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Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari MCQs with Answer

The following are Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari MCQs with answers related to Islamic Studies. We have arranged the most important and repeated MCQs in all the competitive examinations. The students can clear their concepts for Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari MCQs online quiz by attempting these.

Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari Online MCQs with Answers

What is the full name of Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari?
a) Abu Dhar ibn Abdullah
b) Abu Dhar al-Ghifari
c) Abu Dhar al-Madani
d) Abu Dhar al-Kufi

b) Abu Dhar al-Ghifari

In which century did Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari live?
a) 5th century CE
b) 6th century CE
c) 7th century CE
d) 8th century CE

b) 6th century CE

Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari was one of the early converts to Islam. Which companion of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was he?
a) One of the ten promised Paradise (al-Ashara al-Mubashara)
b) A cousin of the Prophet
c) The Prophet’s scribe
d) The Prophet’s son-in-law

a) One of the ten promised Paradise (al-Ashara al-Mubashara)

Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari belonged to which tribe in Arabia?
a) Quraysh
b) Banu Hashim
c) Banu Ghifar
d) Banu Tamim

c) Banu Ghifar

What was the primary role of Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari in the early Islamic community?
a) Military commander
b) Religious scholar
c) Trader and merchant
d) Governor of Medina

b) Religious scholar

Which significant event in Islamic history led to Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari’s exile from the city of Medina?
a) The Battle of Badr
b) The Battle of Uhud
c) The Battle of Siffin
d) The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah

c) The Battle of Siffin

Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari is known for his strong stance against the accumulation of wealth and worldly possessions. What term is often used to describe this approach?
a) Asceticism
b) Materialism
c) Capitalism
d) Consumerism

a) Asceticism

During his exile, Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari sought refuge in which region, where he lived a simple and austere life?
a) Mecca
b) Medina
c) Kufa
d) The deserts of Rabza

d) The deserts of Rabza

What was the cause of Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari’s death?
a) He died in battle
b) He was assassinated
c) He died of natural causes
d) He was poisoned

c) He died of natural causes

Which famous Islamic Caliph is known to have had a close relationship with Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari and valued his counsel?
a) Abu Bakr al-Siddiq
b) Umar ibn al-Khattab
c) Uthman ibn Affan
d) Ali ibn Abi Talib

d) Ali ibn Abi Talib

Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari is remembered for his unwavering support for which notable figure in early Islamic history?
a) Abu Bakr al-Siddiq
b) Umar ibn al-Khattab
c) Ali ibn Abi Talib
d) Aisha bint Abi Bakr

c) Ali ibn Abi Talib

What was Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari’s view on the distribution of wealth in the early Islamic community?
a) He advocated for equal distribution of wealth among all Muslims.
b) He believed in a free-market economic system.
c) He argued for a centralized treasury to manage wealth.
d) He opposed any distribution of wealth.

a) He advocated for equal distribution of wealth among all Muslims.

Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari’s stance on social justice and equality was aligned with which school of thought in Islam?
a) Hanafi
b) Shafi’i
c) Maliki
d) Kharijite

d) Kharijite

What significant role did Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari play during the Caliphate of Umar ibn al-Khattab?
a) He served as the chief military commander.
b) He was the governor of Kufa.
c) He was the chief justice of Medina.
d) He led diplomatic missions to neighboring empires.

b) He was the governor of Kufa.

What was the term used for Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari’s political ideology, which emphasized simplicity, justice, and resistance against tyranny?
a) Ahl al-Bayt
b) Zuhd
c) Mu’tazilism
d) Kharijism

d) Kharijism

Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari was known for his close association with the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). In what capacity did he serve the Prophet?
a) As a scribe
b) As a military commander
c) As a close friend and confidant
d) As a merchant and trader

c) As a close friend and confidant

What was the central theme of Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari’s teachings and his critique of the early Islamic society?
a) The importance of military conquest
b) The need for economic prosperity
c) The call for social justice and equity
d) The promotion of cultural diversity

c) The call for social justice and equity

Which famous Islamic scholar and jurist is known to have been influenced by the teachings of Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari, particularly in matters of social justice?
a) Imam Abu Hanifa
b) Imam Malik ibn Anas
c) Imam al-Shafi’i
d) Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal

a) Imam Abu Hanifa

Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari’s legacy is often associated with the early Islamic movement known as:
a) Sufism
b) Kharijism
c) Murji’ah
d) Mutazilism

b) Kharijism

In addition to his advocacy for social justice, Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari is also known for his contributions to the field of:
a) Hadith
b) Tafsir
c) Fiqh
d) Poetry

a) Hadith

What was the reason behind Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari’s exile from the city of Medina during the Caliphate of Uthman ibn Affan?
a) Political rivalry with the Caliph
b) Economic disputes with the community
c) Opposition to the Quranic recitation
d) Accusations of rebellion against the state

a) Political rivalry with the Caliph

Which region did Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari choose for his self-imposed exile after leaving Medina?
a) Mecca
b) Egypt
c) The desert of Rabza
d) Syria

c) The desert of Rabza

Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari’s exile ended with his death in the desert. What were the circumstances of his death?
a) He died of starvation and exhaustion.
b) He was assassinated by political opponents.
c) He succumbed to illness and old age.
d) He was killed in battle.

a) He died of starvation and exhaustion.

Which significant Islamic event did Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari witness during his lifetime?
a) The migration (Hijrah) of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
b) The conquest of Mecca
c) The Battle of Badr
d) The compilation of the Quran

b) The conquest of Mecca

What role did Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari play in spreading the teachings of Islam during the early years of the faith?
a) He was a primary narrator of Hadith.
b) He was a military commander in Islamic conquests.
c) He was a scholar and preacher.
d) He was a trader and merchant.

c) He was a scholar and preacher.

Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari’s teachings and beliefs were in line with which Islamic theological movement known for its emphasis on justice and social equality?
a) Sufism
b) Murji’ah
c) Mutazilism
d) Kharijism

d) Kharijism

What is the Arabic term for “excellence in character” and ethical conduct, which Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari valued highly?
a) Tawhid
b) Akhlaq
c) Taqwa
d) Ijma’

b) Akhlaq

Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari’s teachings emphasized the importance of:
a) Accumulating wealth for personal gain
b) Upholding social justice and equity
c) Military conquest and expansion
d) Ritualistic worship and formalism

b) Upholding social justice and equity

Which Islamic scholar and theologian is known to have drawn inspiration from the teachings and ideology of Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari?
a) Ibn Taymiyyah
b) Al-Ghazali
c) Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya
d) Ibn Arabi

a) Ibn Taymiyyah

Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari’s insistence on simplicity and asceticism was in contrast to the materialism that prevailed in the early Islamic society. What term is often used to describe this materialistic trend?
a) Tawhid
b) Zuhd
c) Taqwa
d) Riba

d) Riba

In which Islamic Caliphate did Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari serve as a governor in Kufa?
a) Umar ibn al-Khattab’s Caliphate
b) Uthman ibn Affan’s Caliphate
c) Ali ibn Abi Talib’s Caliphate
d) Muawiyah I’s Caliphate

b) Uthman ibn Affan’s Caliphate

Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari’s commitment to social justice and equity aligns with which core Islamic value?
a) Iman (Faith)
b) Tawhid (Monotheism)
c) Adl (Justice)
d) Taqwa (Piety)

c) Adl (Justice)

What was the primary reason behind Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari’s exile from Medina during the Caliphate of Uthman ibn Affan?
a) He challenged the authority of the Caliph.
b) He criticized the administration’s economic policies.
c) He opposed the compilation of the Quran.
d) He led a rebellion against the state.

a) He challenged the authority of the Caliph.

Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari’s teachings emphasized the importance of individual responsibility and:
a) Social conformity
b) Blind obedience
c) Personal piety
d) Political activism

c) Personal piety

Which famous Islamic scholar, known for his works on Islamic jurisprudence, was a contemporary of Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari?
a) Imam Abu Hanifa
b) Imam Malik ibn Anas
c) Imam al-Shafi’i
d) Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal

c) Imam al-Shafi’i

Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari’s views on wealth and social justice had a lasting impact on which Islamic theological movement?
a) Sufism
b) Murji’ah
c) Mutazilism
d) Kharijism

d) Kharijism

In addition to his teachings, Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari was known for his personal lifestyle characterized by:
a) Extravagance and luxury
b) Asceticism and simplicity
c) Hedonism and pleasure-seeking
d) Materialism and wealth accumulation

b) Asceticism and simplicity

Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari’s exile and ultimate death in the desert symbolized his commitment to:
a) Political power and influence
b) Material wealth and prosperity
c) The pursuit of knowledge
d) His principles of justice and equity

d) His principles of justice and equity

Which famous Islamic scholar and historian wrote extensively about Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari’s life and contributions to Islam?
a) Ibn Ishaq
b) Ibn Sa’d
c) Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani
d) Ibn Taymiyyah

b) Ibn Sa’d

Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari’s unwavering commitment to justice and equity continues to inspire individuals and movements advocating for:
a) Economic prosperity
b) Political power
c) Social justice and equality
d) Military conquest

c) Social justice and equality

Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari’s teachings and beliefs were consistent with which branch of Islamic jurisprudence?
a) Hanafi
b) Maliki
c) Shafi’i
d) Hanbali
b) Maliki

Which significant Islamic city did Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari serve as the governor of during his exile?
a) Mecca
b) Medina
c) Kufa
d) Damascus

c) Kufa

Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari’s teachings had a profound influence on which major Islamic theological and jurisprudential movement known for its strict adherence to justice?
a) Sufism
b) Salafism
c) Kharijism
d) Murji’ah

c) Kharijism

During his lifetime, Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari was known for his vocal critique of:
a) The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
b) The Quran
c) The caliphs
d) The Companions of the Prophet

c) The caliphs

Which early Islamic scholar is credited with documenting many of Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari’s sayings and teachings?
a) Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani
b) Ibn Taymiyyah
c) Ibn Sa’d
d) Al-Ghazali

c) Ibn Sa’d

Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari’s exile was a result of his disagreement with the ruling authorities over matters related to:
a) Taxation
b) Military conquest
c) Quranic recitation
d) Marriage laws

a) Taxation

In Islamic history, Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari is often remembered as a champion of:
a) Political power and authority
b) Religious rituals and formalism
c) Social justice and equity
d) Military conquest and expansion

c) Social justice and equity

Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari’s teachings emphasized the importance of upholding:
a) Cultural diversity
b) Social norms and conventions
c) Individual rights and freedoms
d) The principles of justice and fairness

d) The principles of justice and fairness

What was the nickname given to Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari due to his commitment to asceticism and simplicity?
a) Al-Mutawakkil
b) Al-Zahid
c) Al-Mu’tazil
d) Al-Malik

b) Al-Zahid

Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari’s teachings and ideology have continued to influence Islamic thought and movements that advocate for:
a) Political power and authority
b) Economic prosperity and wealth accumulation
c) Social justice and equality
d) Religious extremism and violence

c) Social justice and equality

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