Monthly Student Online Competition

Death and Burial of Prophet Muhammad MCQs

The following are Death and Burial of Prophet Muhammad MCQs with answers related to Islamic Studies. We have arranged the most important and repeated MCQs in all the competitive examinations. The students can clear their concepts for Death and Burial of Prophet Muhammad MCQs online quiz by attempting these.

Death and Burial of Prophet Muhammad Online MCQs with Answers

Where did Prophet Muhammad pass away?
A) Mecca
B) Medina
C) Jerusalem
D) Egypt

B) Medina

What age was Prophet Muhammad at the time of his death?
A) 53
B) 63
C) 73
D) 83

B) 63

Who succeeded Prophet Muhammad as the leader of the Muslim community?
A) Abu Bakr
B) Ali
C) Umar
D) Uthman

A) Abu Bakr

In which month of the Islamic calendar did Prophet Muhammad pass away?
A) Shawwal
B) Rabi’ al-Awwal
C) Safar
D) Ramadan

B) Rabi’ al-Awwal

Where is Prophet Muhammad buried?
A) Mecca
B) Medina
C) Jerusalem
D) Cairo

B) Medina

What is the name of the mosque built at the site of Prophet Muhammad’s burial?
A) Al-Aqsa Mosque
B) Masjid al-Haram
C) Masjid al-Nabawi
D) Masjid al-Quba

C) Masjid al-Nabawi

Who was the wife of Prophet Muhammad buried next to him?
A) Khadijah
B) Aisha
C) Fatimah
D) Hafsa

A) Khadijah

What is the name of the well in the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina, where he used to perform ablution?
A) Zamzam
B) Kauthar
C) Saqifah
D) Al-Rawdah

D) Al-Rawdah

Which companion of Prophet Muhammad was responsible for his burial?
A) Abu Huraira
B) Abu Bakr
C) Ali
D) Uthman

C) Ali

What direction does the grave of Prophet Muhammad face inside the Rawdah?
A) North
B) South
C) East
D) West

C) East

What did Prophet Muhammad instruct about his burial shroud?
A) It should be made of silk
B) It should be made of wool
C) It should be simple and white
D) It should be made of linen

C) It should be simple and white

Who washed the body of Prophet Muhammad before burial?
A) Abu Bakr and Ali
B) Umar and Uthman
C) Fatimah and Aisha
D) Hamza and Bilal

A) Abu Bakr and Ali

How many individuals prayed over the body of Prophet Muhammad before his burial?
A) Four
B) Five
C) Six
D) Seven

C) Six

What was placed in Prophet Muhammad’s grave before burial?
A) Quranic verses written on parchment
B) Perfumed sand and musk
C) Rose petals and jasmine
D) Dates and honey

B) Perfumed sand and musk

Which companion was given the honor of placing Prophet Muhammad’s body in the grave?
A) Abu Bakr
B) Ali
C) Umar
D) Uthman

B) Ali

How many years after the Prophet’s death was the dome built over his grave?
A) 50 years
B) 100 years
C) 200 years
D) 300 years

C) 200 years

What is the name of the area between Prophet Muhammad’s pulpit and his grave in the mosque?
A) Riyad al-Jannah
B) Masjid al-Qiblatain
C) Bab al-Salam
D) Rawdah

D) Rawdah

Which Caliph constructed the first structure around the Prophet’s grave?
A) Umar ibn al-Khattab
B) Uthman ibn Affan
C) Ali ibn Abi Talib
D) Abu Bakr al-Siddiq

A) Umar ibn al-Khattab

What is the significance of the green dome above Prophet Muhammad’s grave?
A) It signifies the Prophet’s favorite color
B) It represents the color of paradise
C) It symbolizes the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem
D) It has no specific significance

B) It represents the color of paradise

What did Prophet Muhammad instruct about his burial place?
A) It should be kept secret
B) It should be visited regularly
C) It should be turned into a mosque
D) It should be left unmarked

A) It should be kept secret

Which wife of Prophet Muhammad is also buried in Jannat al-Baqi, near his grave?
A) Aisha
B) Khadijah
C) Hafsa
D) Sawda

A) Aisha

In which year of the Islamic calendar did Prophet Muhammad pass away?
A) 10 AH
B) 11 AH
C) 12 AH
D) 13 AH

C) 11 AH

Who recited the funeral prayer for Prophet Muhammad?
A) Abu Bakr
B) Ali
C) Umar
D) Uthman

C) Umar

What is the name of the garden in Medina where Prophet Muhammad’s grave is located?
A) Jannat al-Baqi
B) Jannat al-Mu’alla
C) Jannat al-Khuld
D) Jannat al-Firdaus

A) Jannat al-Baqi

Who was the first caliph to be buried in Jannat al-Baqi alongside Prophet Muhammad?
A) Abu Bakr
B) Umar
C) Uthman
D) Ali

A) Abu Bakr

What is the literal meaning of “Baqi” in Jannat al-Baqi?
A) Garden of Peace
B) Eternal Paradise
C) Garden of Purity
D) Garden of Bliss

C) Garden of Purity

Which caliph ordered the destruction of the domes and structures in Jannat al-Baqi?
A) Umar ibn al-Khattab
B) Uthman ibn Affan
C) Ali ibn Abi Talib
D) Abdullah ibn Zubair

A) Umar ibn al-Khattab

In which century were the graves in Jannat al-Baqi destroyed?
A) 8th century
B) 10th century
C) 12th century
D) 14th century

B) 10th century

How many graves are estimated to be in Jannat al-Baqi?
A) Hundreds
B) Thousands
C) Tens of thousands
D) Hundreds of thousands

D) Hundreds of thousands

Which important Islamic figures are buried in Jannat al-Baqi?
A) Caliphs and scholars
B) Prophets and saints
C) Companions and family members of Prophet Muhammad
D) All of the above

C) Companions and family members of Prophet Muhammad

What is the significance of Jannat al-Mu’alla in Mecca?
A) It is the burial place of Khadijah, Prophet Muhammad’s first wife
B) It is the burial place of Abu Talib, Prophet Muhammad’s uncle
C) It is the burial place of Prophet Muhammad’s parents
D) It is the burial place of Hamza, Prophet Muhammad’s uncle

A) It is the burial place of Khadijah, Prophet Muhammad’s first wife

In which year did the demolition of Jannat al-Mu’alla’s domes and structures occur?
A) 1925
B) 1975
C) 1985
D) 1995

A) 1925

Which significant religious figure is buried in Jannat al-Mu’alla?
A) Prophet Muhammad
B) Khadijah, Prophet Muhammad’s first wife
C) Abu Talib, Prophet Muhammad’s uncle
D) Hamza, Prophet Muhammad’s uncle

B) Khadijah, Prophet Muhammad’s first wife

What is the literal meaning of “Mu’alla” in Jannat al-Mu’alla?
A) Elevated
B) Holy
C) Exalted
D) Honored

A) Elevated

Which significant Islamic scholar is buried in Jannat al-Baqi?
A) Imam Malik
B) Imam al-Shafi’i
C) Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal
D) Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq

A) Imam Malik

Which caliph ordered the construction of a dome over the grave of Umar ibn al-Khattab in Jannat al-Baqi?
A) Uthman ibn Affan
B) Ali ibn Abi Talib
C) Muawiya I
D) Abdul-Malik ibn Marwan

C) Muawiya I

Who is buried in the area known as Maqbarat al-Baqi in Medina?
A) Companions of Prophet Muhammad
B) Family members of Prophet Muhammad
C) Notable Islamic scholars
D) All of the above

D) All of the above

What is the significance of the area known as Maqbarat al-Baqi?
A) It is the burial place of the Ansar, early Muslim converts in Medina
B) It is the burial place of the Muhajirun, Muslims who migrated from Mecca to Medina
C) It is the burial place of the martyrs of Uhud
D) All of the above

D) All of the above

Which caliph ordered the construction of a wall around Jannat al-Baqi?
A) Uthman ibn Affan
B) Ali ibn Abi Talib
C) Al-Mansur, Abbasid caliph
D) Harun al-Rashid, Abbasid caliph

C) Al-Mansur, Abbasid caliph

What is the significance of the destruction of historical sites in Jannat al-Baqi?
A) It erases the physical traces of early Islamic history
B) It diminishes the cultural and religious heritage of Islam
C) It sparks controversy and debate among Muslims worldwide
D) All of the above

D) All of the above

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