Monthly Student Online Competition

Dwarf Planets MCQs with Answers

Which celestial body was reclassified as a Dwarf Planet in 2006?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Ceres
D) Haumea
Answer: B) Pluto

Which Dwarf Planet is located in the asteroid belt?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Ceres
D) Makemake
Answer: C) Ceres

What is the largest known Dwarf Planet?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Ceres
D) Haumea
Answer: A) Eris

Which Dwarf Planet has the most eccentric orbit?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Ceres
D) Haumea
Answer: D) Haumea

Which Dwarf Planet has a moon named Dysnomia?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Ceres
D) Makemake
Answer: A) Eris

Which Dwarf Planet was discovered first?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Ceres
D) Haumea
Answer: B) Pluto

Which Dwarf Planet is the largest object in the Kuiper Belt?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Ceres
D) Makemake
Answer: B) Pluto

Which Dwarf Planet has a highly reflective surface?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Ceres
D) Makemake
Answer: D) Makemake

What is the orbital period of Pluto around the Sun?
A) 224.7 years
B) 248.0 years
C) 284.0 years
D) 303.1 years
Answer: B) 248.0 years

Which Dwarf Planet has a reddish hue due to tholins on its surface?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Ceres
D) Haumea
Answer: B) Pluto

Which Dwarf Planet is located in the Scattered Disc region of the Solar System?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Ceres
D) Makemake
Answer: A) Eris

Which Dwarf Planet has a bright spot on its surface named Ahuna Mons?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Ceres
D) Makemake
Answer: C) Ceres

What is the diameter of Pluto?
A) 2,430 kilometers
B) 2,371 kilometers
C) 2,302 kilometers
D) 2,438 kilometers
Answer: D) 2,438 kilometers

Which Dwarf Planet is named after the Roman goddess of agriculture?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Ceres
D) Makemake
Answer: C) Ceres

Which Dwarf Planet has a thin atmosphere composed of nitrogen?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Ceres
D) Haumea
Answer: B) Pluto

Which Dwarf Planet has an elongated shape due to its rapid rotation?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Ceres
D) Haumea
Answer: D) Haumea

What is the largest moon of Pluto?
A) Charon
B) Nix
C) Styx
D) Hydra
Answer: A) Charon

Which Dwarf Planet is named after the creator of humanity in the mythology of Easter Island?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Ceres
D) Makemake
Answer: D) Makemake

Which Dwarf Planet was originally classified as the ninth planet in the Solar System?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Ceres
D) Haumea
Answer: B) Pluto

Which Dwarf Planet has a diameter larger than Pluto but less mass?
A) Eris
B) Haumea
C) Ceres
D) Makemake
Answer: A) Eris

What is the orbital period of Ceres around the Sun?
A) 4.6 years
B) 10.6 years
C) 3.3 years
D) 4.2 years
Answer: D) 4.2 years

Which Dwarf Planet has two small moons named Hi’iaka and Namaka?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Haumea
D) Makemake
Answer: C) Haumea

What is the surface temperature of Eris?
A) Approximately -200°C
B) Approximately -100°C
C) Approximately -150°C
D) Approximately -180°C
Answer: A) Approximately -200°C

Which Dwarf Planet has an equatorial ridge likely caused by a past collision?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Haumea
D) Makemake
Answer: C) Haumea

Which Dwarf Planet is located in the main asteroid belt?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Ceres
D) Makemake
Answer: C) Ceres

What is the primary constituent of the surface of Makemake?
A) Water ice
B) Methane
C) Tholins
D) Carbon dioxide
Answer: C) Tholins

Which Dwarf Planet is known for its fast rotation and elongated shape?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Haumea
D) Makemake
Answer: C) Haumea

What is the average distance of Eris from the Sun?
A) Approximately 10.1 AU
B) Approximately 39.5 AU
C) Approximately 2.8 AU
D) Approximately 45.4 AU
Answer: B) Approximately 39.5 AU

Which Dwarf Planet has a highly reflective surface?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Haumea
D) Makemake
Answer: D) Makemake

What is the surface composition of Ceres?
A) Rock and ice
B) Iron and nickel
C) Carbon-rich material
D) Hydrogen and helium
Answer: A) Rock and ice

Which Dwarf Planet has a moon named Orcus?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Haumea
D) Makemake
Answer: A) Eris

What is the orbital period of Makemake around the Sun?
A) 309.88 years
B) 283.83 years
C) 309.88 days
D) 163.56 years
Answer: A) 309.88 years

Which Dwarf Planet has a reddish surface due to the presence of tholins?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Haumea
D) Makemake
Answer: D) Makemake

What is the orbital period of Haumea around the Sun?
A) Approximately 283.3 years
B) Approximately 315.5 years
C) Approximately 285.2 years
D) Approximately 284.1 years
Answer: C) Approximately 285.2 years

Which Dwarf Planet has a diameter of about 950 kilometers?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Haumea
D) Makemake
Answer: C) Haumea

What is the surface temperature of Makemake?
A) Approximately -240°C
B) Approximately -220°C
C) Approximately -260°C
D) Approximately -200°C
Answer: A) Approximately -240°C

Which Dwarf Planet has a surface covered in nitrogen ice?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Haumea
D) Makemake
Answer: B) Pluto

What is the average distance of Makemake from the Sun?
A) Approximately 6.4 AU
B) Approximately 39.5 AU
C) Approximately 2.8 AU
D) Approximately 45.4 AU
Answer: A) Approximately 6.4 AU

Which Dwarf Planet was discovered by Mike Brown, Chad Trujillo, and David Rabinowitz in 2005?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Haumea
D) Makemake
Answer: A) Eris

What is the surface composition of Haumea?
A) Rock and ice
B) Iron and nickel
C) Carbon-rich material
D) Hydrogen and helium
Answer: A) Rock and ice

Which Dwarf Planet was the first to be discovered by telescope?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Haumea
D) Makemake
Answer: B) Pluto

What is the diameter of Ceres?
A) Approximately 950 kilometers
B) Approximately 1,000 kilometers
C) Approximately 1,400 kilometers
D) Approximately 2,300 kilometers
Answer: C) Approximately 1,400 kilometers

Which Dwarf Planet has a satellite named Kerberos?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Haumea
D) Makemake
Answer: B) Pluto

What is the surface temperature of Ceres?
A) Approximately -180°C
B) Approximately -200°C
C) Approximately -150°C
D) Approximately -220°C
Answer: A) Approximately -180°C

Which Dwarf Planet was discovered in 2003 and is one of the largest known trans-Neptunian objects?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Haumea
D) Makemake
Answer: D) Makemake

What is the orbital period of Eris around the Sun?
A) Approximately 557 years
B) Approximately 248 years
C) Approximately 286 years
D) Approximately 309 years
Answer: A) Approximately 557 years

Which Dwarf Planet has a small satellite named Weywot?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Haumea
D) Makemake
Answer: C) Haumea

What is the surface composition of Pluto?
A) Rock and ice
B) Iron and nickel
C) Carbon-rich material
D) Hydrogen and helium
Answer: A) Rock and ice

Which Dwarf Planet has a reddish-brown surface due to irradiation of methane ice?
A) Eris
B) Pluto
C) Haumea
D) Makemake
Answer: B) Pluto

What is the orbital period of Haumea around the Sun?
A) Approximately 284 years
B) Approximately 309 years
C) Approximately 285 years
D) Approximately 285.2 years
Answer: D) Approximately 285.2 years

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