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12th Class Biology Chapter 23 MCQs with Answers

12th Class Biology Chapter 23 MCQs

Welcome to the 12th Class Biology Chapter 23 MCQs Practice and Quiz Tests. We are presenting you with top MCQ questions from the 12th Class Biology Chapter 23 Biotechnology.

You can find all the 12th Class Biology Chapter 23 MCQs online tests on our website. These online tests are great for learning and as well as for scoring maximum marks in your Intermediate Exams. We are making these Class 12 Biology MCQs online tests for those who want full marks in their exams.

What is the basic unit of genetic information?
a) Protein
b) Gene
c) Chromosome
d) Enzyme

b) Gene

Which of the following is used to cut DNA at specific sequences?
a) RNA polymerase
b) DNA helicase
c) DNA ligase
d) Restriction enzymes

d) Restriction enzymes

What is the process of creating multiple copies of a DNA fragment?
a) PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)
b) Gel electrophoresis
c) Western blotting
d) Northern blotting

a) PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)

Which of the following is used to visualize DNA fragments after gel electrophoresis?
a) X-ray
b) UV light
c) Infrared light
d) Gamma rays

b) UV light

Which enzyme is responsible for synthesizing a complementary RNA strand from a DNA
a) DNA polymerase
b) RNA polymerase
c) Reverse transcriptase
d) Ligase

b) RNA polymerase

What is the purpose of using a vector in gene cloning?
a) To amplify the DNA fragment
b) To introduce foreign DNA into a host cell
c) To cut the DNA at specific sequences
d) To visualize DNA fragments

b) To introduce foreign DNA into a host cell

Which biotechnological technique is used to detect gene expression levels?
a) Southern blotting
b) Northern blotting
c) Western blotting
d) Eastern blotting

b) Northern blotting

Which of the following organisms is commonly used as a host for gene cloning?
a) E. coli
b) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
c) Arabidopsis thaliana
d) Caenorhabditis elegans

a) E. coli

What is the purpose of CRISPR-Cas9 technology in biotechnology?
a) DNA amplification
b) Gene editing
c) Protein purification
d) DNA sequencing

b) Gene editing

Which technique is used to determine the sequence of nucleotides in a DNA molecule?
a) Polymerase Chain Reaction
b) DNA sequencing
c) DNA microarray
d) Southern blotting

b) DNA sequencing

What is the purpose of the “sticky ends” created by restriction enzymes?
a) To seal the DNA fragment into the vector
b) To bind the DNA fragment to the gel during electrophoresis
c) To facilitate annealing with complementary DNA fragments
d) To make the DNA fragments visible under UV light

c) To facilitate annealing with complementary DNA fragments

In gel electrophoresis, smaller DNA fragments move faster than larger ones because:
a) They have a higher negative charge
b) They are lighter in weight
c) They are more resistant to the gel matrix
d) They are less affected by the electric field

a) They have a higher negative charge

Which of the following is a genetically modified organism (GMO)?
a) Golden rice with increased vitamin A content
b) Organic tomatoes grown without pesticides
c) Wild strawberries in their natural habitat
d) Cucumber seeds with improved germination rate

a) Golden rice with increased vitamin A content

What is the function of reverse transcriptase in retroviruses?
a) It synthesizes RNA from a DNA template
b) It synthesizes DNA from an RNA template
c) It repairs damaged DNA strands
d) It regulates gene expression

b) It synthesizes DNA from an RNA template

Which of the following is a application of biotechnology in agriculture?
a) Cloning endangered species
b) Producing human insulin
c) Engineering drought-resistant crops
d) Treating genetic disorders

c) Engineering drought-resistant crops

The process of transferring genes from one organism to another is known as:
a) Transcription
b) Translation
c) Transformation
d) Transduction

c) Transformation

Which of the following techniques is used to amplify a specific DNA sequence in vitro?
a) Western blotting
b) Southern blotting
c) Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
d) Northern blotting

c) Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

The process of introducing foreign DNA into a host organism is known as:
a) Gene expression
b) Gene cloning
c) Gene transfer
d) Gene knockout

c) Gene transfer

Which of the following enzymes is used to seal the nicks in the sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA during gene cloning?
a) DNA ligase
b) RNA polymerase
c) DNA polymerase
d) Reverse transcriptase

a) DNA ligase

What is the primary goal of genetic engineering in humans?
a) Creating designer babies
b) Eliminating all genetic disorders
c) Enhancing intelligence in all individuals
d) Treating genetic diseases and disorders

d) Treating genetic diseases and disorders

Which of the following is a tool used to analyze the expression levels of multiple genes simultaneously?
a) PCR
b) DNA sequencing
c) Microarray
d) CRISPR-Cas9

c) Microarray

Which technique is used to transfer genes into plant cells?
a) Electroporation
b) Lipofection
c) Microinjection
d) Agrobacterium-mediated transformation

d) Agrobacterium-mediated transformation

What is the purpose of using selectable markers in gene cloning experiments?
a) To visualize the DNA fragments on a gel
b) To identify transformed cells from non-transformed cells
c) To determine the DNA sequence of the gene of interest
d) To detect gene expression levels

b) To identify transformed cells from non-transformed cells

What is the role of the “promoter” in gene expression?
a) It determines the final protein structure
b) It initiates transcription of the gene
c) It enhances the translation process
d) It stabilizes the mRNA molecule

b) It initiates transcription of the gene

Which of the following is an example of a genetically modified organism used in medicine?
a) Herbicide-resistant crops
b) Bioluminescent bacteria
c) Insulin-producing bacteria
d) Fast-growing trees

c) Insulin-producing bacteria

The process of cutting and rejoining DNA from different sources is called:
a) Genetic engineering
b) Recombinant DNA technology
c) DNA replication
d) DNA ligation

b) Recombinant DNA technology

Which enzyme is responsible for adding nucleotides to the growing RNA strand during transcription?
a) DNA polymerase
b) RNA polymerase
c) Reverse transcriptase
d) Ligase

b) RNA polymerase

What is the function of Taq polymerase in the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)?
a) It synthesizes RNA from a DNA template
b) It synthesizes DNA from an RNA template
c) It synthesizes DNA from a DNA template
d) It seals the nicks in the DNA backbone

c) It synthesizes DNA from a DNA template

Which of the following is a technique used to analyze protein expression in a sample?
a) PCR
b) Western blotting
c) DNA sequencing
d) Northern blotting

b) Western blotting

What is the purpose of using dideoxynucleotides in DNA sequencing?
a) To synthesize complementary RNA strands
b) To amplify DNA fragments
c) To terminate DNA strand synthesis at specific positions
d) To cut DNA at specific sequences

c) To terminate DNA strand synthesis at specific positions

Which of the following is an example of a genetically modified crop plant?
a) Wild strawberry
b) Wheat with increased gluten content
c) Organic tomato
d) Corn in its natural habitat

b) Wheat with increased gluten content

Which of the following is used as a selectable marker in many gene cloning experiments?
a) GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein)
b) Insulin
c) LacZ gene
d) Beta-actin gene

c) LacZ gene

Which of the following biotechnological techniques is used to identify individuals based on their DNA profiles?
a) DNA sequencing
b) PCR
c) DNA fingerprinting
d) Western blotting

c) DNA fingerprinting

In gene cloning, what is the purpose of using a plasmid as a vector?
a) To amplify the DNA fragment
b) To visualize the DNA fragment
c) To facilitate gene expression
d) To introduce foreign DNA into a host cell

d) To introduce foreign DNA into a host cell

Which of the following is an example of a biotechnological product used in the textile industry?
a) Recombinant DNA
b) Antibiotics
c) Enzymes for dyeing
d) Vaccines

c) Enzymes for dyeing

Which technique is used to separate DNA fragments based on their size during gel electrophoresis?
a) Affinity chromatography
b) Ion-exchange chromatography
c) Size-exclusion chromatography
d) Agarose gel electrophoresis

d) Agarose gel electrophoresis

What is the primary role of ligase in gene cloning?
a) It cuts DNA at specific sequences
b) It joins DNA fragments together
c) It synthesizes RNA from a DNA template
d) It amplifies DNA fragments

b) It joins DNA fragments together

Which of the following is an example of a biotechnological application in environmental conservation?
a) Cloning endangered species
b) Producing genetically modified crops
c) Manufacturing antibiotics
d) Developing new cancer treatments

a) Cloning endangered species

Which enzyme is used to produce cDNA from mRNA in reverse transcription?
a) DNA polymerase
b) RNA polymerase
c) Reverse transcriptase
d) Ligase

c) Reverse transcriptase

What is the purpose of using “housekeeping genes” in gene expression studies?
a) To amplify DNA fragments
b) To measure the expression of constitutively active genes
c) To identify DNA sequences of interest
d) To produce proteins for medical use

b) To measure the expression of constitutively active genes

Which of the following is a technique used to introduce specific mutations in a gene sequence?
a) PCR
b) Gel electrophoresis
c) Site-directed mutagenesis
d) DNA microarray

c) Site-directed mutagenesis

What is the function of the “operator” in gene expression regulation?
a) It enhances the translation process
b) It initiates transcription of the gene
c) It binds to specific regulatory proteins
d) It stabilizes the mRNA molecule

c) It binds to specific regulatory proteins

Which of the following techniques is used to detect specific DNA sequences in a sample?
a) PCR
b) Southern blotting
c) Western blotting
d) Northern blotting

b) Southern blotting

Which of the following is a genetically modified animal used for medical research?
a) Transgenic mouse
b) Wild rabbit
c) Unmodified cat
d) Genetically engineered fish

a) Transgenic mouse

Which of the following is a technique used to determine the expression levels of genes in a sample?
a) DNA sequencing
b) PCR
c) Northern blotting
d) Microarray

d) Microarray

Which enzyme is responsible for copying the DNA template during PCR?
a) DNA polymerase
b) RNA polymerase
c) Reverse transcriptase
d) Ligase

a) DNA polymerase

Which of the following is an example of a genetically modified microorganism used in food production?
a) Antibiotic-resistant bacteria
b) Bioluminescent fungi
c) Cheese with increased calcium content
d) Yeast with enhanced fermentation capacity

d) Yeast with enhanced fermentation capacity

What is the function of the Cas9 enzyme in CRISPR-Cas9 technology?
a) It synthesizes RNA from a DNA template
b) It cuts DNA at specific sequences
c) It synthesizes DNA from an RNA template
d) It repairs damaged DNA strands

b) It cuts DNA at specific sequences

What is the purpose of using a cDNA library in gene cloning experiments?
a) To amplify DNA fragments
b) To analyze gene expression
c) To determine DNA sequence information
d) To visualize DNA fragments

b) To analyze gene expression

Which technique is used to introduce exogenous DNA into animal cells?
a) Electroporation
b) Agrobacterium-mediated transformation
c) Microinjection
d) Lipofection

c) Microinjection

What is the role of ligase in DNA replication?
a) It unwinds the double-stranded DNA
b) It synthesizes RNA primers
c) It joins Okazaki fragments on the lagging strand
d) It stabilizes the replication fork

c) It joins Okazaki fragments on the lagging strand

Which of the following is a technique used to determine the presence of a specific protein in a sample?
a) PCR
b) Western blotting
c) Northern blotting
d) DNA sequencing

b) Western blotting

Which of the following is an example of a genetically modified animal used for agricultural purposes?
a) Transgenic pig
b) Wild deer
c) Unmodified horse
d) Genetically engineered snake

a) Transgenic pig

What is the purpose of using antibiotics in gene cloning experiments?
a) To kill the host organism
b) To treat bacterial infections
c) To select for cells that have taken up the recombinant DNA
d) To prevent the growth of bacteria

c) To select for cells that have taken up the recombinant DNA

Which of the following is an example of a biotechnological application in medicine?
a) Producing biofuels
b) Creating genetically modified crops
c) Engineering bacteria for environmental cleanup
d) Manufacturing vaccines

d) Manufacturing vaccines

What is the purpose of using a control group in biotechnological experiments?
a) To compare the results with other experiments
b) To ensure that the experimental group is large enough
c) To provide a baseline for comparison
d) To reduce the cost of the experiment

c) To provide a baseline for comparison

Which of the following techniques is used to determine the genetic relatedness between individuals or species?
a) DNA sequencing
b) DNA fingerprinting
c) PCR
d) Western blotting

b) DNA fingerprinting

What is the purpose of using reverse transcriptase in cDNA synthesis?
a) To amplify DNA fragments
b) To synthesize RNA from a DNA template
c) To synthesize DNA from an RNA template
d) To stabilize the mRNA molecule

c) To synthesize DNA from an RNA template

Which of the following is an example of a genetically modified microorganism used in environmental cleanup?
a) Antibiotic-resistant bacteria
b) Bioluminescent fungi
c) Oil-degrading bacteria
d) Yeast with enhanced fermentation capacity

c) Oil-degrading bacteria

What is the primary goal of gene therapy in medicine?
a) To create genetically modified crops
b) To clone animals for research purposes
c) To cure genetic disorders by replacing or repairing faulty genes
d) To enhance the performance of athletes through genetic modifications

c) To cure genetic disorders by replacing or repairing faulty genes

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