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Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf MCQs with Answer

The following are Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf MCQs with answers related to Islamic Studies. We have arranged the most important and repeated MCQs in all the competitive examinations. The students can clear their concepts for Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf MCQs online quiz by attempting these.

Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf Online MCQs with Answers

What is the full name of Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf?
a) Abdur Rahman ibn Awf al-Qurashi
b) Abdur Rahman ibn Awf al-Ansari
c) Abdur Rahman ibn Awf al-Makhzumi
d) Abdur Rahman ibn Awf al-Taymi

a) Abdur Rahman ibn Awf al-Qurashi

Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf was one of the companions of:
a) Prophet Moses (peace be upon him)
b) Prophet David (peace be upon him)
c) Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
d) Prophet Solomon (peace be upon him)

c) Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

Which city is Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf closely associated with as a prominent companion of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)?
a) Makkah
b) Madinah
c) Jerusalem
d) Baghdad

b) Madinah

Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf was known for his exceptional:
a) Warrior skills
b) Literary talent
c) Business acumen
d) Medical expertise

c) Business acumen

What notable contribution did Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf make during the construction of the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah?
a) He designed the architectural plans.
b) He provided the materials for the entire project.
c) He supervised the construction work.
d) He financed the construction of one-third of the mosque.

d) He financed the construction of one-third of the mosque.

Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf played a pivotal role in the early Islamic community by:
a) Leading the prayers in the mosque
b) Serving as the Prophet’s personal physician
c) Providing financial support to the Muslims
d) Commanding the Muslim army in battles

c) Providing financial support to the Muslims

What was the title given to Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf due to his extraordinary generosity and charitable acts?
a) Al-Farooq
b) Al-Amin
c) Al-Khalifah
d) Al-Siddiq

d) Al-Siddiq

Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf was among the few companions who participated in which significant event in Islamic history?
a) The Battle of Badr
b) The Battle of Uhud
c) The Battle of Khandaq (the Trench)
d) The Conquest of Makkah

a) The Battle of Badr

During the Battle of Badr, Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf demonstrated his bravery and dedication by:
a) Leading the cavalry charge
b) Serving as the chief strategist
c) Protecting the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
d) Donating his entire wealth to support the Muslims

c) Protecting the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf’s financial contributions to Islam were particularly significant during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and included:
a) Financing the construction of the Kaaba
b) Funding the Prophet’s travels to spread Islam
c) Sponsoring the education of young Muslims
d) Providing for the needs of the poor and the needy

d) Providing for the needs of the poor and the needy

What was Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf’s role in the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah negotiations between the Muslims and the Quraysh of Makkah?
a) He served as the lead negotiator on behalf of the Quraysh.
b) He advised the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during the negotiations.
c) He was a witness to the treaty but had no direct involvement.
d) He opposed the treaty and did not participate in the negotiations.

b) He advised the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during the negotiations.

What significant event followed the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, in which Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf played a key role?
a) The Battle of Badr
b) The Treaty of Aqabah
c) The Conquest of Makkah
d) The Battle of Uhud

c) The Conquest of Makkah

Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf is best remembered for his remarkable:
a) Military leadership
b) Generosity and philanthropy
c) Scholarship and religious knowledge
d) Poetic and literary talents

b) Generosity and philanthropy

How did Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf earn the title “Al-Siddiq”?
a) By his scholarly contributions to Islamic jurisprudence
b) Through his bravery in the Battle of Badr
c) Due to his unwavering faith and honesty
d) For his role as a diplomat in treaty negotiations

c) Due to his unwavering faith and honesty

In addition to his financial contributions, Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf is known for:
a) His extensive travels to spread Islam to distant lands
b) His role as a judge in the Islamic legal system
c) His establishment of a renowned Islamic school
d) His collection and compilation of Hadith (Prophetic traditions)

d) His collection and compilation of Hadith (Prophetic traditions)

What was the name of the mosque in Madinah where Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf was known to worship regularly?
a) Masjid al-Qiblatain
b) Masjid al-Nabawi
c) Masjid al-Haram
d) Masjid al-Aqsa

b) Masjid al-Nabawi

Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf’s unwavering support for the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the early Muslim community earned him a place among the:
a) Ten promised paradise (Al-Ashara Al-Mubashara)
b) Great military commanders of Islam
c) Founders of Islamic jurisprudence
d) Prominent poets and writers of his time

a) Ten promised paradise (Al-Ashara Al-Mubashara)

What significant role did Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf play during the caliphate of Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him)?
a) He served as the chief justice of the Islamic state.
b) He was appointed as the commander of the Muslim army.
c) He oversaw the treasury and financial affairs of the state.
d) He led diplomatic missions to neighboring empires.

c) He oversaw the treasury and financial affairs of the state.

Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf’s generosity extended to providing financial support to:
a) Non-Muslims only
b) His own family exclusively
c) Widows and orphans
d) Elite members of the Quraysh tribe

c) Widows and orphans

Which of the following statements about Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf’s wealth and charity is true?
a) He gave away all his wealth and lived in poverty.
b) He accumulated immense wealth but rarely gave to charity.
c) He used his wealth to support the expansion of the Islamic state.
d) He spent his wealth on personal luxuries and extravagant living.

c) He used his wealth to support the expansion of the Islamic state.

Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf’s financial support was instrumental in:
a) Establishing a powerful Islamic army
b) Financing the construction of the Kaaba
c) Providing dowries for Muslim brides
d) Funding the printing of the Quran

a) Establishing a powerful Islamic army

Which significant battle did Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf participate in, demonstrating his bravery and commitment to Islam?
a) The Battle of Khandaq (the Trench)
b) The Battle of Uhud
c) The Battle of Siffin
d) The Battle of Yarmouk

a) The Battle of Khandaq (the Trench)

How did Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf contribute to the Islamic community’s welfare and financial stability during times of crisis?
a) He imposed taxes on the wealthy to support the poor.
b) He established a banking system for interest-free loans.
c) He donated a portion of his wealth to aid the needy.
d) He introduced a revolutionary economic theory.

c) He donated a portion of his wealth to aid the needy.

Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf’s contributions to the early Islamic community exemplify the Islamic values of:
a) Greed and materialism
b) Generosity and selflessness
c) Secularism and individualism
d) Austerity and frugality

b) Generosity and selflessness

How did Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf contribute to the welfare of the Muslim army during their campaigns?
a) He served as the chief military strategist.
b) He provided financial support and provisions.
c) He personally led the troops into battle.
d) He trained soldiers in combat techniques.

b) He provided financial support and provisions.

What was the name of the wife of Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf, who was known for her piety and devotion to Islam?
a) Aisha bint Abu Bakr
b) Khadijah bint Khuwaylid
c) Umm Salamah
d) Layla bint al-Aswad

d) Layla bint al-Aswad

Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf’s wealth and generosity earned him a place among the:
a) Ten promised paradise (Al-Ashara Al-Mubashara)
b) Greatest poets of the Arabian Peninsula
c) Founders of Islamic jurisprudence
d) Chiefs of the Quraysh tribe

a) Ten promised paradise (Al-Ashara Al-Mubashara)

What was the primary source of Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf’s wealth?
a) Inheritance from his ancestors
b) Successful business endeavors
c) Gambling and speculation
d) Favoritism from the Quraysh leaders

b) Successful business endeavors

Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf’s generosity was not limited to his fellow Muslims; he also helped:
a) Non-Muslims in need
b) Only the wealthy among the Muslims
c) His family members exclusively
d) Prominent leaders of the Quraysh

a) Non-Muslims in need

Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf’s commitment to Islam and his support for the early Muslim community earned him a place among the:
a) Ten promised paradise (Al-Ashara Al-Mubashara)
b) Prominent Arab poets
c) Military strategists of the Arabian Peninsula
d) Wealthiest individuals in Makkah

a) Ten promised paradise (Al-Ashara Al-Mubashara)

In which significant Islamic battle did Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf display his exceptional valor and dedication to the Muslim cause?
a) The Battle of Yarmouk
b) The Battle of Siffin
c) The Battle of Uhud
d) The Battle of Khandaq (the Trench)

d) The Battle of Khandaq (the Trench)

What significant role did Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf play in the Islamic community’s financial affairs during the caliphate of Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him)?
a) He served as the commander of the Muslim army.
b) He oversaw the treasury and financial matters of the state.
c) He established a system of taxation for the wealthy.
d) He led diplomatic missions to neighboring empires.

b) He oversaw the treasury and financial matters of the state.

How did Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf’s financial contributions contribute to the growth and stability of the early Islamic state?
a) He invested in lucrative businesses that funded the state.
b) He built palaces and fortifications for the caliphate.
c) He funded military expeditions against rival empires.
d) He provided for the welfare of the poor and the needy.

d) He provided for the welfare of the poor and the needy.

Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf’s unwavering support for the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the early Muslim community earned him a place among the:
a) Great military commanders of Islam
b) Founders of Islamic jurisprudence
c) Ten promised paradise (Al-Ashara Al-Mubashara)
d) Prominent Arab poets

c) Ten promised paradise (Al-Ashara Al-Mubashara)

How did Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf contribute to the financial stability of the early Islamic community?
a) By imposing heavy taxes on the wealthy
b) By establishing a national bank
c) By providing interest-free loans to the poor
d) By donating a significant portion of his wealth

d) By donating a significant portion of his wealth

What did Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf primarily use his wealth for during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)?
a) To fund military campaigns against rival tribes
b) To build lavish palaces and fortifications
c) To support the needs of the Muslim community
d) To finance personal expeditions and travels

c) To support the needs of the Muslim community

Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf’s financial contributions to Islam played a crucial role in:
a) Financing the construction of the Kaaba
b) Funding the Prophet’s travels to distant lands
c) Establishing a powerful Islamic army
d) Building educational institutions

c) Establishing a powerful Islamic army

What was Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf’s profession before embracing Islam?
a) Blacksmith
b) Physician
c) Merchant
d) Scribe

c) Merchant

Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf’s financial contributions and generosity were essential in strengthening the Islamic community during its early years and:
a) Financing the construction of the Kaaba
b) Supporting the Prophet’s travels to distant lands
c) Establishing a powerful Islamic army
d) Funding the printing of the Quran

c) Establishing a powerful Islamic army

What is the significance of Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf’s story in Islamic history and teachings?
a) It highlights the importance of military prowess.
b) It emphasizes the value of generosity and financial support for the community.
c) It showcases his role as a prolific writer and scholar.
d) It demonstrates the need for political power in Islam.

b) It emphasizes the value of generosity and financial support for the community.

Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf’s generous financial contributions aided the early Muslim community during:
a) Times of economic prosperity
b) Periods of political stability
c) Crises and financial hardships
d) Years of rapid expansion

c) Crises and financial hardships

What important lesson can be drawn from Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf’s life and contributions for Muslims today?
a) The importance of material wealth
b) The significance of political power
c) The need for unwavering faith and trust in Allah
d) The pursuit of worldly pleasures

c) The need for unwavering faith and trust in Allah

What title was given to Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf due to his exceptional honesty and trustworthiness?
a) Al-Farooq
b) Al-Amin
c) Al-Khalifah
d) Al-Siddiq

d) Al-Siddiq

Which event marked Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf’s association with the title “Al-Siddiq”?
a) His role in the construction of the Kaaba
b) His participation in the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah negotiations
c) His unwavering faith during the Battle of Badr
d) His commitment to charity and financial support

c) His unwavering faith during the Battle of Badr

Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf’s support for the early Muslim community extended to:
a) Only the prominent members of the Quraysh tribe
b) Funding extravagant feasts and celebrations
c) Providing for the needs of the poor and the needy
d) Building luxurious palaces and fortifications

c) Providing for the needs of the poor and the needy

In addition to his contributions to the Muslim community, Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf is remembered for his:
a) Literary and poetic talents
b) Exceptional military strategies
c) Contributions to Islamic jurisprudence
d) Scholarly writings and teachings

a) Literary and poetic talents

What was the primary occupation of Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf before accepting Islam?
a) Shepherd
b) Trader
c) Farmer
d) Warrior

b) Trader

Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf’s generosity and financial support helped maintain the welfare of the Muslim community during:
a) Times of economic surplus
b) Periods of political turmoil
c) Years of military conquest
d) Crises and financial difficulties

d) Crises and financial difficulties

Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf is best known for his exceptional:
a) Architectural skills
b) Military strategies
c) Business acumen
d) Literary talents

c) Business acumen

Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf’s legacy as a companion of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his contributions to Islam continue to inspire Muslims today to:
a) Accumulate wealth and worldly possessions
b) Prioritize personal comfort and luxury
c) Emulate his generosity and selflessness
d) Pursue military conquest and power

c) Emulate his generosity and selflessness

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