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Interrogative Adverbs MCQs With Answer

Interrogative Adverbs MCQs

Welcome to the Interrogative Adverbs MCQs with Answers. In this post, we have shared Interrogative Adverbs Online Test for different competitive exams. Find practice Interrogative Adverbs Practice Questions with answers in English Tests exams here. Each question offers a chance to enhance your knowledge regarding Interrogative Adverbs.

Which interrogative adverb is used to ask about time?
a) Where
b) When
c) Why
d) How

b) When

Which interrogative adverb asks about manner?
a) Why
b) Where
c) How
d) What

c) How

What interrogative adverb would you use to inquire about the reason?
a) Where
b) How
c) Why
d) When

c) Why

Which interrogative adverb is used to ask about place?
a) When
b) Where
c) Why
d) What

b) Where

Choose the correct interrogative adverb for asking about frequency:
a) When
b) Why
c) How often
d) Where

c) How often

Identify the interrogative adverb in the sentence: “How did you solve the problem?”
a) How
b) Did
c) Solve
d) Problem

a) How

What interrogative adverb asks about degree or extent?
a) Where
b) How much
c) Why
d) When

b) How much

Which interrogative adverb is used to ask about distance?
a) When
b) Where
c) Why
d) How far

d) How far

What interrogative adverb would you use to ask about a person’s well-being?
a) Why
b) Where
c) How
d) What

c) How

Choose the interrogative adverb for asking about a point in time:
a) Where
b) Why
c) When
d) How

c) When

Which interrogative adverb is used to inquire about reason?
a) When
b) Why
c) How
d) What

b) Why

What is the interrogative adverb in the question: “Where did you go on vacation?”
a) Did
b) You
c) Go
d) Where

d) Where

Which interrogative adverb would you use to ask about the method?
a) What
b) How
c) When
d) Why

b) How

Identify the interrogative adverb in the sentence: “When will the meeting start?”
a) When
b) Will
c) The
d) Start

a) When

What interrogative adverb is used to ask about the cause?
a) How
b) When
c) Why
d) Where

c) Why

Choose the correct interrogative adverb for asking about the length of time:
a) How long
b) Why
c) When
d) Where

a) How long

Which interrogative adverb asks about the quantity of something?
a) When
b) Where
c) How many
d) Why

c) How many

What interrogative adverb would you use to inquire about a situation’s condition?
a) Where
b) When
c) How
d) Why

c) How

Identify the interrogative adverb in the sentence: “Why did she leave early?”
a) Did
b) She
c) Leave
d) Why

d) Why

Which interrogative adverb is used to ask about the time of day?
a) How
b) Why
c) When
d) Where

c) When

What interrogative adverb asks about the place where something happens?
a) Why
b) Where
c) When
d) How

b) Where

Choose the correct interrogative adverb for asking about feelings or emotions:
a) When
b) Why
c) How
d) Where

c) How

Which interrogative adverb would you use to ask about an action’s purpose?
a) How
b) When
c) Where
d) Why

d) Why

Identify the interrogative adverb in the question: “How often do you exercise?”
a) Do
b) How often
c) You
d) Exercise

b) How often

What interrogative adverb is used to ask about the manner in which something is done?
a) Where
b) Why
c) How
d) When

c) How

Choose the interrogative adverb that inquires about frequency:
a) How many
b) How often
c) How much
d) How long

b) How often

Which interrogative adverb would you use to ask about someone’s well-being?
a) Why
b) Where
c) How
d) What

c) How

Identify the interrogative adverb in the sentence: “When are you going to start the project?”
a) When
b) Are
c) You
d) Project

a) When

What interrogative adverb is used to ask about the cause of an action?
a) Where
b) How
c) Why
d) When

c) Why

Choose the correct interrogative adverb for asking about the duration of an event:
a) How long
b) Why
c) When
d) Where

a) How long

Which interrogative adverb asks about the price or cost of something?
a) How much
b) Why
c) When
d) Where

a) How much

What interrogative adverb would you use to inquire about the location?
a) Where
b) When
c) Why
d) How

a) Where

Identify the interrogative adverb in the question: “How fast can you run?”
a) Can
b) You
c) How fast
d) Run

c) How fast

Which interrogative adverb is used to ask about the reason for a choice?
a) How
b) Why
c) When
d) Where

b) Why

What interrogative adverb is used to ask about the amount of something?
a) When
b) How much
c) Where
d) Why

b) How much

Choose the interrogative adverb for asking about the condition or state of something:
a) Where
b) Why
c) How
d) When

c) How

Which interrogative adverb would you use to ask about the purpose of an action?
a) When
b) Where
c) Why
d) How

c) Why

Identify the interrogative adverb in the sentence: “Where did you find this book?”
a) Did
b) You
c) Find
d) Where

d) Where

What interrogative adverb asks about the frequency of an action?
a) When
b) How often
c) Why
d) Where

b) How often

Choose the correct interrogative adverb for asking about the manner of doing something:
a) How
b) Why
c) When
d) Where

a) How

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