Monthly Student Online Competition

Hadith Studies MCQs with Answers

Hadith Terminology and Classification
Major Hadith Collections
Hadith Sciences and Methodology
Isnad (Chain of Narrators) Studies
Matn (Text) Analysis of Hadith
Hadith Criticism and Authentication
Hadith Narrators (Rijal) Studies
Hadith Narrators and their Biographies
Hadith Compilation and Preservation
Prophet Muhammad’s Hadith Style and Mannerisms
Hadith on Beliefs and Theology
Hadith on Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh)
Hadith on Worship and Rituals
Hadith on Ethics and Morality
Hadith on Family and Social Relationships
Hadith on Business and Commerce Ethics
Hadith on Interactions with Non-Muslims
Hadith on Islamic Governance and Leadership
Hadith on Islamic Spirituality and Sufism
Hadith on Patience and Perseverance
Hadith on Humility and Humbleness
Hadith on Gratitude and Contentment
Hadith on Repentance and Forgiveness
Hadith on Good Manners and Etiquette
Hadith on Seeking Knowledge and Education
Hadith on Charity and Generosity
Hadith on Love and Brotherhood
Hadith on Modesty and Hijab
Hadith on Parents and Family Duties
Hadith on Spouses and Marriage
Hadith on Children and Parenting
Hadith on Rights and Responsibilities
Hadith on Social Justice and Equality
Hadith on Health and Hygiene
Hadith on Food and Nutrition
Hadith on Travel and Journey
Hadith on Dreams and Interpretation
Hadith on Leadership and Consultation
Hadith on Environmental Conservation
Hadith on War and Peace
Hadith on Interfaith Relations and Dialogue
Hadith on Personal Development and Self-Improvement
Hadith on Inner Peace and Tranquility
Hadith on Hope and Optimism
Hadith on Overcoming Challenges and Hardships
Hadith on Time Management and Productivity
Hadith on Trust in Allah and Reliance on Him
Hadith on Respecting Elders and Scholars
Hadith on Seeking Reprieve and Mercy
Hadith on Seeking Allah’s Guidance
Hadith on Seeking Forgiveness and Pardoning Others
Hadith on Building Strong Communities
Hadith on Seeking Good Company and Friendship
Hadith on Good Character Traits and Ethics
Hadith on Graciousness and Courtesy
Hadith on Dealing with Anger and Emotions
Hadith on Cultivating a Sound Heart
Hadith on the Importance of Intentions
Hadith on Sincerity and Showing Off
Hadith on the Dangers of Backbiting and Gossip
Hadith on the Prohibition of Lying and Falsehood
Hadith on the Virtues of Seeking Knowledge
Hadith on the Virtues of Remembrance of Allah
Hadith on the Blessings of Charity and Kindness
Hadith on the Rewards of Prayers and Supplications
Hadith on the Excellence of Good Deeds
Hadith on the Consequences of Evil Actions
Hadith on the Etiquette of Visiting and Hospitality
Hadith on the Importance of Friday (Jumu’ah)
Hadith on the Merits of Ramadan and Fasting
Hadith on the Virtues of Hajj and Umrah
Hadith on the Importance of Night Prayers (Qiyam al-Layl)
Hadith on the Virtues of the Prophetic Sunnah
Hadith on the Benefits of Reciting the Quran
Hadith on the Importance of Smiling and Spreading Joy
Hadith on the Prohibition of Injustice and Oppression
Hadith on the Virtues of Patience and Endurance
Hadith on the Consequences of Sins and Wrongdoings
Hadith on the Blessings of Giving Thanks to Allah
Hadith on the Merits of Upholding Family Ties
Hadith on the Rewards of Attending Islamic Gatherings
Hadith on the Virtues of Seeking Knowledge from Scholars
Hadith on the Importance of Kindness to Animals
Hadith on the Merits of Performing Good Deeds in Secret
Hadith on the Etiquette of Eating and Drinking
Hadith on the Excellence of Treating Guests with Kindness
Hadith on the Consequences of Gossip and Slander
Hadith on the Merits of Seeking Forgiveness from Allah
Hadith on the Virtues of Observing the Night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr)
Hadith on the Excellence of Following the Sunnah
Hadith on the Importance of Honoring One’s Parents
Hadith on the Consequences of Breaking Promises
Hadith on the Merits of Repentance and Turning to Allah
Hadith on the Virtues of Supporting Orphans and the Needy
Hadith on the Excellence of Attending Funerals and Burials
Hadith on the Consequences of Arrogance and Pride
Hadith on the Merits of Giving Gifts and Spreading Happiness
Hadith on the Virtues of Fasting on Mondays and Thursdays
Hadith on the Excellence of Seeking Knowledge for Women
Hadith on the Consequences of Cheating and Deception
Hadith on the Merits of Caring for Orphaned Children
Hadith on the Virtues of Praying Tahajjud (Night Prayer)
Hadith on the Importance of Honoring One’s Neighbors
Hadith on the Consequences of Betrayal and Treachery
Hadith on the Merits of Smiling at Others
Hadith on the Virtues of Remembrance of Allah after Prayer
Hadith on the Excellence of Being Generous with Guests
Hadith on the Consequences of Spreading False Rumors
Hadith on the Merits of Establishing Justice and Fairness
Hadith on the Virtues of Seeking Knowledge in Youth
Hadith on the Importance of Maintaining Good Hygiene
Hadith on the Consequences of Backbiting and Slandering
Hadith on the Merits of Offering Sunnah Prayers
Hadith on the Virtues of Visiting the Sick
Hadith on the Excellence of Giving Charity Secretly
Hadith on the Consequences of Oppressing Others
Hadith on the Merits of Upholding Family Values
Hadith on the Virtues of Seeking Forgiveness for Others
Hadith on the Importance of Seeking Allah’s Protection
Hadith on the Consequences of Neglecting Prayers
Hadith on the Merits of Helping Others in Distress
Hadith on the Virtues of Offering Night Prayers
Hadith on the Excellence of Treating Animals with Kindness
Hadith on the Consequences of Wasting Time and Procrastination
Hadith on the Merits of Maintaining Good Relationships with Relatives
Hadith on the Virtues of Smiling in the Face of Adversity
Hadith on the Importance of Controlling Anger
Hadith on the Consequences of Arrogance and Conceit
Hadith on the Merits of Giving Sadaqah (Charity)
Hadith on the Virtues of Maintaining Honesty and Integrity
Hadith on the Excellence of Reciting the Quran with Proper Tajweed
Hadith on the Importance of Respecting Teachers and Scholars
Hadith on the Consequences of Spreading Falsehood and Lies
Hadith on the Merits of Respecting the Elderly
Hadith on the Virtues of Being Content with Allah’s Decree
Hadith on the Excellence of Making Dua (Supplication)
Hadith on the Importance of Upholding Justice in Judgement
Hadith on the Consequences of Greed and Stinginess
Hadith on the Merits of Seeking Knowledge from a Young Age
Hadith on the Virtues of Offering the Witr Prayer
Hadith on the Excellence of Respecting the Rights of Neighbors
Hadith on the Importance of Respecting the Sanctity of the Masjid
Hadith on the Consequences of Betraying Trust
Hadith on the Merits of Visiting the Graves
Hadith on the Virtues of Respecting and Honoring Women
Hadith on the Excellence of Performing Umrah
Hadith on the Importance of Seeking Allah’s Forgiveness
Hadith on the Consequences of Pride and Arrogance
Hadith on the Merits of Seeking Knowledge from Authentic Sources
Hadith on the Virtues of Being Kind to Parents

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YFP empower the youth with the ability to nurture their communication and leadership skills at a common national platform resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.

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