afghanistan-Pakistan relations?
a) Iran
b) India
c) Pakistan
d) China

c) Pakistan

The TAPI pipeline project aims to transport natural gas from which country to Afghanistan and Pakistan?
a) Pakistan
b) Turkmenistan
c) Iran
d) Russia

b) Turkmenistan

The Chabahar Port, a significant project for Afghanistan’s trade connectivity, is located in which neighboring country, which sometimes affects Pakistan’s interests?
a) Iran
b) China
c) India
d) Russia

a) Iran

The Indus Waters Treaty, which allocates the water of the Indus River system between India and Pakistan, has implications for the water supply of which country that shares a border with Pakistan?
a) Iran
b) Afghanistan
c) China
d) Russia

b) Afghanistan

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, the Taliban-led government, has sought recognition and support from which country that impacts Pakistan’s interests?
a) China
b) Iran
c) Russia
d) Pakistan

d) Pakistan

The Peshawar Accord, a peace agreement signed in 1988, sought to end the Afghan Civil War and was brokered by which neighboring country?
a) China
b) Iran
c) Russia
d) Pakistan

d) Pakistan

The Pak-Afghan Trade Transit Agreement (PATTA) facilitates trade and transit between Afghanistan and which country, impacting Pakistan’s trade interests?
a) China
b) Iran
c) India
d) Pakistan

d) Pakistan

The withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan has had security implications for which neighboring country, affecting regional stability and security?
a) China
b) Iran
c) Russia
d) Pakistan

d) Pakistan

The Kajaki Dam, an important infrastructure project in Afghanistan, has received support and assistance from which country, impacting Pakistan’s interests?
a) China
b) Iran
c) Russia
d) Pakistan

d) Pakistan

The Chaman railway project, which aims to connect Afghanistan and Pakistan via rail, has implications for the regional connectivity and trade interests of which country?
a) China
b) Iran
c) Russia
d) Pakistan

d) Pakistan

The Afghan-Pakistan Action Plan for Peace and Solidarity (APAPPS) is a joint effort between the two countries to enhance cooperation in which key area?
a) Trade and commerce
b) Counterterrorism and security
c) Cultural exchange and education
d) Environmental conservation

b) Counterterrorism and security

The Pakistan-Afghanistan Joint Economic Commission (JEC) is a forum that aims to promote economic and commercial cooperation between which two countries?
a) China and India
b) Iran and Pakistan
c) Afghanistan and Pakistan
d) Russia and Pakistan

c) Afghanistan and Pakistan

The Kabul Process, initiated by Afghanistan, aims to promote peace and stability in the region with the support of which neighboring country?
a) China
b) Iran
c) Russia
d) Pakistan

d) Pakistan

The Chaman-Spin Boldak border crossing is an important trade route between Afghanistan and which Pakistani province?
a) Balochistan
b) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
c) Punjab
d) Sindh

a) Balochistan

The Afghanistan-Pakistan Action Plan for Peace and Solidarity (APAPPS) aims to strengthen cooperation and dialogue between which two countries?
a) China and Pakistan
b) India and Pakistan
c) Afghanistan and Pakistan
d) Iran and Pakistan

c) Afghanistan and Pakistan

The Kandahar Province in Afghanistan shares a border with which Pakistani province, making it a significant point for cross-border trade and interaction?
a) Balochistan
b) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
c) Punjab
d) Sindh

a) Balochistan

The Chaman-Kandahar Highway is a significant trade route that connects which two neighboring countries?
a) Afghanistan and India
b) Afghanistan and China
c) Afghanistan and Iran
d) Afghanistan and Pakistan

d) Afghanistan and Pakistan

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