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Surah Al-Muminun MCQs with Answers

The following are Surah Al-Muminun MCQs with answers related to Islamic Studies. We have arranged the most important and repeated MCQs in all the competitive examinations. The students can clear their concepts for Surah Al-Muminun MCQs online quiz by attempting these.

Surah Al-Muminun Online MCQs with Answers

What is the total number of verses in Surah Al-Muminun?
A) 45
B) 58
C) 73
D) 89

D) 89

In which Juz’ (part) of the Quran is Surah Al-Muminun located?
A) 5th Juz’
B) 13th Juz’
C) 18th Juz’
D) 23rd Juz’

B) 13th Juz’

What is the meaning of “Al-Muminun” in English?
A) The Believers
B) The Merciful
C) The Forgivers
D) The Generous

A) The Believers

Which prophet is mentioned in Surah Al-Muminun as a righteous messenger?
A) Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
B) Prophet Moses (peace be upon him)
C) Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him)
D) Prophet Noah (peace be upon him)

C) Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him)

What is the opening word of Surah Al-Muminun?
A) Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Raheem
B) Alif Lam Meem
C) Ta-Seen-Meem
D) Ya Ayyuha Al-Ladhina Amanu

D) Ya Ayyuha Al-Ladhina Amanu

Surah Al-Muminun begins with the mention of successful believers. How many qualities of successful believers are listed in the opening verses?
A) Five
B) Six
C) Seven
D) Eight

B) Six

Which of the following is NOT one of the qualities of successful believers mentioned in Surah Al-Muminun?
A) They establish prayer
B) They are truthful in their speech
C) They pay their debts promptly
D) They hoard their wealth and do not share it with others

D) They hoard their wealth and do not share it with others

What is the reward promised to the successful believers in Surah Al-Muminun?
A) Gardens of Paradise
B) Wealth and power in this world
C) Eternal youth and beauty
D) Leadership of the believers

A) Gardens of Paradise

According to Surah Al-Muminun, what is the purpose of creation and life?
A) To amass wealth and power
B) To worship Allah and seek His pleasure
C) To indulge in worldly pleasures
D) To compete with others

B) To worship Allah and seek His pleasure

Which prophet is mentioned as having been granted wisdom and a righteous lineage in Surah Al-Muminun?
A) Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
B) Prophet Solomon (peace be upon him)
C) Prophet Joseph (peace be upon him)
D) Prophet David (peace be upon him)

C) Prophet Joseph (peace be upon him)

In Surah Al-Muminun, what is described as “a trace of the fingers” that indicates Allah’s creative power?
A) The orbits of celestial bodies
B) Human fingerprints
C) The lines on a palm
D) The patterns in nature

A) The orbits of celestial bodies

What event from the life of Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) is mentioned in Surah Al-Muminun?
A) The parting of the Red Sea
B) The burning bush
C) His encounter with Pharaoh
D) The giving of the Torah

C) His encounter with Pharaoh

In Surah Al-Muminun, what is the metaphor used for resurrection and accountability on the Day of Judgment?
A) A pleasant dream
B) A mirage in the desert
C) A clear vision
D) A waking nightmare

B) A mirage in the desert

According to Surah Al-Muminun, what is the fate of those who deny the Hereafter?
A) They will be forgiven and rewarded
B) They will be given a second chance
C) They will be resurrected as animals
D) They will enter the Hellfire

D) They will enter the Hellfire

What is the term used in Surah Al-Muminun to describe the disbelievers who reject the truth and oppose the prophets?
A) Munafiqun (Hypocrites)
B) Kuffar (Disbelievers)
C) Mushrikun (Polytheists)
D) Zalimun (Wrongdoers)

B) Kuffar (Disbelievers)

In Surah Al-Muminun, what is described as a source of life and sustenance that Allah sends down from the sky?
A) Rain
B) Angels
C) Sunlight
D) Mercy

A) Rain

What is the name of the chapter (Surah) that comes after Surah Al-Muminun in the Quran?
A) Surah Al-Furqan
B) Surah Al-Ahzab
C) Surah Al-Nur
D) Surah Al-Fatiha

A) Surah Al-Furqan

Which prophet is mentioned in Surah Al-Muminun as having been sent to his people as a warner?
A) Prophet Hud (peace be upon him)
B) Prophet Lot (peace be upon him)
C) Prophet Shu’ayb (peace be upon him)
D) Prophet Isa (peace be upon him)

C) Prophet Shu’ayb (peace be upon him)

According to Surah Al-Muminun, what is the result of those who disbelieve in Allah’s signs and revelations?
A) They will be guided to the truth
B) They will be resurrected as angels
C) They will be doomed and punished
D) They will be given a second chance

C) They will be doomed and punished

In Surah Al-Muminun, what is emphasized as a characteristic of those who reject the truth?
A) Patience
B) Humility
C) Arrogance
D) Generosity

C) Arrogance

According to Surah Al-Muminun, what is the role of messengers and prophets?
A) To accumulate wealth
B) To lead armies into battle
C) To convey Allah’s message and warn the people
D) To perform miracles

C) To convey Allah’s message and warn the people

What is the term used in Surah Al-Muminun to describe the resurrection and gathering of humanity on the Day of Judgment?
A) The Great Assembly
B) The Day of Reckoning
C) The Hour
D) The Final Test

C) The Hour

According to Surah Al-Muminun, what do those who deny the Hereafter say when they see the punishment?
A) “We believe now.”
B) “We were wrong.”
C) “Give us another chance.”
D) “There is no return.”

D) “There is no return.”

In Surah Al-Muminun, what is described as a source of guidance and light for believers?
A) The Quran
B) The stars
C) The sun
D) Good deeds

A) The Quran

According to Surah Al-Muminun, what is the ultimate destination for the believers?
A) Eternal paradise
B) Temporary bliss
C) Reincarnation
D) Eternal sleep

A) Eternal paradise

In Surah Al-Muminun, what does Allah compare the creation of human beings to?
A) Clay
B) Dust
C) Mud
D) Water

C) Mud

What is the punishment mentioned in Surah Al-Muminun for those who withhold their wealth and do not give to the needy?
A) They will be fined
B) They will be imprisoned
C) They will be deprived of blessings
D) They will enter the Hellfire

D) They will enter the Hellfire

In Surah Al-Muminun, what is emphasized as a virtue for believers in their relations with the opposite gender?
A) Modesty and chastity
B) Extravagance and luxury
C) Indifference and neglect
D) Arrogance and pride

A) Modesty and chastity

According to Surah Al-Muminun, what is the consequence of those who turn away from Allah’s signs and revelations?
A) They will be rewarded in this world
B) They will be given worldly success
C) Their hearts will be sealed, and they will be among the losers
D) They will be forgiven without repentance

C) Their hearts will be sealed, and they will be among the losers

What is the term used in Surah Al-Muminun to describe the quality of being trustworthy and fulfilling one’s commitments?
A) Tawakkul (Reliance)
B) Ihsan (Excellence)
C) Amanah (Trustworthiness)
D) Barakah (Blessing)

C) Amanah (Trustworthiness)

According to Surah Al-Muminun, who are the “inheritors” of paradise?
A) The righteous believers
B) The wealthy and powerful
C) The leaders of nations
D) The scholars and priests

A) The righteous believers

What is the term used in Surah Al-Muminun to describe the idea of creating balance and harmony in life?
A) Justice
B) Moderation
C) Extremism
D) Austerity

B) Moderation

According to Surah Al-Muminun, what do those who disbelieve and mock the believers say about the idea of resurrection?
A) “It is true, and we believe in it.”
B) “It is a fairy tale, and we will never be resurrected.”
C) “We have no opinion on it.”
D) “We will find out when the time comes.”

B) “It is a fairy tale, and we will never be resurrected.”

In Surah Al-Muminun, what is described as a source of guidance and mercy for those who reflect?
A) The natural world
B) The Quranic verses
C) The teachings of philosophers
D) The wisdom of elders

A) The natural world

According to Surah Al-Muminun, what is the purpose of creating human beings from various nations and tribes?
A) To compete with one another
B) To foster hatred and division
C) To know and recognize one another
D) To establish dominance over others

C) To know and recognize one another

In Surah Al-Muminun, what is emphasized as a characteristic of the prophets and messengers?
A) Wealth and luxury
B) Patience and perseverance
C) Arrogance and pride
D) Ignorance and negligence

B) Patience and perseverance

According to Surah Al-Muminun, what is the consequence of those who deny the truth and reject the messengers?
A) They will be given respite and time to repent
B) They will be forgiven without accountability
C) They will face the consequences of their actions
D) They will be rewarded in the Hereafter

C) They will face the consequences of their actions

In Surah Al-Muminun, what is mentioned as a sign of Allah’s power and creativity in the natural world?
A) The changing seasons
B) The migration of birds
C) The creation of the heavens and the earth
D) The invention of technology

C) The creation of the heavens and the earth

According to Surah Al-Muminun, what do the disbelievers demand as proof of the existence of Allah?
A) Miracles
B) Wealth and power
C) Scientific explanations
D) An angelic visitation

A) Miracles

What is the term used in Surah Al-Muminun to describe the concept of resurrection and life after death?
A) Tawheed (Monotheism)
B) Qiyamah (Resurrection)
C) Sujood (Prostration)
D) Shahada (Testimony)

B) Qiyamah (Resurrection)

In Surah Al-Muminun, what is emphasized as a source of inspiration for believers to reflect on Allah’s creation?
A) Travel and exploration
B) Art and music
C) Prayer and fasting
D) Scientific research

A) Travel and exploration

According to Surah Al-Muminun, what is the ultimate goal of life for believers?
A) To accumulate wealth and power
B) To enjoy worldly pleasures
C) To worship Allah and seek His pleasure
D) To conquer other nations

C) To worship Allah and seek His pleasure

In Surah Al-Muminun, what is described as a source of protection for believers against evil influences?
A) Prayer beads
B) The Quranic verses
C) Amulets and charms
D) Prayer and patience

B) The Quranic verses

According to Surah Al-Muminun, what is the term used for the place of residence for disbelievers in the Hereafter?
A) Gardens of Paradise
B) The Abyss of Hell
C) The Celestial Palace
D) The Garden of Bliss

B) The Abyss of Hell

In Surah Al-Muminun, what is emphasized as a characteristic of those who reject the truth and oppose the prophets?
A) Humility and modesty
B) Open-mindedness and curiosity
C) Stubbornness and arrogance
D) Generosity and kindness

C) Stubbornness and arrogance

According to Surah Al-Muminun, what is the reward for those who fulfill their covenant with Allah?
A) They will be tested and tried
B) They will be forgiven without repentance
C) They will be given a second chance
D) They will inherit paradise

D) They will inherit paradise

In Surah Al-Muminun, what is described as a source of guidance and wisdom for those who ponder?
A) The Quranic verses
B) The guidance of scholars
C) The teachings of philosophers
D) The experiences of life

A) The Quranic verses

According to Surah Al-Muminun, what is the term used for those who humble themselves in prayer and supplication?
A) The humble
B) The patient
C) The grateful
D) The arrogant

A) The humble

In Surah Al-Muminun, what is described as a source of guidance and healing for those who believe?
A) The Quranic verses
B) Medicine and science
C) Prayer and fasting
D) Herbal remedies

A) The Quranic verses

According to Surah Al-Muminun, what is the ultimate destination of those who disbelieve and reject Allah’s guidance?
A) They will be forgiven and rewarded
B) They will be given another chance
C) They will be resurrected as angels
D) They will enter the Hellfire

D) They will enter the Hellfire

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