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The Crusades MCQs with Answer

The following are The Crusades MCQs with answers related to Islamic Studies. We have arranged the most important and repeated MCQs in all the competitive examinations. The students can clear their concepts for The Crusades MCQs online quiz by attempting these.

The Crusades Online MCQs with Answers

What were the religious wars fought between Christians and Muslims in the Middle Ages called?
a) Jihad
b) Crusades
c) Inquisitions
d) Reconquista

b) Crusades

Which Pope called for the First Crusade in 1095?
a) Pope Urban II
b) Pope Gregory VII
c) Pope Innocent III
d) Pope Alexander VI

a) Pope Urban II

The First Crusade aimed to recapture which city from Muslim control?
a) Jerusalem
b) Mecca
c) Constantinople
d) Baghdad

a) Jerusalem

Which European city was a major rallying point for Crusaders during the First Crusade?
a) Paris
b) Venice
c) Rome
d) Constantinople

b) Venice

Who was the famous Muslim military leader who opposed the Crusaders during the First Crusade?
a) Saladin
b) Richard the Lionheart
c) Suleiman the Magnificent
d) Mehmed II

a) Saladin

What was the outcome of the First Crusade?
a) The Crusaders captured Jerusalem.
b) The Crusaders were defeated in Anatolia.
c) The Crusaders conquered Mecca.
d) The Crusaders established a Christian state in Egypt.

a) The Crusaders captured Jerusalem.

Which famous English king participated in the Third Crusade?
a) King Arthur
b) King John
c) King Richard the Lionheart
d) King Henry VIII

c) King Richard the Lionheart

The Third Crusade was primarily a response to the fall of which city to Saladin?
a) Jerusalem
b) Cairo
c) Constantinople
d) Antioch

a) Jerusalem

What treaty ended the Third Crusade, allowing Christian pilgrims access to Jerusalem?
a) Treaty of Troyes
b) Treaty of Tordesillas
c) Treaty of Verdun
d) Treaty of Jaffa

d) Treaty of Jaffa

Which Crusade is also known as the “Children’s Crusade” due to the participation of many young people?
a) First Crusade
b) Second Crusade
c) Third Crusade
d) Fourth Crusade

b) Second Crusade

Who led the Fourth Crusade that resulted in the sack of Constantinople in 1204?
a) King Richard the Lionheart
b) King Louis IX of France
c) Pope Innocent III
d) Enrico Dandolo

d) Enrico Dandolo

What was the primary target of the Fourth Crusade before it was diverted to Constantinople?
a) Jerusalem
b) Alexandria
c) Venice
d) Egypt

a) Jerusalem

Which Crusade was led by Emperor Frederick II and resulted in the temporary transfer of Jerusalem to Christian control through diplomacy?
a) First Crusade
b) Third Crusade
c) Fifth Crusade
d) Sixth Crusade

d) Sixth Crusade

The Albigensian Crusade in the 13th century aimed to suppress which heretical group in Southern France?
a) Cathars
b) Waldensians
c) Knights Templar
d) Jesuits

a) Cathars

What was the primary goal of the Crusade of Varna in the 15th century?
a) Capture of Jerusalem
b) Reconquest of Constantinople
c) Defense against the Ottoman Empire
d) Conversion of Russia to Christianity

c) Defense against the Ottoman Empire

Who is known for leading the Spanish Reconquista against the Moors in the Iberian Peninsula?
a) El Cid
b) Ferdinand II of Aragon
c) Isabella I of Castile
d) Alfonso VI of Castile

a) El Cid

Which city served as the capital of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem during the Crusader period?
a) Jerusalem
b) Antioch
c) Acre
d) Tripoli

a) Jerusalem

What was the primary reason for the failure of the Second Crusade?
a) Lack of European support
b) Defeat by Saladin’s forces
c) Leadership disputes
d) Successful capture of Jerusalem

c) Leadership disputes

Which famous Muslim general and commander is best known for his role in the defense of Jerusalem during the Third Crusade?
a) Saladin
b) Alp Arslan
c) Zengi
d) Nur al-Din

a) Saladin

The term “Crusader States” refers to the Christian territories established in the Middle East during the Crusades. Which city served as the capital of the Kingdom of Jerusalem?
a) Acre
b) Antioch
c) Tyre
d) Jerusalem

d) Jerusalem

Who is considered the hero of the First Crusade and played a key role in the capture of Jerusalem?
a) Richard the Lionheart
b) Godfrey of Bouillon
c) Frederick Barbarossa
d) Louis IX of France

b) Godfrey of Bouillon

The Crusades are often referred to as holy wars. What term is used to describe the expeditions undertaken by Christians to retake Jerusalem and other holy places from Muslim control?
a) Jihads
b) Reconquistas
c) Pilgrimages
d) Holy Wars

c) Pilgrimages

What event in 1187 led to the call for the Third Crusade?
a) The sack of Constantinople
b) The fall of Edessa to Saladin
c) The signing of the Treaty of Jaffa
d) The Battle of Manzikert

b) The fall of Edessa to Saladin

What was the main objective of the Children’s Crusade of 1212?
a) To capture Jerusalem
b) To preach Christianity to Muslims
c) To promote child welfare
d) To trade with the Middle East

c) To promote child welfare

Which Crusade resulted in the capture of Constantinople in 1204 and the establishment of the Latin Empire?
a) First Crusade
b) Second Crusade
c) Third Crusade
d) Fourth Crusade

d) Fourth Crusade

The Knights Templar, a powerful military order during the Crusades, were primarily responsible for:
a) Diplomatic negotiations with Muslim leaders
b) Protecting Christian pilgrims and holy sites
c) Administering religious sacraments
d) Maintaining trade routes in the Holy Land

b) Protecting Christian pilgrims and holy sites

Which Crusade is often associated with the ill-fated attack on the Egyptian city of Damietta?
a) Second Crusade
b) Fifth Crusade
c) Seventh Crusade
d) Eighth Crusade

c) Seventh Crusade

The Ninth Crusade, led by Louis IX of France, focused on which region?
a) Holy Land
b) Egypt
c) Spain
d) Italy

b) Egypt

What was the outcome of the Siege of Acre during the Third Crusade?
a) Victory for the Crusaders
b) Surrender of Richard the Lionheart
c) Surrender of Saladin
d) Truce between the two sides

d) Truce between the two sides

Who was the legendary Spanish hero who fought against the Moors during the Reconquista and is sometimes associated with the Crusades?
a) Ferdinand II of Aragon
b) Isabella I of Castile
c) El Cid
d) Alfonso VI of Castile

c) El Cid

Which Crusade is known for the controversial sack of the city of Constantinople in 1204?
a) First Crusade
b) Second Crusade
c) Third Crusade
d) Fourth Crusade

d) Fourth Crusade

The Teutonic Knights, a medieval military order, played a prominent role in the Baltic Crusades against which group?
a) Moors
b) Byzantines
c) Slavic pagans
d) Mongols

c) Slavic pagans

Which English king was known for his involvement in the Third Crusade and his famous rivalry with Saladin?
a) King John
b) King Richard the Lionheart
c) King Edward I
d) King Henry V

b) King Richard the Lionheart

What was the primary goal of the Albigensian Crusade?
a) Reclaim Jerusalem from Muslim control
b) Suppress the Cathars in Southern France
c) Capture Constantinople from the Byzantines
d) Defend Spain against Muslim invaders

b) Suppress the Cathars in Southern France

Which Crusade aimed to defend the Christian kingdom of Jerusalem from the military advances of Saladin?
a) First Crusade
b) Second Crusade
c) Third Crusade
d) Fourth Crusade

c) Third Crusade

The Reconquista was a series of campaigns to recapture the Iberian Peninsula from which group?
a) Moors
b) Vikings
c) Byzantines
d) Seljuks

a) Moors

Which Pope is known for initiating the Albigensian Crusade against the Cathars?
a) Pope Urban II
b) Pope Gregory VII
c) Pope Innocent III
d) Pope Alexander VI

c) Pope Innocent III

The Crusader State of Antioch was located in which modern-day country?
a) Syria
b) Turkey
c) Lebanon
d) Jordan

a) Syria

Which Crusade resulted in the temporary capture of Jerusalem through a negotiated treaty rather than military conquest?
a) First Crusade
b) Third Crusade
c) Fifth Crusade
d) Sixth Crusade

d) Sixth Crusade

The Siege of Damietta was a significant event during which Crusade?
a) Second Crusade
b) Fifth Crusade
c) Seventh Crusade
d) Eighth Crusade

c) Seventh Crusade

Which Muslim leader is renowned for his role in the recapture of Jerusalem from the Crusaders in 1187?
a) Saladin
b) Nur al-Din
c) Zengi
d) Alp Arslan

a) Saladin

The Fourth Crusade, instead of reaching the Holy Land, diverted to attack which Christian city in 1204?
a) Rome
b) Venice
c) Constantinople
d) Athens

c) Constantinople

Which Crusade aimed to counter the spread of the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans?
a) First Crusade
b) Fifth Crusade
c) Seventh Crusade
d) Crusade of Varna

d) Crusade of Varna

The Cathars, targeted during the Albigensian Crusade, were associated with which heretical belief?
a) Gnosticism
b) Arianism
c) Manichaeism
d) Dualism

d) Dualism

Which Crusade was led by Louis IX of France and aimed to capture the Egyptian city of Damietta?
a) Second Crusade
b) Fifth Crusade
c) Seventh Crusade
d) Eighth Crusade

c) Seventh Crusade

The Reconquista resulted in the eventual unification of which two Spanish kingdoms?
a) Castile and Aragon
b) Leon and Navarre
c) Galicia and Portugal
d) Andalusia and Granada

a) Castile and Aragon

The Teutonic Knights, a medieval military order, played a prominent role in the Baltic Crusades against which group?
a) Moors
b) Byzantines
c) Slavic pagans
d) Mongols

c) Slavic pagans

Which English king was known for his involvement in the Third Crusade and his famous rivalry with Saladin?
a) King John
b) King Richard the Lionheart
c) King Edward I
d) King Henry V

b) King Richard the Lionheart

What was the primary goal of the Albigensian Crusade?
a) Reclaim Jerusalem from Muslim control
b) Suppress the Cathars in Southern France
c) Capture Constantinople from the Byzantines
d) Defend Spain against Muslim invaders

b) Suppress the Cathars in Southern France

Which Crusade aimed to defend the Christian kingdom of Jerusalem from the military advances of Saladin?
a) First Crusade
b) Second Crusade
c) Third Crusade
d) Fourth Crusade

c) Third Crusade


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