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11th Class Biology Chapter 9 MCQs with Answers

11th Class Biology Chapter 9 MCQs

Welcome to the 11th Class Biology Chapter 9 MCQs Practice and Quiz Tests. We are presenting you with top MCQ questions from the 11th Class Biology Chapter 9 Kingdom Plantae.

You can find all the 11th Class Biology Chapter 9 MCQs online tests on our website. These online tests are great for learning and as well as for scoring maximum marks in your Intermediate Exams. We are making these Class 11 Biology MCQs online tests for those who want full marks in their exams.

Which kingdom do plants belong to?
a) Kingdom Animalia
b) Kingdom Protista
c) Kingdom Plantae
d) Kingdom Fungi

c) Kingdom Plantae

Plants are classified as:
a) Prokaryotes
b) Eukaryotes
c) Archaea
d) Bacteria

b) Eukaryotes

The process by which green plants use sunlight to synthesize food from carbon dioxide and water is known as:
a) Photosynthesis
b) Respiration
c) Transpiration
d) Fermentation

a) Photosynthesis

The primary pigment responsible for capturing sunlight during photosynthesis is:
a) Chlorophyll a
b) Chlorophyll b
c) Carotenoids
d) Xanthophylls

a) Chlorophyll a

Which of the following is not a plant organ?
a) Leaf
b) Root
c) Stem
d) Stamen

d) Stamen

The waxy layer on the surface of the plant leaves that helps reduce water loss is called:
a) Epidermis
b) Cuticle
c) Stoma
d) Mesophyll

b) Cuticle

The specialized cells on plant leaves that regulate gas exchange are called:
a) Epidermal cells
b) Guard cells
c) Xylem cells
d) Phloem cells

b) Guard cells

The tissue responsible for transporting water and nutrients throughout the plant is called:
a) Epidermis
b) Parenchyma
c) Xylem
d) Phloem

c) Xylem

The process by which water and nutrients are absorbed by the roots and transported to other parts of the plant is known as:
a) Photosynthesis
b) Respiration
c) Transpiration
d) Osmosis

c) Transpiration

The male reproductive part of a flower is called the:
a) Stigma
b) Style
c) Anther
d) Ovary

c) Anther

The female reproductive part of a flower is called the:
a) Stigma
b) Style
c) Anther
d) Ovary

a) Stigma

The process of transferring pollen from the anther to the stigma is known as:
a) Fertilization
b) Pollination
c) Germination
d) Photosynthesis

b) Pollination

The process of joining male and female gametes to initiate seed formation is called:
a) Fertilization
b) Pollination
c) Germination
d) Photosynthesis

a) Fertilization

The structure that encloses and protects the developing seeds in a flowering plant is called:
a) Stamen
b) Petal
c) Sepal
d) Fruit

d) Fruit

The process by which a seed begins to grow into a new plant is called:
a) Fertilization
b) Pollination
c) Germination
d) Photosynthesis

c) Germination

Which of the following is not a type of plant tissue?
a) Meristematic tissue
b) Epidermal tissue
c) Mesodermal tissue
d) Ground tissue

c) Mesodermal tissue

The plant tissue responsible for photosynthesis is called:
a) Meristematic tissue
b) Epidermal tissue
c) Ground tissue
d) Mesophyll tissue

d) Mesophyll tissue

The outermost layer of a plant’s stem and root is known as the:
a) Epidermis
b) Cortex
c) Xylem
d) Phloem

a) Epidermis

The main function of the root is to:
a) Photosynthesize
b) Absorb water and nutrients
c) Conduct photosynthesis
d) Produce flowers

b) Absorb water and nutrients

The main function of the stem is to:
a) Absorb water and nutrients
b) Store food
c) Anchor the plant to the ground
d) Transport water and nutrients

d) Transport water and nutrients

The main function of leaves is to:
a) Absorb water and nutrients
b) Store food
c) Anchor the plant to the ground
d) Conduct photosynthesis

d) Conduct photosynthesis

The process of shedding leaves from a plant is called:
a) Germination
b) Photosynthesis
c) Transpiration
d) Abscission

d) Abscission

The type of plant tissue responsible for secondary growth (increasing the girth of stems and roots) is called:
a) Meristematic tissue
b) Epidermal tissue
c) Vascular tissue
d) Cork cambium

d) Cork cambium

The group of plants that lack vascular tissues (xylem and phloem) and are typically small and simple in structure are known as:
a) Angiosperms
b) Gymnosperms
c) Pteridophytes
d) Bryophytes

d) Bryophytes

Mosses and liverworts are examples of:
a) Angiosperms
b) Gymnosperms
c) Pteridophytes
d) Bryophytes

d) Bryophytes

The group of plants that includes conifers and cycads, and often produces seeds in cones, is known as:
a) Angiosperms
b) Gymnosperms
c) Pteridophytes
d) Bryophytes

b) Gymnosperms

The group of plants that includes ferns and horsetails and reproduces using spores is known as:
a) Angiosperms
b) Gymnosperms
c) Pteridophytes
d) Bryophytes

c) Pteridophytes

The group of plants that includes flowering plants and is the largest and most diverse group of plants on Earth is known as:
a) Angiosperms
b) Gymnosperms
c) Pteridophytes
d) Bryophytes

a) Angiosperms

The specialized structure in angiosperms where seeds are formed after fertilization is called the:
a) Ovary
b) Anther
c) Petal
d) Stamen

a) Ovary

The outermost whorl of floral organs in angiosperms, usually green and leaf-like, is called the:
a) Sepal
b) Petal
c) Stamen
d) Pistil

a) Sepal

The male reproductive part of a flower, consisting of the filament and anther, is called the:
a) Sepal
b) Petal
c) Stamen
d) Pistil

c) Stamen

The female reproductive part of a flower, consisting of the stigma, style, and ovary, is called the:
a) Sepal
b) Petal
c) Stamen
d) Pistil

d) Pistil

The fusion of pollen grains with the stigma of a flower is the first step of:
a) Pollination
b) Fertilization
c) Germination
d) Photosynthesis

a) Pollination

Double fertilization, a unique process in angiosperms, involves the formation of:
a) Two seeds in a single ovule
b) Two embryos in a single seed
c) Two endosperms in a single seed
d) Two zygotes in a single ovule

d) Two zygotes in a single ovule

The process by which seeds develop into new plants is called:
a) Pollination
b) Fertilization
c) Germination
d) Photosynthesis

c) Germination

The specialized structure in gymnosperms where seeds are formed after fertilization is called the:
a) Ovary
b) Anther
c) Petal
d) Cone

d) Cone

The group of plants that includes pine trees, spruces, and firs and typically produces seeds in cones is known as:
a) Angiosperms
b) Gymnosperms
c) Pteridophytes
d) Bryophytes

b) Gymnosperms

The group of plants that includes cycads, ginkgo, and conifers and lacks flowers and fruits is known as:
a) Angiosperms
b) Gymnosperms
c) Pteridophytes
d) Bryophytes

b) Gymnosperms

The primary type of tissue in vascular plants that transports sugars and other organic compounds throughout the plant is called:
a) Xylem
b) Phloem
c) Epidermis
d) Meristem

b) Phloem

The primary type of tissue in vascular plants that transports water and minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant is called:
a) Xylem
b) Phloem
c) Epidermis
d) Meristem

a) Xylem

The process by which water and nutrients move upward through the xylem in plants is known as:
a) Transpiration
b) Photosynthesis
c) Translocation
d) Respiration

a) Transpiration

The process by which sugars and other organic compounds move through the phloem in plants is known as:
a) Transpiration
b) Photosynthesis
c) Translocation
d) Respiration

c) Translocation

The type of root system in which a main taproot is present, with smaller lateral roots branching off, is called:
a) Adventitious root system
b) Fibrous root system
c) Tuberous root system
d) Propagative root system

a) Adventitious root system

The type of root system in which numerous thin roots of similar size spread out from the base of the stem is called:
a) Adventitious root system
b) Fibrous root system
c) Tuberous root system
d) Propagative root system

b) Fibrous root system

The type of root system in which a swollen root stores food and water, often found in plants like sweet potatoes, is called:
a) Adventitious root system
b) Fibrous root system
c) Tuberous root system
d) Propagative root system

c) Tuberous root system

The type of root system that develops from non-root plant parts, such as stems or leaves, is called:
a) Adventitious root system
b) Fibrous root system
c) Tuberous root system
d) Propagative root system

d) Propagative root system

The type of plant tissue responsible for growth in length (primary growth) is called:
a) Vascular tissue
b) Dermal tissue
c) Meristematic tissue
d) Ground tissue

c) Meristematic tissue

The type of plant tissue responsible for growth in width (secondary growth) is called:
a) Vascular tissue
b) Dermal tissue
c) Meristematic tissue
d) Ground tissue

d) Ground tissue

The tissue that covers the outer surface of the plant and protects it from damage and water loss is called:
a) Xylem
b) Phloem
c) Epidermis
d) Meristem

c) Epidermis

The specialized tissue responsible for growth in plants, found in the tips of roots and stems, is called:
a) Xylem
b) Phloem
c) Epidermis
d) Meristem

d) Meristem

The growth that occurs in plants due to cell division in the apical meristem is called:
a) Primary growth
b) Secondary growth
c) Tertiary growth
d) Quaternary growth

a) Primary growth

The growth that occurs in plants due to cell division in the lateral meristem is called:
a) Primary growth
b) Secondary growth
c) Tertiary growth
d) Quaternary growth

b) Secondary growth

The process of shedding leaves, flowers, or fruits from a plant is called:
a) Abscission
b) Transpiration
c) Pollination
d) Germination

a) Abscission

The group of plants that includes grasses, grains, and orchids and is the most diverse group of land plants is known as:
a) Gymnosperms
b) Bryophytes
c) Pteridophytes
d) Angiosperms

d) Angiosperms

The group of plants that typically produce seeds in a cone and include pine trees, spruces, and firs is known as:
a) Angiosperms
b) Bryophytes
c) Gymnosperms
d) Pteridophytes

c) Gymnosperms

The group of plants that includes ferns and horsetails and reproduces using spores is known as:
a) Angiosperms
b) Bryophytes
c) Gymnosperms
d) Pteridophytes

d) Pteridophytes

The group of plants that lacks vascular tissues (xylem and phloem) and includes mosses and liverworts is known as:
a) Angiosperms
b) Bryophytes
c) Gymnosperms
d) Pteridophytes

b) Bryophytes

The specialized structure in angiosperms where seeds are formed after fertilization is called the:
a) Ovary
b) Anther
c) Petal
d) Cone

a) Ovary

The male reproductive part of a flower, consisting of the filament and anther, is called the:
a) Sepal
b) Petal
c) Stamen
d) Pistil

c) Stamen

The female reproductive part of a flower, consisting of the stigma, style, and ovary, is called the:
a) Sepal
b) Petal
c) Stamen
d) Pistil

d) Pistil

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