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12th Class Biology Chapter 24 MCQs with Answers

12th Class Biology Chapter 24 MCQs

Welcome to the 12th Class Biology Chapter 24 MCQs Practice and Quiz Tests. We are presenting you with top MCQ questions from the 12th Class Biology Chapter 24 Evolution.

You can find all the 12th Class Biology Chapter 24 MCQs online tests on our website. These online tests are great for learning and as well as for scoring maximum marks in your Intermediate Exams. We are making these Class 12 Biology MCQs online tests for those who want full marks in their exams.

What is the process by which favorable traits become more common in a population over time?
a) Mutation
b) Adaptation
c) Natural selection
d) Genetic drift

c) Natural selection

Who proposed the theory of natural selection?
a) Charles Darwin
b) Gregor Mendel
c) Alfred Russel Wallace
d) Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

a) Charles Darwin

Which type of evolution occurs when two separate species evolve similar traits due to similar environmental pressures?
a) Divergent evolution
b) Convergent evolution
c) Coevolution
d) Parallel evolution

b) Convergent evolution

The wings of birds and the wings of bats are an example of:
a) Homologous structures
b) Analogous structures
c) Vestigial structures
d) Adaptive structures

b) Analogous structures

Which of the following is a direct source of evidence for evolution?
a) Fossil record
b) Genetic variation
c) Natural selection
d) Artificial selection

a) Fossil record

What term describes the process by which new species arise?
a) Adaptation
b) Speciation
c) Mutation
d) Genetic drift

b) Speciation

The process of genetic change in a population over time is known as:
a) Mutation
b) Evolution
c) Natural selection
d) Migration

b) Evolution

Which of the following is an example of vestigial structure in humans?
a) Human tailbone (coccyx)
b) Human brain
c) Human hand
d) Human heart

a) Human tailbone (coccyx)

The theory of evolution by natural selection is based on the principle of:
a) Survival of the fittest
b) Inheritance of acquired characteristics
c) Punctuated equilibrium
d) Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

a) Survival of the fittest

What is the name of the ship on which Charles Darwin sailed during his voyage to study the natural world?
a) H.M.S. Challenger
b) H.M.S. Beagle
c) H.M.S. Victory
d) H.M.S. Discovery

b) H.M.S. Beagle

Which type of selection favors extreme traits over the average or intermediate traits in a population?
a) Directional selection
b) Stabilizing selection
c) Disruptive selection
d) Balancing selection

c) Disruptive selection

In the process of genetic drift, the changes in the gene pool are primarily driven by:
a) Random chance
b) Natural selection
c) Environmental factors
d) Sexual selection

a) Random chance

The fossil of a common ancestor shared by multiple species is called:
a) Transitional fossil
b) Extinct fossil
c) Divergent fossil
d) Analogous fossil

a) Transitional fossil

The process of genetic material exchange between different species through hybridization is known as:
a) Natural selection
b) Artificial selection
c) Gene flow
d) Genetic recombination

c) Gene flow

Which of the following is an example of genetic drift?
a) A sudden increase in the population size
b) A random mutation leading to a new trait
c) A severe drought affecting the survival of certain individuals
d) A small population of butterflies getting isolated on an island

d) A small population of butterflies getting isolated on an island

The similarity in the forelimbs of mammals, such as humans, bats, and whales, is an example of:
a) Homologous structures
b) Analogous structures
c) Vestigial structures
d) Adaptive structures

a) Homologous structures

The concept of “survival of the fittest” was coined by:
a) Charles Darwin
b) Alfred Russel Wallace
c) Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
d) Herbert Spencer

d) Herbert Spencer

Which of the following best describes a gene pool?
a) The total number of genes in a population
b) The sum of all alleles in a population
c) The average genetic variation in a population
d) The physical location of genes on a chromosome

b) The sum of all alleles in a population

The concept of “use and disuse” was proposed by:
a) Charles Darwin
b) Alfred Russel Wallace
c) Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
d) Gregor Mendel

c) Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

Which type of evolution occurs when two or more species evolve in response to changes in each other?
a) Divergent evolution
b) Convergent evolution
c) Coevolution
d) Parallel evolution

c) Coevolution

The process by which species that share a common ancestor evolve different traits over time is called:
a) Convergent evolution
b) Divergent evolution
c) Coevolution
d) Parallel evolution

b) Divergent evolution

The wing of a bird and the wing of a bat are an example of:
a) Homologous structures
b) Analogous structures
c) Vestigial structures
d) Adaptive structures

b) Analogous structures

Which of the following is a factor that can lead to speciation?
a) Gene flow between populations
b) Large population size
c) Lack of genetic variation
d) Geographic isolation

d) Geographic isolation

The gradual change in the frequency of alleles in a population over time is known as:
a) Genetic drift
b) Gene flow
c) Natural selection
d) Microevolution

d) Microevolution

What is the term for a trait that increases an individual’s chance of surviving and
reproducing in a particular environment?
a) Genotype
b) Phenotype
c) Mutation
d) Adaptation

d) Adaptation

Which of the following is an example of artificial selection?
a) Polar bears adapting to a cold environment
b) Dogs bred for specific traits by humans
c) Finches developing different beak sizes due to food availability
d) Bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics over time

b) Dogs bred for specific traits by humans

Which of the following statements about the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is true?
a) The population size must be very small.
b) The allele frequencies must remain constant from generation to generation.
c) Natural selection must be acting on the population.
d) Gene flow must be present between populations.

b) The allele frequencies must remain constant from generation to generation.

The study of the geographic distribution of organisms and how it relates to their evolution is known as:
a) Paleontology
b) Biogeography
c) Phylogenetics
d) Population genetics

b) Biogeography

Which of the following is an example of homologous structures?
a) The wings of a bat and the wings of an insect
b) The wings of a bird and the fins of a fish
c) The arms of a human and the wings of a bird
d) The tail of a whale and the tail of a fish

c) The arms of a human and the wings of a bird

What is the term for the process by which individuals with certain heritable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce?
a) Mutation
b) Adaptation
c) Natural selection
d) Genetic drift

c) Natural selection

The study of the genetic variation within and among populations is known as:
a) Paleontology
b) Biogeography
c) Phylogenetics
d) Population genetics

d) Population genetics

Which of the following is an example of genetic variation?
a) All individuals in a population having the same traits
b) All individuals in a population having the same DNA sequence
c) Some individuals in a population having different traits or DNA sequences
d) Some individuals in a population having identical DNA sequences

c) Some individuals in a population having different traits or DNA sequences

Which type of selection favors individuals with intermediate traits in a population?
a) Directional selection
b) Stabilizing selection
c) Disruptive selection
d) Balancing selection

b) Stabilizing selection

What is the term for the process by which new species arise through the geographical isolation of populations?
a) Adaptation
b) Speciation
c) Mutation
d) Genetic drift

b) Speciation

Which of the following is an example of a vestigial structure in whales?
a) Hind limbs
b) Wings
c) Gills
d) Fins

a) Hind limbs

The process of genetic material exchange between populations due to migration is known as:
a) Genetic drift
b) Gene flow
c) Natural selection
d) Microevolution

b) Gene flow

What is the primary source of new genetic variation in a population?
a) Genetic drift
b) Gene flow
c) Mutation
d) Natural selection

c) Mutation

The similarity in the forelimbs of mammals, such as humans, bats, and whales, is evidence of:
a) Homologous structures
b) Analogous structures
c) Vestigial structures
d) Adaptive structures

a) Homologous structures

Which of the following statements best describes gene flow?
a) It decreases genetic variation within populations.
b) It involves the movement of individuals between populations.
c) It reduces the likelihood of speciation.
d) It occurs only through sexual reproduction.

b) It involves the movement of individuals between populations.

Which of the following is an example of a vestigial structure in humans?
a) Human appendix
b) Human heart
c) Human lungs
d) Human brain

a) Human appendix

The evolution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is an example of:
a) Natural selection
b) Genetic drift
c) Artificial selection
d) Convergent evolution

a) Natural selection

Which of the following is an example of coevolution?
a) Bees pollinating flowers
b) Fish adapting to their aquatic environment
c) Bats developing echolocation
d) Birds evolving different beak sizes due to food availability

a) Bees pollinating flowers

The Galápagos finches studied by Charles Darwin are an example of:
a) Homologous structures
b) Analogous structures
c) Vestigial structures
d) Adaptive structures

b) Analogous structures

What is the term for the emergence of new species from a common ancestor over time?
a) Microevolution
b) Macroevolution
c) Mutation
d) Adaptation

b) Macroevolution

Which of the following is an example of divergent evolution?
a) Two bird species developing similar beak sizes
b) Two species of lizards evolving in response to different predators
c) Two populations of butterflies exchanging genes through migration
d) Two fish species evolving similar colors for camouflage

b) Two species of lizards evolving in response to different predators

The process by which a new species arises in the same geographic area as its ancestor is called:
a) Allopatric speciation
b) Sympatric speciation
c) Hybrid speciation
d) Artificial speciation

b) Sympatric speciation

Which of the following statements is true regarding natural selection?
a) It always results in the adaptation of all individuals in a population.
b) It can lead to the extinction of certain traits within a population.
c) It is the sole mechanism of evolution.
d) It occurs more rapidly in small populations.

b) It can lead to the extinction of certain traits within a population.

The wings of birds and the arms of humans are an example of:
a) Homologous structures
b) Analogous structures
c) Vestigial structures
d) Adaptive structures

a) Homologous structures

The process by which individuals with certain heritable traits are more successful at surviving and reproducing is called:
a) Adaptation
b) Speciation
c) Mutation
d) Natural selection

d) Natural selection

The evolution of pesticide-resistant insects is an example of:
a) Natural selection
b) Genetic drift
c) Artificial selection
d) Convergent evolution

a) Natural selection

The process of gene transfer between different populations or species due to interbreeding is known as:
a) Genetic drift
b) Gene flow
c) Natural selection
d) Microevolution

b) Gene flow

Which of the following statements is true about the fossil record?
a) It provides a complete and continuous record of all past life forms.
b) It is biased towards preserving soft-bodied organisms.
c) It does not provide any evidence of extinct species.
d) It does not show any evidence of evolutionary changes over time.

b) It is biased towards preserving soft-bodied organisms.

The emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in response to the overuse of antibiotics is an example of:
a) Artificial selection
b) Convergent evolution
c) Genetic drift
d) Natural selection

d) Natural selection

The process by which individuals with certain heritable traits survive and reproduce more effectively than others in a given environment is known as:
a) Adaptation
b) Speciation
c) Mutation
d) Natural selection

d) Natural selection

What is the term for a trait that has no apparent function in an organism but may have been useful in its ancestors?
a) Genotype
b) Phenotype
c) Mutation
d) Vestigial trait

d) Vestigial trait

The concept of “survival of the fittest” is associated with:
a) Charles Darwin
b) Alfred Russel Wallace
c) Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
d) Herbert Spencer

d) Herbert Spencer

The process by which a new species arises through geographic isolation is known as:
a) Adaptive radiation
b) Sympatric speciation
c) Allopatric speciation
d) Convergent evolution

c) Allopatric speciation

The fossil of an extinct species that shares a common ancestor with multiple living species is called:
a) Transitional fossil
b) Extinct fossil
c) Divergent fossil
d) Analogous fossil

a) Transitional fossil

Which of the following is an example of a homologous structure?
a) The wings of a bat and the wings of an insect
b) The wings of a bird and the fins of a fish
c) The arms of a human and the wings of a bird
d) The tail of a whale and the tail of a fish

c) The arms of a human and the wings of a bird

The beaks of Darwin’s finches on the Galápagos Islands are an example of:
a) Homologous structures
b) Analogous structures
c) Vestigial structures
d) Adaptive structures

b) Analogous structures

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