12th Class

12th Class Chemistry Chapter 16 Quiz with Answers

“12th Class Chemistry Chapter 16 Quiz: Environmental Chemistry” covers the chemical processes that take place within the environment, especially those involving air, water, and soil quality. The present chapter deals with the effects of human activities on the environment, the role of chemicals in environmental pollution, and how to control and reduce the causes of environmental degradation. Knowledge of environmental chemistry is important for dealing with various issues relating to climate change and sustainability. Learn more with our MDCAT Quiz and free flashcards to ace this very important chapter.

Environmental Pollution and Its Impact

Environmental pollution is the major concern today, mainly due to human-induced activities like industrial emissions, agricultural practices, and improper waste management. In this chapter, you will learn about various types of pollutions such as air, water, soil, and noise pollution.

Air pollution is caused by the emission of dangerous chemicals such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere. The sources of these pollutants are the burning of fossil fuels in vehicles and industries. On the other hand, water pollution results from the discharge of dangerous chemicals such as heavy metals, pesticides, and untreated sewage into water bodies.

MDCAT Quiz: Environmental Chemistry

Test your knowledge in environmental chemistry using our MDCAT Quiz, which includes important topics such as types of pollution, chemical reactions in the environment, and ways to fight against pollution. It will help to consolidate your knowledge and prepare you for related questions in your exams.

  • Test Name: 12th Class Chemistry Chapter 16 Quiz
  • Type: Quiz Test
  • Total Questions: 30
  • Total Marks: 30
  • Time: 30 minutes

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Free Flashcards for Environmental Chemistry

Review the key concepts with free flashcards on environmental chemistry. The flashcards will help you quickly revise some of the key terms in pollutants, environmental processes, and their health and ecosystems effects. They’re perfect for reinforcing your knowledge and improving retention of crucial concepts.

Which gas is commonly released during volcanic eruptions and contributes to global cooling?

Sulfur dioxide (SO2)

What is the primary source of emissions of dioxins and furans?

Waste incineration

Which gas is primarily responsible for the bleaching of coral reefs?

Carbon dioxide (CO2)

What is the main source of emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in industrial areas?

Chemical manufacturing

Which gas is commonly associated with "indoor air pollution" in households?

Carbon monoxide (CO)

What is the primary source of perfluorocarbons (PFCs) emissions?

Aluminum smelting industry

Which gas is commonly released during the combustion of wood and biomass?

Carbon monoxide (CO)

What is the main source of emissions of particulate matter (PM) in urban areas?

Combustion processes

Which gas is commonly associated with the "ozone hole" over Antarctica?

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

What is the primary source of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) emissions?

Industrial processes

Which gas is commonly released during natural gas extraction and processing?

Methane (CH4)

What is the main source of hydrocarbons in urban air pollution?

Vehicle emissions

Which gas is commonly used as a refrigerant and is a potent greenhouse gas?

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)

What is the primary source of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) emissions?

Refrigeration industry

Which gas contributes to the formation of acid rain when combined with water vapor?

Sulfur dioxide (SO2)

What is the primary source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in urban environments?

Vehicle emissions

Which gas is commonly released during volcanic eruptions?

Sulfur dioxide (SO2)

What is the primary source of lead emissions into the atmosphere?

Industrial processes

Which gas is primarily responsible for the greenhouse effect on Venus?

Carbon dioxide (CO2)

What is the main source of mercury emissions into the environment?

Coal combustion

Which gas is responsible for the characteristic smell of rotten eggs?

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S)

What is the primary source of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) emissions?

Electrical industry

Which gas is a common byproduct of incomplete combustion?

Carbon monoxide (CO)

What is the primary source of water vapor in the atmosphere?

Evaporation from oceans

Which gas contributes to the formation of ground-level ozone through photochemical reactions?

Nitrogen oxides (NOx)

What is the primary source of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from human activities?

Burning fossil fuels

Which atmospheric component is essential for plant photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide (CO2)

What is the primary source of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions?

Agricultural activities

Which gas is a major component of landfill gas emissions?

Methane (CH4)

What is the main source of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in urban areas?

Vehicle emissions

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