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Scientific Discoveries and Inventions MCQs with Answers

Welcome to the Scientific Discoveries and Inventions MCQs with Answers. In this post, we are sharing Scientific Discoveries and Inventions Multiple Choice Questions and Answers in Everyday Science section for various competitive exams in Pakistan. Each question offers a chance to enhance your knowledge regarding Scientific Discoveries and Inventions online MCQs Test.

Who is credited with the discovery of the law of universal gravitation?
A) Albert Einstein
B) Isaac Newton
C) Galileo Galilei
D) Johannes Kepler

B) Isaac Newton

What invention is Alexander Graham Bell most famous for?
A) Electric light bulb
B) Telephone
C) Airplane
D) Radio

B) Telephone

Which scientist is known for the development of the theory of relativity?
A) Isaac Newton
B) Albert Einstein
C) Niels Bohr
D) James Clerk Maxwell

B) Albert Einstein

The first successful airplane flight was achieved by:
A) The Wright brothers
B) Charles Lindbergh
C) Amelia Earhart
D) Howard Hughes

A) The Wright brothers

Which scientist is known for the discovery of penicillin?
A) Louis Pasteur
B) Alexander Fleming
C) Robert Koch
D) Joseph Lister

B) Alexander Fleming

What discovery is Marie Curie famous for?
A) The theory of evolution
B) Radioactivity
C) The structure of DNA
D) The periodic table

B) Radioactivity

Which invention is Thomas Edison credited with developing?
A) The electric light bulb
B) The telephone
C) The steam engine
D) The airplane

A) The electric light bulb

Who developed the first successful polio vaccine?
A) Albert Calmette
B) Jonas Salk
C) Edward Jenner
D) Louis Pasteur

B) Jonas Salk

Which physicist is known for his work on quantum mechanics and the uncertainty principle?
A) Niels Bohr
B) Werner Heisenberg
C) Erwin Schrödinger
D) Richard Feynman

B) Werner Heisenberg

The discovery of the structure of DNA is credited to:
A) Gregor Mendel
B) James Watson and Francis Crick
C) Rosalind Franklin
D) Linus Pauling

B) James Watson and Francis Crick

Who is known for formulating the laws of motion and universal gravitation?
A) Galileo Galilei
B) Isaac Newton
C) Johannes Kepler
D) Albert Einstein

B) Isaac Newton

Which invention is associated with Nikola Tesla?
A) The telephone
B) The electric light bulb
C) Alternating current (AC) system
D) The airplane

C) Alternating current (AC) system

The concept of natural selection was developed by:
A) Charles Darwin
B) Gregor Mendel
C) Louis Pasteur
D) Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

A) Charles Darwin

Which scientist is known for his contributions to the theory of electromagnetism?
A) Michael Faraday
B) James Clerk Maxwell
C) Thomas Edison
D) Nikola Tesla

B) James Clerk Maxwell

The discovery of X-rays is attributed to:
A) Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
B) Marie Curie
C) Niels Bohr
D) Ernest Rutherford

A) Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen

Who is credited with developing the first successful smallpox vaccine?
A) Louis Pasteur
B) Edward Jenner
C) Jonas Salk
D) Alexander Fleming

B) Edward Jenner

The invention of the first practical steam engine is attributed to:
A) James Watt
B) George Stephenson
C) Thomas Newcomen
D) Richard Trevithick

A) James Watt

The discovery of the electron is attributed to:
A) Ernest Rutherford
B) Niels Bohr
C) J.J. Thomson
D) Albert Einstein

C) J.J. Thomson

Who is known for developing the periodic table of elements?
A) Dmitri Mendeleev
B) Antoine Lavoisier
C) John Dalton
D) Marie Curie

A) Dmitri Mendeleev

The invention of the first working telephone is credited to:
A) Alexander Graham Bell
B) Thomas Edison
C) Nikola Tesla
D) Michael Faraday

A) Alexander Graham Bell

Which scientist is known for his work on the laws of heredity?
A) Charles Darwin
B) Gregor Mendel
C) Louis Pasteur
D) Francis Crick

B) Gregor Mendel

The development of the first vaccine for rabies is credited to:
A) Edward Jenner
B) Louis Pasteur
C) Jonas Salk
D) Albert Calmette

B) Louis Pasteur

The theory of general relativity was proposed by:
A) Isaac Newton
B) Albert Einstein
C) Niels Bohr
D) Galileo Galilei

B) Albert Einstein

The invention of the first practical light bulb is attributed to:
A) Thomas Edison
B) Alexander Graham Bell
C) Nikola Tesla
D) Michael Faraday

A) Thomas Edison

The discovery of the neutron is attributed to:
A) Ernest Rutherford
B) James Chadwick
C) Niels Bohr
D) J.J. Thomson

B) James Chadwick

The development of the first functional airplane is credited to:
A) The Wright brothers
B) Charles Lindbergh
C) Orville and Wilbur Wright
D) Howard Hughes

C) Orville and Wilbur Wright

The invention of the first successful MRI machine is attributed to:
A) Raymond Damadian
B) Jonas Salk
C) Michael Faraday
D) James Clerk Maxwell

A) Raymond Damadian

The discovery of radioactivity is associated with:
A) Marie Curie
B) Albert Einstein
C) Niels Bohr
D) Ernest Rutherford

A) Marie Curie

The principle of the conservation of energy is associated with:
A) Albert Einstein
B) James Joule
C) Isaac Newton
D) Michael Faraday

B) James Joule

Who is known for inventing the first commercially successful phonograph?
A) Thomas Edison
B) Alexander Graham Bell
C) Nikola Tesla
D) Michael Faraday

A) Thomas Edison

The invention of the first artificial satellite, Sputnik, is attributed to:
A) The United States
B) The Soviet Union
C) France
D) Germany

B) The Soviet Union

Who is known for the discovery of the fundamental principles of electromagnetism?
A) Michael Faraday
B) James Clerk Maxwell
C) Thomas Edison
D) Albert Einstein

B) James Clerk Maxwell

The development of the first successful contraceptive pill is credited to:
A) Carl Djerassi
B) Jonas Salk
C) Alexander Fleming
D) Albert Calmette

A) Carl Djerassi

The first successful heart transplant was performed by:
A) Christiaan Barnard
B) Jonas Salk
C) Edward Jenner
D) Michael DeBakey

A) Christiaan Barnard

The invention of the first practical and commercial electric generator is attributed to:
A) Michael Faraday
B) Nikola Tesla
C) Thomas Edison
D) James Clerk Maxwell

A) Michael Faraday

Who is known for the invention of the first practical and reliable microscope?
A) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
B) Robert Hooke
C) Louis Pasteur
D) Rudolf Virchow

A) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

The discovery of the structure of the atom is associated with:
A) Niels Bohr
B) Albert Einstein
C) Ernest Rutherford
D) James Chadwick

C) Ernest Rutherford

The development of the first successful vaccine against tuberculosis is credited to:
A) Albert Calmette and Camille Guérin
B) Louis Pasteur
C) Jonas Salk
D) Edward Jenner

A) Albert Calmette and Camille Guérin

The invention of the first digital computer is attributed to:
A) Alan Turing
B) Charles Babbage
C) John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry
D) Konrad Zuse

C) John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry

The discovery of the chemical element radon is associated with:
A) Marie Curie
B) Ernest Rutherford
C) Niels Bohr
D) Wilhelm Roentgen

A) Marie Curie

The invention of the first successful jet engine is credited to:
A) Frank Whittle
B) Charles Lindbergh
C) Robert H. Goddard
D) Werner von Braun

A) Frank Whittle

Who is known for the development of the first commercially successful photovoltaic cell?
A) Albert Einstein
B) Russell Ohl
C) Michael Faraday
D) Thomas Edison

B) Russell Ohl

The discovery of the first antibiotic, penicillin, is attributed to:
A) Alexander Fleming
B) Louis Pasteur
C) Robert Koch
D) Jonas Salk

A) Alexander Fleming

The invention of the first successful electric toaster is credited to:
A) George Schneider
B) Albert M. C.
C) George Schneider
D) Frank Shailor

D) Frank Shailor

The development of the first practical nuclear reactor is associated with:
A) Enrico Fermi
B) J. Robert Oppenheimer
C) Albert Einstein
D) Niels Bohr

A) Enrico Fermi

The discovery of the electron’s charge-to-mass ratio is attributed to:
A) J.J. Thomson
B) Robert Millikan
C) Ernest Rutherford
D) Niels Bohr

B) Robert Millikan

The invention of the first practical laser is credited to:
A) Theodore Maiman
B) Charles Townes
C) Arthur Leonard Schawlow
D) Albert Einstein

A) Theodore Maiman

The discovery of the first quasar is associated with:
A) Fred Hoyle
B) Maarten Schmidt
C) James Peebles
D) Vera Rubin

B) Maarten Schmidt

The invention of the first successful automatic transmission is credited to:
A) Alfred Horner Munro
B) General Motors
C) Henry Ford
D) Karl Benz

B) General Motors

The development of the first successful smart phone is attributed to:
A) Apple Inc.
C) Microsoft
D) Nokia

A) Apple Inc.

The discovery of the neutron’s existence is associated with:
A) James Chadwick
B) Ernest Rutherford
C) Niels Bohr
D) Albert Einstein

A) James Chadwick

The invention of the first practical sonar device is credited to:
A) Paul Langevin
B) Alexander Graham Bell
C) James Clerk Maxwell
D) Michael Faraday

A) Paul Langevin

The discovery of the role of DNA in heredity is credited to:
A) Gregor Mendel
B) James Watson and Francis Crick
C) Rosalind Franklin
D) Linus Pauling

B) James Watson and Francis Crick

The invention of the first practical photovoltaic cell is attributed to:
A) Russell Ohl
B) Albert Einstein
C) Michael Faraday
D) Thomas Edison

A) Russell Ohl

The discovery of the neutron is attributed to:
A) James Chadwick
B) Ernest Rutherford
C) Niels Bohr
D) J.J. Thomson

A) James Chadwick

The development of the first commercial electric car is credited to:
A) Tesla Inc.
B) General Motors
C) Nissan
D) Ford

A) Tesla Inc.

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