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Border Disputes and Conflicts in Pakistan MCQs with Answers

Welcome to the Border Disputes and Conflicts in Pakistan MCQs with Answers. In this post, we are sharing Border Disputes and Conflicts in Pakistan Multiple Choice Questions and Answers in Pakistan  General Knowledge section for various competitive exams in Pakistan. Find practice Border Disputes and Conflicts in Pakistan practice test with answers here. Each question offers a chance to enhance your knowledge regarding Border Disputes and Conflicts in Pakistan online MCQs Test.

Which country does Pakistan share its longest border with?
a) Afghanistan
b) India
c) China
d) Iran

(b) India

The Siachen Glacier dispute primarily involves which two countries?
a) Pakistan and China
b) Pakistan and Afghanistan
c) India and Pakistan
d) Pakistan and Iran

(c) India and Pakistan

The Line of Control (LoC) divides which region in Kashmir?
a) Jammu
b) Ladakh
c) Azad Jammu and Kashmir
d) Gilgit-Baltistan

(c) Azad Jammu and Kashmir

The Durand Line is a disputed border between Pakistan and which country?
a) India
b) Afghanistan
c) Iran
d) China

(b) Afghanistan

What river forms a natural boundary between Pakistan and India in the Punjab region?
a) Ganges
b) Sutlej
c) Yamuna
d) Indus

(b) Sutlej

The Rann of Kutch dispute is between Pakistan and which other country?
a) India
b) Afghanistan
c) Iran
d) China

(a) India

Which region is the focus of the dispute between Pakistan and Iran?
a) Balochistan
b) Gilgit-Baltistan
c) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
d) Sindh

(a) Balochistan

The Shaksgam Valley, which is part of the Pakistan-China border dispute, was ceded to China by which country?
a) Pakistan
b) India
c) Afghanistan
d) Tibet

(b) India

The Line of Actual Control (LAC) is a disputed boundary between India and which country in the context of Pakistan?
a) Afghanistan
b) China
c) Iran
d) Turkmenistan

(b) China

What river serves as a border between Pakistan and Iran for part of its course?
a) Indus
b) Sutlej
c) Ganges
d) Jhelum

(a) Indus

The Sir Creek dispute primarily involves which two countries?
a) Pakistan and India
b) Pakistan and Afghanistan
c) Pakistan and China
d) Pakistan and Iran

(a) Pakistan and India

Which region in Pakistan borders the disputed territory of Aksai Chin with China?
a) Punjab
b) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
c) Gilgit-Baltistan
d) Sindh

(c) Gilgit-Baltistan

The Kishenganga River dispute is between India and Pakistan and relates to which region?
a) Punjab
b) Ladakh
c) Azad Jammu and Kashmir
d) Sindh

(b) Ladakh

The Line of Actual Control (LAC) is also a disputed boundary in the context of the Pakistan-India border. What is the primary reason for this dispute?
a) Territorial control in the Siachen Glacier
b) Border disputes in the Rann of Kutch
c) Aksai Chin conflict
d) Sir Creek dispute

(c) Aksai Chin conflict

The international boundary between Pakistan and India was demarcated based on which agreement?
a) Simla Agreement
b) Tashkent Agreement
c) Lahore Declaration
d) Karachi Agreement

(a) Simla Agreement

Which region in Pakistan has a disputed border with Afghanistan’s Paktika and Khost provinces?
a) Punjab
b) Sindh
c) Balochistan
d) Gilgit-Baltistan

(c) Balochistan

The border dispute between Pakistan and India in the Rann of Kutch was resolved through which means?
a) Bilateral negotiations
b) International arbitration
c) United Nations intervention
d) War

(b) International arbitration

Which of the following is not a disputed region between Pakistan and India?
a) Siachen Glacier
b) Sir Creek
c) Line of Control (LoC)
d) Wagah Border

(d) Wagah Border

The Khyber Pass, a significant border crossing point, connects Pakistan to which country?
a) Afghanistan
b) China
c) India
d) Iran

(a) Afghanistan

The dispute over the demarcation of the Redcliffe Line primarily concerns which region?
a) Punjab
b) Sindh
c) Balochistan
d) Gilgit-Baltistan

(a) Punjab

The Chitral border dispute between Pakistan and Afghanistan primarily involves which region?
a) Punjab
b) Sindh
c) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
d) Balochistan

(c) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

What mountain range marks the natural boundary between Pakistan and Afghanistan?
a) Himalayas
b) Hindu Kush
c) Karakoram
d) Pamir

(b) Hindu Kush

The dispute over the Sir Creek marshland is primarily over its delimitation and demarcation between which two countries?
a) Pakistan and India
b) Pakistan and Afghanistan
c) Pakistan and Iran
d) Pakistan and China

(a) Pakistan and India

The boundary between Pakistan and China is mainly demarcated along the range of mountains known as:
a) The Himalayas
b) The Karakoram Range
c) The Hindu Kush
d) The Suleiman Mountains

(b) The Karakoram Range

Which province in Pakistan shares a border with Iran?
a) Punjab
b) Sindh
c) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
d) Balochistan

(d) Balochistan

The Radcliffe Line, which divided India and Pakistan in 1947, was named after which British lawyer?
a) Cyril Radcliffe
b) Richard Radcliffe
c) John Radcliffe
d) Thomas Radcliffe

(a) Cyril Radcliffe

The border dispute between Pakistan and India in the Siachen Glacier region has resulted in which of the following consequences?
a) Frequent military conflicts
b) Successful resolution through diplomacy
c) Joint control of the region
d) It remains unresolved

(a) Frequent military conflicts

What is the primary source of the conflict between Pakistan and India over the Siachen Glacier region?
a) Control of valuable mineral resources
b) Historical disputes
c) Control over strategic territory
d) Religious differences

(c) Control over strategic territory

The dispute over the demarcation of the Durand Line primarily concerns which region?
a) Punjab
b) Sindh
c) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
d) Balochistan

(c) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Which international organization has attempted to mediate the Kashmir conflict between India and Pakistan?
a) United Nations
b) European Union
c) African Union

(a) United Nations

The Skardu district, which is part of the larger Gilgit-Baltistan region, is a disputed territory between which two countries?
a) Pakistan and India
b) Pakistan and Afghanistan
c) Pakistan and China
d) Pakistan and Iran

(a) Pakistan and India

The Line of Control (LoC) in Kashmir is supervised by which organization?
a) United Nations
b) Indian Army
c) Pakistan Army
d) People’s Liberation Army (China)

(a) United Nations

The Chagai Hills, a disputed territory, are primarily situated in which province of Pakistan?
a) Punjab
b) Sindh
c) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
d) Balochistan

(d) Balochistan

The border dispute in the Kargil region is primarily between India and which other country?
a) China
b) Afghanistan
c) Pakistan
d) Nepal

(c) Pakistan

The United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) monitors the Line of Control in which region?
a) Azad Jammu and Kashmir
b) Ladakh
c) Gilgit-Baltistan
d) Sindh

(a) Azad Jammu and Kashmir

The Kartarpur Corridor, which connects India and Pakistan, is primarily for the ease of pilgrimage to a religious site. Which site does it connect to?
a) Badshahi Mosque
b) Golden Temple
c) Mecca
d) Pashupatinath Temple

(b) Golden Temple

The Rann of Kutch is known for its unique:
a) Cultural festivals
b) Marine biodiversity
c) Historical artifacts
d) Ancient ruins

(b) Marine biodiversity

Which region is subject to the dispute between Pakistan and India in the Sir Creek area?
a) Punjab
b) Sindh
c) Gujarat
d) Rajasthan

(c) Gujarat

Which country has played a significant role in mediating conflicts between Pakistan and India, particularly regarding Kashmir?
a) China
b) United States
c) Russia
d) Saudi Arabia

(b) United States

The Thar Desert forms part of the border between which two countries?
a) Pakistan and India
b) Pakistan and Afghanistan
c) Pakistan and China
d) Pakistan and Iran

(a) Pakistan and India

The region of Gilgit-Baltistan is situated in which mountain range?
a) The Himalayas
b) The Hindu Kush
c) The Karakoram Range
d) The Pamir Mountains

(c) The Karakoram Range

The Durand Line Agreement was signed in which year, leading to the demarcation of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan?
a) 1947
b) 1893
c) 1952
d) 1965

(b) 1893

The Chitral border dispute is primarily over the boundary between Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province and which neighboring region?
a) Punjab
b) Sindh
c) Gilgit-Baltistan
d) Afghanistan

(d) Afghanistan

The Thar Desert is primarily located in which province of Pakistan?
a) Punjab
b) Sindh
c) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
d) Balochistan

(b) Sindh

What river flows along the border between Pakistan and India in the Sialkot region?
a) Ganges
b) Chenab
c) Beas
d) Ravi

(d) Ravi

The Skardu district, part of Gilgit-Baltistan, is of particular interest to India and Pakistan due to its proximity to:
a) Siachen Glacier
b) Aksai Chin
c) Sir Creek
d) Thar Desert

(b) Aksai Chin

Which organization was established to address the issue of the Indus River’s waters shared by India and Pakistan?
a) Indus Waters Commission

(a) Indus Waters Commission

The Chagai Hills, which are the subject of a border dispute, are known for their significance in which field?
a) Geology
b) Archaeology
c) Literature
d) Medicine

(a) Geology

The 1971 India-Pakistan war resulted in the creation of which independent country from what was formerly East Pakistan?
a) Bangladesh
b) Nepal
c) Bhutan
d) Sri Lanka

(a) Bangladesh

The Kargil War of 1999 took place in the region of:
a) Siachen Glacier
b) Chagai Hills
c) Kargil
d) Sir Creek

(c) Kargil

What is the primary issue in the Sir Creek dispute between Pakistan and India?
a) Delimitation of maritime boundaries
b) Control over a strategic river
c) Religious differences
d) Cultural heritage preservation

(a) Delimitation of maritime boundaries

The Redcliffe Line, which was intended to be the boundary between India and Pakistan, resulted in significant religious and demographic consequences. What event is often associated with this line?
a) Partition of Bengal
b) Great Famine
c) First Anglo-Afghan War
d) Simla Agreement

(a) Partition of Bengal

The Siachen Glacier dispute is unique in that it is one of the highest battlegrounds in the world, with elevations reaching over:
a) 5,000 meters
b) 6,000 meters
c) 7,000 meters
d) 8,000 meters

(d) 8,000 meters

The Durand Line, a disputed border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, is named after which British diplomat?
a) Winston Churchill
b) Henry Durand
c) George Mountbatten
d) Lord Curzon

(b) Henry Durand

The Kartarpur Corridor, opened in 2019, allows Sikh pilgrims from India to visit the final resting place of Guru Nanak in which Pakistani city?
a) Karachi
b) Lahore
c) Islamabad
d) Narowal

(d) Narowal

The region of Gilgit-Baltistan is characterized by its stunning landscapes, including some of the world’s highest peaks, and is often referred to as:
a) The Roof of the World
b) The Garden of Eden
c) The Arabian Peninsula
d) The Land of the Rising Sun

(a) The Roof of the World

The Rann of Kutch, a seasonal salt marsh, is an ecologically important area for the conservation of:
a) Tigers
b) Flamingos
c) Elephants
d) Leopards

(b) Flamingos

Which country recognized Bangladesh’s independence before India did during the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War?
a) United States
b) Russia
c) China
d) United Kingdom

(c) China

The Pakistan-Afghanistan border dispute over the Durand Line is complicated by the fact that the region has a significant population of which ethnic group?
a) Pashtuns
b) Baloch
c) Punjabis
d) Sindhis

(a) Pashtuns

The Radcliffe Line was drawn by Sir Cyril Radcliffe, a British lawyer with no prior experience in Indian affairs. What event led to his involvement in drawing the boundary?
a) The British Partition of India
b) The Indian Independence Act of 1947
c) The First Anglo-Afghan War
d) The Durand Line Agreement

(b) The Indian Independence Act of 1947

Which river forms part of the boundary between Pakistan and Afghanistan in the south?
a) Indus
b) Jhelum
c) Kabul
d) Chenab

(c) Kabul

The conflict in the Siachen Glacier region primarily revolves around the control of a strategically important pass known as:
a) Khyber Pass
b) Wagah Pass
c) Sia Pass
d) Saltoro Pass

(d) Saltoro Pass

The dispute over the Radcliffe Line primarily concerns which region in South Asia?
a) Kashmir
b) Punjab
c) Sindh
d) Rajasthan

(a) Kashmir

The Indus Waters Treaty of 1960 governs the sharing of the waters of the Indus River and its tributaries between which two countries?
a) Pakistan and India
b) Pakistan and Afghanistan
c) Pakistan and China
d) Pakistan and Iran

(a) Pakistan and India

The Karakoram Highway, connecting Pakistan and China, is considered one of the world’s highest paved international roads and passes through which region?
a) Balochistan
b) Punjab
c) Gilgit-Baltistan
d) Sindh

(c) Gilgit-Baltistan

Which country mediated the Simla Agreement of 1972 between India and Pakistan, which aimed to establish peaceful relations after the 1971 war?
a) United States
b) China
c) Soviet Union
d) United Kingdom

(d) United Kingdom

The term “Line of Actual Control” (LAC) primarily relates to which border dispute in the region?
a) Pakistan-India border
b) India-China border
c) Afghanistan-Pakistan border
d) India-Nepal border

(b) India-China border

The Wagah Border crossing, famous for its daily border ceremony, is the main land crossing point between which two countries?
a) India and Bangladesh
b) India and Nepal
c) India and Sri Lanka
d) India and Pakistan

(d) India and Pakistan

The Sir Creek dispute primarily centers on the demarcation of maritime boundaries in which body of water?
a) Arabian Sea
b) Indian Ocean
c) Bay of Bengal
d) Persian Gulf

(a) Arabian Sea

The Tharparkar Desert, located in Sindh, Pakistan, is known for its rich cultural heritage and the presence of which indigenous community?
a) Baloch
b) Pashtuns
c) Sindhis
d) Punjabis

(c) Sindhis

The conflict over the Aksai Chin region between India and China is related to the control of a strategically important road that connects which two regions?
a) Tibet and Ladakh
b) Srinagar and Delhi
c) Pakistan and China
d) Xinjiang and Tibet

(a) Tibet and Ladakh

The international boundary between Pakistan and India was established in the wake of which historical event?
a) Independence of Pakistan and India
b) Treaty of Amritsar
c) Simla Agreement
d) Partition of Bengal

(a) Independence of Pakistan and India

The city of Lahore is situated near the Wagah Border, which is also known for its grand ceremonial flag-lowering event. What is this event called?
a) Beating Retreat
b) Border Parade
c) Wagah Ceremony
d) Retreat of the Colors

(a) Beating Retreat

The Kishenganga River, which is subject to a dispute between India and Pakistan, is a tributary of which major river?
a) Ganges
b) Brahmaputra
c) Jhelum
d) Indus

(c) Jhelum

The Thar Desert shares its southeastern border with which Indian state?
a) Rajasthan
b) Punjab
c) Haryana
d) Gujarat

(a) Rajasthan

The conflict over the Chagai Hills region is linked to its mineral resources, particularly which valuable mineral?
a) Gold
b) Copper
c) Oil
d) Coal

(b) Copper

The Kartarpur Corridor was inaugurated on the occasion of the 550th birth anniversary of which Sikh Guru?
a) Guru Nanak
b) Guru Gobind Singh
c) Guru Arjan
d) Guru Tegh Bahadur

(a) Guru Nanak

The term “Radcliffe Line” is associated with the partition of which country in 1947?
a) India
b) China
c) Pakistan
d) Bangladesh

(a) India

The Kargil War in 1999 primarily erupted due to the infiltration of militants and soldiers into Indian territory by which country’s armed forces?
a) Pakistan
b) China
c) Afghanistan
d) Nepal

(a) Pakistan

The Kishenganga River, also known as the Neelum River in Pakistan, flows through which region before entering the Indian-administered territory of Jammu and Kashmir?
a) Azad Jammu and Kashmir
b) Ladakh
c) Gilgit-Baltistan
d) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

(a) Azad Jammu and Kashmir

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