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Exoplanet Discoveries MCQs with Answers

How do astronomers typically detect exoplanets?
A) Using radio telescopes
B) Observing changes in starlight
C) Analyzing gamma-ray bursts
D) Measuring cosmic microwave background radiation
Answer: B) Observing changes in starlight

What is the name of the first confirmed exoplanet discovered around a sun-like star?
A) Kepler-186f
B) Proxima Centauri b
C) 51 Pegasi b
Answer: C) 51 Pegasi b

Which method relies on observing the wobble of a star caused by the gravitational pull of an orbiting exoplanet?
A) Transit method
B) Direct imaging
C) Astrometry
D) Radial velocity method
Answer: D) Radial velocity method

Which exoplanet is located in the habitable zone of its star and has been considered a potential candidate for extraterrestrial life?
A) Kepler-452b
B) HD 209458b
C) WASP-12b
D) Kepler-10b
Answer: A) Kepler-452b

What is the name of the space telescope launched by NASA with the primary mission of discovering exoplanets?
A) Hubble Space Telescope
B) James Webb Space Telescope
C) Kepler Space Telescope
D) Spitzer Space Telescope
Answer: C) Kepler Space Telescope

Which exoplanet was the first to be directly imaged by astronomers?
A) HD 209458b
B) Proxima Centauri b
C) 51 Pegasi b
D) Fomalhaut b
Answer: D) Fomalhaut b

What is the term for the method used to detect exoplanets by observing the dimming of a star’s light as a planet passes in front of it?
A) Radial velocity method
B) Astrometry
C) Direct imaging
D) Transit method
Answer: D) Transit method

Which of the following is not a type of exoplanet?
A) Super-Earth
B) Hot Jupiter
C) Ice giant
D) Red dwarf
Answer: D) Red dwarf

What is the name of the nearest exoplanet to Earth?
A) Kepler-452b
B) Proxima Centauri b
D) Kepler-186f
Answer: B) Proxima Centauri b

Which method involves measuring the slight dimming of a star’s light as an exoplanet passes in front of it?
A) Radial velocity method
B) Astrometry
C) Direct imaging
D) Transit method
Answer: D) Transit method

What is the name of the exoplanet discovered orbiting the star TRAPPIST-1 that is located within its habitable zone?
Answer: A) TRAPPIST-1e

Which of the following exoplanets has the longest orbital period around its star?
A) Kepler-10b
B) HD 209458b
C) Kepler-186f
D) WASP-12b
Answer: C) Kepler-186f

What is the term for exoplanets that are roughly the same size as Earth?
A) Super-Earths
B) Hot Jupiters
C) Ice giants
D) Mini-Neptunes
Answer: A) Super-Earths

Which exoplanet is known for having an atmosphere composed mostly of hydrogen and helium?
A) WASP-12b
B) HD 209458b
C) Kepler-10b
Answer: B) HD 209458b

What is the name of the technique used to confirm the existence of exoplanets by observing the gravitational microlensing effect?
A) Transit method
B) Radial velocity method
C) Direct imaging
D) Microlensing method
Answer: D) Microlensing method

Which of the following methods is primarily used to detect exoplanets located far from their host stars?
A) Transit method
B) Radial velocity method
C) Astrometry
D) Direct imaging
Answer: D) Direct imaging

What is the term for exoplanets that orbit very close to their host stars, resulting in high surface temperatures?
A) Hot Jupiters
B) Super-Earths
C) Ice giants
D) Mini-Neptunes
Answer: A) Hot Jupiters

What is the name of the first exoplanet discovered within the habitable zone of its host star?
A) Proxima Centauri b
B) Kepler-452b
D) Gliese 581g
Answer: D) Gliese 581g

Which space mission is focused on the study of exoplanets through the measurement of their masses and sizes?
A) Kepler Space Telescope
B) Hubble Space Telescope
C) Gaia Space Observatory
D) TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite)
Answer: A) Kepler Space Telescope

What is the term for the region around a star where conditions may be suitable for life as we know it?
A) Goldilocks zone
B) Habitable zone
C) Green zone
D) Life zone
Answer: B) Habitable zone

Which of the following methods allows astronomers to measure the precise positions of stars to detect the wobble caused by orbiting exoplanets?
A) Transit method
B) Radial velocity method
C) Astrometry
D) Microlensing method
Answer: C) Astrometry

What is the name of the first confirmed exoplanet discovered by the radial velocity method?
A) Kepler-186f
B) 51 Pegasi b
C) Proxima Centauri b
D) HD 209458b
Answer: B) 51 Pegasi b

Which of the following is not a characteristic used to classify exoplanets?
A) Mass
B) Radius
C) Surface temperature
D) Luminosity
Answer: D) Luminosity

What is the name of the system containing seven Earth-sized exoplanets, three of which are located in the habitable zone?
B) Kepler-186
C) Gliese 581
D) Proxima Centauri
Answer: A) TRAPPIST-1

What is the term for the method used to detect exoplanets by observing the slight changes in a star’s position caused by the gravitational pull of orbiting planets?
A) Transit method
B) Radial velocity method
C) Astrometry
D) Direct imaging
Answer: C) Astrometry

Which exoplanet discovery method is most effective for detecting larger planets close to their host stars?
A) Astrometry
B) Radial velocity method
C) Transit method
D) Direct imaging
Answer: C) Transit method

What is the term for the technique used to detect exoplanets by observing the gravitational microlensing effect?
A) Direct imaging
B) Microlensing method
C) Astrometry
D) Radial velocity method
Answer: B) Microlensing method

Which of the following exoplanet detection methods is particularly sensitive to planets with longer orbital periods?
A) Transit method
B) Radial velocity method
C) Direct imaging
D) Astrometry
Answer: B) Radial velocity method

What is the name of the method used to confirm the existence of exoplanets by observing the wobble of a star?
A) Direct imaging
B) Radial velocity method
C) Astrometry
D) Microlensing method
Answer: B) Radial velocity method

Which space telescope is renowned for its contributions to the discovery of exoplanets through the transit method?
A) James Webb Space Telescope
B) Hubble Space Telescope
C) Spitzer Space Telescope
D) Kepler Space Telescope
Answer: D) Kepler Space Telescope

Which exoplanet discovery method involves observing the slight changes in a star’s position caused by the gravitational pull of orbiting planets?
A) Astrometry
B) Radial velocity method
C) Direct imaging
D) Microlensing method
Answer: A) Astrometry

Which type of exoplanet has a composition similar to that of Jupiter but orbits very close to its host star?
A) Hot Jupiter
B) Super-Earth
C) Ice giant
D) Mini-Neptune
Answer: A) Hot Jupiter

Which space telescope is expected to greatly expand our knowledge of exoplanets through its advanced capabilities?
A) Hubble Space Telescope
B) James Webb Space Telescope
C) Kepler Space Telescope
D) Spitzer Space Telescope
Answer: B) James Webb Space Telescope

Which method of exoplanet detection relies on measuring the precise positions of stars to detect the wobble caused by orbiting planets?
A) Radial velocity method
B) Direct imaging
C) Transit method
D) Microlensing method
Answer: A) Radial velocity method

Which of the following is the most common type of exoplanet discovered to date?
A) Super-Earth
B) Hot Jupiter
C) Mini-Neptune
D) Ice giant
Answer: A) Super-Earth

Which exoplanet discovery method involves directly capturing images of the exoplanet and separating it from the glare of its host star?
A) Transit method
B) Radial velocity method
C) Astrometry
D) Direct imaging
Answer: D) Direct imaging

What is the name of the first exoplanet discovered orbiting a Sun-like star in the habitable zone?
A) Kepler-186f
B) Proxima Centauri b
D) Gliese 581g
Answer: A) Kepler-186f

Which exoplanet discovery method relies on measuring the dimming of a star’s light as an exoplanet passes in front of it?
A) Radial velocity method
B) Direct imaging
C) Microlensing method
D) Transit method
Answer: D) Transit method

What is the name of the exoplanet discovered orbiting Proxima Centauri, the closest star to the Sun?
A) Kepler-452b
B) Proxima Centauri b
D) Gliese 581g
Answer: B) Proxima Centauri b

Which of the following space missions is dedicated to the search for exoplanets using the transit method?
A) Kepler Space Telescope
B) Hubble Space Telescope
C) James Webb Space Telescope
D) Spitzer Space Telescope
Answer: A) Kepler Space Telescope

What is the term for the region around a star where liquid water could exist on the surface of a planet?
A) Habitable zone
B) Life zone
C) Goldilocks zone
D) Green zone
Answer: A) Habitable zone

Which exoplanet detection method is particularly effective for identifying larger planets orbiting far from their host stars?
A) Astrometry
B) Radial velocity method
C) Direct imaging
D) Transit method
Answer: C) Direct imaging

What is the name of the space mission that succeeded Kepler and is focused on discovering exoplanets orbiting nearby stars?
A) James Webb Space Telescope
B) Hubble Space Telescope
C) TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite)
D) Gaia Space Observatory
Answer: C) TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite)

Which method of exoplanet detection is based on observing the gravitational microlensing effect caused by an exoplanet passing in front of a background star?
A) Direct imaging
B) Radial velocity method
C) Microlensing method
D) Astrometry
Answer: C) Microlensing method

What is the term for the method used to detect exoplanets by observing the wobble of a star due to the gravitational pull of orbiting planets?
A) Direct imaging
B) Transit method
C) Radial velocity method
D) Astrometry
Answer: C) Radial velocity method

What is the name of the exoplanet discovered by the radial velocity method that orbits the star HD 209458?
A) Kepler-186f
B) Proxima Centauri b
C) HD 209458b
Answer: C) HD 209458b

Which exoplanet discovery method relies on observing the slight changes in a star’s position caused by the gravitational tug of its orbiting planets?
A) Transit method
B) Radial velocity method
C) Astrometry
D) Direct imaging
Answer: C) Astrometry

What is the term for exoplanets that are similar in size and composition to Earth?
A) Super-Earths
B) Hot Jupiters
C) Mini-Neptunes
D) Ice giants
Answer: A) Super-Earths

Which of the following space telescopes is designed to study exoplanets through direct imaging and spectroscopy?
A) Hubble Space Telescope
B) James Webb Space Telescope
C) Kepler Space Telescope
D) Spitzer Space Telescope
Answer: B) James Webb Space Telescope

What is the name of the method used to detect exoplanets by observing the slight dimming of a star’s light as a planet passes in front of it?
A) Microlensing method
B) Direct imaging
C) Transit method
D) Astrometry
Answer: C) Transit method

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