
Psychological Theories of Criminal Behavior MCQs with Answers

Psychological Theories of Criminal Behavior MCQs play a crucial role in CSS hopefuls who intend to comprehend psychological aspects that control criminal behavior, personality, and behavior patterns. Psychological theories highlight mental processes within the individual, emotion control, personality disorders, and environmental conditions responsible for crime. Violent crimes, white-collar crimes, delinquency among juveniles, and acts of terrorism, among others, reported in Pakistan make it highly imperative to analyze criminal psychology towards the prevention and rehabilitation of criminals. This CSS Criminology & Psychology Quiz offers free flashcards and practice questions on influential psychological theories, criminal profiling, and offender rehabilitation, making it easier for candidates to create a firm groundwork in criminal psychology.

Major Psychological Theories Explaining Criminal Behavior

Some psychological theories account for why people become criminals, namely (1) Psychoanalytic Theory—Freud’s theory of id, ego, and superego imbalance causing deviant behavior, (2) Behavioral Theory—criminal behavior as learned conduct that is reinforced through rewards and punishment, (3) Cognitive Theory—criminals possessing distorted thinking styles and poor moral reasoning, and (4) Personality Theory—antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) and psychopathy raising the chances of crime. Familiarity with these psychological theories is essential to answering CSS MCQs in criminology and forensic psychology.

Challenges & Recommendations for Utilizing Psychological Theories in Pakistan

In spite of increased awareness, Pakistan’s legal and correctional infrastructure does not have psychological evaluation programs for criminals, resulting in failed rehabilitation. Introduction of criminal profiling, prison counseling, and intervention programs for risk groups can be effective in crime reduction. Use of Psychological Theories of Criminal Behavior MCQs in online free quizzes improves the knowledge of CSS aspirants in criminology, forensic psychology, and criminal justice policies, leading to improved exam preparation.

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