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Astronautics MCQs with Answers

What is the term for the imaginary line around which a rotating body, such as a planet or spacecraft, rotates?
A) Orbit
B) Equator
C) Axis
D) Meridian
Answer: C) Axis

Which space agency launched the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, into orbit?
C) Roscosmos
Answer: C) Roscosmos

Who was the first woman to travel into space?
A) Sally Ride
B) Valentina Tereshkova
C) Mae Jemison
D) Eileen Collins
Answer: B) Valentina Tereshkova

What is the name of the spacecraft that carried the first humans to the Moon during the Apollo 11 mission?
A) Gemini
B) Mercury
C) Apollo
D) Soyuz
Answer: C) Apollo

Who was the first human to journey into space?
A) Yuri Gagarin
B) Neil Armstrong
C) John Glenn
D) Buzz Aldrin
Answer: A) Yuri Gagarin

What is the name of the first space shuttle orbiter that NASA used for its maiden flight in 1981?
A) Challenger
B) Discovery
C) Atlantis
D) Columbia
Answer: D) Columbia

In which year did the Apollo 11 mission successfully land humans on the Moon?
A) 1967
B) 1969
C) 1971
D) 1973
Answer: B) 1969

Who was the first American woman to fly in space?
A) Sally Ride
B) Valentina Tereshkova
C) Mae Jemison
D) Eileen Collins
Answer: A) Sally Ride

What is the primary purpose of the International Space Station (ISS)?
A) Planetary exploration
B) Space tourism
C) Scientific research in microgravity
D) Asteroid mining
Answer: C) Scientific research in microgravity

What is the term for the point in an orbit around the Earth where a spacecraft is closest to the planet?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Zenith
D) Nadir
Answer: B) Perigee

Who was the first human to perform a spacewalk (extravehicular activity)?
A) Yuri Gagarin
B) Neil Armstrong
C) Alexei Leonov
D) Buzz Aldrin
Answer: C) Alexei Leonov

Which space agency launched the Hubble Space Telescope into orbit?
C) Roscosmos
Answer: A) NASA

Who was the first American to orbit the Earth in a spacecraft?
A) John Glenn
B) Alan Shepard
C) Gus Grissom
D) Wally Schirra
Answer: A) John Glenn

What is the term for the region of space around a planet where its magnetic field influences charged particles?
A) Magnetopause
B) Magnetosphere
C) Heliosphere
D) Thermosphere
Answer: B) Magnetosphere

What is the term for the point in an orbit around the Earth where a spacecraft is farthest from the planet?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Zenith
D) Nadir
Answer: A) Apogee

Who was the first human to step onto the surface of the Moon?
A) Yuri Gagarin
B) Neil Armstrong
C) Buzz Aldrin
D) Michael Collins
Answer: B) Neil Armstrong

What is the name of the first artificial satellite launched by the United States?
A) Explorer 1
B) Vanguard 1
C) Sputnik 1
D) Telstar 1
Answer: A) Explorer 1

What is the primary purpose of the International Space Station (ISS)?
A) Planetary exploration
B) Space tourism
C) Scientific research in microgravity
D) Asteroid mining
Answer: C) Scientific research in microgravity

What is the term for the process of matching the velocity and position of a spacecraft with that of a celestial body for orbital insertion?
A) Docking
B) Rendezvous
C) Tethering
D) Landing
Answer: B) Rendezvous

Who was the first human to complete a solo orbital flight around the Earth?
A) Yuri Gagarin
B) Valentina Tereshkova
C) John Glenn
D) Alan Shepard
Answer: D) Alan Shepard

What is the primary purpose of the International Space Station (ISS)?
A) Planetary exploration
B) Space tourism
C) Scientific research in microgravity
D) Asteroid mining
Answer: C) Scientific research in microgravity

What is the term for the point in an orbit around the Earth where a spacecraft is closest to the planet?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Zenith
D) Nadir
Answer: B) Perigee

Who was the first human to perform a spacewalk (extravehicular activity)?
A) Yuri Gagarin
B) Neil Armstrong
C) Alexei Leonov
D) Buzz Aldrin
Answer: C) Alexei Leonov

Which space agency launched the Hubble Space Telescope into orbit?
C) Roscosmos
Answer: A) NASA

Who was the first American to orbit the Earth in a spacecraft?
A) John Glenn
B) Alan Shepard
C) Gus Grissom
D) Wally Schirra
Answer: A) John Glenn

What is the term for the region of space around a planet where its magnetic field influences charged particles?
A) Magnetopause
B) Magnetosphere
C) Heliosphere
D) Thermosphere
Answer: B) Magnetosphere

What is the term for the point in an orbit around the Earth where a spacecraft is farthest from the planet?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Zenith
D) Nadir
Answer: A) Apogee

Who was the first human to step onto the surface of the Moon?
A) Yuri Gagarin
B) Neil Armstrong
C) Buzz Aldrin
D) Michael Collins
Answer: B) Neil Armstrong

What is the name of the first artificial satellite launched by the United States?
A) Explorer 1
B) Vanguard 1
C) Sputnik 1
D) Telstar 1
Answer: A) Explorer 1

What is the primary purpose of the International Space Station (ISS)?
A) Planetary exploration
B) Space tourism
C) Scientific research in microgravity
D) Asteroid mining
Answer: C) Scientific research in microgravity

Who was the first human to complete a solo orbital flight around the Earth?
A) Yuri Gagarin
B) Valentina Tereshkova
C) John Glenn
D) Alan Shepard
Answer: D) Alan Shepard

What is the primary purpose of the International Space Station (ISS)?
A) Planetary exploration
B) Space tourism
C) Scientific research in microgravity
D) Asteroid mining
Answer: C) Scientific research in microgravity

What is the term for the process of matching the velocity and position of a spacecraft with that of a celestial body for orbital insertion?
A) Docking
B) Rendezvous
C) Tethering
D) Landing
Answer: B) Rendezvous

Who was the first human to complete a solo orbital flight around the Earth?
A) Yuri Gagarin
B) Valentina Tereshkova
C) John Glenn
D) Alan Shepard
Answer: D) Alan Shepard

What is the primary purpose of the International Space Station (ISS)?
A) Planetary exploration
B) Space tourism
C) Scientific research in microgravity
D) Asteroid mining
Answer: C) Scientific research in microgravity

What is the term for the point in an orbit around the Earth where a spacecraft is closest to the planet?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Zenith
D) Nadir
Answer: B) Perigee

Who was the first human to perform a spacewalk (extravehicular activity)?
A) Yuri Gagarin
B) Neil Armstrong
C) Alexei Leonov
D) Buzz Aldrin
Answer: C) Alexei Leonov

Which space agency launched the Hubble Space Telescope into orbit?
C) Roscosmos
Answer: A) NASA

Who was the first American to orbit the Earth in a spacecraft?
A) John Glenn
B) Alan Shepard
C) Gus Grissom
D) Wally Schirra
Answer: A) John Glenn

What is the term for the region of space around a planet where its magnetic field influences charged particles?
A) Magnetopause
B) Magnetosphere
C) Heliosphere
D) Thermosphere
Answer: B) Magnetosphere

What is the term for the point in an orbit around the Earth where a spacecraft is farthest from the planet?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Zenith
D) Nadir
Answer: A) Apogee

Who was the first human to step onto the surface of the Moon?
A) Yuri Gagarin
B) Neil Armstrong
C) Buzz Aldrin
D) Michael Collins
Answer: B) Neil Armstrong

What is the name of the first artificial satellite launched by the United States?
A) Explorer 1
B) Vanguard 1
C) Sputnik 1
D) Telstar 1
Answer: A) Explorer 1

What is the primary purpose of the International Space Station (ISS)?
A) Planetary exploration
B) Space tourism
C) Scientific research in microgravity
D) Asteroid mining
Answer: C) Scientific research in microgravity

What is the term for the process of matching the velocity and position of a spacecraft with that of a celestial body for orbital insertion?
A) Docking
B) Rendezvous
C) Tethering
D) Landing
Answer: B) Rendezvous

Who was the first human to complete a solo orbital flight around the Earth?
A) Yuri Gagarin
B) Valentina Tereshkova
C) John Glenn
D) Alan Shepard
Answer: D) Alan Shepard

What is the primary purpose of the International Space Station (ISS)?
A) Planetary exploration
B) Space tourism
C) Scientific research in microgravity
D) Asteroid mining
Answer: C) Scientific research in microgravity

What is the term for the process of matching the velocity and position of a spacecraft with that of a celestial body for orbital insertion?
A) Docking
B) Rendezvous
C) Tethering
D) Landing
Answer: B) Rendezvous

Who was the first human to complete a solo orbital flight around the Earth?
A) Yuri Gagarin
B) Valentina Tereshkova
C) John Glenn
D) Alan Shepard
Answer: D) Alan Shepard

What is the primary purpose of the International Space Station (ISS)?
A) Planetary exploration
B) Space tourism
C) Scientific research in microgravity
D) Asteroid mining
Answer: C) Scientific research in microgravity

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