Monthly Student Online Competition

Islamic Jurisprudence Fiqh MCQs with Answers

Introduction to Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh)
Sources of Islamic Law: Quran
Sources of Islamic Law: Sunnah
Sources of Islamic Law: Ijma (Consensus)
Sources of Islamic Law: Qiyas (Analogical Reasoning)
Classification of Islamic Law: Fard (Obligatory)
Classification of Islamic Law: Sunnah (Recommended)
Classification of Islamic Law: Mustahabb (Desirable)
Classification of Islamic Law: Mubah (Permissible)
Classification of Islamic Law: Makruh (Discouraged)
Classification of Islamic Law: Haram (Prohibited)
Purification and Taharah (Ritual Purity)
Salah (Prayer)
Zakah (Charity)
Sawm (Fasting)
Hajj (Pilgrimage)
Transactions and Contracts
Sales and Trade
Riba (Interest)
Contracts of Employment and Labor
Wills and Inheritance
Marriage and Divorce
Guardianship and Custody
Adjudication and Dispute Resolution
Criminal Law and Punishments
Jihad and Just War
Judicial System and Court Proceedings
Ethics and Moral Values in Fiqh
Family Law and Personal Status
Business and Commercial Transactions
Banking and Finance in Islamic Law
Insurance in Islamic Law
Investments and Capital Markets in Islamic Law
Intellectual Property in Islamic Law
Public and Administrative Law
Laws of War and Treatment of Prisoners
Personal Hygiene and Cleanliness
Alcohol and Intoxicants in Islamic Law
Gender Relations and Women’s Rights
Inheritance Laws and Distribution of Assets

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