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Articles MDCAT MCQs with Answers

Articles MDCAT MCQs

Welcome to the Articles MDCAT MCQs with Answers. In this post, we have shared Articles Multiple Choice Questions and Answers for PMC MDCAT 2024. Each question in MDCAT English offers a chance to enhance your knowledge regarding Articles MCQs in this MDCAT Online Test.

Choose the correct article for the sentence:
A) She adopted ____ cat from the shelter.
B) a
C) an
D) the

A) the

Select the appropriate article for the blank:
A) I need ____ umbrella because it’s raining.
B) a
C) an
D) the

B) an

Which article fits best in the sentence?
A) ____ apple a day keeps the doctor away.
B) a
C) an
D) the

C) an

Fill in the blank with the correct article:
A) ____ sun rises in the east.
B) a
C) an
D) the

D) the

Choose the correct article for the sentence:
A) He is ____ honest man.
B) a
C) an
D) the

C) an

Select the appropriate article for the sentence:
A) I saw ____ movie yesterday.
B) a
C) an
D) the

A) a

Which article is correct for the sentence?
A) They live in ____ house by the beach.
B) a
C) an
D) the

D) the

Fill in the blank with the correct article:
A) ____ book on the table is mine.
B) a
C) an
D) the

D) the

Choose the correct article for the sentence:
A) We visited ____ Eiffel Tower in Paris.
B) a
C) an
D) the

D) the

Select the appropriate article for the blank:
A) She is ____ excellent student.
B) a
C) an
D) the

C) an

Which article fits best in the sentence?
A) ____ moon is very bright tonight.
B) a
C) an
D) the

D) the

Fill in the blank with the correct article:
A) I want to buy ____ new phone.
B) a
C) an
D) the

A) a

Choose the correct article for the sentence:
A) They adopted ____ dog from the animal shelter.
B) a
C) an
D) the

A) a

Select the appropriate article for the blank:
A) ____ doctor is very skilled.
B) a
C) an
D) the

D) the

Which article is correct for the sentence?
A) ____ book I borrowed was interesting.
B) a
C) an
D) the

D) the

Fill in the blank with the correct article:
A) ____ moon is visible tonight.
B) a
C) an
D) the

D) the

Choose the correct article for the sentence:
A) I need ____ apple for my recipe.
B) a
C) an
D) the

C) an

Select the appropriate article for the blank:
A) They saw ____ film at the cinema.
B) a
C) an
D) the

A) a

Which article fits best in the sentence?
A) She bought ____ dress for the party.
B) a
C) an
D) the

A) a

Fill in the blank with the correct article:
A) ____ giraffe is the tallest land animal.
B) a
C) an
D) the

D) the

Choose the correct article for the sentence:
A) He gave me ____ book to read.
B) a
C) an
D) the

B) a

Select the appropriate article for the blank:
A) We need ____ new strategy for the project.
B) a
C) an
D) the

C) an

Which article is correct for the sentence?
A) ____ film was entertaining.
B) a
C) an
D) the

D) the

Fill in the blank with the correct article:
A) I saw ____ amazing performance last night.
B) a
C) an
D) the

C) an

Choose the correct article for the sentence:
A) ____ book you lent me was fascinating.
B) a
C) an
D) the

D) the

Select the appropriate article for the blank:
A) She wore ____ elegant dress to the wedding.
B) a
C) an
D) the

C) an

Which article fits best in the sentence?
A) ____ cat is sleeping on the couch.
B) a
C) an
D) the

D) the

Fill in the blank with the correct article:
A) He built ____ house by the river.
B) a
C) an
D) the

A) a

Choose the correct article for the sentence:
A) ____ artist painted the mural.
B) a
C) an
D) the

D) the

Select the appropriate article for the blank:
A) I need ____ time to finish my work.
B) a
C) an
D) the

B) a

Which article is correct for the sentence?
A) ____ park is a great place to relax.
B) a
C) an
D) the

D) the

Fill in the blank with the correct article:
A) She offered ____ delicious cake to everyone.
B) a
C) an
D) the

C) an

Choose the correct article for the sentence:
A) ____ baby is crying loudly.
B) a
C) an
D) the

D) the

Select the appropriate article for the blank:
A) They are visiting ____ museum this weekend.
B) a
C) an
D) the

D) the

Which article fits best in the sentence?
A) ____ weather is nice today.
B) a
C) an
D) the

D) the

Fill in the blank with the correct article:
A) He bought ____ car last week.
B) a
C) an
D) the

A) a

Choose the correct article for the sentence:
A) ____ students are studying in the library.
B) a
C) an
D) the

D) the

Select the appropriate article for the blank:
A) She wants to be ____ engineer.
B) a
C) an
D) the

C) an

Which article is correct for the sentence?
A) ____ train is arriving at the station.
B) a
C) an
D) the

D) the

Fill in the blank with the correct article:
A) They live in ____ beautiful house.
B) a
C) an
D) the

D) the

Choose the correct article for the sentence:
A) ____ phone is ringing.
B) a
C) an
D) the

D) the

Select the appropriate article for the blank:
A) ____ bird is singing in the tree.
B) a
C) an
D) the

D) the

Which article fits best in the sentence?
A) He has ____ idea about the project.
B) a
C) an
D) the

C) an

Fill in the blank with the correct article:
A) ____ restaurant we visited was fantastic.
B) a
C) an
D) the

D) the

Choose the correct article for the sentence:
A) ____ weather is unpredictable.
B) a
C) an
D) the

D) the

Select the appropriate article for the blank:
A) She needs ____ appointment with the doctor.
B) a
C) an
D) the

C) an

Which article is correct for the sentence?
A) ____ train arrived late.
B) a
C) an
D) the

D) the

Fill in the blank with the correct article:
A) They watched ____ exciting game last night.
B) a
C) an
D) the

C) an

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