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Outer Planets MCQs with Answers

Which outer planet is known for its Great Red Spot?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
Answer: A) Jupiter

Which outer planet has the most extensive ring system?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
Answer: B) Saturn

Which outer planet is the coldest in the Solar System?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
Answer: D) Neptune

Which outer planet has the highest wind speeds in the Solar System?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
Answer: D) Neptune

What is the largest moon of Jupiter?
A) Ganymede
B) Titan
C) Europa
D) Triton
Answer: A) Ganymede

What is the main component of the atmosphere of Jupiter?
A) Oxygen
B) Hydrogen
C) Methane
D) Carbon dioxide
Answer: B) Hydrogen

Which outer planet has a tilted axis of rotation almost parallel to its orbital plane?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
Answer: C) Uranus

What is the prominent feature of Uranus, giving it a unique appearance?
A) Great Red Spot
B) Rings
C) Axis tilt
D) Dark Spot
Answer: C) Axis tilt

Which outer planet has the most complex ring system with brightly colored rings?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
Answer: B) Saturn

What is the largest moon of Saturn?
A) Ganymede
B) Titan
C) Europa
D) Triton
Answer: B) Titan

What is the main component of the atmosphere of Saturn?
A) Oxygen
B) Hydrogen
C) Methane
D) Carbon dioxide
Answer: B) Hydrogen

Which outer planet has a feature known as the “Great Dark Spot”?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
Answer: D) Neptune

What is the largest moon of Uranus?
A) Ganymede
B) Titan
C) Europa
D) Miranda
Answer: D) Miranda

Which outer planet has a distinct hexagonal cloud pattern at its pole?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
Answer: B) Saturn

What is the main component of the atmosphere of Uranus?
A) Oxygen
B) Hydrogen
C) Methane
D) Carbon dioxide
Answer: C) Methane

Which outer planet has a feature known as the “Great Dark Spot”?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
Answer: D) Neptune

What is the largest moon of Uranus?
A) Ganymede
B) Titan
C) Europa
D) Miranda
Answer: D) Miranda

Which outer planet has a distinct hexagonal cloud pattern at its pole?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
Answer: B) Saturn

What is the main component of the atmosphere of Uranus?
A) Oxygen
B) Hydrogen
C) Methane
D) Carbon dioxide
Answer: C) Methane

Which outer planet has the most prominent ring system?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
Answer: B) Saturn

What is the largest moon of Saturn?
A) Ganymede
B) Titan
C) Europa
D) Triton
Answer: B) Titan

What is the main component of the atmosphere of Saturn?
A) Oxygen
B) Hydrogen
C) Methane
D) Carbon dioxide
Answer: B) Hydrogen

Which outer planet has a tilted axis of rotation almost parallel to its orbital plane?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
Answer: C) Uranus

What is the prominent feature of Uranus, giving it a unique appearance?
A) Great Red Spot
B) Rings
C) Axis tilt
D) Dark Spot
Answer: C) Axis tilt

Which outer planet has the most complex ring system with brightly colored rings?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
Answer: B) Saturn

What is the largest moon of Saturn?
A) Ganymede
B) Titan
C) Europa
D) Triton
Answer: B) Titan

What is the main component of the atmosphere of Saturn?
A) Oxygen
B) Hydrogen
C) Methane
D) Carbon dioxide
Answer: B) Hydrogen

Which outer planet has a feature known as the “Great Dark Spot”?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
Answer: D) Neptune

What is the largest moon of Uranus?
A) Ganymede
B) Titan
C) Europa
D) Miranda
Answer: D) Miranda

Which outer planet has a distinct hexagonal cloud pattern at its pole?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
Answer: B) Saturn

What is the main component of the atmosphere of Uranus?
A) Oxygen
B) Hydrogen
C) Methane
D) Carbon dioxide
Answer: C) Methane

Which outer planet has the most prominent ring system?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
Answer: B) Saturn

What is the largest moon of Saturn?
A) Ganymede
B) Titan
C) Europa
D) Triton
Answer: B) Titan

What is the main component of the atmosphere of Saturn?
A) Oxygen
B) Hydrogen
C) Methane
D) Carbon dioxide
Answer: B) Hydrogen

Which outer planet has a feature known as the “Great Dark Spot”?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
Answer: D) Neptune

What is the largest moon of Uranus?
A) Ganymede
B) Titan
C) Europa
D) Miranda
Answer: D) Miranda

Which outer planet has a distinct hexagonal cloud pattern at its pole?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
Answer: B) Saturn

What is the main component of the atmosphere of Uranus?
A) Oxygen
B) Hydrogen
C) Methane
D) Carbon dioxide
Answer: C) Methane

Which outer planet has the most prominent ring system?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
Answer: B) Saturn

What is the largest moon of Saturn?
A) Ganymede
B) Titan
C) Europa
D) Triton
Answer: B) Titan

What is the main component of the atmosphere of Saturn?
A) Oxygen
B) Hydrogen
C) Methane
D) Carbon dioxide
Answer: B) Hydrogen

Which outer planet has a feature known as the “Great Dark Spot”?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
Answer: D) Neptune

What is the largest moon of Uranus?
A) Ganymede
B) Titan
C) Europa
D) Miranda
Answer: D) Miranda

Which outer planet has a distinct hexagonal cloud pattern at its pole?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
Answer: B) Saturn

What is the main component of the atmosphere of Uranus?
A) Oxygen
B) Hydrogen
C) Methane
D) Carbon dioxide
Answer: C) Methane

Which outer planet has the most prominent ring system?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
Answer: B) Saturn

What is the largest moon of Saturn?
A) Ganymede
B) Titan
C) Europa
D) Triton
Answer: B) Titan

What is the main component of the atmosphere of Saturn?
A) Oxygen
B) Hydrogen
C) Methane
D) Carbon dioxide
Answer: B) Hydrogen

Which outer planet has a feature known as the “Great Dark Spot”?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
Answer: D) Neptune

What is the largest moon of Uranus?
A) Ganymede
B) Titan
C) Europa
D) Miranda
Answer: D) Miranda

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