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Lunar Eclipses MCQs with Answers

What type of eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, casting its shadow on the Moon?
A) Solar eclipse
B) Lunar eclipse
C) Annular eclipse
D) Total eclipse
Answer: B) Lunar eclipse

Which part of the Earth’s shadow causes a total lunar eclipse?
A) Penumbra
B) Umbra
C) Antumbra
D) Corona
Answer: B) Umbra

During a total lunar eclipse, what color does the Moon appear?
A) Blue
B) Green
C) Red
D) White
Answer: C) Red

What is the maximum duration of totality for a lunar eclipse?
A) 30 minutes
B) 60 minutes
C) 90 minutes
D) 120 minutes
Answer: C) 90 minutes

In what phase must the Moon be for a lunar eclipse to occur?
A) New Moon
B) Full Moon
C) Waxing gibbous
D) Waning crescent
Answer: B) Full Moon

What is the alignment of the Sun, Earth, and Moon required for a lunar eclipse?
A) Syzygy
B) Perigee
C) Apogee
D) Opposition
Answer: A) Syzygy

During a lunar eclipse, what is the term for the gradual dimming of the Moon as it enters the Earth’s penumbral shadow?
A) Penumbra phase
B) Umbra phase
C) Partial phase
D) Totality phase
Answer: A) Penumbra phase

Which part of the Earth’s shadow causes a penumbral lunar eclipse?
A) Penumbra
B) Umbra
C) Antumbra
D) Corona
Answer: A) Penumbra

How many types of lunar eclipses are there?
A) One
B) Two
C) Three
D) Four
Answer: C) Three

What is the term for the darkest part of the Earth’s shadow during a lunar eclipse?
A) Penumbra
B) Umbra
C) Antumbra
D) Corona
Answer: B) Umbra

During a total lunar eclipse, what causes the reddish color of the Moon?
A) Reflection of Earth’s oceans
B) Refraction of sunlight by Earth’s atmosphere
C) Dust on the Moon’s surface
D) Magnetic interference from Earth
Answer: B) Refraction of sunlight by Earth’s atmosphere

What is the term for the moment when the Moon is completely covered by the Earth’s umbra during a lunar eclipse?
A) Penumbra phase
B) Umbra phase
C) Partial phase
D) Totality phase
Answer: D) Totality phase

Which part of a lunar eclipse is visible to the entire night side of Earth?
A) Penumbra
B) Umbra
C) Totality
D) Partial phase
Answer: A) Penumbra

During which phase of a lunar eclipse is the Moon completely obscured by Earth’s shadow?
A) Penumbra phase
B) Umbra phase
C) Partial phase
D) Totality phase
Answer: D) Totality phase

What is the term for a lunar eclipse where only a portion of the Moon enters Earth’s umbra?
A) Total lunar eclipse
B) Partial lunar eclipse
C) Penumbral lunar eclipse
D) Hybrid lunar eclipse
Answer: B) Partial lunar eclipse

During a penumbral lunar eclipse, how much of the Moon is covered by Earth’s penumbra?
A) Part of the Moon
B) Half of the Moon
C) Most of the Moon
D) Entire Moon
Answer: A) Part of the Moon

What causes the variation in the color of the Moon during a total lunar eclipse?
A) Earth’s magnetic field
B) Atmospheric pollution
C) Scattering of light in Earth’s atmosphere
D) Lunar composition
Answer: C) Scattering of light in Earth’s atmosphere

What is the term for the moment when the Moon enters Earth’s umbra during a lunar eclipse?
A) Penumbra phase
B) Umbra phase
C) Partial phase
D) Totality phase
Answer: B) Umbra phase

During a penumbral lunar eclipse, does the Moon enter Earth’s umbra?
A) Yes
B) No
Answer: B) No

What is the term for the faint shadowing that occurs on the Moon during a penumbral lunar eclipse?
A) Penumbra
B) Umbra
C) Antumbra
D) Corona
Answer: A) Penumbra

What is the term for the point during a lunar eclipse when the Moon is aligned with the Sun and Earth?
A) Syzygy
B) Perigee
C) Apogee
D) Opposition
Answer: A) Syzygy

During a penumbral lunar eclipse, does the Moon pass through the Earth’s penumbra?
A) Yes
B) No
Answer: A) Yes

What is the term for a lunar eclipse where the Moon passes through only the Earth’s penumbral shadow?
A) Penumbral lunar eclipse
B) Partial lunar eclipse
C) Total lunar eclipse
D) Annular lunar eclipse
Answer: A) Penumbral lunar eclipse

What is the term for the gradual darkening of the Moon as it enters Earth’s umbral shadow during a partial lunar eclipse?
A) Penumbra phase
B) Umbra phase
C) Partial phase
D) Totality phase
Answer: C) Partial phase

During a penumbral lunar eclipse, what is the color of the Moon?
A) Blue
B) Green
C) Red
D) White
Answer: D) White

What is the term for the moment when the Moon is partially covered by Earth’s umbra during a lunar eclipse?
A) Penumbra phase
B) Umbra phase
C) Partial phase
D) Totality phase
Answer: C) Partial phase

Which type of lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes through only the Earth’s umbral shadow?
A) Total lunar eclipse
B) Partial lunar eclipse
C) Penumbral lunar eclipse
D) Annular lunar eclipse
Answer: A) Total lunar eclipse

What is the term for the bright ring of sunlight that appears around the edge of the Earth during a total lunar eclipse?
A) Penumbra
B) Umbra
C) Antumbra
D) Corona
Answer: D) Corona

During a penumbral lunar eclipse, what part of Earth’s shadow does the Moon pass through?
A) Penumbra
B) Umbra
C) Antumbra
D) Corona
Answer: A) Penumbra

What is the term for the point in time during a lunar eclipse when the Moon passes through Earth’s umbral shadow?
A) Penumbra phase
B) Umbra phase
C) Partial phase
D) Totality phase
Answer: B) Umbra phase

During a partial lunar eclipse, what part of the Moon is covered by Earth’s umbra?
A) Part of the Moon
B) Half of the Moon
C) Most of the Moon
D) Entire Moon
Answer: A) Part of the Moon

What is the term for the shadow cast by the Earth during a lunar eclipse?
A) Penumbra
B) Umbra
C) Antumbra
D) Corona
Answer: B) Umbra

What is the term for the faint outer region of Earth’s shadow during a lunar eclipse?
A) Penumbra
B) Umbra
C) Antumbra
D) Corona
Answer: A) Penumbra

During which phase of a lunar eclipse does the Moon first enter Earth’s penumbral shadow?
A) Penumbra phase
B) Umbra phase
C) Partial phase
D) Totality phase
Answer: A) Penumbra phase

What is the term for the phenomenon where the Moon appears larger during a lunar eclipse?
A) Supermoon effect
B) Perigee effect
C) Umbral illusion
D) Apogee effect
Answer: B) Perigee effect

During a penumbral lunar eclipse, does the Moon pass through Earth’s umbral shadow?
A) Yes
B) No
Answer: B) No

What is the term for the outermost layer of Earth’s shadow during a lunar eclipse?
A) Penumbra
B) Umbra
C) Antumbra
D) Corona
Answer: A) Penumbra

What is the term for a lunar eclipse where the Moon passes through both the Earth’s penumbral and umbral shadows?
A) Total lunar eclipse
B) Partial lunar eclipse
C) Penumbral lunar eclipse
D) Annular lunar eclipse
Answer: A) Total lunar eclipse

During a penumbral lunar eclipse, does the Moon pass through Earth’s penumbral shadow?
A) Yes
B) No
Answer: A) Yes

What is the term for a lunar eclipse where the Moon passes through only the Earth’s penumbral shadow?
A) Penumbral lunar eclipse
B) Partial lunar eclipse
C) Total lunar eclipse
D) Annular lunar eclipse
Answer: A) Penumbral lunar eclipse

What is the term for the moment when the Moon exits Earth’s umbra during a lunar eclipse?
A) Penumbra phase
B) Umbra phase
C) Partial phase
D) Totality phase
Answer: C) Partial phase

During a total lunar eclipse, what is the term for the darkening of the Moon due to the Earth’s shadow?
A) Penumbra phase
B) Umbra phase
C) Partial phase
D) Totality phase
Answer: D) Totality phase

What is the term for the moment when the Moon exits Earth’s penumbral shadow during a lunar eclipse?
A) Penumbra phase
B) Umbra phase
C) Partial phase
D) Totality phase
Answer: C) Partial phase

During a lunar eclipse, what is the term for the alignment of the Sun, Earth, and Moon?
A) Syzygy
B) Perigee
C) Apogee
D) Opposition
Answer: A) Syzygy

What is the term for the darkest part of Earth’s shadow during a lunar eclipse?
A) Penumbra
B) Umbra
C) Antumbra
D) Corona
Answer: B) Umbra

What is the term for the moment when the Moon enters Earth’s penumbral shadow during a lunar eclipse?
A) Penumbra phase
B) Umbra phase
C) Partial phase
D) Totality phase
Answer: A) Penumbra phase

During a total lunar eclipse, what is the color of the Moon in Earth’s shadow?
A) Blue
B) Green
C) Red
D) White
Answer: C) Red

What is the term for the phenomenon where the Moon appears darker than usual during a lunar eclipse?
A) Lunar eclipse effect
B) Umbral effect
C) Selenelion
D) Lunar apogee
Answer: B) Umbral effect

During a penumbral lunar eclipse, does the Moon enter Earth’s umbra?
A) Yes
B) No
Answer: B) No

What is the term for the alignment of the Sun, Earth, and Moon during a lunar eclipse that produces the phenomenon of Earthshine?
A) Syzygy
B) Perigee
C) Opposition
D) Quadrature
Answer: A) Syzygy

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