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Coherence and Cohesion MCQs With Answer

Coherence and Cohesion MCQs

Welcome to the Coherence and Cohesion MCQs with Answers. In this post, we have shared Coherence and Cohesion Online Test for different competitive exams. Find practice Coherence and Cohesion Practice Questions with answers in English Tests exams here. Each question offers a chance to enhance your knowledge regarding Coherence and Cohesion.

Which of the following sentences best maintains coherence in a paragraph?
a) She likes chocolate. Furthermore, the weather is nice today.
b) He went to the store to buy groceries. Additionally, he wanted to buy a gift.
c) They went hiking in the mountains. On the other hand, the city was busy.
d) She enjoys reading books. In contrast, he prefers watching movies.

b) He went to the store to buy groceries. Additionally, he wanted to buy a gift.

Which transition word best connects these two sentences: “The company increased its profits. ___, they expanded their market share.”
a) Nevertheless
b) Therefore
c) Although
d) Meanwhile

b) Therefore

Identify the sentence that provides cohesion in the following paragraph: “I enjoy playing soccer. ___, I practice every weekend.”
a) For example
b) In addition
c) However
d) Consequently

d) Consequently

Which of the following sentences demonstrates coherence?
a) She traveled to Paris last summer. The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark.
b) He enjoys cycling. His favorite color is blue.
c) They went to the beach. The weather was sunny and warm.
d) She likes to cook. The stock market is unpredictable.

c) They went to the beach. The weather was sunny and warm.

Which linking phrase is appropriate for showing contrast between two ideas?
a) In addition
b) Conversely
c) Similarly
d) Moreover

b) Conversely

Choose the best sentence to connect these ideas: “He forgot his umbrella. ___, he got soaked in the rain.”
a) Nevertheless
b) Thus
c) Despite
d) Consequently

d) Consequently

Which sentence best uses a cohesive device to explain a cause and effect relationship?
a) The company faced financial difficulties. As a result, they had to downsize.
b) She enjoys cooking. For instance, she tries new recipes often.
c) He likes running in the park. Similarly, he enjoys swimming at the pool.
d) The book was interesting. Although, I did not finish it.

a) The company faced financial difficulties. As a result, they had to downsize.

Identify the transition word that best fits the sentence: “The study was conducted over three years. ___, the results are considered reliable.”
a) Thus
b) Although
c) Meanwhile
d) Hence

d) Hence

Which sentence demonstrates effective coherence in a paragraph about environmental conservation?
a) Many people support recycling programs. In contrast, others prefer to donate items.
b) Recycling helps reduce waste. For instance, it can decrease landfill use.
c) Environmental awareness is growing. Similarly, people are buying more electric cars.
d) Recycling is important. For example, it is beneficial for the environment.

b) Recycling helps reduce waste. For instance, it can decrease landfill use.

Select the best cohesive device to show addition: “She enjoys painting. ___, she takes art classes regularly.”
a) Conversely
b) Similarly
c) Moreover
d) Nevertheless

c) Moreover

Which sentence provides a clear contrast between two ideas?
a) The team worked hard on the project. Therefore, they finished it on time.
b) He was late for the meeting. However, he still managed to present his ideas.
c) The weather was nice. In addition, we went for a walk in the park.
d) She studied for the exam. Consequently, she passed with flying colors.

b) He was late for the meeting. However, he still managed to present his ideas.

Choose the correct transitional phrase for comparing two items: “The new software is user-friendly. ___, the old version was complex and difficult to navigate.”
a) Conversely
b) For example
c) In addition
d) As a result

a) Conversely

Which sentence shows cause and effect correctly?
a) She was feeling sick. Consequently, she missed the party.
b) They visited the museum. Although, it was raining.
c) He enjoys classical music. Similarly, he likes jazz.
d) She bought a new car. For instance, she had been saving for months.

a) She was feeling sick. Consequently, she missed the party.

Which transition word best connects these ideas: “I forgot to buy groceries. ___, I had to go back to the store.”
a) Hence
b) Although
c) Therefore
d) Similarly

c) Therefore

Choose the sentence that maintains coherence in a discussion about healthy eating:
a) Eating fruits is good for your health. In contrast, smoking is harmful.
b) Vegetables provide essential nutrients. For instance, they are high in vitamins.
c) He prefers hiking over jogging. Moreover, he enjoys swimming as well.
d) Eating balanced meals is important. However, she prefers fast food.

b) Vegetables provide essential nutrients. For instance, they are high in vitamins.

Which transition phrase is suitable for showing a result?
a) For instance
b) However
c) Therefore
d) Conversely

c) Therefore

Select the correct transition for adding information: “He enjoys reading science fiction. ___, he also likes fantasy novels.”
a) Consequently
b) Similarly
c) On the other hand
d) Nevertheless

b) Similarly

Which sentence best demonstrates coherence when discussing technology advancements?
a) New technology improves communication. Conversely, it can be a distraction.
b) The latest smartphones have advanced features. For instance, they offer high-resolution cameras.
c) Many people use technology daily. However, the cost of new gadgets is high.
d) Technology impacts various aspects of life. In contrast, some people prefer traditional methods.

b) The latest smartphones have advanced features. For instance, they offer high-resolution cameras.

Choose the best transition for summarizing: “The meeting covered various topics. ___, it was very productive.”
a) Nevertheless
b) In summary
c) Although
d) On the other hand

b) In summary

Which transitional phrase is appropriate for presenting a cause?
a) Consequently
b) Similarly
c) Because
d) Conversely

c) Because

Select the correct sentence for showing contrast in a paragraph about sports:
a) Football is a team sport. In contrast, tennis is played individually.
b) He likes football. Similarly, he enjoys playing basketball.
c) Football is popular worldwide. For example, many countries have professional leagues.
d) Tennis requires less equipment. Consequently, it is more affordable than football.

a) Football is a team sport. In contrast, tennis is played individually.

Which sentence demonstrates effective cohesion for explaining a solution?
a) The problem was complex. Hence, we needed a detailed analysis.
b) We solved the problem. On the other hand, it took longer than expected.
c) The solution was clear. For example, we implemented a new strategy.
d) We had a meeting. Similarly, we discussed the issues in detail.

a) The problem was complex. Hence, we needed a detailed analysis.

Choose the best transition word for indicating time sequence: “She finished her homework. ___, she went out with her friends.”
a) Similarly
b) Nevertheless
c) Afterwards
d) However

c) Afterwards

Which transition phrase is suitable for giving an example?
a) For instance
b) Conversely
c) Therefore
d) However

a) For instance

Which sentence demonstrates coherence in a discussion about renewable energy?
a) Renewable energy sources are important. In contrast, fossil fuels are harmful.
b) Solar and wind energy are examples of renewable resources. Consequently, they reduce pollution.
c) Wind energy is sustainable. However, it is dependent on weather conditions.
d) Many countries invest in renewable energy. Similarly, they are exploring new technologies.

b) Solar and wind energy are examples of renewable resources. Consequently, they reduce pollution.

Select the correct transitional phrase for showing addition: “He completed his assignment. ___, he started preparing for the next project.”
a) Conversely
b) Nevertheless
c) Moreover
d) Thus

c) Moreover

Which sentence best connects ideas in a discussion about online education?
a) Online education offers flexibility. Similarly, it can be less expensive than traditional schooling.
b) Online classes can be taken from anywhere. On the other hand, they might lack personal interaction.
c) Many students prefer online learning. For example, it allows them to balance work and study.
d) Online courses are convenient. Consequently, they are often preferred by working professionals.

c) Many students prefer online learning. For example, it allows them to balance work and study.

Which transition word is suitable for indicating a result?
a) Although
b) Similarly
c) Therefore
d) In contrast

c) Therefore

Choose the best sentence for demonstrating coherence in a paragraph about exercise: “Regular exercise is beneficial. ___, it helps maintain a healthy weight.”
a) In addition
b) However
c) Conversely
d) Nevertheless

a) In addition

Which transitional phrase is appropriate for presenting a contrast?
a) Similarly
b) Nevertheless
c) For instance
d) Hence

b) Nevertheless

Select the correct transitional phrase for summarizing ideas: “The project was a success. ___, we achieved all our goals.”
a) Thus
b) Conversely
c) However
d) For instance

a) Thus

Which sentence uses a cohesive device to show similarity?
a) She enjoys painting. Conversely, he prefers sculpture.
b) He completed his degree. Likewise, his sister graduated this year.
c) The conference was informative. Nevertheless, it was quite lengthy.
d) She went to the gym. On the other hand, he chose to go for a run.

b) He completed his degree. Likewise, his sister graduated this year.

Choose the best sentence for showing cause: “The heavy rain caused flooding. ___, several roads were closed.”
a) However
b) For example
c) Consequently
d) Similarly

c) Consequently

Which sentence demonstrates effective cohesion in a discussion about travel?
a) Traveling abroad can be exciting. Similarly, learning about new cultures is rewarding.
b) Traveling requires careful planning. For example, booking accommodations in advance is crucial.
c) Many people enjoy traveling. Conversely, others prefer staying at home.
d) Traveling can be expensive. On the other hand, it offers unique experiences.

b) Traveling requires careful planning. For example, booking accommodations in advance is crucial.

Select the correct transitional phrase for showing an example: “The new policy is effective in many ways. ___, it has improved employee satisfaction.”
a) Nevertheless
b) For instance
c) Conversely
d) Similarly

b) For instance

Which transitional phrase is suitable for indicating an exception?
a) In addition
b) However
c) Therefore
d) Similarly

b) However

Choose the best sentence for showing time sequence: “She finished her report. ___, she prepared for the presentation.”
a) Similarly
b) Nevertheless
c) Afterwards
d) Hence

c) Afterwards

Which sentence shows coherence when discussing technology in education?
a) Technology can enhance learning. In contrast, it can also be a distraction.
b) Digital tools facilitate teaching. For example, interactive whiteboards engage students.
c) Many educators use technology. Conversely, some prefer traditional methods.
d) Technology helps students learn. Similarly, it can improve teaching methods.

b) Digital tools facilitate teaching. For example, interactive whiteboards engage students.

Select the correct transitional phrase for showing contrast: “The new policy is beneficial for employees. ___, it has been challenging for management.”
a) Therefore
b) For instance
c) Conversely
d) Similarly

c) Conversely

Which sentence demonstrates effective coherence in a discussion about health?
a) Exercise is good for your health. Additionally, it can also improve your mood.
b) Regular exercise can help you stay fit. However, it is important to balance it with a healthy diet.
c) Exercise is beneficial. On the other hand, healthy eating is also crucial.
d) Exercise improves cardiovascular health. Conversely, it is not the only factor in maintaining good health.

b) Regular exercise can help you stay fit. However, it is important to balance it with a healthy diet.

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