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Afghanistan-Pakistan Relations MCQs with Answers

Welcome to the Afghanistan-Pakistan Relations MCQs with Answers. In this post, we are sharing Afghanistan-Pakistan Relations Multiple Choice Questions and Answers in Pakistan  General Knowledge section for various competitive exams in Pakistan. Find practice Afghanistan-Pakistan Relations practice test with answers here. Each question offers a chance to enhance your knowledge regarding Afghanistan-Pakistan Relations online MCQs Test.

What is the common religion shared by both Afghanistan and Pakistan?
a) Christianity
b) Buddhism
c) Hinduism
d) Islam

d) Islam

Which river forms a significant part of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan?
a) Ganges River
b) Tigris River
c) Indus River
d) Amu Darya

c) Indus River

The Durand Line is a historical border dispute between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Who established this line?
a) Alexander the Great
b) Sir Mortimer Durand
c) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
d) King Amanullah Khan

b) Sir Mortimer Durand

Which province in Pakistan shares its border with Afghanistan and has historical significance in Afghanistan-Pakistan relations?
a) Sindh
b) Balochistan
c) Punjab
d) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

d) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

What is the traditional Pashtun tribal council used for dispute resolution and governance in both Afghanistan and Pakistan?
a) Loya Jirga
b) Shura
c) Jirga
d) Wolesi Jirga

c) Jirga

The presence of which militant group in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region has been a source of tension between the two countries?
a) Al-Qaeda
b) Taliban
d) Haqqani Network

b) Taliban

What was the name of the Pakistani refugee camp established during the Soviet-Afghan War, which housed millions of Afghan refugees?
a) Jalalabad Camp
b) Quetta Camp
c) Peshawar Camp
d) Islamabad Camp

c) Peshawar Camp

Which Pakistani province has hosted a significant number of Afghan refugees throughout the years?
a) Sindh
b) Balochistan
c) Punjab
d) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

d) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

The region known as the “Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA)” in Pakistan has been a historically significant area in Afghanistan-Pakistan relations. What is its status as of my knowledge cutoff date in September 2021?
a) Independent Nation
b) Part of Afghanistan
c) Part of Pakistan
d) Under UN Administration

c) Part of Pakistan

What is the main border crossing point between Afghanistan and Pakistan, which is a vital trade route?
a) Torkham
b) Chaman
c) Wagah
d) Gwadar

a) Torkham

The United States, Afghanistan, and Pakistan have been part of a diplomatic initiative aimed at finding a peaceful solution to the Afghan conflict. What is this initiative known as?
a) Doha Agreement
b) Tashkent Accords
c) Geneva Convention
d) Islamabad Declaration

a) Doha Agreement

What was the role of Pakistan in the early years of the Afghan civil war following the Soviet withdrawal?
a) Supported the Northern Alliance
b) Supported the Taliban
c) Remained neutral
d) Fought against all Afghan factions

b) Supported the Taliban

Which Afghan leader sought refuge in Pakistan during the Taliban’s rule in Afghanistan?
a) Hamid Karzai
b) Ashraf Ghani
c) Gulbuddin Hekmatyar
d) Burhanuddin Rabbani

c) Gulbuddin Hekmatyar

What is the name of the region that has been a focal point of the conflict between Afghanistan and Pakistan, known for its rugged terrain and the presence of militant groups?
a) Swat Valley
b) Balochistan
d) Waziristan

d) Waziristan

What is the official language of Afghanistan and Pakistan?
a) Pashto
b) Farsi
c) Urdu
d) Punjabi

b) Farsi

Which of the following statements about the TAPI gas pipeline is correct?
a) It is a pipeline connecting Afghanistan and Pakistan.
b) It is a pipeline connecting Afghanistan and Turkmenistan.
c) It is a pipeline connecting Pakistan and India.
d) It is a pipeline connecting Afghanistan and Iran.

b) It is a pipeline connecting Afghanistan and Turkmenistan.

The city of Quetta in Pakistan has been a hub for Afghan refugees and a center for Afghan political activities. Which ethnic group has a significant presence in Quetta?
a) Pashtuns
b) Hazaras
c) Tajiks
d) Uzbeks

b) Hazaras

The Chabahar Port, located in Iran, is significant for Afghanistan-Pakistan relations due to its potential to provide access to international markets. What is the key role of this port?
a) It provides a direct route to China.
b) It provides a direct route to Central Asia.
c) It provides a direct route to Russia.
d) It provides a direct route to Europe.

b) It provides a direct route to Central Asia.

Which of the following countries has played a mediating role in Afghan peace talks, involving both the Afghan government and the Taliban?
a) Iran
b) China
c) India
d) Russia

b) China

What is the name of the border crossing that connects the Pakistani city of Chaman with Spin Boldak in Afghanistan?
a) Torkham
b) Chaman
c) Wagah
d) Gwadar

b) Chaman

The Afghan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement (APTTA) allows for the transit of goods between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Which port in Pakistan is often used for this purpose?
a) Gwadar Port
b) Karachi Port
c) Port Qasim
d) Ormara Port

b) Karachi Port

The Afghan-Pakistan border has a significant number of border crossings. What is the primary purpose of these crossings?
a) Promoting tourism
b) Facilitating trade and transit
c) Military deployments
d) Humanitarian aid

b) Facilitating trade and transit

The “Heart of Asia” conference is a diplomatic initiative that aims to promote regional stability and cooperation, with a focus on Afghanistan. Which city has hosted several of these conferences?
a) Kabul
b) Islamabad
c) New Delhi
d) Istanbul

b) Islamabad

The Torkham Gate, a key border crossing between Afghanistan and Pakistan, is located in which province of Pakistan?
a) Punjab
b) Sindh
c) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
d) Balochistan

c) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Which country, neighboring both Afghanistan and Pakistan, has often been involved in mediating conflicts and providing humanitarian aid to the region?
a) China
b) India
c) Iran
d) Russia

c) Iran

The region known as “FATA” has been integrated into which province of Pakistan as part of a government initiative?
a) Sindh
b) Balochistan
c) Punjab
d) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

d) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

The Afghanistan-Pakistan border region has been a focus of counterterrorism efforts. What is the name of the operation carried out by the Pakistani military in this region?
a) Operation Zarb-e-Azb
b) Operation Enduring Freedom
c) Operation Neptune Spear
d) Operation Inherent Resolve

a) Operation Zarb-e-Azb

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a significant infrastructure project. How does it relate to Afghanistan-Pakistan relations?
a) It directly connects Afghanistan with China.
b) It passes through Afghanistan, enhancing regional connectivity.
c) It has no direct impact on Afghanistan.
d) It is a trade route connecting Afghanistan with Pakistan.

c) It has no direct impact on Afghanistan.

Which country has a historical influence on the Pashtun tribal areas in both Afghanistan and Pakistan?
a) China
b) India
c) United Kingdom
d) United States

c) United Kingdom

The Peshawar Accord of 2006 was an agreement between the Pakistani government and a militant group operating in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region. What was the name of this militant group?
a) Al-Qaeda
b) Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)
c) Afghan National Army
d) Haqqani Network

b) Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)

The Afghan government has accused Pakistan of providing support to certain militant groups in Afghanistan. Which term is often used to describe this alleged support?
a) State-sponsored terrorism
b) Rebel alliance
c) Border ceasefire
d) Peace initiative

a) State-sponsored terrorism

Which U.S. military operation led to the removal of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan in 2001 and impacted Afghanistan-Pakistan relations?
a) Operation Desert Storm
b) Operation Iraqi Freedom
c) Operation Enduring Freedom
d) Operation Desert Shield

c) Operation Enduring Freedom

The “Great Game” was a 19th-century geopolitical rivalry in the region, involving British India and Russia. Which country’s interests often played a role in this rivalry?
a) China
b) Iran
c) Afghanistan
d) United States

c) Afghanistan

What is the name of the ethnic group that has a significant presence in both Afghanistan and Pakistan, particularly in the border region?
a) Hazaras
b) Baloch
c) Pashtuns
d) Uzbeks

c) Pashtuns

The TAPI gas pipeline is a project aimed at providing natural gas to both Afghanistan and Pakistan. What do the initials “TAPI” stand for?
a) Trans-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India Pipeline
b) Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India Pipeline
c) Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Iran Pipeline
d) Transcontinental Asia-Persia-India Pipeline

b) Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India Pipeline

The city of Kabul is the capital of Afghanistan. Which Pakistani city is closest to Kabul, making it a key transit point for trade and diplomacy?
a) Lahore
b) Peshawar
c) Karachi
d) Islamabad

b) Peshawar

What is the term used to describe the cross-border movement of ethnic Pashtuns between Afghanistan and Pakistan?
a) Refugee crisis
b) Transnational migration
c) Tribal exchange
d) Pashtunwali

b) Transnational migration

In recent years, Afghanistan has sought international support for the development of a major infrastructure project known as the “TUTAP” project. What does “TUTAP” stand for?
a) Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan
b) Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India
c) Tajikistan-Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan
d) Transcontinental Utilities and Transport Access Project

b) Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India

The construction of the Salma Dam (Afghan-India Friendship Dam) in Afghanistan was supported by which country?
a) China
b) United States
c) India
d) Iran

c) India

What is the name of the region in Pakistan that has a significant Baloch separatist movement and has been a source of tension with Afghanistan?
a) Gilgit-Baltistan
b) Azad Jammu and Kashmir
d) Balochistan

d) Balochistan

The “Four-Party Peace Jirga” involving Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, and the United States aimed at finding a peaceful solution to the Afghan conflict. What was the outcome of this initiative?
a) Comprehensive peace agreement
b) Ceasefire and withdrawal of foreign troops
c) Framework for intra-Afghan talks
d) Humanitarian assistance package

c) Framework for intra-Afghan talks

In recent years, the Afghan government and the Taliban have engaged in peace talks. In which city did the initial rounds of these talks take place?
a) Islamabad
b) Doha
c) Kabul
d) Tehran

b) Doha

The construction of the Gwadar Port, located in Pakistan’s Balochistan province, has strategic implications for Afghanistan and its access to international markets. What country is a key partner in this project?
a) China
b) India
c) Iran
d) United States

a) China

The “Peshawar Agreement” of 1992 was an agreement that aimed to establish a new government in Afghanistan. Who were the key parties involved in this agreement?
a) Afghan government and Pakistani government
b) Afghan government and Afghan opposition groups
c) Afghan government and United Nations
d) Afghan government and tribal leaders

b) Afghan government and Afghan opposition groups

What is the name of the region that has been a focal point of the conflict between Afghanistan and Pakistan, known for its rugged terrain and the presence of militant groups?
a) Swat Valley
b) Balochistan
d) Waziristan

d) Waziristan

The Afghan government has accused Pakistan of providing support to certain militant groups in Afghanistan. Which term is often used to describe this alleged support?
a) State-sponsored terrorism
b) Rebel alliance
c) Border ceasefire
d) Peace initiative

a) State-sponsored terrorism

In recent years, Afghanistan has sought international support for the development of a major infrastructure project known as the “TUTAP” project. What does “TUTAP” stand for?
a) Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan
b) Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India
c) Tajikistan-Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan
d) Transcontinental Utilities and Transport Access Project

b) Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India

The city of Kabul is the capital of Afghanistan. Which Pakistani city is closest to Kabul, making it a key transit point for trade and diplomacy?
a) Lahore
b) Peshawar
c) Karachi
d) Islamabad

b) Peshawar

What is the name of the region in Pakistan that has a significant Baloch separatist movement and has been a source of tension with Afghanistan?
a) Gilgit-Baltistan
b) Azad Jammu and Kashmir
d) Balochistan

d) Balochistan

The construction of the Gwadar Port, located in Pakistan’s Balochistan province, has strategic implications for Afghanistan and its access to international markets. What country is a key partner in this project?
a) China
b) India
c) Iran
d) United States

a) China

The “Peshawar Agreement” of 1992 was an agreement that aimed to establish a new government in Afghanistan. Who were the key parties involved in this agreement?
a) Afghan government and Pakistani government
b) Afghan government and Afghan opposition groups
c) Afghan government and United Nations
d) Afghan government and tribal leaders

b) Afghan government and Afghan opposition groups

What is the term used to describe the cross-border movement of ethnic Pashtuns between Afghanistan and Pakistan?
a) Refugee crisis
b) Transnational migration
c) Tribal exchange
d) Pashtunwali

b) Transnational migration

The construction of the Salma Dam (Afghan-India Friendship Dam) in Afghanistan was supported by which country?
a) China
b) United States
c) India
d) Iran

c) India

The “Great Game” was a 19th-century geopolitical rivalry in the region, involving British India and Russia. Which country’s interests often played a role in this rivalry?
a) China
b) Iran
c) Afghanistan
d) United States

c) Afghanistan

The Afghanistan-Pakistan border region has been a focus of counterterrorism efforts. What is the name of the operation carried out by the Pakistani military in this region?
a) Operation Zarb-e-Azb
b) Operation Enduring Freedom
c) Operation Neptune Spear
d) Operation Inherent Resolve

a) Operation Zarb-e-Azb

In recent years, the Afghan government and the Taliban have engaged in peace talks. In which city did the initial rounds of these talks take place?
a) Islamabad
b) Doha
c) Kabul
d) Tehran

b) Doha

The “Four-Party Peace Jirga” involving Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, and the United States aimed at finding a peaceful solution to the Afghan conflict. What was the outcome of this initiative?
a) Comprehensive peace agreement
b) Ceasefire and withdrawal of foreign troops
c) Framework for intra-Afghan talks
d) Humanitarian assistance package

c) Framework for intra-Afghan talks

The “Peshawar Accord” of 2006 was an agreement between the Pakistani government and a militant group operating in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region. What was the name of this militant group?
a) Al-Qaeda
b) Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)
c) Afghan National Army
d) Haqqani Network

b) Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)

The Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement (APTTA) allows for the transit of goods between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Which port in Pakistan is often used for this purpose?
a) Gwadar Port
b) Karachi Port
c) Port Qasim
d) Ormara Port

b) Karachi Port

What is the name of the region that has been a focal point of the conflict between Afghanistan and Pakistan, known for its rugged terrain and the presence of militant groups?
a) Swat Valley
b) Balochistan
d) Waziristan

d) Waziristan

The “Peshawar Agreement” of 1992 was an agreement that aimed to establish a new government in Afghanistan. Who were the key parties involved in this agreement?
a) Afghan government and Pakistani government
b) Afghan government and Afghan opposition groups
c) Afghan government and United Nations
d) Afghan government and tribal leaders

b) Afghan government and Afghan opposition groups

The construction of the Gwadar Port, located in Pakistan’s Balochistan province, has strategic implications for Afghanistan and its access to international markets. What country is a key partner in this project?
a) China
b) India
c) Iran
d) United States

a) China

The “Peshawar Accord” of 2006 was an agreement between the Pakistani government and a militant group operating in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region. What was the name of this militant group?
a) Al-Qaeda
b) Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)
c) Afghan National Army
d) Haqqani Network

b) Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)

The Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement (APTTA) allows for the transit of goods between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Which port in Pakistan is often used for this purpose?
a) Gwadar Port
b) Karachi Port
c) Port Qasim
d) Ormara Port

b) Karachi Port

The “Four-Party Peace Jirga” involving Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, and the United States aimed at finding a peaceful solution to the Afghan conflict. What was the outcome of this initiative?
a) Comprehensive peace agreement
b) Ceasefire and withdrawal of foreign troops
c) Framework for intra-Afghan talks
d) Humanitarian assistance package

c) Framework for intra-Afghan talks

The Afghanistan-Pakistan border region has been a focus of counterterrorism efforts. What is the name of the operation carried out by the Pakistani military in this region?
a) Operation Zarb-e-Azb
b) Operation Enduring Freedom
c) Operation Neptune Spear
d) Operation Inherent Resolve

a) Operation Zarb-e-Azb

The “Peshawar Agreement” of 2006 was an agreement between the Pakistani government and a militant group operating in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region. What was the name of this militant group?
a) Al-Qaeda
b) Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)
c) Afghan National Army
d) Haqqani Network

b) Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)

What is the name of the region that has been a focal point of the conflict between Afghanistan and Pakistan, known for its rugged terrain and the presence of militant groups?
a) Swat Valley
b) Balochistan
d) Waziristan

d) Waziristan

The “Peshawar Accord” of 2006 was an agreement between the Pakistani government and a militant group operating in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region. What was the name of this militant group?
a) Al-Qaeda
b) Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)
c) Afghan National Army
d) Haqqani Network

b) Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)

The Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement (APTTA) allows for the transit of goods between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Which port in Pakistan is often used for this purpose?
a) Gwadar Port
b) Karachi Port
c) Port Qasim
d) Ormara Port

b) Karachi Port

The “Four-Party Peace Jirga” involving Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, and the United States aimed at finding a peaceful solution to the Afghan conflict. What was the outcome of this initiative?
a) Comprehensive peace agreement
b) Ceasefire and withdrawal of foreign troops
c) Framework for intra-Afghan talks
d) Humanitarian assistance package

c) Framework for intra-Afghan talks

The Afghanistan-Pakistan border region has been a focus of counterterrorism efforts. What is the name of the operation carried out by the Pakistani military in this region?
a) Operation Zarb-e-Azb
b) Operation Enduring Freedom
c) Operation Neptune Spear
d) Operation Inherent Resolve

a) Operation Zarb-e-Azb

The “Peshawar Agreement” of 2006 was an agreement between the Pakistani government and a militant group operating in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region. What was the name of this militant group?
a) Al-Qaeda
b) Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)
c) Afghan National Army
d) Haqqani Network

b) Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)

What is the name of the region that has been a focal point of the conflict between Afghanistan and Pakistan, known for its rugged terrain and the presence of militant groups?
a) Swat Valley
b) Balochistan
d) Waziristan

d) Waziristan

The “Peshawar Accord” of 2006 was an agreement between the Pakistani government and a militant group operating in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region. What was the name of this militant group?
a) Al-Qaeda
b) Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)
c) Afghan National Army
d) Haqqani Network

b) Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)

The Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement (APTTA) allows for the transit of goods between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Which port in Pakistan is often used for this purpose?
a) Gwadar Port
b) Karachi Port
c) Port Qasim
d) Ormara Port

b) Karachi Port

The “Four-Party Peace Jirga” involving Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, and the United States aimed at finding a peaceful solution to the Afghan conflict. What was the outcome of this initiative?
a) Comprehensive peace agreement
b) Ceasefire and withdrawal of foreign troops
c) Framework for intra-Afghan talks
d) Humanitarian assistance package

c) Framework for intra-Afghan talks

The Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement (APTTA) allows for the transit of goods between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Which port in Pakistan is often used for this purpose?
a) Gwadar Port
b) Karachi Port
c) Port Qasim
d) Ormara Port

b) Karachi Port

The “Peshawar Accord” of 2006 was an agreement between the Pakistani government and a militant group operating in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region. What was the name of this militant group?
a) Al-Qaeda
b) Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)
c) Afghan National Army
d) Haqqani Network

b) Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)

The Afghanistan-Pakistan border region has been a focus of counterterrorism efforts. What is the name of the operation carried out by the Pakistani military in this region?
a) Operation Zarb-e-Azb
b) Operation Enduring Freedom
c) Operation Neptune Spear
d) Operation Inherent Resolve

a) Operation Zarb-e-Azb

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