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Astrodynamics MCQs with Answers

In astrodynamics, what is the term for the speed needed for an object to break free from the gravitational influence of a celestial body?
A) Escape velocity
B) Orbital velocity
C) Terminal velocity
D) Impact velocity
Answer: A) Escape velocity

Which of the following is a measure of the curvature of space-time caused by the presence of mass and energy?
A) Inertia
B) Acceleration
C) Gravity
D) Curvature
Answer: D) Curvature

What is the point in an orbit where a satellite is closest to the Earth?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Aphelion
D) Perihelion
Answer: B) Perigee

Which law states that the square of the orbital period of a planet is proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Third Law
D) Newton’s Third Law of Motion
Answer: C) Kepler’s Third Law

What is the name for the minimum energy required to transfer between two stable orbits?
A) Inclination
B) Delta-v
C) Periapsis
D) Apoapsis
Answer: B) Delta-v

Which of the following is a stable circular orbit around the Earth with a fixed inclination to the equator?
A) Geostationary orbit
B) Low Earth orbit
C) Sun-synchronous orbit
D) Molniya orbit
Answer: A) Geostationary orbit

What is the process of changing the trajectory or velocity of a spacecraft called?
A) Maneuvering
B) Docking
C) Stabilization
D) Retrograde
Answer: A) Maneuvering

Which law states that every particle in the universe attracts every other particle with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Third Law
D) Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
Answer: D) Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation

What is the term for the point in an orbit where a satellite is farthest from the Earth?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Aphelion
D) Perihelion
Answer: A) Apogee

What is the term for the inclination of an orbit relative to the celestial equator?
A) Eccentricity
B) Altitude
C) Inclination
D) Longitude
Answer: C) Inclination

Which of the following is a measure of the amount of deviation of an orbit from a perfect circle?
A) Eccentricity
B) Altitude
C) Inclination
D) Longitude
Answer: A) Eccentricity

What is the name for the lowest point in an orbit around a celestial body?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Aphelion
D) Perihelion
Answer: B) Perigee

Which of the following is an orbit that lies in the same plane as the equator and has zero inclination?
A) Polar orbit
B) Geostationary orbit
C) Sun-synchronous orbit
D) Molniya orbit
Answer: B) Geostationary orbit

What is the term for the angle between the plane of an orbit and the plane of the Earth’s equator?
A) Eccentricity
B) Altitude
C) Inclination
D) Longitude
Answer: C) Inclination

Which law states that the angular momentum of a celestial body in orbit remains constant over time?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Third Law
D) Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum
Answer: D) Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum

What is the name for the point in an orbit where a satellite is closest to the Earth?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Aphelion
D) Perihelion
Answer: B) Perigee

Which law states that the square of the orbital period of a planet is proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Third Law
D) Newton’s Third Law of Motion
Answer: C) Kepler’s Third Law

What is the name for the minimum energy required to transfer between two stable orbits?
A) Inclination
B) Delta-v
C) Periapsis
D) Apoapsis
Answer: B) Delta-v

Which of the following is a stable circular orbit around the Earth with a fixed inclination to the equator?
A) Geostationary orbit
B) Low Earth orbit
C) Sun-synchronous orbit
D) Molniya orbit
Answer: A) Geostationary orbit

What is the process of changing the trajectory or velocity of a spacecraft called?
A) Maneuvering
B) Docking
C) Stabilization
D) Retrograde
Answer: A) Maneuvering

Which law states that every particle in the universe attracts every other particle with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Third Law
D) Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
Answer: D) Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation

What is the term for the point in an orbit where a satellite is farthest from the Earth?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Aphelion
D) Perihelion
Answer: A) Apogee

What is the term for the inclination of an orbit relative to the celestial equator?
A) Eccentricity
B) Altitude
C) Inclination
D) Longitude
Answer: C) Inclination

Which of the following is a measure of the amount of deviation of an orbit from a perfect circle?
A) Eccentricity
B) Altitude
C) Inclination
D) Longitude
Answer: A) Eccentricity

What is the name for the lowest point in an orbit around a celestial body?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Aphelion
D) Perihelion
Answer: B) Perigee

Which of the following is an orbit that lies in the same plane as the equator and has zero inclination?
A) Polar orbit
B) Geostationary orbit
C) Sun-synchronous orbit
D) Molniya orbit
Answer: B) Geostationary orbit

What is the term for the angle between the plane of an orbit and the plane of the Earth’s equator?
A) Eccentricity
B) Altitude
C) Inclination
D) Longitude
Answer: C) Inclination

Which law states that the angular momentum of a celestial body in orbit remains constant over time?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Third Law
D) Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum
Answer: D) Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum

What is the name for the point in an orbit where a satellite is closest to the Earth?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Aphelion
D) Perihelion
Answer: B) Perigee

Which law states that the square of the orbital period of a planet is proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Third Law
D) Newton’s Third Law of Motion
Answer: C) Kepler’s Third Law

What is the name for the minimum energy required to transfer between two stable orbits?
A) Inclination
B) Delta-v
C) Periapsis
D) Apoapsis
Answer: B) Delta-v

Which of the following is a stable circular orbit around the Earth with a fixed inclination to the equator?
A) Geostationary orbit
B) Low Earth orbit
C) Sun-synchronous orbit
D) Molniya orbit
Answer: A) Geostationary orbit

What is the process of changing the trajectory or velocity of a spacecraft called?
A) Maneuvering
B) Docking
C) Stabilization
D) Retrograde
Answer: A) Maneuvering

Which law states that every particle in the universe attracts every other particle with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Third Law
D) Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
Answer: D) Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation

What is the term for the point in an orbit where a satellite is farthest from the Earth?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Aphelion
D) Perihelion
Answer: A) Apogee

What is the term for the inclination of an orbit relative to the celestial equator?
A) Eccentricity
B) Altitude
C) Inclination
D) Longitude
Answer: C) Inclination

Which of the following is a measure of the amount of deviation of an orbit from a perfect circle?
A) Eccentricity
B) Altitude
C) Inclination
D) Longitude
Answer: A) Eccentricity

What is the name for the lowest point in an orbit around a celestial body?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Aphelion
D) Perihelion
Answer: B) Perigee

Which of the following is an orbit that lies in the same plane as the equator and has zero inclination?
A) Polar orbit
B) Geostationary orbit
C) Sun-synchronous orbit
D) Molniya orbit
Answer: B) Geostationary orbit

What is the term for the angle between the plane of an orbit and the plane of the Earth’s equator?
A) Eccentricity
B) Altitude
C) Inclination
D) Longitude
Answer: C) Inclination

Which law states that the angular momentum of a celestial body in orbit remains constant over time?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Third Law
D) Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum
Answer: D) Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum

What is the name for the point in an orbit where a satellite is closest to the Earth?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Aphelion
D) Perihelion
Answer: B) Perigee

Which law states that the square of the orbital period of a planet is proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Third Law
D) Newton’s Third Law of Motion
Answer: C) Kepler’s Third Law

What is the name for the minimum energy required to transfer between two stable orbits?
A) Inclination
B) Delta-v
C) Periapsis
D) Apoapsis
Answer: B) Delta-v

Which of the following is a stable circular orbit around the Earth with a fixed inclination to the equator?
A) Geostationary orbit
B) Low Earth orbit
C) Sun-synchronous orbit
D) Molniya orbit
Answer: A) Geostationary orbit

What is the process of changing the trajectory or velocity of a spacecraft called?
A) Maneuvering
B) Docking
C) Stabilization
D) Retrograde
Answer: A) Maneuvering

Which law states that every particle in the universe attracts every other particle with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers?
A) Kepler’s First Law
B) Newton’s First Law of Motion
C) Kepler’s Third Law
D) Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
Answer: D) Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation

What is the term for the point in an orbit where a satellite is farthest from the Earth?
A) Apogee
B) Perigee
C) Aphelion
D) Perihelion
Answer: A) Apogee

What is the term for the inclination of an orbit relative to the celestial equator?
A) Eccentricity
B) Altitude
C) Inclination
D) Longitude
Answer: C) Inclination

Which of the following is a measure of the amount of deviation of an orbit from a perfect circle?
A) Eccentricity
B) Altitude
C) Inclination
D) Longitude
Answer: A) Eccentricity

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