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Constellations MCQs with Answers

Which constellation is known as “The Hunter”?
A) Orion
B) Ursa Major
C) Scorpius
D) Cassiopeia
Answer: A) Orion

Which constellation contains the brightest star in the night sky, Sirius?
A) Leo
B) Canis Major
C) Taurus
D) Gemini
Answer: B) Canis Major

Which constellation is also known as “The Charioteer”?
A) Hercules
B) Perseus
C) Auriga
D) Lyra
Answer: C) Auriga

Which constellation contains the star Betelgeuse, a red supergiant?
A) Scorpius
B) Leo
C) Orion
D) Sagittarius
Answer: C) Orion

Which constellation is associated with the myth of Andromeda being rescued by Perseus?
A) Cassiopeia
B) Pisces
C) Perseus
D) Cygnus
Answer: C) Perseus

Which constellation contains the star Regulus, also known as the “Heart of the Lion”?
A) Leo
B) Cancer
C) Virgo
D) Libra
Answer: A) Leo

Which constellation is depicted as a winged horse?
A) Pegasus
B) Aquarius
C) Capricornus
D) Delphinus
Answer: A) Pegasus

Which constellation contains the asterism known as the “Big Dipper”?
A) Ursa Major
B) Ursa Minor
C) Draco
D) Bootes
Answer: A) Ursa Major

Which constellation represents the mythical hunter who was placed in the sky after his death?
A) Orion
B) Hercules
C) Perseus
D) Aquarius
Answer: A) Orion

Which constellation contains the star Vega, one of the brightest stars in the sky?
A) Cygnus
B) Lyra
C) Aquila
D) Draco
Answer: B) Lyra

Which constellation is represented by the shape of a scorpion?
A) Scorpius
B) Sagittarius
C) Libra
D) Gemini
Answer: A) Scorpius

Which constellation contains the bright star Arcturus, known as the “Bear Watcher”?
A) Bootes
B) Canis Minor
C) Cepheus
D) Auriga
Answer: A) Bootes

Which constellation is known for the star cluster called the Pleiades?
A) Taurus
B) Aries
C) Gemini
D) Cancer
Answer: A) Taurus

Which constellation is represented by the image of a water bearer?
A) Aquarius
B) Pisces
C) Aquila
D) Capricornus
Answer: A) Aquarius

Which constellation is known as “The Great Bear”?
A) Ursa Major
B) Ursa Minor
C) Draco
D) Leo
Answer: A) Ursa Major

Which constellation is depicted as a giant holding a snake?
A) Ophiuchus
B) Serpens
C) Hercules
D) Corona Borealis
Answer: A) Ophiuchus

Which constellation contains the star Aldebaran, also known as the “Eye of the Bull”?
A) Aries
B) Taurus
C) Gemini
D) Cancer
Answer: B) Taurus

Which constellation is represented by the mythological figure of a centaur aiming a bow?
A) Sagittarius
B) Centaurus
C) Pegasus
D) Aquila
Answer: A) Sagittarius

Which constellation contains the star Spica, the brightest star in the constellation?
A) Virgo
B) Libra
C) Scorpius
D) Leo
Answer: A) Virgo

Which constellation is known as “The Scales”?
A) Libra
B) Scorpius
C) Sagittarius
D) Capricornus
Answer: A) Libra

Which constellation is represented by a mythological sea creature with the head of a goat and the body of a fish?
A) Capricornus
B) Pisces
C) Aquarius
D) Cetus
Answer: A) Capricornus

Which constellation is known as “The Fishes”?
A) Pisces
B) Aquarius
C) Cetus
D) Delphinus
Answer: A) Pisces

Which constellation contains the star Betelgeuse, a red supergiant?
A) Orion
B) Cassiopeia
C) Ursa Major
D) Andromeda
Answer: A) Orion

Which constellation is associated with the story of the Greek hero Perseus?
A) Perseus
B) Orion
C) Andromeda
D) Pegasus
Answer: A) Perseus

Which constellation is known as “The Winged Horse”?
A) Pegasus
B) Cygnus
C) Aquila
D) Delphinus
Answer: A) Pegasus

Which constellation is represented by the figure of a mythological king who was placed in the sky after his death?
A) Cepheus
B) Perseus
C) Pegasus
D) Orion
Answer: A) Cepheus

Which constellation contains the star named Antares, also known as the “Heart of the Scorpion”?
A) Scorpius
B) Sagittarius
C) Libra
D) Capricornus
Answer: A) Scorpius

Which constellation is represented by the image of a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the tail of a scorpion?
A) Scorpius
B) Leo
C) Cancer
D) Sagittarius
Answer: A) Scorpius

Which constellation is known as “The Archer”?
A) Sagittarius
B) Orion
C) Pegasus
D) Perseus
Answer: A) Sagittarius

Which constellation contains the asterism known as the “Little Dipper”?
A) Ursa Minor
B) Ursa Major
C) Draco
D) Cygnus
Answer: A) Ursa Minor

Which constellation is represented by the image of a scorpion?
A) Scorpius
B) Sagittarius
C) Libra
D) Gemini
Answer: A) Scorpius

Which constellation is known as “The Bull”?
A) Taurus
B) Aries
C) Gemini
D) Leo
Answer: A) Taurus

Which constellation contains the star named Arcturus, also known as the “Bear Watcher”?
A) Ursa Major
B) Bootes
C) Draco
D) Leo
Answer: B) Bootes

Which constellation is associated with the Greek myth of the maiden who was placed in the sky by her father?
A) Cassiopeia
B) Andromeda
C) Perseus
D) Pegasus
Answer: B) Andromeda

Which constellation contains the star named Betelgeuse, a red supergiant?
A) Orion
B) Canis Major
C) Ursa Major
D) Scorpius
Answer: A) Orion

Which constellation is known as “The Water Bearer”?
A) Aquarius
B) Pisces
C) Capricornus
D) Cancer
Answer: A) Aquarius

Which constellation is represented by the image of a celestial hunter?
A) Orion
B) Perseus
C) Sagittarius
D) Leo
Answer: A) Orion

Which constellation contains the star named Rigel, one of the brightest stars in the night sky?
A) Orion
B) Canis Major
C) Ursa Major
D) Scorpius
Answer: A) Orion

Which constellation is known as “The Twins”?
A) Gemini
B) Pisces
C) Aquarius
D) Capricornus
Answer: A) Gemini

Which constellation is represented by the image of a mythical hunter with a bow?
A) Orion
B) Perseus
C) Sagittarius
D) Hercules
Answer: A) Orion

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