Monthly Student Online Competition

Seerah MCQs with Answers

Early Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Pre-Islamic Arabia
Birth and Lineage of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Prophet Muhammad’s Childhood and Upbringing
Prophet Muhammad’s Marriage to Khadijah (RA)
The First Revelation and the Prophethood of Muhammad (PBUH)
Initial Opposition to Islam in Makkah
Migration to Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
Conversion of Early Companions to Islam
The Formation of the Muslim Community in Makkah
Persecution of Muslims in Makkah
The Night Journey (Isra and Mi’raj)
The Migration (Hijrah) to Madinah
Establishment of the Islamic State in Madinah
Treaty of Madinah and the Constitution of Madinah
Battles of Islam: Badr
Battles of Islam: Uhud
Battles of Islam: Al-Khandaq (The Battle of the Trench)
Treaty of Hudaybiyyah
Conquest of Makkah
Farewell Pilgrimage and Last Sermon of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Death and Burial of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Virtues and Qualities of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Physical Appearance and Characteristics of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Prophet Muhammad as a Husband and Father
Prophet Muhammad’s Interactions with Children
Prophet Muhammad’s Relationships with his Companions
Prophet Muhammad’s Treatment of Women
Prophet Muhammad’s Leadership and Governance
Prophet Muhammad’s Mercy and Compassion
Prophet Muhammad’s Honesty and Integrity
Prophet Muhammad’s Patience and Perseverance
Prophet Muhammad’s Trustworthiness and Reliability
Prophet Muhammad’s Humility and Humbleness
Prophet Muhammad’s Generosity and Charity
Prophet Muhammad’s Sense of Justice and Fairness
Prophet Muhammad’s Tolerance and Acceptance of Others
Prophet Muhammad’s Role as a Teacher and Educator
Prophet Muhammad’s Prayer and Worship
Prophet Muhammad’s Miracles and Signs
Prophet Muhammad’s Duas (Supplications) and Remembrance of Allah
Prophet Muhammad’s Guidance on Ethics and Morality
Prophet Muhammad’s Teachings on Good Character and Conduct
Prophet Muhammad’s Wisdom and Sayings (Hadith)
Prophet Muhammad’s Love for the Quran
Prophet Muhammad’s Relationship with the Jewish and Christian Communities
Prophet Muhammad’s Diplomacy and Treaty-Making
Prophet Muhammad’s Economic Policies and Trade
Prophet Muhammad’s Role as a Judge and Arbiter
Prophet Muhammad’s Concern for Social Justice
Prophet Muhammad’s Emphasis on Knowledge and Learning
Prophet Muhammad’s Relationship with the Environment
Prophet Muhammad’s Concern for the Needy and Vulnerable
Prophet Muhammad’s Teachings on Unity and Brotherhood
Prophet Muhammad’s Approach to Non-Muslims
Prophet Muhammad’s Insights on Spiritual Development
Prophet Muhammad’s Relationship with Angels
Prophet Muhammad’s Experiences with Jinn
Prophet Muhammad’s Encounters with False Prophets
Prophet Muhammad’s Premonitions and Dreams
Prophet Muhammad’s Asceticism and Simplicity of Lifestyle
Prophet Muhammad’s Instructions on Personal Hygiene and Cleanliness
Prophet Muhammad’s Relationship with the Youth
Prophet Muhammad’s Love for Horses and Animals
Prophet Muhammad’s Concern for the Environment and Conservation
Prophet Muhammad’s Respect for the Elderly
Prophet Muhammad’s Attitude towards the Disabled and Special Needs Individuals
Prophet Muhammad’s Exemplary Conduct in Times of Adversity
Prophet Muhammad’s Role as a Mediator and Peacemaker
Prophet Muhammad’s Teachings on Respecting the Sanctity of Life
Prophet Muhammad’s Encouragement of Physical Fitness and Sports
Prophet Muhammad’s Approach to Social Etiquette and Manners
Prophet Muhammad’s Guidance on Balancing Worldly Affairs and Spirituality
Prophet Muhammad’s Devotion to Seeking Knowledge and Education
Prophet Muhammad’s Experiences with Divine Revelation
Prophet Muhammad’s Love for Children and their Rights
Prophet Muhammad’s Concern for Human Rights
Prophet Muhammad’s Role as a Model for Family Life
Prophet Muhammad’s Treatment of Prisoners of War
Prophet Muhammad’s Teachings on Unity and Solidarity within the Ummah
Prophet Muhammad’s Relationship with the Ansar (Helpers) of Madinah
Prophet Muhammad’s Encouragement of Environmental Conservation and Sustainability
Prophet Muhammad’s Respect for Diversity and Inclusion
Prophet Muhammad’s Guidance on Conflict Resolution
Prophet Muhammad’s Approach to Dealing with Hypocrisy
Prophet Muhammad’s Teachings on the Importance of Sincerity
Prophet Muhammad’s Encouragement of Seeking Forgiveness and Repentance
Prophet Muhammad’s Role as a Spiritual Guide
Prophet Muhammad’s Emphasis on Balanced Living
Prophet Muhammad’s Treatment of Servants and Slaves
Prophet Muhammad’s Relationship with the Quraish Tribe
Prophet Muhammad’s Experiences with Divine Intervention
Prophet Muhammad’s Guidance on Ethical Business Practices
Prophet Muhammad’s Teachings on Community Development
Prophet Muhammad’s Concern for the Well-being of Animals
Prophet Muhammad’s Respect for Religious Freedom
Prophet Muhammad’s Approach to Leadership Succession
Prophet Muhammad’s Encouragement of Seeking Knowledge from Scholars
Prophet Muhammad’s Role as a Role Model for Generations
Prophet Muhammad’s Teachings on the Importance of Balanced Education

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YFP empower the youth with the ability to nurture their communication and leadership skills at a common national platform resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.

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