Statistics MCQs with Answers

Statistics MCQs form a crucial component of the preparations for competitive examinations like CSS in Pakistan. Statistics MCQs cover all essential topics such as probability, data analysis, hypothesis testing, regression analysis, sampling methods, and statistical distributions. They test a candidate’s knowledge of statistical tools, techniques, and their applications in real-life problems. Statistics MCQs also test knowledge of measures of central tendency, variability, and inferential statistics. Practicing these questions improves analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, and data interpretation abilities, which are essential for success in exams. A good command of statistics is valuable for careers in research, data analysis, economics, and public policy.
Introduction to Statistics MCQs
Types of Data in Statistics MCQs
Data Collection Methods MCQs
Primary and Secondary Data MCQs
Scales of Measurement in Statistics MCQs
Population and Sample MCQs
Sampling Techniques MCQs
Importance of Statistics in Decision Making MCQs
Measures of Central Tendency MCQs
Mean, Median, and Mode MCQs
Properties of Mean, Median, and Mode MCQs
Measures of Dispersion MCQs
Variance and Standard Deviation MCQs
Coefficient of Variation MCQs
Range and Interquartile Range MCQs
Percentiles and Quartiles MCQs
Skewness and Kurtosis MCQs
Moments in Statistics MCQs
Introduction to Probability MCQs
Types of Probability MCQs
Classical vs Empirical Probability MCQs
Sample Space and Events MCQs
Addition and Multiplication Rules of Probability MCQs
Conditional Probability MCQs
Bayes’ Theorem MCQs
Independent and Dependent Events MCQs
Random Variables and Probability Distributions MCQs
Discrete Probability Distributions MCQs
Continuous Probability Distributions MCQs
Binomial Distribution MCQs
Poisson Distribution MCQs
Normal Distribution MCQs
Standard Normal Table MCQs
Exponential Distribution MCQs
Uniform Distribution MCQs
Hypothesis Testing MCQs
Steps in Hypothesis Testing MCQs
Null and Alternative Hypothesis MCQs
Type I and Type II Errors MCQs
Level of Significance and p-value MCQs
One-Tailed and Two-Tailed Tests MCQs
Confidence Intervals MCQs
Z-Test and T-Test MCQs
Chi-Square Test MCQs
F-Test and ANOVA MCQs
Introduction to Correlation MCQs
Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient MCQs
Spearman’s Rank Correlation MCQs
Types of Correlation MCQs
Simple Linear Regression MCQs
Regression Equation MCQs
Least Squares Method MCQs
Multiple Regression Analysis MCQs
Interpretation of Regression Coefficients MCQs
Sampling Theory MCQs
Probability and Non-Probability Sampling MCQs
Simple Random Sampling MCQs
Stratified Sampling MCQs
Systematic and Cluster Sampling MCQs
Estimation Methods MCQs
Point and Interval Estimation MCQs
Introduction to Time Series Analysis MCQs
Components of Time Series MCQs
Trend Analysis MCQs
Moving Averages MCQs
Exponential Smoothing MCQs
Seasonal and Cyclical Variations MCQs
Concept of Index Numbers MCQs
Types of Index Numbers MCQs
Price and Quantity Index MCQs
Laspeyres and Paasche’s Index MCQs
Fisher’s Ideal Index MCQs
Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test MCQs
Kruskal-Wallis Test MCQs
Mann-Whitney U Test MCQs
Use of Excel in Statistics MCQs
SPSS and Its Applications MCQs
R Programming in Statistics MCQs
Measures of Association MCQs
Experimental Design MCQs
Multivariate Analysis MCQs
Logistic Regression MCQs
Monte Carlo Methods MCQs
Law of Large Numbers MCQs
Central Limit Theorem MCQs
Probability Mass Function (PMF) MCQs
Probability Density Function (PDF) MCQs
Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) MCQs
Marginal and Joint Probability MCQs
Expectation and Variance of Random Variables MCQs
Moment Generating Functions MCQs
Law of Total Probability MCQs
Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test MCQs
Power of a Statistical Test MCQs
Likelihood Ratio Test MCQs
Introduction to Decision Theory MCQs
Decision Making Under Uncertainty MCQs
Minimax and Maximin Strategies MCQs