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World Famous Revolutions MCQs with Answers

Welcome to the World Famous Revolutions MCQs with Answers. In this post, we are sharing World Famous Revolutions Multiple Choice Questions and Answers in World General Knowledge section for various competitive exams in Pakistan. Find practice World Famous Revolutions practice test with answers here. Each question offers a chance to enhance your knowledge regarding World Famous Revolutions MCQs Online Test.

Which revolution overthrew the Bourbon monarchy in France in 1789?
a) American Revolution
b) Russian Revolution
c) French Revolution
d) Chinese Revolution

c) French Revolution

What was the main goal of the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917?
a) Establishing a constitutional monarchy
b) Creating a communist government
c) Reinstating the tsarist regime
d) Forming a parliamentary republic

b) Creating a communist government

The Mexican Revolution, which began in 1910, aimed to:
a) Establish a fascist regime
b) Overthrow the British monarchy
c) Bring social and political reforms
d) Promote colonialism

c) Bring social and political reforms

The Haitian Revolution, which took place from 1791 to 1804, led to the independence of Haiti from which colonial power?
a) Spain
b) France
c) Portugal
d) Britain

b) France

The Russian Revolution of 1917 led to the overthrow of which Russian leader?
a) Nicholas II
b) Vladimir Putin
c) Mikhail Gorbachev
d) Joseph Stalin

a) Nicholas II

The American Revolution, which began in 1775, resulted in the independence of the United States from which colonial power?
a) Spain
b) France
c) Britain
d) Portugal

c) Britain

The Iranian Revolution of 1979 resulted in the establishment of:
a) A secular democracy
b) An Islamic Republic
c) A socialist state
d) A constitutional monarchy

b) An Islamic Republic

The Chinese Revolution led by the Communist Party under Mao Zedong succeeded in 1949, overthrowing which regime?
a) Qing Dynasty
b) Ming Dynasty
c) Yuan Dynasty
d) Tang Dynasty

a) Qing Dynasty

The Velvet Revolution in 1989 marked the peaceful transition to democracy in which European country?
a) Czechoslovakia
b) Poland
c) Hungary
d) Romania

a) Czechoslovakia

The Cuban Revolution, led by Fidel Castro, resulted in the overthrow of which dictator in 1959?
a) Fulgencio Batista
b) Hugo Chávez
c) Augusto Pinochet
d) Anastasio Somoza

a) Fulgencio Batista

The Algerian War of Independence, which began in 1954, aimed to end colonial rule by which European power?
a) Spain
b) Italy
c) France
d) Britain

c) France

The Glorious Revolution of 1688 in England resulted in the overthrow of which monarch?
a) Queen Victoria
b) King James II
c) King George III
d) King Henry VIII

b) King James II

The Velvet Divorce in 1993 peacefully separated which two former Soviet republics?
a) Ukraine and Belarus
b) Latvia and Lithuania
c) Slovakia and the Czech Republic
d) Moldova and Romania

c) Slovakia and the Czech Republic

The Venezuelan Bolivarian Revolution was led by which political leader?
a) Salvador Allende
b) Evo Morales
c) Hugo Chávez
d) Fernando Lugo

c) Hugo Chávez

The Meiji Restoration in Japan, which occurred in the late 19th century, aimed to:
a) Establish a communist state
b) Restore imperial rule and modernize Japan
c) Maintain feudalism
d) Promote isolationism

b) Restore imperial rule and modernize Japan

The Sandinista Revolution, which began in 1978, aimed to overthrow the government of which Central American country?
a) Honduras
b) Costa Rica
c) El Salvador
d) Nicaragua

d) Nicaragua

The 1905 Revolution in Russia, which led to the creation of the Duma, was a response to which event?
a) The Russo-Japanese War
b) The October Revolution
c) The Crimean War
d) The Russian Civil War

a) The Russo-Japanese War

The Irish Easter Rising of 1916 sought to gain independence from which colonial power?
a) Britain
b) Spain
c) France
d) Portugal

a) Britain

The Philippine Revolution against Spanish colonial rule began in 1896 and was led by which revolutionary figure?
a) José Martí
b) José Rizal
c) Simón Bolívar
d) Emiliano Zapata

b) José Rizal

The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 aimed to break free from the influence of which superpower?
a) United States
b) Soviet Union
c) China
d) United Kingdom

b) Soviet Union

The Mau Mau Uprising, which took place in the 1950s, was a struggle for independence in which African country?
a) Kenya
b) Nigeria
c) South Africa
d) Algeria

a) Kenya

The Spanish Civil War, which began in 1936, saw the forces of General Francisco Franco opposing which government?
a) Fascist
b) Communist
c) Republican
d) Monarchist

c) Republican

The Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917, which established the Soviet Union, occurred in which city?
a) Moscow
b) Leningrad (St. Petersburg)
c) Kiev
d) Tashkent

b) Leningrad (St. Petersburg)

The Revolutions of 1848, often referred to as the Spring of Nations, primarily occurred in which region of the world?
a) Latin America
b) Europe
c) Asia
d) Africa

b) Europe

The People Power Revolution of 1986 ousted the authoritarian regime of Ferdinand Marcos in which Asian country?
a) Thailand
b) Philippines
c) South Korea
d) Indonesia

b) Philippines

The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 was a major confrontation between the United States and which other country?
a) Cuba
b) Vietnam
c) North Korea
d) Soviet Union

d) Soviet Union

The Nicaraguan Revolution, which led to the overthrow of Anastasio Somoza in 1979, was inspired by the principles of which revolutionary figure?
a) Fidel Castro
b) Che Guevara
c) Emiliano Zapata
d) Augusto César Sandino

d) Augusto César Sandino

The Orange Revolution in 2004-2005 sought to reform the political system in which Eastern European country?
a) Poland
b) Ukraine
c) Hungary
d) Belarus

b) Ukraine

The Iranian Revolution in 1979 led to the establishment of an Islamic Republic, but it also resulted in the exile of which monarch?
a) Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
b) Sultan Qaboos bin Said al Said
c) King Hussein of Jordan
d) King Faisal of Saudi Arabia

a) Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi

The Zapatista uprising, which began in 1994, aimed to address the issues of indigenous rights and social justice in which Latin American country?
a) Mexico
b) Colombia
c) Brazil
d) Argentina

a) Mexico

The Prague Spring of 1968 was a period of political liberalization in which Eastern European country that was later suppressed by Soviet forces?
a) East Germany
b) Poland
c) Czechoslovakia
d) Yugoslavia

c) Czechoslovakia

The Boxer Rebellion in China, which took place in 1900, aimed to eliminate foreign influence, particularly from which countries?
a) Japan and Russia
b) United Kingdom and France
c) Germany and Italy
d) United States and Canada

b) United Kingdom and France

The Bolivian National Revolution in 1952 led to major social and economic reforms and was partly inspired by the ideas of which revolutionary figure?
a) Simón Bolívar
b) Che Guevara
c) Emiliano Zapata
d) Pancho Villa

b) Che Guevara

The Saur Revolution of 1978 in Afghanistan led to the establishment of a communist government, backed by which major power?
a) United States
b) Pakistan
c) India
d) Soviet Union

d) Soviet Union

The Paris Commune of 1871 was a brief socialist government that controlled which city?
a) London
b) Berlin
c) Paris
d) Rome

c) Paris

The Carnation Revolution in Portugal in 1974 resulted in the overthrow of the authoritarian Estado Novo regime, and it was known for its peaceful nature. What was the symbol of the revolution?
a) Red Rose
b) Yellow Lily
c) Orange Carnation
d) White Tulip

c) Orange Carnation

The Mexican Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) uprising, led by Subcomandante Marcos, began in 1994 and aimed to address the rights of which group?
a) Indigenous peoples
b) Urban workers
c) Intellectuals
d) Women

a) Indigenous peoples

The 1907 Thirteen Factories strike in Guangzhou was a significant event in the early Chinese labor movement and is often seen as a precursor to the larger revolution. What is the modern name of the city of Guangzhou?
a) Beijing
b) Shanghai
c) Xi’an
d) Guangzhou

d) Guangzhou

The Cuban Revolution led to the rise of Fidel Castro and the overthrow of Fulgencio Batista. Which of the following Latin American countries also saw a communist revolution led by Fidel Castro’s ally Che Guevara?
a) Argentina
b) Venezuela
c) Nicaragua
d) Bolivia

d) Bolivia

The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 was a response to the repressive policies of the Soviet-backed government. Who was the leader of the Soviet Union at the time?
a) Leon Trotsky
b) Nikita Khrushchev
c) Vladimir Putin
d) Joseph Stalin

b) Nikita Khrushchev

The Naxalite-Maoist insurgency, an ongoing communist rebellion in India, began in the late 1960s. Which ideology does it follow?
a) Anarchism
b) Marxism-Leninism
c) Trotskyism
d) Maoism

d) Maoism

The May 1968 protests in France were primarily a response to social and political issues. What slogan became popular during these protests?
a) “Make love, not war”
b) “Power to the people”
c) “Liberté, égalité, fraternité”
d) “Workers of the world, unite!”

a) “Make love, not war”

The Khmer Rouge, a communist regime led by Pol Pot, came to power in Cambodia in 1975 and initiated a brutal period known as the Cambodian Genocide. What was their goal?
a) To modernize Cambodia’s economy
b) To eliminate perceived enemies and create a rural, agrarian society
c) To establish a capitalist democracy
d) To promote religious freedom

b) To eliminate perceived enemies and create a rural, agrarian society

The Red Brigades, an Italian far-left organization, conducted a series of kidnappings and assassinations in the 1970s. What was their main goal?
a) Promoting conservative values
b) Overthrowing the Italian government
c) Achieving workers’ rights
d) Promoting environmentalism

b) Overthrowing the Italian government

The Tahrir Square protests in Egypt in 2011 led to the ousting of President Hosni Mubarak. What was the primary demand of the protesters?
a) Economic reforms
b) Free elections and an end to Mubarak’s rule
c) Religious freedom
d) Greater international cooperation

b) Free elections and an end to Mubarak’s rule

The Nepalese Civil War, a conflict between the government and communist insurgents, ended in 2006 with the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Accord. What was the key outcome of the conflict?
a) The establishment of a communist state
b) A return to absolute monarchy
c) The abolition of the monarchy and the declaration of a federal democratic republic
d) The division of Nepal into several smaller states

c) The abolition of the monarchy and the declaration of a federal democratic republic

The Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela, led by Hugo Chávez, aimed to address what issue?
a) Economic inequality and social justice
b) Environmental conservation
c) National defense
d) Promote capitalism

a) Economic inequality and social justice

The Guatemalan Civil War, which raged from 1960 to 1996, was primarily fought between the government and which group?
a) Marxist rebels
b) Indigenous populations
c) Foreign invaders
d) Religious extremists

b) Indigenous populations

The Nicaraguan Revolution, which led to the overthrow of Anastasio Somoza in 1979, was influenced by the teachings of which revolutionary philosopher?
a) Karl Marx
b) Adam Smith
c) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
d) Thomas Hobbes

a) Karl Marx

The First Chechen War, which occurred in the 1990s, was a conflict between Chechen separatists and which country?
a) Russia
b) Ukraine
c) Georgia
d) Turkey

a) Russia

The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 was triggered, in part, by a desire for greater political autonomy from which Eastern European country?
a) Yugoslavia
b) Austria
c) Poland
d) Soviet Union

d) Soviet Union

The Soweto Uprising in South Africa in 1976 was a significant protest against the policies of which regime?
a) Apartheid
b) Colonialism
c) Socialism
d) British rule

a) Apartheid

The Philippine People Power Revolution in 1986 led to the exile of President Ferdinand Marcos. Who became the new president of the Philippines?
a) Benigno Aquino Jr.
b) Corazon Aquino
c) Imelda Marcos
d) Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

b) Corazon Aquino

The 1916 Easter Rising in Ireland resulted in the declaration of an independent Irish Republic. Who played a central role in this uprising?
a) Michael Collins
b) Eamon de Valera
c) Padraig Pearse
d) Arthur Griffith

c) Padraig Pearse

The East German Uprising in 1953 was a protest against the oppressive policies of the East German government. In which city did the uprising start?
a) Leipzig
b) Berlin
c) Dresden
d) Potsdam

a) Leipzig

The Algerian War of Independence, which began in 1954, was a struggle against colonial rule by which European power?
a) Italy
b) Spain
c) France
d) Portugal

c) France

The Cuban Revolution, led by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, resulted in the overthrow of which Cuban leader?
a) Fulgencio Batista
b) José Martí
c) Carlos Prío Socarrás
d) Anastasio Somoza

a) Fulgencio Batista

The Prague Spring of 1968 was a period of political liberalization in which Eastern European country that was later suppressed by Soviet forces?
a) East Germany
b) Poland
c) Czechoslovakia
d) Yugoslavia

c) Czechoslovakia

The Iranian Revolution of 1979 led to the establishment of an Islamic Republic. Who became the first Supreme Leader of Iran?
a) Ayatollah Khomeini
b) Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
c) Mohammad Mossadegh
d) Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

a) Ayatollah Khomeini

The Boxer Rebellion in China, which took place in 1900, aimed to eliminate foreign influence, particularly from which countries?
a) Japan and Russia
b) United Kingdom and France
c) Germany and Italy
d) United States and Canada

b) United Kingdom and France

The Meiji Restoration in Japan, which occurred in the late 19th century, aimed to:
a) Establish a communist state
b) Restore imperial rule and modernize Japan
c) Maintain feudalism
d) Promote isolationism

b) Restore imperial rule and modernize Japan

The Paris Commune of 1871 was a brief socialist government that controlled which city?
a) London
b) Berlin
c) Paris
d) Rome

c) Paris

The Nicaraguan Revolution, which led to the overthrow of Anastasio Somoza in 1979, was inspired by the principles of which revolutionary figure?
a) Fidel Castro
b) Che Guevara
c) Emiliano Zapata
d) Augusto César Sandino

d) Augusto César Sandino

The Sandinista Revolution, which began in 1978, aimed to overthrow the government of which Central American country?
a) Honduras
b) Costa Rica
c) El Salvador
d) Nicaragua

d) Nicaragua

The 1905 Revolution in Russia, which led to the creation of the Duma, was a response to which event?
a) The Russo-Japanese War
b) The October Revolution
c) The Crimean War
d) The Russian Civil War

a) The Russo-Japanese War

The Tahrir Square protests in Egypt in 2011 led to the ousting of President Hosni Mubarak. What was the primary demand of the protesters?
a) Economic reforms
b) Free elections and an end to Mubarak’s rule
c) Religious freedom
d) Greater international cooperation

b) Free elections and an end to Mubarak’s rule

The Philippine Revolution against Spanish colonial rule began in 1896 and was led by which revolutionary figure?
a) José Martí
b) José Rizal
c) Simón Bolívar
d) Emiliano Zapata

b) José Rizal

The Haitian Revolution, which took place from 1791 to 1804, led to the independence of Haiti from which colonial power?
a) Spain
b) France
c) Portugal
d) Britain

b) France

The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 was a major confrontation between the United States and which other country?
a) Cuba
b) Vietnam
c) North Korea
d) Soviet Union

d) Soviet Union

The Irish Easter Rising of 1916 sought to gain independence from which colonial power?
a) Britain
b) Spain
c) France
d) Portugal

a) Britain

The Russian Revolution of 1917 led to the overthrow of which Russian leader?
a) Nicholas II
b) Vladimir Putin
c) Mikhail Gorbachev
d) Joseph Stalin

a) Nicholas II

The Mexican Revolution, which began in 1910, aimed to:
a) Establish a fascist regime
b) Overthrow the British monarchy
c) Bring social and political reforms
d) Promote colonialism

c) Bring social and political reforms

The Velvet Revolution in 1989 marked the peaceful transition to democracy in which European country?
a) Czechoslovakia
b) Poland
c) Hungary
d) Romania

a) Czechoslovakia

The Iranian Revolution of 1979 led to the establishment of:
a) A secular democracy
b) An Islamic Republic
c) A socialist state
d) A constitutional monarchy

b) An Islamic Republic

The Glorious Revolution of 1688 in England resulted in the overthrow of which monarch?
a) Queen Victoria
b) King James II
c) King George III
d) King Henry VIII

b) King James II

The Velvet Divorce in 1993 peacefully separated which two former Soviet republics?
a) Ukraine and Belarus
b) Latvia and Lithuania
c) Slovakia and the Czech Republic
d) Moldova and Romania

c) Slovakia and the Czech Republic

The Venezuelan Bolivarian Revolution was led by which political leader?
a) Salvador Allende
b) Evo Morales
c) Hugo Chávez
d) Fernando Lugo

c) Hugo Chávez

The Meiji Restoration in Japan, which occurred in the late 19th century, aimed to:
a) Establish a communist state
b) Restore imperial rule and modernize Japan
c) Maintain feudalism
d) Promote isolationism

b) Restore imperial rule and modernize Japan

The Saur Revolution of 1978 in Afghanistan led to the establishment of a communist government, backed by which major power?
a) United States
b) Pakistan
c) India
d) Soviet Union

d) Soviet Union

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