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Celestial Mechanics MCQs with Answers

What is the force that keeps celestial bodies in orbit around larger bodies such as planets around the sun?
A) Gravitation
B) Magnetism
C) Friction
D) Inertia
Answer: A) Gravitation

Which law states that every body continues in its state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Second Law
D) Newton’s Second Law of Motion
Answer: B) Newton’s First Law of Motion

What is the force that causes tides on Earth due to the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun?
A) Gravitation
B) Tidal force
C) Centrifugal force
D) Magnetic force
Answer: B) Tidal force

Which law states that the square of the orbital period of a planet is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Third Law
D) Newton’s Third Law of Motion
Answer: C) Kepler’s Third Law

What is the path followed by a celestial body in space as it orbits around another body due to gravity?
A) Rotation
B) Revolution
C) Precession
D) Nutation
Answer: B) Revolution

Which law states that a line segment joining a planet and the sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Second Law
D) Newton’s Second Law of Motion
Answer: C) Kepler’s Second Law

What is the point in an orbit where a celestial body is closest to the body it is orbiting?
A) Apoapsis
B) Periapsis
C) Aphelion
D) Perihelion
Answer: B) Periapsis

Which law states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Third Law
D) Newton’s Third Law of Motion
Answer: D) Newton’s Third Law of Motion

What is the point in an orbit where a celestial body is farthest from the body it is orbiting?
A) Apoapsis
B) Periapsis
C) Aphelion
D) Perihelion
Answer: A) Apoapsis

Which law states that every body in the universe attracts every other body with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Third Law
D) Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
Answer: D) Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation

What is the measure of the amount of matter in an object?
A) Volume
B) Weight
C) Density
D) Mass
Answer: D) Mass

Which force opposes the gravitational force and acts to slow down the motion of a satellite in orbit around a planet?
A) Gravitational force
B) Centripetal force
C) Tidal force
D) Atmospheric drag
Answer: D) Atmospheric drag

What is the imaginary line around which a rotating body such as Earth precesses?
A) Equator
B) Axis
C) Meridian
D) Tropic
Answer: B) Axis

Which force keeps planets and other celestial bodies in their elliptical orbits around the sun?
A) Magnetic force
B) Gravitational force
C) Electromagnetic force
D) Centrifugal force
Answer: B) Gravitational force

What is the point in the orbit of a celestial body where it is directly above the observer’s head?
A) Zenith
B) Nadir
C) Vertex
D) Apex
Answer: A) Zenith

What is the phenomenon where the axis of rotation of a spinning body such as Earth wobbles over time?
A) Precession
B) Nutation
C) Axial tilt
D) Eccentricity
Answer: A) Precession

Which law states that the force acting on an object is equal to the rate of change of its momentum?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Third Law
D) Newton’s Second Law of Motion
Answer: D) Newton’s Second Law of Motion

What is the term for the point in an orbit where a celestial body is at its greatest distance from the center of mass of the system it orbits?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Aphelion
D) Perihelion
Answer: A) Apogee

Which law states that every particle in the universe attracts every other particle with a force proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Third Law
D) Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
Answer: D) Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation

What is the measure of the force of gravity acting on an object?
A) Mass
B) Weight
C) Density
D) Volume
Answer: B) Weight

Which law states that the path of each planet around the sun is an ellipse with the sun at one focus?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Third Law
D) Newton’s Third Law of Motion
Answer: A) Kepler’s First Law

What is the point in an orbit where a celestial body is closest to the center of mass of the system it orbits?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Aphelion
D) Perihelion
Answer: B) Perigee

Which law states that the total orbital energy of a satellite is constant as long as no external forces act on it?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Second Law
D) Law of Conservation of Energy
Answer: D) Law of Conservation of Energy

What is the term for the point in an orbit where a celestial body is at its closest approach to another body it is orbiting?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Aphelion
D) Perihelion
Answer: B) Perigee

Which law states that the angular momentum of a celestial object in orbit remains constant over time?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Third Law
D) Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum
Answer: D) Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum

What is the term for the point in an orbit where a celestial body is farthest from the body it is orbiting?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Aphelion
D) Perihelion
Answer: C) Aphelion

Which force acts to pull objects towards the center of a circular path?
A) Gravitational force
B) Centripetal force
C) Tidal force
D) Frictional force
Answer: B) Centripetal force

What is the measure of the amount of matter in an object?
A) Volume
B) Weight
C) Density
D) Mass
Answer: D) Mass

Which law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Third Law
D) Newton’s Third Law of Motion
Answer: D) Newton’s Third Law of Motion

What is the imaginary line around which a rotating celestial body such as Earth rotates?
A) Equator
B) Axis
C) Meridian
D) Tropic
Answer: B) Axis

Which force opposes the gravitational force and acts to slow down the motion of a satellite in orbit around a planet?
A) Gravitational force
B) Centripetal force
C) Tidal force
D) Atmospheric drag
Answer: D) Atmospheric drag

What is the phenomenon where the axis of rotation of a spinning celestial body such as Earth wobbles over time?
A) Precession
B) Nutation
C) Axial tilt
D) Eccentricity
Answer: A) Precession

Which law states that the force acting on an object is equal to the rate of change of its momentum?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Third Law
D) Newton’s Second Law of Motion
Answer: D) Newton’s Second Law of Motion

What is the term for the point in an orbit where a celestial body is at its greatest distance from the center of mass of the system it orbits?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Aphelion
D) Perihelion
Answer: A) Apogee

Which law states that every particle in the universe attracts every other particle with a force proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Third Law
D) Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
Answer: D) Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation

What is the measure of the force of gravity acting on an object?
A) Mass
B) Weight
C) Density
D) Volume
Answer: B) Weight

Which law states that the path of each planet around the sun is an ellipse with the sun at one focus?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Third Law
D) Newton’s Third Law of Motion
Answer: A) Kepler’s First Law

What is the point in an orbit where a celestial body is closest to the center of mass of the system it orbits?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Aphelion
D) Perihelion
Answer: B) Perigee

Which law states that the total orbital energy of a satellite is constant as long as no external forces act on it?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Second Law
D) Law of Conservation of Energy
Answer: D) Law of Conservation of Energy

What is the term for the point in an orbit where a celestial body is at its closest approach to another body it is orbiting?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Aphelion
D) Perihelion
Answer: B) Perigee

Which law states that the angular momentum of a celestial object in orbit remains constant over time?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Third Law
D) Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum
Answer: D) Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum

What is the term for the point in an orbit where a celestial body is farthest from the body it is orbiting?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Aphelion
D) Perihelion
Answer: C) Aphelion

Which force acts to pull objects towards the center of a circular path?
A) Gravitational force
B) Centripetal force
C) Tidal force
D) Frictional force
Answer: B) Centripetal force

What is the measure of the amount of matter in an object?
A) Volume
B) Weight
C) Density
D) Mass
Answer: D) Mass

Which law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Third Law
D) Newton’s Third Law of Motion
Answer: D) Newton’s Third Law of Motion

What is the imaginary line around which a rotating celestial body such as Earth rotates?
A) Equator
B) Axis
C) Meridian
D) Tropic
Answer: B) Axis

Which force opposes the gravitational force and acts to slow down the motion of a satellite in orbit around a planet?
A) Gravitational force
B) Centripetal force
C) Tidal force
D) Atmospheric drag
Answer: D) Atmospheric drag

What is the phenomenon where the axis of rotation of a spinning celestial body such as Earth wobbles over time?
A) Precession
B) Nutation
C) Axial tilt
D) Eccentricity
Answer: A) Precession

Which law states that the force acting on an object is equal to the rate of change of its momentum?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Third Law
D) Newton’s Second Law of Motion
Answer: D) Newton’s Second Law of Motion

What is the term for the point in an orbit where a celestial body is at its greatest distance from the center of mass of the system it orbits?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Aphelion
D) Perihelion
Answer: A) Apogee

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