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Kashmir Problem since 1846 MCQs with Answers

Welcome to the Kashmir Problem since 1846 MCQs with Answers. In this post, we are sharing Kashmir Problem since 1846 Multiple Choice Questions and Answers in Pakistan  General Knowledge section for various competitive exams in Pakistan. Find practice Kashmir Problem since 1846 practice test with answers here. Each question offers a chance to enhance your knowledge regarding Kashmir Problem since 1846 online MCQs Test.

In 1846, the region of Kashmir was sold by which ruler to the Dogra Dynasty of Jammu?
a) British
b) Mughals
c) Sikhs
d) Afghans

c) Sikhs

The sale of Kashmir to the Dogra Dynasty was part of the Treaty of Amritsar signed between the Sikhs and which other party?
a) British
b) Mughals
c) Afghans
d) Tibetans

a) British

The Line of Control (LoC) in Kashmir was established after which war between India and Pakistan?
a) First Kashmir War
b) Second Kashmir War
c) Indo-Pakistani War of 1965
d) Indo-Pakistani War of 1971

b) Second Kashmir War

The Line of Control (LoC) is a de facto border that divides which region of Kashmir between India and Pakistan?
a) Western Kashmir
b) Eastern Kashmir
c) Northern Kashmir
d) Southern Kashmir

b) Eastern Kashmir

The term “Plebiscite” refers to which process aimed at resolving the Kashmir conflict?
a) Peace talks
b) Referendum
c) Mediation
d) Bilateral negotiations

b) Referendum

The first Indo-Pakistani War over Kashmir took place in which year?
a) 1947
b) 1948
c) 1965
d) 1971

b) 1948

The United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) was established in Kashmir in which year?
a) 1947
b) 1948
c) 1951
d) 1965

c) 1951

The Simla Agreement was signed between India and Pakistan in which year to define the Line of Control (LoC)?
a) 1965
b) 1971
c) 1972
d) 1975

c) 1972

The term “Aksai Chin” refers to a disputed border area between India and which other country?
a) China
b) Pakistan
c) Afghanistan
d) Nepal

a) China

The Shimla Agreement was signed following which Indo-Pakistani conflict?
a) First Kashmir War
b) Second Kashmir War
c) Indo-Pakistani War of 1965
d) Indo-Pakistani War of 1971

d) Indo-Pakistani War of 1971

The term “UN Resolution 47” is associated with which conflict?
a) Kashmir
b) Palestine
c) Cyprus
d) Falklands

a) Kashmir

The “Durand Line” serves as the border between Pakistan and which neighboring country?
a) India
b) China
c) Afghanistan
d) Iran

c) Afghanistan

The term “Instrument of Accession” is associated with the accession of which region to India in 1947?
a) Jammu
b) Ladakh
c) Kashmir
d) Gilgit-Baltistan

c) Kashmir

The Siachen Glacier, a disputed territory between India and Pakistan, is located in which mountain range?
a) Himalayas
b) Karakoram
c) Hindu Kush
d) Pamir

b) Karakoram

The Kashmir conflict is often referred to as a legacy of the partition of which country in 1947?
a) India
b) Pakistan
c) Bangladesh
d) United Kingdom

a) India

The term “Article 370” of the Indian Constitution granted special autonomy to which region of Kashmir?
a) Jammu
b) Ladakh
c) Kashmir
d) Gilgit-Baltistan

c) Kashmir

The term “Azad Kashmir” refers to which region of the disputed territory of Kashmir?
a) Indian-administered Kashmir
b) Pakistan-administered Kashmir
c) Chinese-administered Kashmir
d) United Nations-administered Kashmir

b) Pakistan-administered Kashmir

The term “Line of Actual Control” (LAC) separates which region of Kashmir between India and China?
a) Western Kashmir
b) Eastern Kashmir
c) Northern Kashmir
d) Southern Kashmir

a) Western Kashmir

The “Tashkent Agreement” was signed between India and Pakistan in 1966 following which conflict?
a) First Kashmir War
b) Second Kashmir War
c) Indo-Pakistani War of 1965
d) Indo-Pakistani War of 1971

c) Indo-Pakistani War of 1965

The term “Chenab Formula” refers to a proposal for the resolution of the Kashmir conflict presented by which country?
a) India
b) Pakistan
c) China
d) United States

a) India

The term “Ladakh” refers to a region of Kashmir that is administered by which country?
a) India
b) Pakistan
c) China
d) Afghanistan

a) India

The term “Article 35A” of the Indian Constitution was related to which aspect of Kashmir’s autonomy?
a) Land ownership
b) Legislative powers
c) Taxation
d) Citizenship rights

d) Citizenship rights

The region of Kashmir has been a subject of dispute between which neighboring countries?
a) India and China
b) India and Pakistan
c) Pakistan and China
d) All of the above

d) All of the above

The term “Kashmir Solidarity Day” is observed on which date every year to express support for the Kashmiri people?
a) February 5th
b) March 23rd
c) April 13th
d) May 1st

a) February 5th

The term “Burhan Wani” was associated with which movement in Kashmir?
a) Independence movement
b) Autonomy movement
c) Self-determination movement
d) Secession movement

c) Self-determination movement

The term “Gilgit-Baltistan” refers to a region of Kashmir that is administered by which country?
a) India
b) Pakistan
c) China
d) Afghanistan

b) Pakistan

The term “Lahore Declaration” was signed between India and Pakistan in 1999, aiming to improve relations after which conflict?
a) Kargil War
b) Siachen Conflict
c) Operation Meghdoot
d) Operation Vijay

a) Kargil War

The term “Kargil Conflict” took place in which year between India and Pakistan?
a) 1998
b) 1999
c) 2000
d) 2001

b) 1999

The “United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan” (UNCIP) was established in 1948 to resolve the conflict over which region?
a) Jammu
b) Ladakh
c) Kashmir
d) Gilgit-Baltistan

c) Kashmir

The term “Indus Water Treaty” was signed between India and Pakistan in 1960 to regulate the sharing of water resources from which river system?
a) Indus River
b) Ganges River
c) Brahmaputra River
d) Yamuna River

a) Indus River

The term “Operation Gibraltar” was a military operation launched by Pakistan in 1965 in which region?
a) Jammu
b) Ladakh
c) Kashmir
d) Gilgit-Baltistan

c) Kashmir

The term “Baltistan” refers to a region of Kashmir that is administered by which country?
a) India
b) Pakistan
c) China
d) Afghanistan

b) Pakistan

The term “Kashmir Committee” refers to a governmental body established by which country to address the Kashmir issue?
a) India
b) Pakistan
c) China
d) United Nations

b) Pakistan

The term “Aksai Chin” is a region located in which part of Kashmir?
a) Western Kashmir
b) Eastern Kashmir
c) Northern Kashmir
d) Southern Kashmir

a) Western Kashmir

The term “Kashmiri Pandits” refers to which community that historically resided in the Kashmir Valley?
a) Muslim community
b) Sikh community
c) Hindu community
d) Buddhist community

c) Hindu community

The term “Article 35A” was revoked by the Indian government in which year, leading to significant unrest in Kashmir?
a) 2016
b) 2018
c) 2019
d) 2020

b) 2018

The term “Srinagar” refers to the summer capital of which Indian-administered region of Kashmir?
a) Jammu
b) Ladakh
c) Kashmir
d) Gilgit-Baltistan

c) Kashmir

The term “Baramulla” refers to a city located in which Indian-administered region of Kashmir?
a) Jammu
b) Ladakh
c) Kashmir
d) Gilgit-Baltistan

c) Kashmir

The term “Uri” refers to a town located in which Indian-administered region of Kashmir?
a) Jammu
b) Ladakh
c) Kashmir
d) Gilgit-Baltistan

c) Kashmir

The term “Anantnag” refers to a city located in which Indian-administered region of Kashmir?
a) Jammu
b) Ladakh
c) Kashmir
d) Gilgit-Baltistan

c) Kashmir

The term “Pulwama” gained international attention after a deadly terrorist attack took place there in which year?
a) 2018
b) 2019
c) 2020
d) 2021

b) 2019

The term “Article 370” was abrogated by the Indian government on which date, leading to significant changes in the status of Kashmir?
a) August 5th, 2018
b) August 5th, 2019
c) August 5th, 2020
d) August 5th, 2021

b) August 5th, 2019

The term “United Jihad Council” (UJC) is an alliance of militant groups operating in which region of Kashmir?
a) Indian-administered Kashmir
b) Pakistan-administered Kashmir
c) Chinese-administered Kashmir
d) United Nations-administered Kashmir

b) Pakistan-administered Kashmir

The term “Kashmiri nationalism” refers to the political movement advocating for the self-determination of which people?
a) Kashmiri Muslims
b) Kashmiri Pandits
c) Kashmiri Sikhs
d) All of the above

d) All of the above

The term “Gilgit-Baltistan Empowerment and Self-Governance Order” was issued by the Pakistani government in which year?
a) 2008
b) 2009
c) 2018
d) 2019

d) 2019

The term “Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Act” was passed by the Indian Parliament in which year to reorganize the region into two separate union territories?
a) 2018
b) 2019
c) 2020
d) 2021

b) 2019

The term “Indian-administered Kashmir” refers to the region of Jammu and Kashmir that is administered by which country?
a) India
b) Pakistan
c) China
d) United Nations

a) India

The term “Jammu” refers to a region located in which part of the Indian-administered territory of Kashmir?
a) Western Kashmir
b) Eastern Kashmir
c) Northern Kashmir
d) Southern Kashmir

a) Western Kashmir

The term “Ladakh” gained significance after it was separated from Jammu and Kashmir and granted the status of a separate union territory by which country?
a) India
b) Pakistan
c) China
d) United Nations

a) India

The term “Kashmiris” refers to the people residing in which region known for its diverse cultural heritage and natural beauty?
a) Indian-administered Kashmir
b) Pakistan-administered Kashmir
c) Chinese-administered Kashmir
d) All of the above

d) All of the above

In which year was the Treaty of Amritsar signed, formally ceding Kashmir to Gulab Singh of Jammu?
a) 1834
b) 1846
c) 1858
d) 1865

b) 1846

Which princely state did the British sell to Gulab Singh after the Treaty of Amritsar?
a) Punjab
b) Sindh
c) Kashmir
d) Rajasthan

c) Kashmir

Who was the last Hindu ruler of Kashmir before the Dogra rule was established?
a) Hari Singh
b) Pratap Singh
c) Ranbir Singh
d) Gulab Singh

b) Pratap Singh

In which year did the British sell Kashmir to Gulab Singh for 7.5 million rupees under the Treaty of Amritsar?
a) 1820
b) 1834
c) 1846
d) 1852

c) 1846

The Kashmir Problem originates from the territorial dispute between which two countries?
a) India and Pakistan
b) India and China
c) Pakistan and China
d) India and Afghanistan

a) India and Pakistan

The Line of Control (LoC) was established in Kashmir after which war between India and Pakistan?
a) Indo-Pakistani War of 1947
b) Indo-Pakistani War of 1965
c) Indo-Pakistani War of 1971
d) Kargil War of 1999

a) Indo-Pakistani War of 1947

The United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) was established to monitor the ceasefire line in Kashmir after which conflict?
a) Indo-Pakistani War of 1947
b) Indo-Pakistani War of 1965
c) Indo-Pakistani War of 1971
d) Kargil War of 1999

b) Indo-Pakistani War of 1965

The Shimla Agreement was signed between India and Pakistan after which conflict in 1972?
a) Indo-Pakistani War of 1947
b) Indo-Pakistani War of 1965
c) Indo-Pakistani War of 1971
d) Kargil War of 1999

c) Indo-Pakistani War of 1971

The term “Kashmir Issue” is often used to refer to the territorial dispute between India and Pakistan over the region of Kashmir since which year?
a) 1947
b) 1956
c) 1962
d) 1971

a) 1947

The Line of Control (LoC) divides the region of Kashmir into which two parts?
a) Indian-administered Kashmir and Pakistani-administered Kashmir
b) Indian-controlled Kashmir and Chinese-controlled Kashmir
c) Pakistani-controlled Kashmir and Chinese-controlled Kashmir
d) Indian-controlled Kashmir and Pakistani-controlled Kashmir

a) Indian-administered Kashmir and Pakistani-administered Kashmir

The Instrument of Accession was signed by the Maharaja of Kashmir to accede to which country in 1947?
a) India
b) Pakistan
c) China
d) Afghanistan

a) India

The region of Kashmir is known for its strategic importance due to its geographical location between which two countries?
a) India and China
b) India and Pakistan
c) Pakistan and Afghanistan
d) China and Afghanistan

a) India and China

The Line of Control (LoC) is the de facto border between India and Pakistan in Kashmir and is recognized by which agreement?
a) Simla Agreement
b) Tashkent Agreement
c) Lahore Declaration
d) Agra Summit

a) Simla Agreement

The region of Kashmir is characterized by a predominantly Muslim population, particularly in which part of the region?
a) Indian-administered Kashmir
b) Pakistani-administered Kashmir
c) Chinese-administered Kashmir
d) Tibetan-administered Kashmir

a) Indian-administered Kashmir

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) passed a resolution in 1948, proposing a plebiscite in Kashmir under the condition of withdrawal of troops by which countries?
a) India and Pakistan
b) India and China
c) Pakistan and China
d) China and Afghanistan

a) India and Pakistan

The term “Kashmir conflict” refers to the ongoing territorial dispute between which two countries over the region of Kashmir?
a) India and Pakistan
b) India and China
c) Pakistan and China
d) Pakistan and Afghanistan

a) India and Pakistan

The region of Kashmir has been a major point of contention between India and Pakistan, leading to several armed conflicts, including wars in which years?
a) 1947, 1965, 1971, and 1999
b) 1950, 1962, 1972, and 1996
c) 1949, 1956, 1974, and 1992
d) 1952, 1960, 1970, and 1990

a) 1947, 1965, 1971, and 1999

The term “Aksai Chin” refers to a region in Kashmir that is currently administered by which country?
a) India
b) Pakistan
c) China
d) Afghanistan

c) China

The Siachen Glacier, often considered the highest battleground on Earth, is located in which region of Kashmir?
a) Indian-administered Kashmir
b) Pakistani-administered Kashmir
c) Chinese-administered Kashmir
d) Afghan-administered Kashmir

a) Indian-administered Kashmir

The Kashmir conflict has led to the displacement of a significant number of people, creating a refugee population primarily in which country?
a) India
b) Pakistan
c) China
d) Afghanistan

b) Pakistan

The Line of Actual Control (LAC) is the demarcation line between India and China in which part of Kashmir?
a) Aksai Chin
b) Siachen Glacier
c) Gilgit-Baltistan
d) Jammu and Kashmir

a) Aksai Chin

The region of Gilgit-Baltistan is a part of the greater Kashmir region and is currently administered by which country?
a) India
b) Pakistan
c) China
d) Afghanistan

b) Pakistan

The Kashmir conflict has been a major obstacle to the relationship between India and Pakistan, affecting which areas of cooperation between the two countries?
a) Trade and cultural exchange
b) Military and intelligence sharing
c) Environmental and energy conservation
d) Sports and educational collaboration

a) Trade and cultural exchange

The region of Jammu and Kashmir is known for its diverse cultural heritage, influenced by which cultural and religious traditions?
a) Hindu, Muslim, and Sikh
b) Buddhist, Muslim, and Christian
c) Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain
d) Sikh, Christian, and Zoroastrian

a) Hindu, Muslim, and Sikh

The insurgency in Kashmir, characterized by armed conflict and separatist movements, has resulted in which of the following consequences?
a) Human rights violations and political unrest
b) Economic prosperity and social development
c) Cultural preservation and historical conservation
d) International recognition and diplomatic support

a) Human rights violations and political unrest

The region of Kashmir has been a topic of discussion in numerous international forums, including the United Nations, due to its significance as a potential hotspot for which global issue?
a) Terrorism and extremism
b) Nuclear proliferation
c) Climate change and environmental degradation
d) Humanitarian crises and refugee displacement

b) Nuclear proliferation

The term “Poonch” refers to a district located in which part of Kashmir?
a) Indian-administered Kashmir
b) Pakistani-administered Kashmir
c) Chinese-administered Kashmir
d) Afghan-administered Kashmir

a) Indian-administered Kashmir

The region of Kashmir is known for its breathtaking landscapes and natural beauty, attracting tourists primarily for activities such as:
a) Skiing and mountaineering
b) Scuba diving and snorkeling
c) Bungee jumping and skydiving
d) Wildlife safari and birdwatching

a) Skiing and mountaineering

The term “Baramulla” refers to a city located in which part of Kashmir?
a) Indian-administered Kashmir
b) Pakistani-administered Kashmir
c) Chinese-administered Kashmir
d) Tibetan-administered Kashmir

a) Indian-administered Kashmir

The region of Kashmir has historical significance, being an important center for the development and spread of which of the following belief systems?
a) Buddhism and Sufism
b) Hinduism and Sikhism
c) Jainism and Zoroastrianism
d) Christianity and Islam

a) Buddhism and Sufism


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