10th Class

10th Class Chemistry Chapter 14 Quiz with Answers

10th Class Chemistry Chapter 14 Quiz: The Atmosphere examines the composition and structure of the Earth’s atmosphere and the chemical processes that occur within it. This chapter covers the layers of the atmosphere, the gaseous composition, and the role of greenhouse gases in regulating the planet’s temperature. The quiz tests students’ knowledge of atmospheric phenomena like global warming, ozone depletion, and the greenhouse effect.

Understanding the atmosphere is important in being able to address environmental issues such as climate change and air pollution. The quiz is on the chemical reactions in the atmosphere and how human activities, like burning fossil fuels, contribute to the changes in atmospheric composition.

Topics Covered in the Quiz

Students will encounter questions on the composition of the atmosphere, the effects of pollutants like carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides, and the importance of the ozone layer in protecting life on Earth. The quiz will also touch upon weather patterns and the impact of atmospheric changes on global ecosystems.

  • Test Name: 10th Class Chemistry Chapter 14 Quiz
  • Type: Quiz Test
  • Total Questions: 30
  • Total Marks: 30
  • Time: 30 minutes

Note: Answer of the questions will change randomly each time you start the test, once you are finished, click the View Results button.


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What is the name of the layer of the atmosphere where most commercial airliners fly?


What is the process by which carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere and stored in plants?


What gas is responsible for the majority of Earth's atmospheric temperature regulation?

Water vapor

What is the name of the boundary between the thermosphere and the exosphere?


What gas is released from vehicles and contributes to air pollution and respiratory problems?

Carbon monoxide

What layer of the atmosphere contains the majority of atmospheric water vapor?


What is the process by which atmospheric gases trap heat and warm the Earth's surface?

Greenhouse effect

What gas is commonly used in aerosol cans and contributes to ozone depletion?


What is the name of the layer of the atmosphere where the International Space Station orbits?


What layer of the atmosphere contains the ozone hole?


What is the process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas at the Earth's surface?


What gas is responsible for the majority of atmospheric pressure at sea level?


What is the name of the layer of the atmosphere where temperatures increase with altitude?


What gas is commonly used in refrigerants and contributes to ozone depletion?


What layer of the atmosphere contains the majority of Earth's clouds?


What is the process by which sunlight is absorbed by the Earth's surface and re-emitted as heat?


What gas is released during volcanic eruptions and contributes to atmospheric pollution?

Sulfur dioxide

What layer of the atmosphere contains the highest concentration of ozone?


What is the primary source of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere?


What gas is commonly used in the ozone layer to break down ozone-depleting substances?


What is the name of the layer of the atmosphere where most weather balloons operate?


What is the name of the boundary between the stratosphere and the mesosphere?


What layer of the atmosphere contains the auroras?


What is the process by which water vapor returns to the Earth's surface as precipitation?


What gas is responsible for the blue color of the sky?


What layer of the atmosphere contains the ionosphere?


What is the process by which plants release oxygen into the atmosphere?


What is the name of the layer of the atmosphere where most meteors burn up?


What gas is primarily responsible for the greenhouse effect?

Carbon dioxide

What is the name of the boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere?


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