Astronomy MCQs with Answers

Astronomy MCQs are essential for candidates preparing for competitive exams like CSS in Pakistan. These multiple-choice questions cover key topics such as the solar system, galaxies, black holes, space exploration, celestial mechanics, and cosmology. They test candidates’ knowledge of planetary movements, astronomical instruments, the Big Bang theory, and the structure of the universe. Astronomy MCQs also assess understanding of space missions, gravitational forces, and the role of astrophysics in modern science. Practicing these questions enhances analytical thinking and scientific awareness, helping aspirants perform well in exams. A strong grasp of astronomy is crucial for understanding the mysteries of the universe.
Solar System Formation
Inner Planets
Outer Planets
Dwarf Planets
Moon Phases
Solar Eclipses
Lunar Eclipses
Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud
Sun’s Structure and Features
Stellar Classification
Milky Way Galaxy
Andromeda Galaxy
Galaxy Clusters
Hubble’s Law
Dark Matter and Dark Energy
Cosmic Microwave Background
Early Universe
Cosmological Models
Telescopes and Optics
Space Observatories
Satellite Orbits
Spacecraft Propulsion
Space Agencies
Exoplanet Discoveries
Habitable Zones
Meteoroids, Meteors, and Meteorites
Celestial Coordinates
Coordinate Systems
Celestial Mechanics
Time and Calendars in Astronomy
Light and Optics in Astronomy
Radio Astronomy
Infrared Astronomy
Ultraviolet Astronomy
X-ray Astronomy
Gamma-ray Astronomy
History of Astronomy